JABS j By the Democrat Man. About the meanest man in the worlj has been heard from down in lower California, lie poured kerosene oil over the feet of three prospectors and set fire to it. The men were horribly burned and one of them died. A brute and fiend incarnate. The Copenhagen investigating com mittee having gone back on Dr. Cook it looks serious lor him. It is now up for him to go back to Etah, get more records and produce the proof, or ad mit he was mistaken. The matter is too important a one for any child's play. Next year promises to be a strenU' ous one for the city council. It has a good many important things up for settlement, a splendid opportunity to serve the people of the city impartial ly and effectively. At least half a doz en big problems will come up for set tlement, materially concerning the good of the city. A newcomer at Brownsville writes: "I lived seventeen years in California, have been only two months in Oregon but I like it so well that I will never go back to California." Coming at a time when Oregon has been naving the poorest weather ot the year, this is certainly a booster worth taking notice ot. It is said that in a few years power from up the McKcnzie will be back of the lighting systems of iiugene, Cor vallis, Albany and other valley towns doing away with the ind'vidual plants, suggesting a great decrease in ex pense, which the consumers will no doubt get the benefit of. It is gener ally believed the prevailing price of jigius in tnc valley will be about 5 cents, where it is now 10 and IS cents, and that the price will be so low that heating both for cooking and comfort will be done by electricity, the best of all lor both. C H NEWS Marria?e licensed: One Thuradav evening, W. D. Bennett, aged 87, of Leoanon, ana Nora Anderson, 18. of Shedd; five this forenoon, Fred A. Zell, 26. of Shaniko. and Vera D. Morgan 18. of Lebanon; Wm. R, Adams, 23, of rortiana, ana riettie uverman, 16, ot Halsey; E. H. Kilborn, 24, of Chehalis, WaBh., and Edith Vclma Bloomfleld, 19, Lebanon; Chas. K. Sprang, 28, Albany, and Sarah E. Preston, 21, of Lebanon; J. D. Leobo, 26, and Martha Crow, 20, Lebanon. This equaled the record. Another one this afternoon made six for the day, the most ever issued in one day here. It was for W. D. Duf fleld, 19, and Hazel Smith, 18, of Mill City. Deeds recorded: 20 from Frederick A. Krlba. 0. J. Mealey, W. R. Mealy, C. L. Trobert, J. E. Holmberg to Chas. A. Smith, each for a nominal consideration. J. D, Rolfe to W. R. Moaly, 160 acres 600 N. B. Moses to Clifford Shelton, 100 acres 460 N. B. Moses to S. I. Shelton, 20 acres 1 Immanuel Church to A. M. Ham- mer, lots 8 and 9 block 30, Al bany 4000 Mtrry Christmas. Christmas comes but once a year. This is the ove of it. It is being ob served from end to end of the world, a Universal holiday. That must mean something. It does. The observance of the birth of Chrlsti the savior of the world, by people everywhere is significant of the hold the Christian religion has upon the world, This holiday 18 in kcoping with the Christ spirit, the giving out. People, regardless of their individual belief, open their hearts and give aB expres sion of love and friendship. "It is more bleBsed to give than to receive," is true, ha evidenced in hu man experience. This comes from the Christ life, for which this season is an expression of remembrance, an occa sion for good will and fellowship. The soirit of tho duv is ono that should be kept warm in the hearts of men during the entire year. If it is the best tiling for one day it is for all the time, not the giving of material things, but the giving of good deeds, and the continual observance of the golden rule, more of unselfishness in business, the home and society. It should be an occasion fur broad ftces, not long ones. It is no time for being a gump and a clnm. There is no time for such things. A morry Christmas. It Works. That new order of the city council is working. There was o.ily one hobo in tho, city jail over night, and he refused to work this morning preferring bread and water. Others at tho depot were told that it they came down town iney would navo to worn, ana so iney nassed on. This is what is wanted. When turned loose mornings t hey scutter out and go to begging, which is just what should not bo .mowed. big SHOE SALE I will sell my stock of Boots and Shoes exclusively at cost price). Sale beginning Dec. 13 and ending Janua.y Is', C. H. PR0CHN0W C. H. NEWS. Deeds recorded: Sallie Troutmun to C. A. Trout- man. 160 acres S1000 Sarah E. Becker to E. B. and M. V. Horn. 1.6 acres block 5 H's 4rd 10 O. L. Ransom to Smith B. Holt. 2 lots Mill City 10 C. L. Ransom to O. L. Holt & wf, 2 lots mill City J. W. Wright to J. B. Kelly &wf. 6 acres 600 C, J. Howe to John firadv. lot Brownsville 100 Application: Geo. and Marie Go tt to register a title, n. ju, .Newport attorney. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Miss Bessie Rhodes, of Walla Walla, is visiting at nome. J. A. and R. P. .Howard and their families left this afternoon for Amity Mrs. A. C. Simpson and children went to uanns today tor a unristmaB visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Montaguearrived cms atternoon trom tne west siae on an Albany visit. Mr. and Mrs. Graham will be up from Portland touight for a Christmas tanner witn Mr. ana Mrs. strut) e. Mrs. Christine Monteith and Orville Monteith left this afternoon for Hills, boro. Rob) n Nelson, a leading citizen of the headwaters of the Siletz arrived this afternoon ou a holiday visit at nome. Mrs. Fred Fortmiller and Huburt and Teddy, left thiB afternoon for Junction, where they will be joined later by Mr. Fortmiller and Lee, Hugh Cummings was down from Halsey last evening attending the Elks lodge, tie win leave tomorrow on c trip to Dunsmuir after stock. Mr. and Mrs. Max Asmus and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Dickovei, of Portland, came, up touay on a visit at j. w. lmch over's. Prof. Head, the piano dealer, return ed last night from a trip to Mill City. He reports selling three pianos to the prosperous people of that live town. Miss Hazel Smith, one of Corvallis best voune ladies, has been in the citv on a visit witn iw iss ueien tiuoerc ana the Misses McDonald. There will bo a Christmas house party at the home of H. 0. Darkness tomorrow, with Messrs. Sault and May and Miss t'orb n. all of Portland. as the guests of honor. Mr. George Pierce, the expert en gineer at the Parker mill, on Thomas Creek, has been in the city today. Mr. Pierce has charge of two engines, 60 and 60 H. P.. with a 100 H. P. boiler. The mill is taking a rest for Christmas. SnvAml nrr.rn.nAnr. EtiPAne neonle were at the depot this noon, on Christ mas tours, f resiaent ana airs, uamp boll, bound for Monmouth, Prof. Glen for McMinnville, Prof, and Mrs Stock ton. MiBses Nettie and Emma Chase, and Miss Stockton for the Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Viereek and son Girton, of Charleston, Wash., are in the city on their holiday vacation visit at the home of Mr. L. Viereek. Mr. Vier erk, one of Albany's original mail carriers, is now a clerk in the navy de partment. Charleston adjoins Bremer ton, the two places practically being one. There are about two thousand government employees in all, making a EuBy place. Capt. C. W. Wallace, an other tormer Albany man resides next door to Mr. Viereek. At the Hotels. E. H. Kilborn, Chehalis, Wn. Geo. B. Dickinson & wf, Raymond, Wash J. W. Shinanek, Scio. J. H. Edwards, Mill City. Geo. Drinkard, Halsey. Velma Bloomfleld, Ida Miller, Leb anon. President and Mrs. P. L. Campbell, Eugene. Karl T. Lee, Portland. B. J. Riders, Suver. W. N. Pintler, Stayton. W. A. Fischer & wf, Mar.ola. A. M. Duffy, Portland. Christmas Jingles. Please, Mr. Santa Claus, We want you to pause At our hosiery. At least give a smile Free from worldy bile. Mr, Reciprocity Works with velocity In giving The Christinas tree Is the one to see. A lc present given in love Will be registered above. Get Your Fish at Pfeiffers. Tho place. 229 West Second street Everything in the fish line, neat and clean, at a reasonable price. If you are going to travel get the i American tsunkers Association t rav ellers chocquc.in $10.00. $20.00 or $30.00 denominations, payable at ten thousand banks, or t.t any hotel or railroad omcc. For salo by J. W. Cusick & Co., Bunkers. Tho barbershops of tho city will be open Friday night until 9 o'clock, and Christinas until 12 oelock noon, only. Boost Albany Liun County, Ore. by buying "Alco Chocolates." Put up in especially designed half pound and two pound boxes. Elite Chocolate Shop. . MISFITS. President Taft is going to do some unmasking, on paper. The average hobo isn't looking for a job, just something to eat. Admiral Schley says Dr. Cook is all right. Hope so, but it looks bad. Parking the streets is not for Albany. Might be some weeds in a few of them. Albany's officials are going to make it hot for the hobos. Now, just see the tellows work, in a Horn. The Democrat has deceived a circular headed, "Lye Stewed Peaches. That's What We Eat. Another Pure Food Discussion." A large number of Eugene women have signed a petition presented to the moving picture shows asking that only clean pictures be given, and that those not educational or moral he eliminated. "We know of no more efficient means for education and innocent amusement than thev if tightly conducted. Every where the moving Dicture neonle have a great responsibility in the making of tneir selections. News from Albany's Six Trains. Early The waiting room of the depot was packed full, Christmas visiting crowds coming in on all the trains, two car loads from Lebanon alone, 1'he 4:18 train arrived at 7:30, and the local .due at 7:18 at 8:30. F. B. Stewart, the Dreamland hustler, left forPortland to Bee about some new attractions, a big thing in the show business being to have sometning late and talked about. Al. Gordon, Hugh Grey and a few others left on a Portland trip. Miss Vida Nanney came down from school for a holiday visit home. Mrs. A. M. Blackburn nnd baby and Gerad Bluckburn went to Salem for a Christmas visit. Mr. Zuhlsdorf and daughter, the nurse, went to Portland. ' Norman Gerke went to Portland for a visit with the Rowells. W. J. Misner and family went to Scio for a holiday visit. Miss Grace Clelan left for Portland on a Christmas visit with Miss Mary Armstrong, a former fellow music stndent. Ex-Sheriff Burnett, of Corvallis. went to Portland. Mns Helen Wright, the kindergar tener, left on a Portland. Home from Chicago. Dr. Russell Wallace arrived home last night from Chicago, where he has been for five years preparing for the prac tice of medicine, four years in the med ical college, the past year as an interne in the Presbyterian hospital, one of the heat in thfl went. He is snlendirilv equipped for his chosen profession, with bright prospects ahead. After a rest of a week or two he will be associated with his father. The Olive Type writer. Best'on-the market. First Nationa Rank neonla have five. Albany College has ten. Thirty-five used in Ablany. See the new tabulator ana ruling ae vice. $16 cash, then Vc per day, pay able monthly. See one at Steward & Sox Hardware Co. Phone 218. Home Phone. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn. Elva O'Dcll, plaintiff, vs. Joshua L. O'Dcll. defendant. To Joshua O'Dcll, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you arc hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff in the above entitled court now on file with the clerk of said court on or before the 17th day of February, i910, and you are hereby notified if you fail to appear and an swer the complaint as herein required that the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit, for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony, now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant, and for the costs and disbursements to be taxed. This summons is served by publica tion by the order of the Hon. Wm. Galloway made on the 20th day of December, 1909, directing that the said summons be served by publication and that the same be published in the Albany Democrat for six consecutive weeks, the first publication thereof to be made on 'the 31st day of Decem ber, 1909, and the last publication to be made on the 11th day of February, 1910. Dated this the 20th day of Decem ber, 1909. J. K. WEATHERFORD. Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby, given that the un dersigned the executor ot the last wil and testament of Elizabeth Whitehead. deceased, has tiled his hnal account with the clerk oi the County Court for Linn County, . Oregon, and the court has fixed the 7th day of February. I(,10, at the hour ot 1 o'clock p. m. tor the hearing of objections to said account, if any. and for the settlement of said estate. Dated this the 20th day of Decem ber. 19. J. E. WHITEHEAD. J. K. WEATH EKFOKD, Executor. Atty. for Ex'r. TELEGRAPH. Philadelphia, Dec. 23. The Battle ship Utah, the giant of the navy, was Kuiicnea toaay. ane has zt.sirf tons displacement. Washington, Dec. 23,-Judge Wick- ersham rendered a decision that the Philippine government can sell the "friar lands" in any number of acres notwithstanding the organic law of the Philippine government. I Nicaragua, Dec. 23. Zelaya is in personal command of Madriz forces, with more marines in reach of Corinto. Great excitement prevails throughout mcargua. St. Paul, Dec, 23. Passenger train No. 45 running north was ditched to day east of Good Thunder, Minn, 40 passengers were injured. The mail car was burned. LoNDON.Dec. 23. -King Albert is now on the throne of Belgium. v A Palmist In Town. Opposite the Russ House. Any thing you want to know she will tell you. Will remain only a short time'. Patronize home industry. Use John son's Best. FOR SALE. My residence corner 2nd and Baker St., lot 67x113 ft. Great bargain if taken at once; also furniture, horse, etc. Inquire 140 E. 2nd St. MRS. H. F. McILWAlN. Electric Appliance Co. ' 422 W. First Phones-Bell Black 2621, Home 411. Electrical Supplies and Fixtures. House and other wiring attended to promptly. , Contracts made. ANNUAL MEETING. A meeting of tne stockholders of the Albany Creamery Association will be held at the Creamery in Albany on Tuesday, Jan. 13th, 1910, at 1 p. m., for the purpose of electing five direc tors and to transact such other busi ness as may come before the meet ing. : C. L. SHAW, President. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Deborah Ann Davis, deceased, has filed with the clerk of the County Court for Linn County, Oregon,- his final account in the above entitled estate, and the court has fixed the 17th day of January, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. for the hearing of ob jections to said account and the settle ment of said estate. Dated this the 2nd day of Decem ber, 1909. H. C. DAVIS, J. K. WEATHERFORD, Admr. Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Jonas Davis, deceased, has filed with the clerk of the County Court for Linn County, Urcgon, his hnal ac count in the above entitled estate, and the court has fixed the 17th day of January, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. for the hearing of objections to saia account ana tne settlement ot said estate. Dated this the 2nd day of Decem ber, 1909. H. C. DAVIS, J. K. WEATHERFORD, Admr. Attorney. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE WINTER COURSES. Practical work, lectures and 'demon strations will be given in such .vital subjects as General Farming, Fruit Culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry-keeping, the Business Side of Farming, Forestry, Carpentry, Black smithing, Mechanical Drawing, Cook ing, Sewing, Dress Making, Home Management, etc. All reeular courses begin January 4th and end February 11th. Farmers' Week February 14th to 18th. A cordial invitation is extended to all interested. Good accommodations may be se cured at reasonable rate's. -No age limit above 16 years. No entrance re quirements. Prominent lecturers have been secured for special topics. The instructional force of the College num bers 100. Excellent equipment. A special feature is the Fa'rhiers' Week which comes this year Feb. 14th to 18th. Lectures, discussions, and a general reunion. For further information riddress Registrar, Oregon Agricultural Col lege, Corvallis, Oregon. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Notivc is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of S. T. Crooks, deceased, has filed her final account in said estate with the County Clerk of Linn County, Oregon, and the County Judge has set the 20th day of December, 1909, at'the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. and the County court room of said County as the time and place for hearing objec tions to said final account and the set tlement thereof. MARY JOSEPHINE CROOKS. L. L.- SWAN. Admrx. Attorney for Admrx. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Vetch Growers Union will he held on Tuesday. Jan. 4th. 1910 at 1 o'clock p. m. in Tangent for the election of five directors to serve one year ead to amend by-laws. And any other business which may come before the meeting. l!y order oi the Hoard oi Directors. V. E. PARKER. Pres. J. E. JEXKS, Sec. ntistry Oat of town people can bare their plate end brtdsework fin .nea nap ui We will give yott 1 reed 22k sold or porcelili crown lor . S3. 50 Volar Cro.ni 5.00 22kBrldKTe.to3.50 QoldFIIIInn 1.00 EjujmI Fllton 1.00 Slhor nilion .50 Filling 2.00 Rubber - Pliln 0.00 w. w. a. out, tan m aUaian c n WORK GUARANTEED FOR IB YEARS n Tun imeuna renuw roim t -vn v iTiuut. Mrwiurn alrvtrio (XlulDattent Wise Dental Co. ffiws-S! PORTEND. OREGON mo hodbb. o v u. to ?. u. tutu!, wl CIIETIS REAL ESTATE CO. 106 N. ELLSWORTH. Farm land and city property bought and sold, Parties having land or city property or sale will do well to list with us. Phones Bell black S3, Home main 231 . SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn, De partment No. 2. Fred Holzfuss, plaintiff, vs. Herman Holzfuss, Bertha Ktecker, Emil J. Holzfuss, Johanna Leib, Olive Holz fuss, G. H. K-.ecker, Wilhelmina Holzfuss and Henry Leib, defendants. To Herman Holzfuss and Welhelmina Holzfuss, defendants above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby notified and required to be and appear in said above named court in said suit, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff on file there in, on or before the 8th day of Janu ary, 1910, and you are hereby further notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as aforesaid, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against you and each of you for relief prayed for in said complaint, towit: A decree of said court directing that the following described lands, towit: Lots One and Six, in Section One, and Lot One in Section Two, all in Township 10 S. of R. one East of the Will. Mer. in Linn County, Oregon; also, eight acres in Lot 5, in Section 35, Tp. 9 S. of R. 1 E. of the Will. Mer. in Linn bounty, Oregon, ana more particularly described as being situated and lying in the Southeast corner of Sec. 35, S.' R. 1 E. of the Will. Mer. in-Linn County, Oregon, containing 80.45 acres, be partitioned among the parties to this suit accord ing to their interest therein, as below mentioned or sold and the proceeds of said sale divided among the plain tiff and the defendants in proportion to their interests as follows: one-fifth thereof to said plaintiff, Fred Holz fuss: one-fifth thereof to said defend ant, Herman Holzfuss; one-fifth there of to said defendant Bertha Krecker; one-fifth thereof to said defendant, Emil J. Holzfuss; one-fifth thereof to said defendant Johanna Leib; and that the costs and disbursements of this suit and the expenses of such parti-, tion, or sale, be apportioned among the parties to this suit according to their respective interests, and for such other relief as may seem proper to said court. This Summons is served on you and each of you by publication for six consecutive weeks prior to the said 8th day of January, 1910, in the Al bany Democrat, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in said county, by order of the Honorable J. N. Dun can, Judge of the said County Court of Linn County, State of Oregon, which said order was made November 18th, 1909, and that the said J. N. Duncan, Judge of the said County Court, in said order for the publica tion of this Summons upon you has prescribed the said 8th day of Janu ary, 1910, as thc( time on or before which you shall appear and answer said complaint in said suit. The date' of the first publication of this Summons in said newspaper is November 26th, 1909. I. J. WHITNEY, and W. S. RISLEY, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the undersigned has been duly appointed executrix of Henry A. Cleek, deceased, by the county court of Linn county, Oregon, and has duly qualified as such execu trix, therefore all persons having claims against the estate of said de cedent are hereby notified and re quired to present Such claims, with the proper 'vouchers to the under signed at her residence in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, with in six months from the date hereof. Dated this 29th day Oetober, 1909. SARAH M. CLEEK, Executrix of Henry A. Cleek, de ceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Xoticc is hereby given that the un dersigned, administratrix of the estate of William Meeker, deceased, has tiled in the County Court of Linn County. Oregon, her final account as such ad- 1 ministratrix of said estate, and that Monday, the 17th day of January. 1910. j at the hour of 10 o'clock a. 111. has 1 been fixed by said court as the time i for hearing of objection to said re '. ort and the settlement thereof. MARY E. MEEKER. C. C. BRYAXT, Admrx. Attorney. "irst published Dec. 10, 1009. last pub lished Jan. 7, 1910. Painless D -1J-." Il.l.. The Riverside Farm ED. SCHOEL. Proprietor Breeder and Importer of O. I. C. Hogs S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W. P. Rcks, Light Brahmas, R. C. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin Bantams, M . IS. Turkeys, Whn .11 -den Geese, 1' 11 Ducks, I'o 1 . Guinea Winner oi 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Eggs in Season - Stock for Sale Phone, Farmers 95 - - R P. D no 3 REFEREE'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned referee will on Monday the 27th day of December, 1909, at the ! hour of one o'clock in the afternoon at the front door of the county court house in the city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, pursuant to the de cree and order of sale duly made and entered in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Linn county, on the 17th day of November. 1900 ;n ' that certain suit pending in said court wherein Ucie D. Karney, Umer O. Karney and Ida Karney, his wife, Lizzie Comer and Hugh Comer, her husband, Ona B. Zwahlen and'Fred Zwahlen, her husband were plaintiffs and Ora E. Karney and Eva Karney, nis wnc, nrcnie j. i.arney, riora M. j Karney and Martha Karney were de . fendants, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, sub ject to the confirmation by said court all the right, title and interest of the above named plaintiffs and defendants in the following described premises, to-wit: Beginning at the quarter sec tion corner in the east boundary of section 5. in Tp. 10, S. R. 3 W. of the Will. Mer. in Linn County, Oregon, and running from said corner S. 42 minutes W. along the east line of said section 5 a distance of 20 chains; thence west 19.90 chains; thence northerly 62.82 chains to the N. W. corner of the N. E. quarter of the N. E. quarter of said section 5, thence ' south 89 degrees 42 minutes E. 20 chains to the N. E. comer of said section 5; thence S. 42 minutes W. 42.90 chains to the place of beginning containing 125.40 acres, more or less, save and excepting an open roadway off the south end of the above de scribed premises. Also an open road way 30 feet wide off the east side of the S. E. yA of the S. E. of section 5 in Tp 10, S. R. 3 W. of the Will. Mer. in Linn County, Oregon. C. E. SOX, Referee. First Publication Nov. 26, 1909. Last publication Dec. 24, 1909. . NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE ! MENT. Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned, has .filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County, his final account as Ad ministrator of the estate of David Andrews, late of said county, de ceased, and that said court has fixed Monday the 27th day of December, 1909, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon as the time for hearing ob jections to said final account, and the settlement thereof. 1 F. M. REDFIELD, HEWITT & SOX, Admr. Attorneys for Administrator. I NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE- " . MENT. Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned, has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County, his final account as Adminis trator of the estate of Addie H. An drews, late of said county, deceased, and that said court has fixed Monday the 27th day of December, 1909, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon as the time for hearing objections to said final account, and the settlement there of. F. M. REDFIELD, HEWITT & SOX, . Admr. Attorneys for Administrator. I NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE- MENT. , Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrators of the estate of Anna Barovicka, deceased, have filed their final account in said estate . with the clerk of the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, and that Hon. J. N. Duncan, Judge of said Court, has appointed Monday, January third, ' nineteen hundred and ten, as the time, and the County Judge's office in Al bany,. Oregon, as the pfcice, to hear , objections to said final account, and for the settlement of said estate. Dat ed this Nov. 30, 1909. RUDOLPH BAROVICKA, RUDOLPH R. BAROVICKA,. Administrators. GEO. W. WRIGHT, Atty for Admrs. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE- " MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un ders'gned, executrix of the last wilt and testament and estate of Louis Mil ler, deceased, has filed her final ac count in the matter of said estate and the County Court of said Linn Coun ty, Oregon, has fixed Monday, Janu ary 3rd, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. as the time for hearing objections to said final account, if any, and for the final settlement of said estate. Dated December 3rd, 1909. AMELIA MILLER, , 1 Executrix. T. J. STITES, Atty for Executrix. 1'rotnptljr obtained, or FEE RETURNED. CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE OurCHARCCS ARE THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or bkctch tor expert WArcb And free report on potentntjilitj. INFRINGEMENT enlts conducted before all roart. ratente obtained thrrm?b trx. ADVER TIEED and SOLO, free. TRADE.MARKS. PEN SIONS And COPVRICHTS qujcalj obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Offlcef WASH'NCTOH. O. O.