Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 31, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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NO -.2
, "We have a complete line of Dolls and
Tovs, all kinds of Fancy and Common
Dihes and Fancy Novelties of all kirds.
all kinds of Popular Ficticn and Toy
' Books, not just a few odd and ends
but a complete line.
ME1SER & MEISER Come and see us
We wish you the merriest of Christ
mases and hope that the combe New
Year wilt be. in all ways, the happiest
you have known,
And we extend to each and all of. our
customers our heartiest thanks for the
kindly co-opera1 ion which has hslped
us to make the past year the most
eventful of any since our doois first
Bwur g open and for the evidence of
appreciation, and good old-fabhioned
friendship that have made the hard
work of buying and selling so enjoyable
during the year that is ending.
Chambers &McCune
The charivari rppnrri hnn itiRt heon
beaten at Prineville. with fourteen for
Editor Kennedy of the Review.
Portland's Christmas crivincr ia esti
mated at $5,000,0u0, but it ia just guess
worn, inac woum maKe an average ot
$25 for every person, rich and poor, in
me city, wnicn is a good deal too nign.
After Januarv 1st atl linuor nackaces
will have to be marked, under a new
U. S. law, showing what is in them,
whiskey, etc., which it is said may in
terfere materially with the business.
Mr. H. Walker has' returned from
Klamath county, where he organized
three granges, the first in the county,
with a goon deal of interest in the work.
When he left yesterday morning the
thermometer was 8 degrees above and
they were putting up six inch ice. Al
bany people are doing well.
Accident on the C & A.
The Alsea road had its first accident
this week when the caboose jumped the
track and turned over. There were
three passengers on board. Mrs.
Washington Howard was bruised some,
and Edward Williams and A. M. Tay
lor, jumped, escaping injury. It was
caused by frozen mud higher than the
rails. .1
J Washington, Dec. 24. It isrumored j
Madriz, Nicaraguas new president, has
; resigned. Reports confirm the defeat
of the government forces By the robels
ana were not exaggerated.
Alfonso 111.
Paris, Grave fears are entertained
for the life of King Alfonso who will
undergo another operation.
& -"
By A Portland Deceiver.
! Oregonian: H. A. Tuttle, accused of
obtaining $1000 'from two Portland
women under the promise of marrying,
was held to the grand jury yesterday
'by Judge Bennett. Tuttle's bonds
! were fixed at $1000 cash in one case and
: in $2500 cash in the other. '
i Marie E. Veal gave him $950 to buy
an interest in a fictitious poolrom, for
i which he gave her a fraudnlent bill o!
Bale, it charged. The other woman,
Marie Dobmeier, gave him her savings,
$500, to deposit in a bank. Tuttle is
charged with having forged entries in
' her bank book to maKe it appear that
he deposited the money.
Weather. Bank Guaranty.
London, Dec. 24. The warmest ' New York, Dec. 24. The Explorer's
weather prevails in Europe for 150 club expelled Cook today.
years at this time, practically enjoying
summer weather. I ,
Spanish Floods.
Manipulating the Rope,
Mr. and Mrs". Schultz, . as Terry and
Schultz, the cowboy and girl, are giv
ing a neat number at the Empire. Ter
ry is an expert witn tne lariat, doing
some rare stunts, and Schults sings
well and assists in the lariat throwing.
It is worth seeing, and a large crowd
enjoyed it last night. They will appear
again tonight and tomorrow night.
The Oldtields,
The Oldfields made good at Dream
land last night, presenting some fine
vaudeville sketches, a laughter all the
time. They are a live aggregation and
are worth seeing. See them again to
night. .
Cook Expelled.
, Madrid, Dec. 24. Floods in Spain
Topeka, Dec. 24.-The bank guaran- B"d Portugal are causing great damage,
' . v i whole towns beintr under water.
ty is killed in Kansas.
A r. i: f : ... ... ui .... -i.
.nnrnnitiic nnuorTUP r c n auc uuo ui nulla, ,cmuica, inn,
nBioimn.o ro umo - ui , canned goods etc aiwayB 0n hand at
the daintest presents a young lady is a tne Metropolitan Market, Bioadalbin
fancy package of nice ptrf umes We 8treet. 0lliy tha ,best is kept.
are showing a fine line. 25c to $5.00. . .
Burkuart & Lee. I i j.
Christmas Shopping Simplified
For B:lt ted Shoppers, :
It is almost certain that there are one or more gifts suggested here that you had not thought of but you wish to
give someone for Xmas... Save time and money by getting them here. Everything we offer is reliable and guaran
teed at the expense of our reputation. Dont forget that every 10c purchase in our store entitles you to a vote
for the $300 Brownikar Automobile which we will give to the boy or girl receiving the most votes. Look through
the list, nslect your gins ana get mc
Christmas Dinner
Eat your Xmas dinner at the. Idle
Hour Restaurant cor, 2nd and Broad
albin St i
v Menu.
Soup Cream of celery.
, Fish-Pried Halibut, fried Salmon.
Boils Roiled ox tongue and tomato
sauce; boiled chicken and cream gravy.
Entries Baked turkey and cranberry
sauce; baked chicken pot pie..
Roasts Roast serloin of. beef and
brown gravy; roast leg of pork and
Laked apples: roast leg of veal with
green peas.
Vegetables Brazed sweet " potatoes,
stewed corn, mashed potatoes.
Desert. Cranberry pie. Walnut cake.
ing a fine line of safety razirs. The
best money can buy. The Gillette
$6.00, $6.00, $6.50. Try one.
Bur'khart & Lee:
Terry and Schultz, rope experts.
Entire change of pictures and songs.
open air exibition in front of the thea
ter at 7:30 sharp.
Adinission 10c
Special vaudeville matinee tomorrow.
The Oldfields in a JiiHsicai
The Mistaken Idenity.
, New pictures: i
Engineer's Daughter. Selig.
A Rose of the Tenderloin. ' Edison.
Martyr or Frank. Drama.
Prices 10c and lSc ; ' ' "
Entire change of pictures tomorrow.
Jewel Cases, 50c to $3.00.
Mirrors, 50c to $3.75.
Dressing Cases, $1.50 to $10.00.
Manicuring Cases, 50c to $15.00.
Toilet Cases, $2.00 to $10.00.
Brush and Comb, $1.00 to $6.50.
Glove and Handkerchief Box, 57c to
Writing Cabinets, S1.00 to $3.50.
Box Stationery, 50c to $3.75.
Xmas Cards, 2 for 5c, to 75c,
1000 Pictures, special, 33c.
Booklets. 5c to 75c.
Playing Ca(ds, 25c to $1.00.
P. Card Cases, $1.00 to $2.50. '
Burnt Wood. 5c to $1.50.
Cut Glass. $1.00 to $35.00.
Hand Painted China. $1.50 to $15.00,
Vases. S1.50 to S15.00.
Jardincres. 25c to $5.00.
Candle Sticks, SOc to $2.50.
Fountain Pens, S1.50 to $15.00.
Purses. 50c to $2.50.
Hand Bags. $1.50 to $27.00.
Music Rolls. 75c to S2.50.
Chafing Dishes, $2.50 to $17.50.
Percolators, etc., $2.25 to $17.75.
Carving Sets. $2.75 to $10.00.
Perfumes. 25c to $5.00.
Toilet Waters. 50c to $5.00.
Collar Baprs. 50c to $2.50.
Post C. Albums. 25c to $2.50.
Phonographs, $10.00 to $200.00.
Records, 35c to $5.00.
Cabinets, $15.00 to $25.00.
Toilet Soaps. 25c to $2.C0.
Soap Boxes. 25c to 51.00.
Lowncy's Candies in Fancy Xmas
Packages. 50c to S5.C0.
Whitman's Candies in Fussy Pack
ages, 25c to $2.50.
"me aasTta's vaiat"
Razors, $1.00 to $2.50.
Safety Razors, $1.00 to $7.50.
Razor Strops, 50c to $2.50. .
Razor Cases, 50c to $1.50.
Shaving Mirrors. 50c to $2.50.
Shaving .Mugs, 25c to $1.00.
'Shaving Brushes. 25c to $2.50.
I Knives, 75c to $3.50.
Cigar Cases. Pl;t., 75c to $5.00.
Cigar Jars, $1.00 to $5.00.
Cigar Humidors, $2.50 to $5.00.
Smoking Set, in Case, $2.50 to $7.50.
Smoking Trays, Brass, 75c to $2.50.
Cigarette Cases. 50c to $5.00.
Purse ., 25c to $2.50.
Pocket and Eill Books, $1.00 to $10.00.
Rowland Elcc. Heater. $5.00.
Playing Cards, 25c to $1.00.
Playing C. Cases, $1.00-to $5.00.
Fountain Pens, plain or mounted, F.
C. B.) Elks. (K. of C.) Masonic,
$1.50 to $16.00.
N'ecktie Cases. 50c to S1.50.
Glove Box, 50c to $1.50.
Thermo Bottles. $3.50 to $5.00.
Traveling Cases, $1.00 to $10.00.
.Manicuring bets, 1.50 to $7.50.
Military Brushes. $1.00 to $7.50.
Carving Sets, $2.50 to $10.00.
Game Carvers. $2.50 to $5.00.
Collar and Cuff Cases. $1.00 to $3.00.
Kodaks. 51.00 to 535.00.
-vodak Albums, 25c to $2.50. "
'.ylison Phonographs. $10.00 to $125.
'"dison Records. 35c to 50c.
Victor Phonographs, $10.00 to-$200.00.
Victor Records. 60c to S5.C0.
'.ccord Cabinets, $10.80 to $25.00.
Music Rolls 7.s n ffi? in
Hnnrl P.ncrc 1 CO nn
Finger Purse, $1.00 to $7.50.
Manicuring Sets, $1.00 to $10.00.
Toilet Cases, $1.50 to $12.00.
Traveling Sets, $2.00 to $6.00.
Burnt Wood Outfits, $1.00 to $5.00.
1000 Pictures, special, 33c.
Chafing Dishes, $3.50 to 517.00.
Calendars. 15c to S3.50.
.Mirrors, $1.00 to $7.50.
Box Stationery. 50c to $5.00. .
Jewel Cases, $2.50.
Trinket Trays, 25c to S7.50.
Perfumes, 50c to $10.00.
Kodaks, $1.00 to $35.00.
Albums, 50c to $2.50.
Candies, Box, 50c to $5.00.
Dolls, 25c to $25.00.
Fountain Pens, $1.50 to $16.00.
Books, 25c up.
Candle Sticks, $1.50 to $7.50.
Cut Glass, $1.50 to 515.00.
Hand Painted Cljjna, special, 75c.
Stencil Outfits. $1.00 to $1.50.
"Alco Chocolates," a new and delic-1
lous chocolato, put up m especiallv 1
designed packages. ;Extra good. Elite
Ceocolate Shop.
Dinner :
At the Imperial Restaurant. Second
street, 12 until 2 o'clock, ,
Crockery of all kinds
Hand Painted China .
German China .
Hayiland China
Japanese Ware
and many articles to numerous to mention
Wonderful bargains on our 5, 10 and 15 cent tables,
Commercial Tea Gompany.
Cut Glass
Silver Ware
Chopping Bags
223 lstStreet, Albany
Both Phones: Main 52.
WM. BAIN, President. : p. D. GILBERT.'.V. P.
H. N. BOULSY, Cashier.
Wednesday Night, Dec. 29
some valuable prizes will be given Does a general banking business,
vay, 0 1 '
, Pays interest on savings accounts,
Sells bank drafts and travelers checks,
Has safetydeposit boxes for rent.
Gifts for Boys.
Tack Knives. 25c to $1.50.
Purses, 25c to $1.00.
Harmonicas, 25c to Sl.00. ,
Kodrks. Perfumes. Candy, Military
Fjrinlics, Mirrors. Collar and Cuff
Cvc, Phonographs. Xccktic
UtcN. Shaving Sets, Safety Raz
ors. U:7nT Strops etc.
WoodworihDrug Co.
123 W FP.vr
A Lb " NY, ORE
A new and extensive line
of fiesh, clean
is the time to get your
hristmas eatables. We
have a fine line of all kinds of
Bread, Dried Fruits Groceries and Provisions,
and vegetables Giveus a-call. Slat Bakery,
, C. MLYIR, Prop.