necnni jre ni-n mutter. F P NUTTING- ; OUtt - WANTS FOR SALE. A good borae, single or double, gentle, weight about 10(K) lbs. Price $45. J. H. Turpin, Waterloo. FOR RENT. Residence, five rooms, furnished, electric lights, cold and hot water, garden, etc. Also two room cottage, furnished, and a barn. In quire of R. Rogoway, 2nd St. 17t FOR SALE. A bay team. 4 and 6 years old, about 1300 and 1400 lbs. Inquire of Stella Keef, K. D. 6. U2 CHICKENS. - A few choice Plymouth Rocks and some Rhode Island Reds, " ' "V" r" " ' namesaKe.Miss Helen bmitn. ... roosters. F. T. McTimmondu, 416 E ttle uPPer waters of the Santiam, it, Mr. Stark of Utah and Mr. Garvin of 9th St. i will be in danger of typhoid infection. Grants Pass, have been in the city WANTED. Farm home for horse! Now is a good time to think about , prospecting under the guidance of where he can work enough to pay for tilese things before the danger arises. j er s"vals- his keep. R A. Easton, Albany. T. (. . mi u. .u,.. State Game Warden, R. 0. Steven JI7ST PI ATFFD -Fourteen 10 acre1 , I f 8, I 8 son, and Deputy J. L. Green, of Port- trV-S W1" 1,avC t0 be made and 0Ur water ' land' have been in the city, while on a . Lra59iLmi'en ii fr h?rri secured through protected pipes from . trip in the valley fields. garden truck and fruit trees. Buy a Tremont, tract of the owner. Owen Beam. Room 4 Stark Bldg, Albany. I Ore, WOOD SAWING. By N. W. Webb, successor to Ben Rozelle. Red 1981 Bell. FOR SALE. 3 homestead relinquish ment on Siletz, all joining each other. Inculre box 84, Albany. About 4,000,000 feet on each. 12t fir AGO All nia AnH kinria ftY Qftla at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere else in Albany. Skill- ly set, if desired. , LIST lOUK KEAIj KOXArra. Wltn me for prompt returns. I have many requests lor city ana tarm property, in lance and small tracts. Both phones. C. W. Tebalt, 432 W. First St. WOOD FOR SALE Fir, J. D. Ellis 906 E 4th. Phone Bell Red 952. Phone Black 105. 141 FOR RENT. Fine office rooms. Call uuon F. G. Will. v i Pi.iMTQ svrt RAtR ,;.,nhorrlo. red and white Currants, Rhubarb, Rd and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg -macKoerries, xjuKuuuurriei), ubw berries. Phenomenals, Hedge Plants and Sage. ivbr u. duedall. Albany, Or., R. F. D. No. 6, Home Phone 7102. ' let FREE. Edging and bark'.'at . the AI bany saw mill. Get some. TO LOAN. $50,000 on real property J. C. ChriBty, over 1st National Bank Albany, Oregon, rate'ot interest rea sonable. J. W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemaker and repairer, does first-class work at reasonable prices. Next door to Democrat office. See him. FIRE INSURANCtWBoaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Bldg. With more new and splendid bargains we begin this week of .our January Clearance Sale. Counters, tables, shelves all piled high with worthy high-class merchandise a splendid showing of attractive values in every department of the store. Begin at the front of the store and from there clear through the Rug and Drapery De partments are excellent yes, irresistible bargains. Buying has been rapid these first few days but we have still a great assortment of this excellent merchandise-"-and besides the specials, remember that all goods throughout the store, except Patten Rubber goods, Threads and Yarns, are Reduced. CLEARANCE OF ALL STYLISH SUITS. HALF PRICE. Every suit included none reserved whatever come and choose while your size is here. These excellent val ue? are selling rapidly. Suits that are not surpossed in quality of materials, style and workmanship. All are going at ONE-HALF PRICE. CLEARANCE SALE SPECIALS IN THE JEWELRY DEPT. Just received 900 pins runs, a new and attractive assortment. There are new effects in oxidized and jet. dull gold, bright gold, tinted, plain, fancy, with or without sets.i Wc have divided them into ence in lmvinsr. Lot One Lot Two Lot Three L.G.&H. J, Hamilton 317 First St. GREAT IS PURE WATER. Another test of the water at Salem has been made and the report is that it is bad and unfit for consumption. i The most favorable conditions have ' been sought and further tests will be .made. Pure, water is necessary to i the prosperity 'of a city, and every I city should make an issue ot Having ' it at any cost. To be absolutely rc liable water should come in the prop ! er kind of pipes, from the mountains, beyond the habitation of men, without even logging 'camps to affect the in take, without opportunity for contam ination along the way. Santiam water is all right now, tests having shown it to be pure; but when the country is built ud alone the water coursa. and ,nv w!n r t i a sure intake. ! DISGRUNTLED POLITICIANS, The people are wondering what themeetine wilt be Jan. 17. proposed assembly will do in Oregon. They will eventually learn with a vengeance what effect it will have on affairs. It has become apparent to ' everybody that the move is simply e -.!: .1: ...... L......- I of bci L obb d f . svatem of boss! ot, "f"'8 ' Tbbta ot a svstem of and "' people are going to ex- j V" i" m a iiiduiicr inai will be interesting. When the time comes watch the assembiles of ring politic ians and analyse, the makeup of them, and they will be found universally to be the men dissatisfied because of the rule of the people instead of the rule of bosses, The man who is endorsed by any assembly for an office may as well re tire, for the people will see to it that he is kept at home regardless of poli- .ics ' FOR RENT. Good house, six rooms, partially furnished, barn chicken house and four lots. See Mrs. Moe- nch, 330 Main street. FOR SALE. LotB in Wright's addi tion; also lots, blocks, and from 4 to 4U acres in acreage In tlazeiwood. adjoining the city, Good terms and reasonable prices. Apply to Attorney Geo.. W. Wright, office. Rooms 1 and 2, Wright Block. Both phones. MONEY TO LOAN on real estatm at seven per cent. On choice farm lands at six per cent. Aiply to Geo. W. Wright, Attorney, Albany, Ore gon. Both phones' Office, corner of 1st and Ferry. SPLEN F.elt pins, Hat pins, Collar three lots for your conveni 10c each. 15c each. 19c each. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL J. T. Wcntworth has returned from a Seattle visit. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Power, of Halsey, ! went to LieDanon tnis atternoon. . J. H. Shewry,. of the Warren Con- ' attlintinn fV, hua haan !n flia nifw Jas. Carter has returned from Alaska, where he has been railroading on Skeenie river. ' A. Limeback, of Roseburg, is in the city on a visit with his daughter, Mrs. W. F. Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Shole, of Woodburn, i arrived this noon on a visit with the j tatter's father, Isacc McClung. I . Miss Heen Rohrer.of Toledo, arrived I tnls noo.n .1.B V'S": wl'h ?r aunt and Mark Hulburt has been reappointed a member or the state board oi aim- I culture after a rest of several montbs, I and was sworn in today. The annual MARRIED. Mactlugh-McCleod, Wednest ay noon, Jan. 8, at the re idenceof and by Rev. F.H. Geselbracht, M wj)f d H MacHuh. 8nd Mig8 Florence Mculeod were united in mar riage. The groom is in the fire department service, Portland, a young man of ex cellent habits, a son of I. MacHugh.tho tailor, of this city, and the bride is a bright young lady highly spoken of. They left this afternoon for their new home in Portland. WANTED. The name and address of j lady who loaned cushion top to lady canvasser in Sept. Send same to ' Mrs. N. J. Winston, Scio, Or. j I WISH to contract the building of five ; miles of wire fence. Address Box ' 344, Albany, Or. 29t I I MAKE THEM. Ironing boards, win-1 now seats, clothes racks, tie best. E. K. Davidson, 739 East First street. I FOR SALE.-A Studebaker buggy. Inquire at 317 W 4th St. t7 ' FOR SALE. 25 acres in North ; Al-1 bany, all in cultivation, fine garden land or fruit land. Will sell altogeth-' er or in two pieces. Deal direct with : the owner. Inquire at the Democrat office. , Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil is the best remedy for that often fatal dis ease croup, rias been used with suc cess in our family for eight years." We Begin this CLEARANCE SALE OF CHILDREN'S SHOES. All sizes from 5 to 2 in patent, vici kid or box calf. There are button and lace styles in pretty new shapes. Excellent, durable shoes at low clearance sale prices. Sec window display. CLEARANCE SALE BLANKETS, A good reduction on all wool and cotton blankets. You need them these cold nights no telling how much . . , . linger t will remain tins way. Excellent values at the former price are exceptional All sizes in cotton and wool, gray, tan or white. All Reduced. THE HAMILTON STORE C H NEWS Deeds recorded: W. L. Grove to S. B. Powers 30 feet by 40 rods $ 40 Clemens Schwerter to Our Lady ot Jordan 40 acres 1 Geo. Finley to R. B. Stewards & wf60 acres 1 J. Mowery to Jos. Hogrefe 1 lot . Lebanon i 1 A. P. Blackburn to Jos. Hogrefe lot Lebanon 1 W. J. Burden to Lincoln Lodge & wf tract 1000 Patent Josiah Weddle Timber contract. Emma 3 . Basaett to Curtis Lumber Co.. on 160 acres, wunin nye years at iu. Applications Eva M. Cowdrey and Jasper D. Turnidge to register title. John F. Short of Foster left ten wild cat paws and two cougar paws. The bounty will be $75. Marriage licenses: -Raleigh Harold, 20, Kingston, and Leona Neal, 18, Cor vallis; Wilfred MacHugh, 25, Portland, and Florence McLeod, 22, Brownsville. The County Court is in session. Judges and clerks, ahdroad supervisors will be appointed, jury list drawn and tax levy made. , ALBANY Doings n and Around It. Hot tamalies at the Vienna Bakery. Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Use Johnson's Best. It is tbe Best. Made in Albany. Highest market price for chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks at F. H. Pfeiffer's, Second street. Those self basting roasters at the Albany Hardware Co's. store, are the best thing going. Get one. The Albany Butter & Produca Co. are paying 40 cents per pound f. o. b. Albany, for butter fat, or 39c on the wagon. It you have cream to sell call both phoneB 49. The first meeting of tbe new city council will be held tonight. Seven hobos this morning did some effective work on Second street. The first meeting of the new city council will be held tonight. Annual Convention Y. M. C. A., Cor vallis, Jannary 21 to 23. Certificate plan, .The Primrose minstrels passed through from Corvallis to Eugene th's noon. As finally counted there are' 690 boys and 692 girls in the Albany school dis trict, 1382 in all. Week wit n n tore BARGAINS Clean-up Sale Seasonable Goods Holiday"GoodVstiil perfectly saleable atTegular prices are now placed! on special sale by us at the sharp reduction of from 1-3 to S their former price. These cut prices take effect immediately. We will not wait until af ter January 1st. The following bargains are seasonable, coming as they dol Detore new Year. LIST OF BARGAINS. Large assortment of Hand Painted China, 1-3 off. Manning and Bowman Portable Gas Stoves and Chafing 'Dishes, during mis sate reduction. Colegate's, Reicksecker's and Speih ler's choice Perfumes and Toilet Wa ters in Holiday Packages, 50c to $5.00 Dotties. special, 1-3 ott. Sterling Silver Manicure Sets. 1-3 on. 75c Scissors, special 29c. Wood for burning, 1-3 off. .1910 Calendars, 1-3 off. 300 Jardineres. 25c and 35c values special 14c each or 2 for 25c. Beautiful Carvine Sets. 1-3 off. Water Color ReDroditctions. values to ijii.uu, special 33c. . , DOLLS AT HALF PRICE The largest lassortment of btautiful Dolls ever rcceivcu m Albany is now on sale at Half Price. Dressed Dolls at all pric es from 25c up, now Half Price. I J w Woodworih Drug; Company ::::RELIABLE:::: Light, Power and Heat. Willamette Valley Co. R. E. Welch, Manager. RUGS AND DRAPERIES At an Appreciable Reduction. This up-to-date department is offering some most ex cellent values. Every rug from the smallest to the largest' 10 ft. 6x13 ft. 6 floor rug are going at a good reduction. . These rugs from the best makers and de signers are exceptional values at the regular prices. There are Axministers, Velvets, Brussels, Wilton's Ingrains, Fibre and Brusselette. All sizes for all rooms in Oriental or floralall-over or medallion patterns. Come and choose from these 100 splendid rugs' take advantage of this low price. $10.00 Rugs (a! $8.75. $25.00 Rugs $21.87. $42.50 Rugs $37.18 CHOICE BOX CANDIES. 4 Price Reduction., The celebrated Lowney and Whit fnan candies in elegant Holiday Fancy Boxes, regular 5Uc to So.uu values at 34 price reduction. CUT GLASS REDUCED 1-3 LEATHER GOODS CUT DEEPLY! IN PRICE. Ladies Hand Bags and Purses in Seal, Alligator and other leathers, all styles, shapes and colors, special now tit 1-3 on. Gent s Purses, special, 1-3 off. Albany Oregcn