Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 31, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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    DR. M. 81. ELLIS,
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls mack- ..i city and country. Phone
Main 33.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Linn County.
In the matter of the estate of Mary
Towne, deceased.
To Owen Bond, David Bond, Tem
perance Reinhardt, Lizzie Cross, Min
nie Keeney, Lula Bell Bond, Fredey
Oscar Bond, William Owen Bond,
Mabel Clara Bond, Gertey May Bond,
Roval Bond, Geneva Elvina Bond,
Stella Alice Bond Clarence Henry ;
Mckyniston, greeting.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the !
State of Oregon, for the County of!
Linn, at the court room thereof, at I
Albany, in said county, on Monday, .
the 24th day of January, 1910, at 10
.o'clock in the forenoon of that day,
then and there to show cause, if any
'there be, why an order of this court;
should not be made directing, author-
izing and empowering the Executor
to sell the real property of said estate
described as follows, to-wit:
.L.h2i iJ'Aj 7 ?"iJL !
'vi.nerThe00" ;. N. Duncan. '
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, with the beal of said court at-
fixed this 3rd day of December, A. D.
1909. I
(L. S.) J. W. MILLER, I
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County. Depart
ment No. 2, Reg. No. 2771.
Anton Yocubets, plaintiff, vs. Emma
Yocubets, defendant.
To Emma Yocubets, the above named
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby notified and required
to be and appear in said court in said
suit, and answer the complaint of the
plaintift above named, now on tile
herein, on or befrre the 22nd -finy of
January, 1910, and you are hereby
further notified that if you fail to ap
pear and answer said complaint
above required,
for want thereof the
plaintift wm take a decree against you
for the relief prayed for in plaintiff's
said complaint, to-wit:
A decree of said court dissolvmgtthe
'bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween vou and said plaintiff.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof for six consec
utive and successive weeks prior to
said 22nd day of January, 1910, :in
Albany Democrat, a newspaper pub
lished weekly at Albany, Linn Coun
ty, Oregon, and of general circulation
in said county, by order of Hon. J. N.
Duncan, county judge of said Linn
County, Oregon, which order bears
Vint nnrnkor fit-k 1 OHO and tlerit ;rrl,
said T. N. Duncan as iudtre of said
county, in said order for the publica-
tion of this summons upon you, ihas
prescribed said 22nd day of January,
Iil0, as the time on or before which
you shall appear in said court and
answer-the said complaint of -said
plaintiff in said cause.
The date of the first publication of
this summons in said newspaper Us
December 10th. 1909.
W. R. BlLYfc-U,
Attorney for said plaintiff.,
In the Circuit Court of the State .of
Oregon for Linn County. Depart-
ment No. 2, Reg. No. 2765.
C. R. Adams, plaintiff, vs. Elizabeth
' E. Adams, deiendant.
To Elizabeth E. Adams, the above
named defendant :
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby notified and required
to be and appear in said court in said
suit, and answer the complaint of the
u ' i -i-i-iice ci
?IUUVC UilllieU picUUUU, HUW Ull liic
herein,, on or before the 15th day of
January, 1910, and you are hereby
further notified that if you fail to ap-
pear and answer said complaint as
above required, for want thereof the
plaintiff will take a decree against you
for ;the relief prayed for in his said
complaint, to-wit:
A decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between you
and said plaintiff.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof once a week
for six successive and consecutive
weeks prior to the said 15th day of
January, 1910, in Albany Democrat, a
newspaper published weekly in Al-
bany. Linn County, Oregon, and of
general circulation in said county, by
order of the Hon. J. N. Duncan, Coun-
ty Judge of said Linn County, Oregon,
which said order bears date November
26th, 1909, and that said J. N. Duncan
as Judge of said County, in said order
for the publication of this summons
upon you, has prescribed said 15th day
of January, 1910, as the time on or
before Miich you shall appear and
answer the said complaint in this suit.
The date of the first publication of
this summons in said newspaper is
December 3rd. 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
diSwins orphoto-lor expert twurfaftcd free report
Free adVlce, how lo obtln puenu. trede urk
copyrights. &, N ALL COUNTRIES.
Businnt direct ! WatUtgbm lavtt l,me,
money and often the potent. I
Pititrl ind Infrlngtmtnt Pnrtlc Exclollvlly.
Write or come toollt
SU Kate. Street, epp. Uejted tutee Met OSee,
At the annual school meeting
night seven or eight were present.
W. Langdon presided with Clerk J
Tomlinson in charge of the records.
The board reported a high school block
purchased at a cost of $7578 75, all
but $563.89 being paid by tax, the sale
of bonds amounting to $50,641.50 with
premium and total contracts for a high
school building amounting to $49,557.40,
leaving a balance of 1084.10, enough for
The following estimates for next year
temporary turmsning rora year or two.
were given:
Cement walks for high school
block $ 1800
Repairs for Central building.... 1050
Teachers' salaries 14,480
Janitors 1250
Water and light 300
Wood 750
Bond interest 8150
Insurance,. 500
Incidentals 500
. Total $ 27,780
Estimated income: .,.
County and state fund $ 11,040
,H- s- tuition 3.500
Total $Ti!To
JA S" "J? I
' Senders.
j '
Oley Woodworth and Will Fwrtmiller,
two Dew York kids, are reported to
have been out with their skates in the
Monteith pasture this morning at sun
rise hunting for some ice, which they
found, and were soon skimming around,
with fifteen or twentv comrjanions.
The ice was in pretty good shape, and
th has been enjoyed byi good
monrino. , j atW- HnM, nr.
many during the day at the duck
Judee Wolverron's Decision.
According to a decision of Judge Wol-
.vertnn the enforcement of the local
option law is entirely under tie control !
f , afoto anA nnt of the cities, and
jt j8 the business of the state instead of I
the city ro enforce the law. This may
be true, but it is also true that a city
may make a thing a nuisance if it
The plumbers are getting busy.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Brien were in
Roseburg yesterday.
Prof. Head, the piano dealer left to
day on a West Side trip.
J. C. Donavan left this morning for
San Francisco to spend th Holidays at
Carolyn Cannon, arrived this noon
from Portland, for a holiday visit in
Prof. Aldermann.
and wife of Eu-
gene, returned today from a McMinn-
ville trip.
Mrs. Mary V. Rhoades left this noon
for Dilly on a visit with D. W. Myers
and family.
E. P. Frost, whom the boys call Jack,
of Portland, has been in the city today,
hence the cold weather.
txllil -e i di:-u :ii-iot? ,
TT1UUL ncuAioouiiau, wiiuioti wurun
filed. property left to brothers and
sisters, except John who gets nothing.
A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. F.
Powell, yesterday lived only about
six hours. dyinS during the afternoon.
Mrs. Belle Bodine McQuown and hus-
band arrived this noon from Baker City,
for a visit among the Bodines. They
left a foot of snow.
One hobo today refused to wock on
the street, and he was taken to the jail
for ten days and a bread and water
diet. No more foolishness.
One would think there was about to
be a war on the biletz between the
i ,i ...,.. U..I. :
nuiuca.cuucio auu Dijuabia, uu, iv id
mostly in the Portland papers.
Ic is reported that a new schedule
will soon begin on the Springfield road,
the trains arriving about 10 a. m., and
leaving later in the afternoon,
Prof. Head, next the Democrat office,
has just received a new Winthrop
piano, which will be sold for $225, at $5
a month, a fine instrument on easy
terms. See it.
The inventory in the estate of the
ate S. L. Kline shows that he left real
property valued at $36,600, merchan-
dise $29,019.31, and personal property,
making a total of $73,516.12.
The city of Dallas has just made a
new contract for lights in any number
for the streets at $6, incandescent $1.6u,
B month. There are 22 arc lights now
in use there.
' Dr. Brougher, of the Baptist church,
Portland, has again been called to the
pastorate of the Bob Burdette church,
. Los Angeles, and the Oregonian says
will accept.
The scalp collection at the court house
resterdav was enlarged by that of a
wolf and cougar presented by John
Roberts and a grey wolf by J. H. Ham-
, ilton. A good many wolves are report-
Miss Genevieve Irvine arrived this
week from Sidney, Florida, and will
make her home this winter with her
aunt, Mrs Chas. H. Cusick. She is a
daughter of the late O. H. Irvine, a
younir lady of about fifteen. Her moth
er, now Mrs. Youncr, resides at Sianey.
i Mrs. J. T. Shea and son .Edward, of
, the Willamette Valley Valley Co., left
l this morning for San Fransciscu to
spend the Holidays. Mrs. Shea will re
I main about two weeks and "Ed" will
go to Arizona not expecting to return
to Albany until spring.
C. M. Giddings, of this city on Tues
! day at Corvallis bought up 136 delin
(quent tax certificates, paying $1,760.65.
! The tax payer will have three years in
i which to pay, at 15 per cent and the
penalty. If not then Mr. Giddings will
get hold of some valuable Benton
county holdings.
Present All officers and councilmen:
Bills allowed: Will. Valley Co..
$137.00; C G. Rawlings $14.00, B. r .
Rozell $3.5l F. M. Redfield $6 50. H.
C. Harkness $10.00; Firemen's election
$4.o0; D. Hurley $2.50; Albany Lumber
Co. $66 31; M. Hoflich $21.65; G. M.
Knox $1.00; Barrett Bros., $34.85,
Ohling & Taylor $1.70, O. P. Dannals
$53.40; Roner Bros. $3.50, M. Ludwig
$2.75, J. A. Whitesides $24.00.
Continued:Bill Ralston Sup.;Co,$6.80.
The committee on streets and puplic
property reported in favor of rejecting
the petition for parking the residence
streets, with a minority report by F. J.
Miller in favor of granting the petition.
After remarks by Miller, Chambers
and Cutl the majority report was
. An electric light was ordered at 8th
a m"UI8. a'rB6ls; , , . .
Application ror a mgn ooara lence.
on Lyon St. near hsh market, was re-
jected '
Report of election of J. D. Creel as
read. Certificate of election
engineer was ordered issued.
Matter of paving estimates on Ferry,
BroadalDin and Ellsworth streets was
Councilmen Miller and Curl were ap-
pointed a committee on city extension.
utter tavuraum rcinuxKs uy vuuuciimmi
Miller and the Mayor, within reason
able limits, those recommended by the
commercial UIUD Deing characterized
as ridiculous.
Further investigation was ordered of
the mutter of a sewer in block 29 H's
Councilman Miller presented the
matter of a new water supply, sug
gested at a recent meeting ot the Com
mercial Club, tne idea being to unite in
the securing of a pipe line from the
Breitenbush. It was stated that the
time will come when the Santiam will
not be safe and adequate.
The Mayor spoke of the hobo nuis
ance, nnmg tne jail with tne leuows,
favoring making them sweep the
ine superintendent ot streets
was ordered to put them to work here
after, under guard, if necessary, mak
it hot for them, and Albany a terro
for tramps. .
S. 0. Worrell complained that four
nuisances, near his home, ordered
abated had been attended to only ir one
rne city attorney was airectea
t0 &ive notice Bnd proceed legally if j
News From Albany's Six Early
Thos. Townsend, a former U. O. sta-
dent, came down from Brownsville.
, . .ii.
ne is now a commercial iraveier, run-
mug iur Alien at ucwia rurumiu.
J. W. Sherwood, commander of the
Maccabees, came over from Corvallis,
where the Maccabees had some biff do
ings last night with the finest chicken
supper ever.
Consul Fred Fisher of Murkden, and
wife, returned from Merlin, where they
had been to look alter their truit xarm.
Judge Duncan and Commissioner But-
ler went down to Jefferson on bridge
John Spangler, thirty years ago, an
employee of the Democrat, and daugh-
iter. Miss Lulu, went to Oreeron Citv.
' A fntnilv of mnsiiMRns.
A familv of musicians.
Dr. Lowe came down from Lebanon.
Miss Benson, of Scio, returned home
after a visit at the home of her cousin,
T. A. Farmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Turner left for
Chehalis, Wash., on a visit at the home
of their son, Marvin.
The Trial of Santa Uau.
Saturday evening, Christmas night,
at 7 p. m., the young people of the
First Presbyterian Sunday School will
; :ve The Trial of Santa Claus
in cos
The following characters will partici
pate under the direction of Miss Black
well: Santa Claus. Richard YateB
Judge, Neil Bain.
Counsul for the Prosecution, Senator
F. J. Milerl.
Counsul for the Defendants, Prof.
History, Miss Inez Easton.
Father Time, Henry Vollstedt.
The Sandman, Oscar Soph.
Pierrot, Earl Fortmiller.
Poetry, Gertrude Taylor.
Tradition, Elsie Bain.
Folk-lore, Madeline Rawlings.
Dame Rumor Margaret Monteith.
Usher, Dean Crowell.
Santa's Page, Beaufort Payne.
Santa's Page, Clyde Roberts.
Doll, Margaret Cathay.
Mother Goose, Lora Taylor.
St. Valentine, Melissa Martin.
Fairy, Mary Hall.
Jack o'Lsntern, tViarnhall Woodworth.
May Queen. Jean McLennan.
Crier, Joseph Berrv.
Goddess of Liberty, Zona Haigh'..
April Fool, John Clelan.
Jack Frost. Arthur Leininger. '
Chorus of children.
At the Hotels.
W. H. Perkins, Salem
Sam Bonehard, Edmonton, AHa
A. T. Peterson, Toledo
E, P. Frost, Portland
Mrs. P. H. McDonald, Scio
M. C. Kemp, Foster
J. W. Hobbs, Eugene
L. A. Newton. Portland
Geo. Bethera, Toledo
S. C. -Myers, Lebanon
H. C. Harris, Portia d
Jas. Enck?orj, Portland
Stops itching inst ntly. Cures piles',
eczema, salt rheum, tetter, itch, hives,
herpes, scabbies Doan's Ointment
At any drug store.
W. J. Turnidge, the Crabsree mer
chant, met with a serious loss this
forenoon. His warehouse, containing
two car loads, ebout 1400 bushels, of
potatoes and 1500 pounds of giant pow
der, was completely burned. He had a
warm Are going to keep the potatoes
from freezing, and the building caught
from the stove in some way. A strange
thing abouc- it was that the giant
powder burned without exploding.
The loss is $700 and $800 on the
potatoes. about$a00 on the giant powder,
an J $5Q0 on the building, $1400 in nil.
No insurance at all was carried.
Hansard Again,
Eugene Register: G. B. Hansard and
hia . . a.,,nfloM
, , . "
were arrested yesterday on complaint
te3Da01, 'tr?. Jh J?1
Justice R. S. Bryson and each gave
$300 cash bonds for his appearance on
the 27th and 28th respectively for their
Hansard, a former Lebanon man. is
probably the star blind pig performer
in the valley,
Xmas coming,
Things a humming.
Ticlumbenders in the pasture,
With many shouts and laughter.
Tramps sweeping the street
For something to esc.
Hobos around,
Will not be found.
If work; is the order.
Letter List.
The following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for
Dec. 22, 1909. Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
Mable Baker, Kdd Green, Claude
Hooks, E. Johnson, Joe. Mack Lear.
Effit Monroe, Rnbert Orth, star The
atre, uarl Thompson, Florence Will-
J. S. VanWinklb. P. M.
Hobos as Street Cleaners.
I The order of the city council last
evening that all hobos be put to work
was put in force this morning by the
street superintendent, who had only
seen some mornings. When the rule
abroad there won't be any around
The Weather,
Range of temperature 38-17, the low
point being the same as yesterday
mi. ..." . .J
xhb river is uown
to 4.9 feet and
Prediction: fair tonight and Friday.
Santa Claus is due to arrive in Al
bany this evening, with special ar
rangements with the Sabbath Schools
of the city for a celebration of Christ
mas, about as follows:
At the Christian church, at 7:30, two
trees, with a program, in which many
foreigners will be seen in their native,
At the Baptist church at 7:30, a tree
and program.
At the Grace Presbyterian church, at
7:30, a tree and program.
At the M. E. church, at 7:30, a tree
with exercises.
Last year the members and friends of
the M E. Sunday School and church
sent gifts to the Boys and Girls Aid
Society, in Portland. This year a silver
contribution will be made, the money
to be used in organizing and maintain
Sunday schools in the outlying districts
in Oregon.
A.t the U. P. church, at 7:30, trees
and program.
The Presbyterians will give the Trial
of Han l a Claui Christmas night at 7
o'clock when there will bea tree and diB
tributiun of presents-, to which all are
invited. On Sunday bt 5 p. m. will be
presented the Christmas Star.
At the Sisters' Academy yesterday
afternoon there was a tree and xpprop
riate exerciBes in keeping with the sea
son. The public schools this forenoon re
membered the event with appropriate
exercises and some trees
The Masons will give an extended
program at their nail at 8:30 a. m., for
members and their iamuies.
The members ot the Evangelical S.
S. held their first Christmas exercises
ir the new church, in the third ward,
last night, with a urignt program.
pretty tn'e and many presents lor the
The Weather.
Range of temperature was 42 49, the
weather imviru; uti.Jerutei somewhat.
The river is kept lulling and is
down to 4 6 eet .
Predicti.'ii: K.iin or mi .-v tonight
and Palm i.i y .
I Ic;: y, L.Hire bi.K
dy, pimply coinplc..;
nausea, indirection. a mud
.., headaches,
Thin blood
sickly. Bur
makes you weak, pale,
dock Blood Bitters makes the blood
rich, red, pure restores perfect health.
ae-e. , - J.X.
jj !j tad i.'i "". '.mi
Economizes eggs,
flour and butter;
makes the biscuit,
cake and pastry
more appetizing,
nutritious and
It does seem that women have more
than a fair share of the aches and
pains that afflict humanity; they must
"keep up," must attend to duties in
spite of constantly aching backs, or
headaches, dizzy spells, bearing-down !
pains; they must stoop over, when to '
stoop-means torture. 1 hey must walk
and bend and work with racking pains
and many aches from kidney ills. Kid
neys cause more suffering than any
other organ of the body. Keep the
kidneys well and health is easily main
tained. Read of a remedy for kidneys
only that helps and cures the kidneys
and is endorsed by people you know.
Mrs. M. Custer, of 138 W. Ninth
St., Albany, Ore., says: "I have had
no occasion to use Doan's Kidney
Pills- for nearly three years and think
that fact alone is proof of their value.
At the time I procured this remedy at
Foshay & Mason's drUg store I was
suffering from an acute attack of kid
ney complaint; the result of a cold that
had settied in my kidneys. I was so
weak and lame that I could scarcely
move from one place to another and
the kidney secretions were too fre
quent. . I used Doan's Kidney Fills
until cured, and in March, 1903, I told
of my experience in our local papers.
Now that, the cure hasproved perma
nent I am firmly convinced of the val
ue of Doan's Kidney Pills.". '
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Dec. 3.
Goods valued at $135,000 went up in
smoke at the Motter-Whecler depart
ment store this morning just as the
clerks were arriving to open up a large
"expansion .sale." The fire quickly
gutted the building, except one bank
of shelves, and water comDletcd the
damage. Tonight 40 employes are out
of work. Whilo the fire department
was suppressing the flames a number
of the clerks stood amid the wreckage
weeping. The insurance on the stock
is estimated at $hz,(HHi and messages
have been sent for acrents to come and
adjust the loss. Tomorrow morning
men will separate the damaged goods.
"I have been here 27 years," said
Manager W. P. Hooper, "and this is
my first fire. I have seen many fires
Dut tnis is tne worst 1 have ever saw.
One thing that has been gratifying is
the kindness of my competitors:"
The fire started from an oil stove
in the "ad" department in a balcony
over the main floor, and successive
explosions of gas are given as the
cause of the spread.
' Lodge Meetings.
The K. O. M. every Saturday even
ing. Fred Richmond, Comman der.
The Woodmen of the World every
Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerk.
Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays,
Anna Strom, G. N.
Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd
and 4th Wednesday in Bussards' Hall.
Grant Froman, Clerk.
Royal Neighbors mee- every 1st and
3rd Wednesdays in tfussard's Hall.
AmceKirk, Recorder.
Come ana look at our Holiday Goods,
they have the merit, thev will please
you, F. M. French, the jeweler.
WANTED. Man or Women to clear
ten acres on Santiam. H. H. Dwyor
R. D. 6. Phone Bell Farmers 21. tfl
FOR SALE. 16-horse power Stick
ncy gasoline engine in first-class
running order with Apple Dynamo
Sparking attachment, large enough
to run a threshing machine, or hay
baler or wood saw, economical
enough to run your cream separator
or pump. Double Burr Grinder
capacity of 60 to 80 bit. per hour
goes with engine at $oUU. Box 221
Brownsville, Oregon. tl
Jm made from Royal f&
Mm Grape Cream of TartarJt $2" ffc
m POVDER Af & -
Absolutely Pure, Vg-'
Safegnards yonr food against t
Alum and Lime Phosphate
AJ the Catholic Church. -.
Father Lane will nIHicate and preach
at the XmaB services which will be ob
served with special ceremonial and
music, at 8 a. m. The children's choir
will render the music and at the 10:30
service the following program will be
rendered: Processional, - Come All Ye Faithful
Gloria, by Rosewig.
Credo, by Rosewig
Offertory. Adiste Fiddles.
Vespers and sermon at 7:30. The
public is cordially invited.
Reduced Rates in Effect.
Tickets will be sold on the certificate
plan at reduced rates to meetings noted
below. Full fare going, one third fare
returning, provided fifty or more have
attended the meeting:
Oregon Retail Hardware and Imple
ment Dealers Association, Portland,
Jan. 18th and 19th.
Annual Assembly Church of God.
Portland Cec. 24th to January 2nd.
Apply Unbn depot for full info
ion. R. K. Montgomery, 4gen -
For Christmas.
Our Christmas goods aro an Wing: "
Websters, Charles the Great, Gordong
and Jacksons Hand Made, in Christmas,
boxes. See our new line of fancy briar
and merscham pipes at American Cigar
Old and Reliable
Thirty-eight years of steady growth
are significant endorsement of the
careful management and courteous
service of the time-tried Bantc.
Assets over one million dollars
A Saving Account , ,
in the name of your boy and girl
will teach them a knowledge of
business and a habit of saying that
they can acquire in no better way.
Interest paid on Savings accounts
Owned and operated by the stockhold
ers of the First National Bank.
Yearly contracts $5 for two tunings.
Leave orders at Davenport's Music
WANTED Young men to learn au
tomobile business by mail and pre
pare for positions as chaffcurs and
repair men. We make you expert
in ten weeks; assist you to secure
position. Pay big; work pleasant;
demand for men great; reasonable;
write for particulars and sample les
son. Empire Automobile Institute,
Rochester, N. Y.
33 keeeeeeaabal
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