Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 31, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    Painless Je
Ont of town peopls
oan hftre their pUto
and bridjjework fin
Uhod la one day
If neoestarr.
Wwitl siwyou I food
22k goto or- porcelain
for 53.50
UfiUr firawnt fi
Gold Fillinrl I.UU
Ewnl Fllllnn l.UU
P'X. V" ItnlwFlllhn 2.50
y , h'."u.tb" 5.00
".If.""- i en
OJL W. A. WIIE, ruiVTlMiJU4U wrrwiof
nam in Hiuni bt
n niu mutluu pmtum ramieii cxiriion .uv
Ealnlew Extraction Free when pUtea or bridge work
ordered. Consultation Free, Yon cannot set bette
psinleMirorkdoneanywhere. All work fuurruar
anteed. Modern electric equipment. Beet motnode.
Wise Dental Co.
Thxbd aWabh. 6t0. PORTLAND, OREGON
ornos Boras., e a. m. to 6 . m. lufeys. to i
Fa-m land and city property
and sold,
Forties having land or city property
or sale will do well to list with us.
Pnones iioll black 53. Home main 231
t r- r . c. . r
In the Circuit Court oi the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn, De- i
partment No. 2. ,,!
.w. .......... ... ... , - i
fuss g' H Tcdir Wimchnina M Burton, of Portland, arrived were spent in the remembrance of rela
HbfefuS adHetyCLeib, St ft" on a visit with Miss Haze. ve. and friends. . , .. ,,. ,
To Herman Holzfuss and Welheliniiia "f tter. , ., , . ' , . ... : . -
r ii: Tr-.l I
Holzfuss, defendants above named:
In the naijic of the titate of Urcgon,
you are hereby notified and required
to be and appear in said above named
court in said suit, and answer the
complaint of the plaintiff on file there
in, on or belore tnc Btn day ot Janu
ar'y, 1910, and you are hereby furtlicr
notified that if, you .fail to appear and
answer said complaint as aforesaid, 1 Alfred E. Ansorge, a former resi
for want thereof the plaintiff will take ,-dent of Lebanon, died at St. Helens,
. a decree against yoii and each of you (Jr., on Saturday.
.. for relief, prayed, for in said complaint, Mrs. J. J- Leonard returned to Leba
towit: .-. . , : non today, where Air Leonard is work-
A decree of said court directing that inn nn iKa hi-JHrro
: flip fnllnwiiio rlpci-rihprl Imirls. roivif; !
' Lots One and Six, in Section One,
and Lot One in Section Twb, all in
Township 10 S. of R. one East of the
win uif in linn Tonntv Drpo-nn-
ici hi , - A? W 3 '
also, eight acres in Lot S, m. Section
IO, XU. 7 O. Ul r.. l tfl lliv; will.
ftler. .in Linn County, Oregon, and
more particularly described as being
situated and lying in the Southeast
corner of Sec. 35. S. .R. I E, of the
Will. Mer. in Linn- County, Oregon,,
-containing 80.45 acres, be partitioned
.among the parties to this suit accord
ing to their interest therein, as below
mentioned or sold and the proceeds
of said sale divided among the plajn-.
tiff and the defendants in' proportion.
.to their interests as follows: one-fifth
thereof to i said plaintiff, Fred Holz
fuss;' one-fifth thereof to said defend-
ant, Herman Holzfuss; one-fifth thcrc
. -of to said defendant Bertha Krecker;
.one-fifth ' thereof to said defendant,
Emil J. Holzfuss; one-fifth thereof to
.said defendant Johanna Lcib; and that
the costs and disbursements of this
suit and the expenses of such parti
tion, or sale, be apportioned among
,the parties to this suit according to
their respective interests, and for such
other relief, as may seem proper to
said court.
This Summons is served on you and
each of you by publication for six
consecutive-weeks prior to the said
.8th day of January, 1910, in' the Al
bany Democrat, a weekly ne-.vspaper
ot general circulation m said county,
by order of the Honorable J. N. Dun
can, Judge of the said County Court
of Linn County, Mate oi Oregon.
-which said order was made November
18th, 1909, and that the said J. N.
Duncai, Judge of ' the said County
Lourt, m said order for the publics
tion of tiiis Summons upon you has
prescribed the said 8th day of Janu
ary, . 1910, as the time on or before
which you shall appear and answer
said comnlaint in said suit.
The date of the first publication of
this summons in said newspaper is
November 26th, 1909.
, J. J. WHITNEY, and
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned
has been duly appointed executrix of
Henry A. CIcck, deceased, by the
county court of Linn county, Oregon,
and has duly -qualified as such execu
trix, thereiore all persons having
claims against' the estate of said de
cadent arc hereby riotificd and re
quired to present such claims, with
the proper vouchers to the under
signed at her residence in the city of
.Albany, Linn county, Oregon, with
in six months from the date hereof.
Dated this 29th day October, 1909.
Executrix of Henry A. Clcck, de
ceased. .
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dcrsigncd, administratrix of the estate
of William Meeker, deceased, has filed
in the County Court of Linn County,
Oregon, her final account as such ad
ministratrix of said estate, and that
Monday, the 17th day of January. 1910.
at tile hour of 10 o'clock a. in. has
been fixed by said court as the time
for hearing of objection to said re-iv-rt
and the settlement thereof.
C. C. BRYANT, Adnirx.
First published Dec. 10, 1909,' last pub
lished Jan. 7, 1910.
Recently a deputy pure tood com
missioner was in the city, and bought a
pail of lard and borne hamburger at
each of the meat markets, whitu he
took back to Portland with him for
analysis. There has been no report at
all on it yet, and nothing is known
about it. It is evidently up to the
standard required, for there has been
plenty of time. And yet people on the
street have had the butchers arresiea
and fined, fixing the amounts.
Albany's meat markets are all right,
and the record will , show, it, at the
proper time.
I III. Iicatlll.1.
Range of temperature 41-24.
The river is 4.1 feet.
Prediction: Fair tonight and
E. E. Parrish returned this noon from
j Portland.
Mrs. Margaret Blodget went to Eu -
gene this afternoon.
I North Albany has applied fur a flag
station on the C. & E.j
! Harry and Bert Moe, ot Portland,
spent Christmas at home. ;
Miss Vira Stuwart, of Portland, has
been home for the holidays. !
j Chas. Cleek guessed the exact number
i of seeds in a first street pumpkin, 619. j
Mr. John Chance is lying dangerously
, at the home o nis scrJ w. B.
Sherirf Smith returned this noon from
nia T.iiia
Chas. McDonah, the
conauctor, re-
tumor! thio ivmn fmm n Vonormvor via.
it. . '
Miss Peterson, of the Hamilton Store,
returned this noon from a visit with her .
Jtolks in Salem. 1
Several friends of A. K. Curtis andr
Ltamily, arrived this noon from Gresham
on a visit.
. , ., ... t
turned this nltaiffititiarSit
"SfJ ? uSX,, Lnn8tmaa v,a lV
, " l " Va " . . r
Two horses belonging to L. T. Berry
I were killed this morning by the Spring-
j fleld neM PhlliB&w?: , , .
t T, :titi
I pneumonia, which his many friends
I hope will not be serious. .. .
Rev. John Acheson of Portland came
up this noon, called here by the danger-
una illness ua ilia ruuuiur. j nr r, T i
n a wf,,o o mio, Thompson,.and Mr. Parent who came
J,'?LB'. Neptune, a former employee np for Christmas. ..:.,
of the Albany creamery, now of Clatcs-, Mr. and Mrs- R B Montague of
kanie, is in the city on a visit. Portland, formerly of the county clerk's
The U. 0. Gllee Club made $200 on office in this city. ,
its Southern Oregon trip, about the'. .
first time it ever came out ahead : Harley CrandaU,.runnn put of Sil
Capt. Kuhn and family, of Lebanon, verton, returned homat fte a Christ
returned home this afternoon, with mas visit at Lebanon. -drums
beating, after a visit at T. P. Prof. Kent, of the 0. A. C. returned
Hackleman's. t ... home after a Lebanon visit.
The Albany electric light ' plant this ' W. E. Chandler, of Lebanon, a for-
winter nas already ournea up U&U cords
of wood, at 4 .25 a cord, besides the.
water power.
Mart tsilyeu, ot the court house is
grandfather. Born last evening at
aDfS.i.i. m. m.. m.,
son, weitht 8 nounds. -
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Phelps, of Salem,
returned home this afternoon after a
yisit at the home of the former's broth
er, Ira Phelps, in Salem.
wjuiam -oueii. once an AiDanv
young man, now of Crook county, this
year sold about 3,000 bushels of apples
at an average prce of $2.
Miss Louella Allan, who has been
working in an offiice at While Salmon,
Wash, for several months, spent .hrist
mas with her folks in this city.
The North Albany school house claims
the distinction of being the only country
school in Benton county with u tele
phone. North Albany is right up with
the times. -
Roseburg has Secured Tom Richard
son for its booster the coming year, at
a high salary, not the great and only
om mcnaroson oi rortiana, Put
another one, just trom New York. .
Will E. Daviosun, recently of Seattle,
is in the city on a visit with his father
rj. is. Davidson, while on his way to
Los Aneeles. where he has t ought a
cigar store and will be located.
Charles Kirk, of Hoquiam, Wash.,
arrived in Albany Saturday evening to
join Mrs. Kirk, who has been here sev
eral days on a visit at her father's, O.
P. Dannals.
Edgar Averill, the accomplished city
editor of the Pendleton E. O , was in
the city today while on his way home,
accompanied by his wife, from a Christ
mas eatherinir at the Averill home.
at 0 divide.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cox had a big
fami y gatherine on ChrUlmas, with
Mr. : n Mrs. Harvey Loveall of Leba
non. Claude Reiley and family of
Thomas, and Frank Hacklemen and
family present.
E. S. Redeker, a former Albany bus
iness map, a commercial traveller out
oi Fargo, Dak., for ten or fifteen years,
has been elected manager of the Greys
Harbor Hardware Co., and will make
Aberdeen, Wash., his home after Jan.
Mr. Budge Stewart, at work on the
loggine road-iuaning up into the hills
from Scappoose, o.i the Columbia, came
home Saturday evening fcr a short vis
it. He has been tentine with two feet
of snow around and the thermometer
down close to zero.
There is n bie familv reunion at Mrs.
E. T. T. Fisher's. Besides the four
children here and near here, are Consul
.rid Mrs. Fred Fisher. Mr. and Mrs.
John M. Concklin, of San Jose, Calif.,
wi ooi rived yesterday, and Mr. and
.M:s. Kaipri risncr, of Portland, wh
arnvedthis noon.
The Sabbath Schools of the city held
their exercises, with their trees and
gifts, according to the programs.
There were some fine exerciaes.Christ
mas eve., at the M. E., Baptist, Grace
Presbvterian and U. P. churches, with
the traditional tree, that nothing can
take the place of. At the M. E. church
tie tree took a tumble, causing a little
excitement for awhile.
The Presbyterian S. S. had a season
of Christmas doings, the tree on
Christmas night,, and some special ex
ercises at the vesper services on Sunday
evening st 5 o'clock.
A fine Christmas program was' ren
dered at tbe Catholic church on Christ
mas day.
Th.rkr;mnrnrr.m rha Mo.
sonic Temple Christmas morning was
an interesting one carried out as
published, with one or two changes.
Tues-' Twenty-nine Knights Templars were
I present, as follows: Eminent Com
manner J Ft. Horner. Oenernt Thns .1.
Butler. Ueo. Tavlor. D. P. -Mason. I..
C. Marshall. E. W. Langdon, E.
; Washburn, C. G. Rawlings, Dr. W. R.
' Bilyeu, W. E. Baker, all officers, John
E0?' W.' m-ii- Redie!d.
. Er"t L-M'.e8. J- Miller. Wm. Bain,
Lama'r JomgH Ralston, Fort-'
miller, P. U. Gilbert, G. H. Crowell,
E. P. Bradley; G. E. Sanders, Judge
Duncan. C. B. Winn, W. F. McLaugn-
-Hn and H. M. Crooks. I
The business houses generally closed
Christmas day, and the day was given
over t,o social interconrse and turkey
eating. ,
, I he people of Albany were very
liberai in giving an i thousands of dollars (
News rrom Albanv s Mx tar V
. ' , .' ; J
rim-to o ,i, ' ru
Qu,lte a nambe mer Albany
u"c Blartme ?or Ineir nomes
after a Christmas visit in Albany,
Capt. Merfill PhilliDS. I one of the
heroes of the Philippine wtrs, whq has
beenlwith the big paper mill at Oregon
City for ten years. Mrs. Phillips and
daughter have remained for a visit at
Mrs. Schlossers. j ,
Mr. Neil Murray, now ih the adver
"Sing department of the 0.' R. & N.,
at Portland, having a. splendid position,
forrnerly with the C. & Ej for several
i . Vyi aJ,atQaUgniere" 1
mained for a visit at the home of Mrs.
Murry's father H. K. Lugger,
Arch Ries, another Failroad man,
mlin ho a nvuJ Aa;f.- A ! Jl-
well.. ' '
Mrs. Frank Parent'. and son Donald
"r,"' w" t?ave, Deen" 'jst'"e several
ncciw av -i.iie' nurn.e-.-oi mrs. xrar
ent's parents, Mr. and' Mrs; '" Rufus
mer jviuany man, ieit lor rortland.
P. A. Youne- went to Rnlpm nnr n
short business trip. y
mr. ano Mrs turner returned to
t. a"er 8 V1?W ftt the home of
Mr. Chris Howland.
Dr. Booth came down from Lebanon.
Coming fi, S, Debate.
There will be a triangler high school
' ji j. T . .. . ..
i on j anuary y, on tne question,
! Resolved that the United States should
adopt a banking system similar to that
oi Canada. AlDany 's alhrmative team,
Miss Anna Johnson, leader, Murry
Marshall and Ruth Thompson, will meet
Eugene in this city,- and. the Albany
negative team, Wilson Peery, Frances
Lillard and Chas. Ohling, will meet the
Salem team in Salem, and Salem's neg
ative team and Eugene's affirmative
team will meet in Eugene, under the
new arrangement, cut out to cover the
Sam Colan in Collier's.
So far as known only two Albony
men have ever had their pictures in
Collier's: . Senator Chamberlain and
Sam Dolan. The latter is in the issue
for Dec. 25, just received, snowing
nun as the choice of E. C. Patterson,
an expert, as guard on the all-Western
foot ball team. Ho is pronounced an
ideal guard, and that after having been
a star tackle. The picture is a good
one, and Albany appreciates the honor.
A Farewell Shower.
On Thursday evening Dec. 23, at her
home on the Santiam Road, a farewell
shower was eiven Miss Hpaio TCmfr '
man by her friend Miss Jessie Upham.
ine luuma were prettily decorated and
a good time was had after which a light
lunch was served. Mr. Rolla Bruce
was chief of waiters while Miss Nellie
Upham furnished the music and the
others present, expressed themselves
as singers.
Miss Kauffman leaves for Portland
this week where she expects to reside
After the Squatters.
Forty-two homesteaders will 'have a
meeting in Dallas this week to make
arrangements to fight the squatters
tryinsr to ml) them of their claims.
C"ngrci? will lie asked to eive relief.
Mot f tiifin :;re fmm Dallas and Sa
lem. Or." is from Albany Dad Wil
l':im unrl one frnm i-ialsev. W. L.
Wells Tf.n pnvprn rent in siding with
h- Fiynntifi is certainly tokirg an un-
As Sten By the Man About Town,
The Democrat man made his annual
pilgrimage to Portland, going down
Christmas morning on the 4:13 train
leaving at 4:30. arriving in the metrop
olis at 7:15, leaving Albany bare, reach
ing Portland in a .-oaling of snow.
Like Albany, Portland is growing,
many new blocks going up, wilh the
business streets lined with old shacks in
places that ought to be replaced with
big steel buildings.
A snlendid imnruvement is the new
Y. M. C. A. building at 6th and Yam
hill, a wonderful institution and a mag
nificent development since Secretary
Stone came to the helm. Beautifully
furnished, complete in its equipment.
modem in every detail, up-to date in
its manv advantages it is a monument
to the Christian Deonle of the city. It
has 2500 members and over one thous
and students in its diversified schools,
offeting unsurpassed advantages.
It is a clean place for young men to
live. There are 172 beautifully furnish
ed rooms, sleeping over 250, and a
cafetera at the bottom furnishes de
licious meals.
The advantages for clean sport
many and the equipment the best. The
Portland Y. M. C. A. is in splendid
Avery striking event wasa swimming
match at 11 oclock in the Willamette,
with the water at 48 degrees, between
thirteen enthusiasts. A seventeen year
old boy, named Patterson, won out,
with four others finishing, . about half
frozen, a fool contest for sure.
Within five minutes the Democrat
man met Judge Wolverton, Deputy U. j
a. District Attorney wyatt ana tsaiiin ;
Geo. Humnhrflv. twiner their nevprnl
ways. I
A call at the Elwell, near Alder and
ven streets snowea Mr. ana Mrs. w. w.
Rowell in fine quarters, having a splen-
fiiriiu -.a Kr,iu
SL- ornra, CE
prices, because of the location aHd ex-
ceMent furnishings... -. ...
me iiew iiiiuuriai is a line nuiui, uu
it will have to jump some to get ahead
nf ihoPftrMon
of the Portland. . . .
:n i 5. x i. i i
a -:a u n j tt- u- .u!.
a ..uvu ruiiw u u.KiB. w... u
as the north pole, like all the . rest of
Portland's can,, was intei eating
A i th. HiPnvrBrl
Mr. Frank Toevcs, formorly of the
Herald, holding down the lmoortant
I position of telegraph edi:or in splendid
shape, a very competent . newspaper
Thea a few sights around town, and
to the depot three fourth's of, an hour
early. The depot is the best place in
Portland because the nearest Albany, .
. ' ' At the Hotels. . . v
Mrs. Geo. Seeley, Portland
L. S. Taylor, Cottage Grove
S. H. Clark, Springfield
Henry Warner, Springfield
A. R. Ewing, Salem
Stuart Fillmore, Portland
A. F. West, Eugene - ;.'
Wm. Shultz, Jefferson .
E. L. Kelzeel, Myrtle Creek
CaA-Chace,' Eugene
CM Johns and wife, Newport
M. B. Miller, Brownsville
John Berger, Spokane
Angus Shaw & wf, Mill City
Harold B. Davis, Woodburn
R A. Schultz, Forest Grove.
Grange Election.
Officers elected by Western Star
Grange, No. 309, P. of H., to serve for
the year 1910:
Master, A. C. Miller.
Overseer. Walter Witchev.
Lecturer, Mrs. Winnie Ohling.
Steward, Walter S. Hense. ,
Assistant Steward, Rolla A. Hulburt.
Chaplain, Miss Bertha Beck.
Treasurer, Asa Lewelling. '
Secretary, Lottie Hense.
Gate Keeper, L. Ed Dyer.
Ceres, Mrs. Nettie Hulburt.
PnmonR, Mrs. Margaret Bayne.
Flora, Mrs. Maud Witchey.
Lady Ass' I Steward, Mrs. Grace Hul
burt. Organist, Mrs. Lillle Westcat. .
Trustee, Heike Ohling.
Cottage Grove Hotel People.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Westbrook, of the
Cottage Grove Hotel, returned this
morning from a Brownsville visit, and
went to Portland. Mr. Westbrook has
recently been the end of several jokes,
one about nine foot sheets, the other
about starting a henery from some egg
plants. He reports Cottage Grove on
the go, with five new blocks the past
year, $100,000 bonds sold for a water
plant and some paving in sight. M r.
and Mrs. westbrook are making good
as hotel people.
The Case of Chester Crouch.
Chester Crouch, in his own interest,
was up before Judge Duncan, sitting as
a juvenile court, and arrangements
made for a relative, Jas. Smith, of
Polk county, to take charge of the boy,
at $6 a month, the father to furnish
clothes and school uooks, at all times
subject to the order of ihe juvenile
court, until of age. Chester let today
for his new home.
G. B. Hamard and son were tried at
Eugene yesterday for violation of the
local option liw and acquitted. The
testimony of the prosecuting witness
was said to be confining.
Unc:u Billy Wright, the horseradish
man, went to Eugene this afternoon.
He sold four huuurcd pounds of the hot
stuff, most peopl" tuking about a quar
ter of a pound probably ti seven hun-
JJca id uiliei.
The Democrat several days ago men
tioned a crew of surveyors being at
Jefferson, coming this way. They are
now about half way between Albany
anu jenerson, ana are said to oe wont
ing for the Oregon Electric. Some do
clare this is the same as J. J. Hill.
Morris Bros of Portland, are now
selling 6 per cent bonds for the Oregon
Electric, to be used for construction
work, hence there is little doubt that
the extension from Salem to Albany
will be made this year.
A well founded renort is that the Ore
gon Electric has bought the brewery
property, on Ninth and Lyon, streets,
ana mac it win oe used lor tne Albany
terminal. Just how this will be done
while the Portland. Eugene and Eastern.
the Welch road, controls the street
franchise on both Lyon and Ninth
streets, is an interesting question.
Business Change-
Fred Gould and John Murphy, of Eu
gene, today completed a deal for the
livery stables of Spires Bros., at Second
and Ellsworth streets, and will take
charge at once They are experienced
livery stable men.
Mr. Otto Rahn and Miss Rose Crab
tree, two well-known people of near
Scio.wcre united in marriage vesterdav
afternoon, at the residence of and by I
I.R'ev. Esson.
No Night Clerk Yet.
It is several days since the Demp-
crat suggested that arrangements be '
made for a nigh
m, A -M..tfM
The present lar
made for a night clerk at the post office,
'176 business of the Office '
justifies it, andTjncle Sam. should ap-
, , .JO , , j .
. t,;'S,uL"T fw JS ,
patrons of the ofnee receive their mail
. . , rp,,. .., f I
i . j. i mi . . r i
at an eariy nour. ine present iorce
KfiD-innintr work ftt fi s. m hn to hus- I
-,.i-.i? T...'? t.L ill
,vocioCK. uusmees men want tne.r man
Wy. , I
This is a stormy old world anyway.
Or, J.-B. Coffee of Portland,
this noon.
Mai. Urie Brown of the 0. A. C. has ,
been m the city today;
W. 0. Nisley, the Portland piano j
man, and reliable tuner, has been in th6j
city tooay, , ,. ,-. i
I Mr, Spray, of Cottage Grove returned". George btanard, ot Portland, return
I home this afternoon after a visit at L. ?? home tbr a,8'1 hio folks in
E Moe's ' .' Brownsville. Mr. Stanftrd was once an
Mr. and Mrs. W,
S. Gilbert returned.!
today from a Christmas visit at Bel-
Mr. and Mrs; Bruee left this upon for ,
Eugene, to snend a month with Frank
Rnlf nnrl fnmilu
Mrs. Pr. Hodges and Mrs. Ben Kirk
returned this noon, from a Christmas
visit at the Blake farm.
Albany, has anpther voter, Fred Ries,
Parker's popular grocery clerk, who
became twenty-one yesterday.
Mrs. Geo. Geisendorfer, of Cascadia
returned this noon from Portland, and
m.o mal Ku Mi rciaonHnrfdi
...v. ..j .
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stellmacher, of
Portland, have been spending the !
ni ii . ...14-U a iun.. ni..i-:..nn
h v r .,- r ' r.i...L..i!..
nnrl in a few rlnvs will romrn rn Wnlln
uumu. ID 1IVI1IC JlUlil iiiciiuiia,
Walla to compete the big power plant ,
' , , I
.William C. Cusick. of E'ligfltia, Was1
in the city today, making his first call i
upon his Albany cousins, J. W. Cusick i
and family. I
Mrs. W. J. Smith last evening found
the traditional 30 cnt pisce at the via-1
sonic temple, done up iii a handkerdhief,
and is anxious to find the owner. , The Macabecs also had a LhrUtmas
The family of W. II. Avorvill. of near I tree, a fine affair with about three hun
Oakville, ha i a big holiday family re-1 dred present, including Snrita ' bus
union, coming from all parts of the himself. It occurred Saturday nhrht
state, twenty-eight relatives in all
Allan R. Joy, a Portland attorney
was in tne city tooay on business
nected with the divorce case of Parrish
against Parrish
being attorney for
Mrs. parrish
Ole Saltveit and family will leave to
morrow for their old home in Norway,
where they expect to remain a year,
returning after an absence of twelve
Mrs. Dollie Wagoner, of Corvallis.
arrived this noon on a- visit with her
friend of many years. Mrs E. W.
Langdon, two star performers in Al
Dany s ladies Dand, twenty-eight years
Bilyeu; the crack O. .A. C. basket
ball player, was in the city last even
ing, conferring with the hiph school
basket ball team preparatory to coach
ing the teani a fine thing.
The coming vear promises to oe a
ii-reat one ih the automobile business
It is said that the standard manufact
urers will lin fur hnhinil in trtnii rlo-
liveries, on account of the many orders
' ahead. i
Mrs William Fortmiller left this
week for Los Angeles, Calif., on avisit
with her brother, Mr. Allie Thompson,
a former Albany young man, and also
to act us thapercr.e for a young
lady on a newspaper crip.
Mips Mane Cathey, of Corvallis, was
the only one of ten or twelve young
ladies in the valley, winners in a news
paper voting contest, who accepted the
trip to Los Angeles, and she left yes
terday, with Mrs. Wm. Fortmiller of
this city as her chaperone, expenses all
paid. The others a 1 took cash.
There not being a quorum at the
session of the Albany Commercial
Club last night the Club adjourned
after an informal discussion of various
things. Those present were: Vice
President McCnne, Manager Utruble,
and Directors Burggraf, Cameron,
cllis, Rawlings, Stewart, Leo, Kroner,
i nd Nutting,
Mr. and Mrs. beo. Gibbons and Mr. &
Mrs. J. W. Miller spent Christmas with
relatives in Albany.
The Shelburn school has closed for
the holidays, and will onpn ntrtiin Jan
3rd. s t
Mr. and Mrs." W. H. Hull returned
last Week from n twn mnntha via,- iu.fl.
relatives ih Kansas.
The masauernHfl hnll lyivAn nr flnnnn'a
Hall Christmas eve was a pranri siii-rpsa
over one hundred couples were in at
tendance. DuBois orchestra from
Wodburn furnished the music, and sup
per was served at the Shelburn Hotel. '
Work has bep-un on thn now lWt
smith and carpenter shop and they will
be open for business in a few weeks.
A larcre crowd enmn rlnwn nn fhn P
& E. from Gooch to attend the masque
rade, among them being Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Gooch and family, Mr. and Mrs.
L. W. Smith and fnmilv. T.. TT Pntof.
son, Henry Martin and others.
Millers wood saw made a good record
hore last week, sawing 100 cords in
exactly 14 hours.
Mr. Richard Struckmeier of Thoma3
loaded a car of wood here Monday.
Miss Lena Shearer arrived here from
Calif, last week to visit her fathet,
David Shearer.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whitlatch, of
Klamath Falls, are visiting herpaients,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sprenger.
George Maxwell had the misfortune
to step on the point of a file, running it
into his foot, which crippled him a few
Old Santa made his annual
through these parts, being very
ana iiDerai to an.
Mrs. Bell Windor and daughter Helen
of Portland are spending the holidays
wun ner iatner, JNeis tiatverson.
t Mi. unn Mn. lnMAn lC TirJ
nesday for Centraha. Wash., where
thev Will visit! thoii Hniia-hf-ae Mia
Aus'tin Neville, "and son?"MrV Jesse
Mr. Rex Dnv island fnmilv nf BRnrrin-
wimonuoo uiuiioi t iu iiuuia
01 J' K' Uav'3'
c, . .
Ben Shirley
oen oniriRV nr I inniirtr in anAnrlmtf tn
l.iij " " : r . P... "v ; 5-.
llollUtty8 at in liOme 01 MtSS LtlllJ UUli
My 11.. IJ I
.. v.u Mu.,v. x.uu.
visiting aii tne nome et mr,
The cantata at the W. 0. W. hall was
a splendid success. The children and
yunK people who took part deserve a
I word of praise for their efforts. JUDY.
- , . ' . ,
News from, Albany 8 Si Early
. v
3 SIS:. ,S m lne
e. ymwuu yilO i ,
C. 0. Graves returhed to' Portlacd
accompanied by his mother
who has
Mrs. Christensen's for some
time. Mr. Graves, a former Newport
man, is now in the real estate business
in Portland and doing well.
i Mr. and Mr3. Dickover, of Portland,
I returned home after a visit with their
I son. Mr. Dickover is making a success
of the big fruit orchard enterprise at ,
. Crabtree. , . .
C. A. Malbeauf. travelling passenget1
Jgcni ot the Southern PaciSc, arrived
from the south.
' w A
', mtB - " Ot "'3 "erald, T6-
cu . ., - . .
on his way to Corvallla.
Mr. Geo. Lovoleo. of Lebanon, left on
a trip to Turner and other places. He
la one of Lebanon's best boosters
The Maccabees Christmas..
I with the following program.
song Dy tne uniginB. recitation by
liiizauein jiagies, me i.ox oichestra
- and a song by a quartet, song 'by Golda
Yates, duet by Worrell and Junkln.
piano solo by Willie Eagle, song by
Verna Burton, muiic by the Cox orches
tra, recitation by Irene Tapper, song
by the quartet, piano solo by ella
Crowder, ode by the Lady .vlaccabees.
At the Hotels
B. M. Ropdcn, Portland
M. B. Miller, Brownsville
W. M. and A. W. Thomas. Gates
Byron Wolf, Gates
Prof. J. F. Gallery. Portland
W. E. Graves, Oakland, Calif.
Fred Gould, Eugene
Wm. Church, Salem ,
E. G. Houser. Portland
John Murphy, Eugene
L. A. Newton, Portland
C. A. Dorcas, Salem
Floyd Marshall, Portland ,'
A Masonic Banquet.
A fine banquet was served at the
Masonic temple last evening from 6 tn
8 for members of the lodge and their
families, with about two hundred pres
ent, an enjoyable affair. After the
Bnlendid feast trof. J. B. Horner gave
some of his fine views of Jerusalem,
showing places actually visited by him,
touching the history and origin of the
order, with a personal narration in con
nection with the different paints visited.
The Daisy C rclo of the Christian
Sunday school met at the homo of thoir
teacher, Mrs. J. A. Nimmo, for a bus
iness session. Retreshments wera
served. The following were present:
Dela Burt'in, Uertie lilyue, Fnyj
Uoder, Hazel Cowan, Merle Nimm.i,
Florence A-r.olj, Veinitn Froman, B"ll
Thomp. ii,