Christmas Handkerchiefs and Neckwear Wt're Ishowinpr nil the new styles in Handkerchiefs in hand embroidered, Armenian laced trimmed, colored embroidered, etc. A Ere it showing of Ladies collars and Jabots, each put up in an individual box. at Flood's Agents for Stanard Patterns. " Abstracts of Title "To all lands and own lots in 'Linn county made by -experience and certified to by a responsible company, i A company that has been established for 18 years so 1 is incor porated. ' The Linn Ooimty Abst a3b Co., 303 Broadalbin Street, Albany, Oregon. men of wide mlmmmmmMll Tungsten Lamps Make Electric Light Much Cheaper Ticy have two and a half times tho efficiency of the or dinory carbon lamp hitherto in cn-:rr;l ubo. The fila ment U made of a rare metal callc! Tungsten, which yields an intense brilliancy at low c 3g1. In shape and size the bulb is just like any other c. Ice brie incandescent lamp. Why not try aTungstcn loir;t y surself? Get one of the 40-watts and use it aomewhc: o in your house in place of one of your carbon lamps. Then observe the great difference. Note the clear white lights exactly twice as brilliant and costing you one-fifth less for elec tricity. Tungsten lamps are destined to displace all oth ers, for both store and bouse lighting. Co. Ra Ti . ., V. J,, i ( i 506 West iceontf Mice WE have r.o'State Deposits, nor do wo accept any de posit wh'-re special security lias t be pledged. This means that wo liavn no preferred creditors and that your deposit lias the aame security that all huve. Wo havd invested assets worth mire than SHIO.UOO 00 and this would have to be dis sipated before do;iiora could lose a cent. It is not beinn dissipated, it is crowing. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. Es'.ablishea 1892. MISFITS. Merry Christmas. A friend like Schley is worth having. Good evening, Mr. Santa Claus, glad to see you. These cold snaps take the snap out of an average Willamette Valleyite. Santa Claus gives to good and bad children about alike, regardless of tra dition. The person who skates in the Wil' lamette Valley has to take time by the forelock. Corvallis has no fire department, and is talking about organizing one and be coming a city. , The idea of festoon lightning started some time ago should be kept up. It is the proper thing. , There is a controversy in the Oregon ian over the professional Granger, an interesting subject. It is now King ' Albert of Belgium. That word king doesn't amount to very much these modern days. The neighbors of Dr. Cook, who know him, declare that he did reach the north pole, and say he is a martyr. ALBANY Doings n and Around It. Pfeiffer's, 229 W.nd street for fish. Hot tamalies at the Vienna Bakery. Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Use Johnson's Best, It is the Best. Made in Albany. Chiropractic is not Osteopathy nor Magnetic Healing. Onr own make. "Alco Chocolates." mite Chocolate Shop. If you want something specially fine in the candy line, try "Alco. Chocolates" Elite Chocolate Shop. Highest market price for chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks at F. H. Pfeiffer's, Second street. Those self hasting roasters at the Albany Hardware Co's. store, are the best thing going. Get one: When others fail try Chiropractric Spinal Adjustments and get well. Chiropractor 226 BroadaTbin St. I have found a place to have my eyes teBted and glasses scientific? lly fitted Albany Optical Co,, 226 Broadalbin St We offer a splended line ot high grade, Gold and Silver goods for the Uhristmas snopper. r . M. r rencn, ma jeweler. The Albany Butter & Produce Co. are paying 40 cents per pound f. o. b. Albany, for butter fac, or 39c on the wagon. If you have cream to sell call both phones 49. Select vour Christmas nresents now while the stock is complete. We will i lay them aside for you until later. Drop I i , i : i.i 1 in anu see woui we nave in guiu silver ware. F. M. French, the jeweler. Th DnmncrHt will take its customerv Albert sayshe will treat the natives Christmas holiday tomorrow. K of the Congo white. If he doesn't we The public library will be closed to- will go over and lick him ourselves. morrow, and also on new years day. THIN Decorated Cups and Saucers SEE OUR WINtiOW DISPLAY Eetall Price as High as 75c Your Ghoice21 cents Bring your Children to see our Dolls and Toys. CHARLES KNECHT'5 In Wyoming, a neat western play, was given at the opera house last night, well presented. There will be meetings at the Men onite church every da and evening next week. Different topics will be discussed. The Christmas Star. A church and Sabbath school program entitled I he Christmas Star, will be presented Sunday at 5 p. m. at the First Presbyterian church. Hymn, The Merry Bells. Prayer. - Responsive Reading. The First Christmas, Jean Welch. Stars of Christmas Night, Primary girls. Christmas Lessons, Glen Jackson. Responsive Reading. Away in a Manger, Primary Dept. The Heart of Christmas, Cornell Bradley, i Christmas Day, Primary Boys. ChriBtmas Lullaby, Six Girls. Address, The Christmas Star in Foreign Lands, Rev. Geselbracht. The Star Divine, Miss Redfield and Mrs. Chas. Cusick. Christmas Eve, Beatrice Sanders. Holy Night. Congregation Shine out, 0 Star, Emily Martin. Offering for Foreign Missions. We've a Story to tell to the Nations, Congregation. The New Education. At least Wright's addition and the section right south of the railroad should be taken into the city, also a little more at the east end of town. Through a colossal manipulation of watered stock it transDires that Harri- ' man left over $200,000,000, making his I wife the richest woman in the world. Now if Rockefeller would only die and give Mrs. R. a chance "she will show Mrs. Harrirnan. Have You Noticed What a fine stock of all kinds of jew- ; elry F. G. Will has for the holiday ' trade, nothing better in the Willamette Valley: Watchi s, from those that will suit a :boy or gin, to the highest grade makes. ; in latest designs, for ladies- and men. ! Diamonds, in rings, cuff links, stick pins, lockets, earrings, brooches, etc., a choice lino. ; Manv novelties in silverware, little- ' and big, always acceptable. Some beautiful hand painted goods. ' A large line of cut glass-, in small and large pieces, from a dollar or two- nn. i And many other things. Call and see- ! them whether you buyor not. p in doubt about that Christmas pres ent for the old folks or for those that are not old what is nicer than a Big Rocker? A beautiful Axminister Rug or a Leather Couch? Remember we are giving a BIG dis count oh all these things as well as on every thing in the Furniture line. We also have and must sell a fine lot of carving SetsRogers 1847 Silver ware and the Holmes and Edwards ware If yon don't buy these things from us we both loose money. Also we have a . fine assortment of Nuts, candies and Fruits, and the prices are right.' Fine cigars in small boxes. Gilbert: Bros., First Street. Groceries, Hardware Stoves, Furniture F. G. Will for watche ' Holt Again for your meats of all kinds, and the Metropolitan Market . next door for the latest and best in , fruits and vegetables. Keep your Clothes clean and i pressed. The Democrat has received a copy of ; New Education, of Stillwater, Ok., : issued by the Onlahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, of special in- i j terest to Albany people, because one of , t the instructors of the college, and t the editor of the paper, is Prof. C. J- ! ; Bushnell, a former teacher in Albany j ; college, whose wife is a daughter of ' Judge Hewitt.of this city.' The Okla- ! noma Agiieultural und Mechanical: College is a large institution, with eight J j fine buildings, well equipped, doing an! i up to date work, in education. Prof, j Bushnell has charge of the department ! ! of history and political economy. The Albany Optical Co. are dome : business six days in the week at their! office at 226 Bioadalbin St Why wait for a traveling optician. Why not pat ronize home industry. All work guar-' anteed. j Plumbing Let us estimate on yourworks. We guarantee first-cla3s work at moderate cost. PLUMBING, TIN1NING,' AND HEATTOS. W. E. FRANCIS Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses when you can get the , following prices at EASTBURN'S 14 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 16 lbs Cream Rolled Oats ... . .. 1.00 IX lbs Head Rice 1.00 M lbs Japan Rice 1.00 16 lbs Broken Head Rice . 1.00 12 Ids White Beans 1.00 12 lbs Lima Beans ....... : 1.00 10-16 ozpks Raisinns 1.00 Get our prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. SHINGLES. Matfe in Albany my ro 1 Edg vrain s the BEST in the market. Various grades-and prices from- $1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine- these shingles before buying elsewhere-. E. A. THOMPSON We ub no dry kilm. . ' ' -' . A. STARK, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON WILL & STARK BLOCK, ALBANY 126 Ellsworth St. Both Phonees. Home Meals DR. MIRY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician Albany State Bank Building Bell Black 4S2. Home 275; L Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) j floalerc In i FRAMED PICTURES Come in and' , , : select a nice framed picture. We have ' Hay. Grain, Wool, Caseara, Salt, Feed; a nice line to select from. Prices are Seed3, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard away down. Bukkhart & Lre. ' and Alsen Portlandi Cement, Aeme j ; Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and ... , . ' Hair Fiber Plaster, Stock Foods, Ponl- Dr. Thomas Electric Oil is the tr. Supplies, Rubereid Roofing, Build best remedy for that often latal d!f:-- ;n nuner etc case croup. Has heen used with sue- Hnth Phones 48. 435 West Fust St. ess ill our family for eight years." Short orders, including Meats, Salads, Vegetables, Pies, Oysters in all styles, Hot Tamalies, Sandwiches, Cakes, etc., meals and lunches, neat and clean. Confectionaries and soft drinks at OR. VIRGINU V- LEWEAUX Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Bnnner Block, Albany. Phonos-: Office Home 352, Bell black 27ol, Residence 394 Home, black 83 Bell. H. A LE3NINGER -DENTIST Crawiard Block, Albany 0 128 Broadalbin Street. DB, W. R. BILYEU. 'Si Dentist ; WILL & STARK BLOCK, ALBANY nail i) ilaniul -Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE THE CLEANER, C. E. SHELLEY, Prop. ;0 W 1st St. licit Phone black 273 ;Home phone 1 v a: Tor IiitlnimnstioM erCfttivrrtiol Vvin-jp. HO .lUl'.S KO t'AY. t Urt :-J t, . 1.. ,..,,1 wi-mniK'iillv th worst rnl'N of UnniH-i-huMi itn.i a4(. m iimiiiT "( tiw Vuik etiiiuitiii:. A I. I h t o i y lium!t'i. Sold by druRRlM. Trive Sl.Wi, or ly nmtl, x THE SANTAL-PEPSlh CK. Btllctenulne. Obl SS1V Fnr ne ti'Barki. ' A I e A fine lot ul our yard at this city.just burned. Phono Home 2SJ. ALBANY BRICK CO .B RUM! A AMDSaSOn OPPOSITE THE P. O. Fonr chairs. Prompt an Cnre of the fneo and hair. 31. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany First-lass meats of all kinds from eleeled Btock. BAGGAGE AN EXPRESS I Call Hell Rel 3201, Home 2;!3. W KIRcient ' meet all tmins. All kinds of job work, j No waiting CARL TANDKUP, HENRY BRODE ; 1 n c'ioico meats c f r II V ir DOME'S Real Estate & i?eyit: and insurance Buy tui'l si'll realty. Injure prop erty an:l tvansaet loan. Larie or li V V-'est First St. 5T CLASS W..RK GUARANTEE AFTER HIS COLD RIDE Santa Claus may feel like warming Ms hamts on the kitchen hot water xtilcr. Is yours in pood condition? Hotter have us look over it to ma ure. It wouldn't le very comfort; ;o have your plumhing break down on Christmas, would it? TRY OUR . ! ! White Queen Flour Also Capital Mills, Perfsction, Stayton and- Johnson's Best. Special Delivery. Wurphy j Flour and Feed. j Call up. Both Phones. ; Kindergarten School, : Miss Helen Wright : At the W. C. 'f . U. Building. Terms: $i 50 per month. Phose Black 2481 B.-'.l. 5:Iiss Bertha Wright, Teacher of Music R: B. Mayberry, Baggage and Express I OiBce with Linn & Benton R. E. Co. I Wagon at office at all times of day. I Phones: At home, Bell -Main 382, Home 74. At office, Bell black 431, j Home 178. A r The Crest Tamalie3, Tamalies. ' Try on of our boneless chicken tam alies. None better in the city. Oysters served any style, also lijr'at unches. mi. it. c. nmi, DENTIST Rooms 6 and 8, Brenner Block. Bell Black 24S1 Palmer's Oairy j 1 HE GULDEN ;RL'LE. : Delivers milk and eream to any part of the city. Prices reasonahle. Jersey . tows with best of care. Both Phones Both. Phones. 316 West 2nd MED1N & STUART. J. M, RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AND; COLLECTIONS. ; have money to loan m small and large amounts. Notes and Kiortgnga PIANO INSiRUC riON. 1 hour lesson 50c, Bell Black 21S1, VOICE CULTUXE 1 hour hsson '3Sc. . Albany, Oregon. roueht. 1 l'-ih bo-iil ymt. handle. 1 fur noc.rcsi'lt!n.ti All kiads of Lumber. Fencli Posts, Shingles. CITY LUMBER YARD W1LKINS & SON. JementWork Estimates given on Plastering, Side walK and Cemeat Work. 'J. F. TRAVER, 4th & Calapooia Sc. TOM YOUHC-" Hi and Sijin Painter, 122 Eerry St. Acent fix the Cleveland Gelsenite roof pain I. Home phone 320. Pacific Red 3092 Cement Contractor. Phone-Red 30S1. Res.l20MontgomerySt J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the New Albany State Bank Build inc, second floo', with a complete egutoment for picture taking of all kinds. CHINESE DOCTOK-J. M011 Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese ; medicines, successor of the late Honi? '; Wo Tons, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. Thounder signed recommends him and guaran- i tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him I at No. UU West Seccnd it.. Albany I Or U5FU, 5 i ALBANY ORSCON g Want's Year Patronage Telephone Red 671 L