L ANKETS Do not these cold nights present to your mind the fact that yon need blankets? We can supply your wants in this line very Batisfacrory: Oregon wool blankets in whiter land colored with fancy borders. We also have an assortment of fancy blankets and Indian Robes. A variety of prices and every one a good value for the money. Men's Wool Shirts Good quality flannel; colors, brown, grey and navy blue. $1.50 to $3.00 Golf Gloves & Mittens : Don't have your hands freezing when pou can keep them warm with a pair of these at I5c, 25c and 50c pair. Waist Flannels Many excellent pattemB in white, cream, tan, blue, pink and grey ground. Splendid qual ity for the price. ( 25c and 45c yard Men's and Boys Highcuts A pair of these will keep you high and dry and pave you ills and doctor bills. For weaiing qualities thty are all that a person conld wish for his money. Better get a pair while we have your size. Take E'm Away at Cost........ Alllaffc 073 InHi ay goods at ACTUAL COST. A few framed pictures left, fancy boxes of writing paper, a few. pieces of hammered brass all at Actual Cost. Call and see the line. Burkliart & Lee. A fine line of novelties arriving for the holidays. Up-to-date goods, Choice cut glass F. G. WILL, THE JEWELER. If so, call and see me about it, as have just what you want No. 1. Nice new house and lot, rooms. Well located. Price $2300.00. No. Z. Ciood 7 room house, modern, bath, and furnace heat Situated close in. A snap if taken soon. Price $2700.00. No. 3. A ' eautiful vacant lot at bargain. No. 4. Good 7 room house, West Albany, Price S18UO.UU. No. 5. Good paying business, will takeVSWU.uu investment . No. 6. Good 7 room house, barn, chicken houses, lots of fruit. lA acres ot land, also blacksmith shoo (3Ux3U) on the place which rents for $8.00 per month. Possession given immediate ly if taken soon. Can be got at a bar gain. I have bargains in farms of all rle- ! scriptions, if you wish to buy call and see me beiore doing so and if you wish to sell list your property for sale with tne old ang reliable Real Estate dealer. I . T. V. PIPE. I 203 W. 2nd St. - - Albany, Oregon CARPET CLEANING, At reduced rates for the months of December and January. Call up for estimates on eitner rnones. L..H. JACKS The "OLD RELIABLE" ins, k A full line of choice nursery tock. Order now for Spring delivery. fhneRedBTl. Office 312 W.Second St. 3. F. PEIHGE.JManasicr. Walter Parker Grocer i'.lCl Baker i!18 WE8T t'IBHT ciTKtiET,. ALBANY OUKQON. First class goods in their season. Phone Main 56. I Albany Supply Company WHOLESALE" DE1LEBS In fruits, vegetables, supar. nuts. confectionary, wrapping paper, twine ana paper oags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also, have the agency for Pyramid and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices before buy ing. , Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phonesi Mun 5 Bell, 8 Home. THIS MORNING '70 CARS News from Albany's Six Early ' Trains. Dr. J. B. Coffev. one of Portland's leading, famous in the Coe-Coffev con. troversy, returned from Brownsville, where he had been in consultation. Prof. J. B. Horner, another of Ore gon's distinguished citizens, went to Portland to attend a session of the geo graphical board. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sears left for Electron, Wash., where they have three sons, to attend the weddinc of one of them, George, tomorrow to a nne young lady of a neighboring town. ' H. K. Lugger, chief engineer of the Northwestern Company, returned to Walla Walla, where he has several weeks work on the big power plant. Morcran Watson, now tl. O. stu dent, came down for a visit of a day or . Til. A 11 j, , . " iwu wiui Aiuany irienas. Prof. Dinwiddie. of Portland, re turned from a Brownsville viBit. Mr. and Mrs. J: K. Weatherford' re turned from Harrisbur? accomnanied by their grandson. Miss Lela Wells, of Corvallis, after a visit with Miss Dora Worrell, left for Oregon City. sawyer w. B. Kisley left for Black Eagle, where some rich ore is being gotten out for the Tacoma smelter. Father Lane left on a Portland trip. J. B. Cougil and daughter Mrs. New port, went to Salem. Silas Williams came down from Tall-man. OF PRUNES. The prnne packer last evening com pleted the season's Back and in a few days the last car load will be shipped to the east. The output this year has been approximately 70 car loads, all box packed but one car load, wich the Albany label on every box. These prunes command the highest market price for fancy goods. The prevailing price was 3 to 4 cents, according to grade, which means approximately $100,000 paid out here for prunes. The business is well managed and is pros pering under the Northwest Fruit Association. C. H. NEWS. - The Oregonian. Order the New Year's edition at once, as the orders have to be in. See Ben Clelan about it. A splendid thing to send east. ALBANY FIRST To Drink to the Health of a. Woman Maon. At the banquet onChristmas day, in this city. Prof. Horner informs the Democrat something occurred that has never been done hofore in Masonry, Albanv taking the lead in a matter that may become ireneral amon? Masons. It is customary on Christmas day all over tne united states at the same hour to drink to the head office -s ot the different branches of the order. On this oocasion D. P. Mason, who had charge of the program offer1 1 a toast to the Grand Matron of tne Eastern Star and it was drunk in pure water, the first lime it has ever been done, an example that will no doubt be followed generally. Heretofore it has been ex clusive with the men. Deeds recorded: Leon H. Fish et al to Henry J. Taylor & wf lot Wrieht'sad ..$ Laura Jesse to L. E. Walton . 80 acres K. E. Miller to E. May Davis 245 bv 420 feet Jas. London to R. E. Miller 80 acres Chatel m'i'ge for $450. 300 10 600 A Wildcat's End. Newport and Hornback's wildcat recently got away and did depredations among the chickens ot the city, getting eight of P. F. Akermatt, in the south western suburbs. D. B. Speer, a neigh bor, took a shot at it and killed the animal. It was thought to be acat but proved to bet a wii nc.ae'8 N pore & Hornback ok tar? a few weeks air Patronize home inrlnsfrtf. ' Tl .Inhn- I son's Best. I WANTED. Man or Women to clear ten acres on Santiam. H. H. Dwyer R. D. 6. Phone Bell Farmers 21. t6 Hot Chilli Carncarna at The Crest. G.E.METZGUS & SON, Sanitary Plumbers and Sheei Metal WorKers. Our natron are assured of strictlv first-class work, prompt service arx reasonable prices. Eavetrough, conductors, roofing arc general jobbi, g. Specifications furn shed. Estimates cheerfully given. Try us. 201 E. First St. Both Phont D. B. ADAMS, . VACUUM CARPET SWEEPER Agent lor the ONWARD tUi.lt ii H03. . An Elegant $10.00 PACKAGE OF Chocolates Will Be Given Away Xmas Day at the ELITE ch,e Probato: Final account of guardian of Chas. L. Fox, a minor, approved. In estate of Mvron Alexander J. S. Warwick, Thos. Page and W. IS. Arnold 1 were appointed appraisers. Final account of Reuben and Ralph AndrewB, minors, approved. Inventories: Est. Sarah F. Myer, $3310.09 personal. Estate Rein Hooger heis, $975 all personal. Marriage license: O. S. Hntchinson, of Portlrnd, aged 34, and Alda Y. Pow ell, Scio, aged 24. New Home Directory. The new Home telephone directory is . out today, fresh and neat from the Rawlings presses. It shows a big in erease in business since the last direc tory, eighteen close small type pages for Albany and twanty for Corvallis. A back comb belonging to some one is at the Democrat office. Pines Collected.. Five fines, aggregating $125' are re ported paid in this city yeste.dy, without warrants being issued, for violation of the pur food law. The law is being rigidly enforced all over tho state, and fines have been colliected in most of the cities of the vulley. LOST. Probably on First or Ellsworth., a biamond brooch, in sunburst. Re turn to L. L. Swan. I WISH to contract the building of five miles of wire fence. Address Box 844 Albany, Or. , 29t Tired of Oil Lamps? Then use Instantaneous Gasoline Lights SAE, SIMPLE, SURE. . . Sea SCHOEL BROS.,418 W. First St. CONKEY'S ROUP CURE in the dr ink ing water cures those sneezing, swollen-headed fowls. A 50c package makes 85 gallons medicine. Money back if fails to cure. Senders' Feed Store. IV R SALE. Cook stove, heating Btove, buffet, book case, iron bed stead, sanitary davenport & cot, din ning chairs and other articles. 1020' E 2nd Btreet. I MAKE THEM. -Ironing boards, win dow seats, clothes racks, t-e best. itt.,, I K- ts. Davidson 739 East first street. F. j Will for watches Ul?" ha&: WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE 5 REPAIRING 113 BR0ADALBIN STREET. Wait for Our January Clearance Sale. r H I III-.: ! w A V, jT xiic mam IjIOII. Albany 1 M f. f Grcjc n .