Democrat VOL XLV ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY JANUARY, T IV I) NO 23 OREGON'S 12 BURNED 'DOINGS OF HEALTH. TO DEATH. THE WORLD. it h ta AiDanv THE TOY LAND We hare a complete line of Dolls and Tovs, all kinds of Fancy and Common Dihes and Fancy Novelties of all kir ds. all kinds'" of Popular Ficticn and Toy Books, not just a few odd and ends but a complete line. ME1SER & MEISER Come and see us HaSf Price 50 per cent Discount Unrestricted choice from a stock larger than all other stores in Albany combined, for JUST HALF. Ladies', Misses aud Childrens Suits sent out by our New York buyer during December and 25 new 1910 Suits included in i he Half Price Sale. - .-'' Wool Dresses and Coats. 60c on the Dollar, 40 per cent off HATS HATS HATS Don't take our word for it, see the Big Display in our Front Windows, the greatest bargains ever offered, ' .''. Chambers & McGune ABLANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE Plumbing T.itr. ns estimate on vour works. . - We guarantee first-class work at moderate cost, i PLUMBING, TINNNING .' AND HEATING. W. E. FRANCIS 126 ElUworth St. Both Phones.'' ii Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) . L eaters In I Hay, Grain, Wool, Cascara, Silt, Feed, Seeds, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard and Alsen Portland Cement, Acme Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and Hair Fiber Plaster, Stock Foods, Ponl tr Supplies, Ruberoid Roofing, Build- ', frig paper, etc. i Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. ' TRY OUR White Queen Flour Also Capital I ills, Perfection, Stayton and Johnson's Best. , ! Special Delivery. ' , Murphy 1 Flour and Feed. Call up. Both Phones. ; Kindergarten School,1 Miss Helen Wright i At the W. C. T. U. Building. Terms: S3 50 per month. Phone Black 2481 Bell. ! Miss Bertha Wrigh, j Teacher of Music ! ttargam Sale Gt Standard Books. Rawlinson's History of Ancient Egypt, 2 Vols., $6.00.. Rawlinson's The Sixth Oriental Monarchy,. $3.00 Scott's Poetical Works, 8 vo Sheep, $3.00....- Moore's Poetical Works, 8 vo Sheep, '$3.00 Cowper's Poetical Works, 8 vo Sheep, $3.00. Hemen's Poetical Works, 8 vo Sheep, $3.00 Picturesque Washington, 8 vo Cloth, $2.50 uoeine s worKs, o vols., Schiller's Works; 7 Vols., $10.00 'Half Hours of English Poets, 4 Vols., $8.00 Modern Painters, By Ruskin, 5 Vols., $10.00 ' Modern Painters, By Ruskin, 5 Vols., $5.00 History of the Great Reformation, 8 vo, $5.00 Half Hours With the Best Authors, 4 Vols., $4.00.. Mew lireece. By Lewis Sergeant, $3.50... Famous French Authors, by Theophile Gamier, $2.00.. souvenirs ot Madame i,a Bran, $z.00.. Life of Major-General George H. Thomas, $3.00.. Golden Treasure or World of Knowledge, $3.00.... History of French Literature, 3. Vols., $7.50. Portugal uid ana Mew, 5S3.50.. Biography of American Men of Letters, Noah Webster, $1.25... Kaipn waiao .mcrson, George Ripley, $1.25 .-. Edgar Allan Pee, $1.25 s Fielding's Work3, 2 Vols., $5.00.:. Paokard's Zoology, $3.00 Charlotte Cushman Memoirs of Her Life, $2.00 Manual of Dates, $7.25 History of Greece, 2 Vols., $2.00 Ferdinand and Isabelle, by Prescott, 2 Vols., $3.00 Famous African Explorers, 2 Vols., $2.00 History of Rome, 2 Vols.. $2.00..:.. : Iincoln and His Times, 2 Vols., $2.00.. Campaigns of the Civil War, 18 Vols., $16.00 , I.Iorley's English Men of Letters, 29 Vols., 75c per vol Chamber's Cyclopaedie of English Literature, 8 Vols., $8.00 Illustrated Biographies of the Great Artists, 32 Vols., $40.00: Scott's Waverly Novels, 12 Vols., $14.00 Life and Deeds of U. S. Grant, Cloth, 8 vo, $3.50 ;. Same, Sheep, 8 vo, $4.50 Same, Half Morocco, 8 vo, $6.50.!... ; . Memoirs of John A. Dix, 2 Vols, 8 vo, $5.00 History pf Georgia, 2 Vols, 8 vo, $10.00 , .$ 3.00 1.50 . 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 4.00 5.00 3.00 3.50 2.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 3.00 1.25 '.75 .75 .75 .75 2.00 1.00 .75 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 -.50 4.00 20.00 . .7.00 1.75 2.00 2.50 , 2.50 3.50 H. J. JONES. I-IANO INSXRUCriON, hour lesson 50c, Bell Blnck 2481, VOICE CULTUFE 1 hour lesson 75c. A 1 ban v. Oree"n. J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the New Albany State Ea-.k Build ing, second floo'. with a complete equipment foi picture takinj of all kinds. OPEN, WILL BE OPEN Eveninrs from now until (.hristmai. -We lead this vear in the TOY LINK: also have a f ill line cf FANCY , DISHEGKOCEIUES and PRODUCE. Promn D. livrv. Stetteri's New Store, The state board of health has just issued its report for the year ending Dee. 31, 1908. Slow, but sure. During; the year there were 8,329 births in Oregon, Multnomah leading with 3,094, 1,592 males and 1,512 females. Linn county's record waa 319, of whom 157 were males and 160 males, a close race. The number of deaths in the state was 4970, Portland leading with 1845 The number in Linn was 164, Marion 474, Lane ziu. During the year 77 ' males and 6 females committted suicide. 300 males and 64 females were killed by accident., b97 cases of typhoid fever were re ported, with 124 deaths, the reports undoubtedly being short. There were 691 cases of diphteria re ported with 76 deaths. 536;deathsoccurred from tuberculosis. Thoug h a year late this report shows the conditions in Oregon prevailing generally. . Kansas City, Dec. 31.--The Cal-' North Yakima went wet yesterday ifornia special on the Chicago Rock ' !?y n'y 2TO vpteit a very Bmall margin Island was wrecked three miles from . "J.SiiViS-119 ?,zf.- A , 0, Trenton. The tourist and pullman i Jld,wa. Hlrsch ?'d at Sal?'n thls sleepers caught fire and 12 were incin- i week ut th! aKe ot 73 years- Ha wn3 erated, scores injured and the express onie.8t,a,ta treasurer, was state senator car also burned. an" hold.other important positions. During the year there were 1537 ar- i if. j w j j rests in Salem, of which 722 were for AihflnV if! I IP I fft IT direct "ges and 815 for beds, an in 1 IV U W 11. Jl 1 crease of 331 over the previous year. I At Scio Dr. A. G. Prill is the new Salem, Dec. 81. The Southern Pa-; worthy master of the Masons, J. L cific promises the railroad commission falavan noble grand of the Odd Fel to put on an exclusive nnaafirnrnr train lows, and Mrs. Julio Bilyeu the noble between Albany and Mill Citv immed-. Brand of tne Rebekahs. iately and cut the schedule time be The many friends of Homer Daven tween Hoover and Albany ono hour and : port, seriously ill at Los Angeles, will thirty minutes from the present sched-' hope for his recovery. He has made a ule. Between Hoover and Mill City , great name as a cartoonist, and Oregon this latter train will be an accommo-! has gotten some of the benefit. dation passenger and freight. Logging I Judge Harris, of Eugene, has ren- trains will be separate. At the Hotels. R. M. Cramer, Portland V. Ci Brown, Eugene R. M. Thurston & wf, Crawfordsville Jay Brooks, Crawfordsville E. A. Frazier, Lebanon M. Childs, Spokane Dicy McMahan, Denver Dr. Withcombe. Corvallis Winfield Sherman, Jefferson Mrs. Thai!. Portland Wm. Van Metre. Portland K. B. Waters. Stayton Felix Van Ermien, Stayton New Year's ai St. Mary's Portland', Dee Dr. Crockwell burning died 12 hours before. State Paid. iIhruI on aMnl.n,j. : i the Siletz hom?steadors. So long as a homesteader has a final receipt he has I a right to the possession of the prop erty, which will continue until cancelled 1 by the government. The Portland Commercial Club has an has a saw turn out dav. He wants to change his location to one ac cessible to a good market and where he can contract for timber for the mill, or ! buy timber lands. - He has behind him ; several years ot honest business in Ore- gon. Let'ers addressed to the Portland m. g..,, uiiiiucrcitu iuu win oe rorwarueo to Body Burned. i AND". Dp 31 Thft hnm ikwell was burned this morning ' '"9ui7 ffom a Par'V .wh? . h the corpse of his. wife whS '"n fffP ac'1? 8"iBuC'!nt ' lours hefnru 30,000 feot of lumber per Company paid $225,000. which Treasure ' interested Party Promptly steel sunic in tne iiue Uuaranttee Bank. .This cancels the debt to the state and the bonding company will now have tojilook to the reoeiver for the settlement. Death of Mrs. Shaw. Mrs. Chas. L. Shaw died this morn ing, at the home of Mrs. S. Froman, in WE ARE READY FOR Waiting to ' this city, at the age of 50 years. , ' Bhow vol a swell line of leather ffoods She was born in 111., coming here in New Year's services will ho held at hand bags, gents purees, bill books.ll64, and was formerly MiBs Royce. money bills, etc. Prices are right. ono was uiougm. up uy mra. i I Burkhart & Lee. making her home with her during her cnuanooa. a woman or spienuia cnar- Unn.. U.. ..II ......'.. In n.. CUa ittUWL UCIUVQU UJ an nilUVVIllie IIUl. kMIQ mg best money can buy. The Gillettey ipo.OO, IfB'.UU, $b.bU. Try one. Burkhart & Lee. St. Mary's church at 8 and 10:30 a. m. at which the pastor will olliciate and preach. The services on Sunday will be at the some hours and the program of Christmas music wiil be repeated. The evening lecture will treat of the Decrees of the Nicenfi Council A. D. 325 This evening appropriate services will be held to mark the passing of the old year and an entertainment and. ' . . , . " social hour will be enjoyed by the young I A fine line of fruits, vegetables, nsh, people in the library rooms of the i canned goods, etc.. always on hand at the Metropolitan Market, Bioadalbin -f . J street. Only the best is kept. Lebanon's Improvements, The Criterion reports $75,000 spent the pa3t year in Lebanon on new build ings, of which $50,000 was for fifty new residences, and $25,000 for new business buildings, as follows: the Devine ce ment.block $7,000, Lebanon State Bank building $4,000, addition to First Nation al Bank building $3,00.1, electric light buiidii.g $5,000. miscellaneous $6,000. Eugene's New Booster. D. C. Freeman hasbeen elected booster for Eugene, lo succeed John H. Hartog, j who leaves for New York tomorrow. Freeman is a former newspaper man, I working in the departments of exploita tion for both the Lewis and Clark and the A. Y. P. E In Hartog Eugene had a character with an individuality all his own. I GILLETE RAZORS- We are show- wa9 a membe of the eramre. g a fine line of safety razors. Ihe , She was married to C. L. Shaw July Four chiUren were born, only 17, 1878. one surviving. , . - She leaves a husband and one daugh ter, Mrs. Gladys Holloway to mourn her death. The funeral will be held at the resi dence of M rs, Froman on Sunday at lpm. 1R MPIR THEATRE PROGRAM TONIGHT PICTURES 1. The Mountaineer's Honor. ( Bio. graphs I 2. The Moon for her Love. I 3. hllissville the Beautiful. 4. Visions of a Nag. (An eqnine b aejy SONGS. 6. Singing Bird. 6. Come be my Sunshine. Johnson-Ketchell Fight Monday, Jan. 3. Admission 10c. I TONIGHT. A Harpy New Year. The Professor and the Thomas Dearie. Pictures, !. Rally Around the Flag, i. Modern Dr Jekv'l. 4. Through the Hood River Valley along the f ol' mbia In Oregon. (Solig.) Special Vaudeville matinee tomorrow. Music by Prof Gallery and Miss Brenner. Entire change of vaudeville. Matinee every day. Prices 10c and 16c. Dismissed. The case of the state against Jas. Crocket, of Crabtree, charged with assault wnn intent to Kill, was decided last evening by Justice Swan, who. dis mises'J the case, lecturing both the defendant and the prosecuting witness. Minuting uii win JiiiucD cuiiuciiicu lur uvui r uuea mixing up h a neighborhood quarrel Mam 51? Died at Sweet Home Joshua Weddle, pf Sweet Home, died suddenly on Wednesday of this week. He fe I to the floor while walking across a room. Ho was one of Sweet Home s earliest residents, and is highly spoken of as a citizen. If you are going to travel get the American Bankers Association Trav ellers checque, in $10.00, $20.00 or $50.00 denominations, payable at ten thousand banks, or i-.t anv hotel or railroad oflice. For sale by J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. Great January Clean up sale in China, Croekeiy and Glassware many articles at HALF PRICE. 224 W. 1st St -n-r-r-usi tu i 3 in i l 1-4 WM, BAIN, President. , P. D. GILBERT. V. P. H. N. BOULSY, Cashier. DOOLE Y'S GROCERY ' - A new and extensive line of fresh, clean ALBANY STATE BANK Does a general banking business, Pays interest on savings accounts, Sells bank drafts and travelers checks, Has safetyjleposit boxes for rent. GROCERIES 206 West Second S Bread, Dried Fruits and Vegetables '. 97T AN" tYONSTr.IE.7S. Have you tried our WINTER COFFEE? If not; why rot It is the best 25c coffee in town. Give us atria,. STAR BAKERY, . C. MYEU, I'nirrictor. I