Christmas Handkerchiefs . and Neckwear We're showing nil the now styles in Handkerchiefs in hand embroidered, Armenian laced trimmed, colored embroidered, etc. , A great showing of Ladies collura and Jabots, each put up in an individual box. at Flood's Agents for Stanard Patterns. Abstracts of Title To all lands and own lots in )hnn county made by men of wide experience and certified to by a responsible company. A company that has been established for 18 years m l is incor porated. , TheLinn Oounty Abst "act O o , 303 Broadalbin Street, Albany, Oregon m ki If. m r i. ! hv'1 : it? flMES! iS'MOCH FOR THE! SMEiMOKEY, Tungsten Lamps Make Electric Light Much Cheaper 1 a MthM I If I AYMLI J Ml C;) is a 32 x II,,..,, i m8r VI .PI ALBANY Doings n and Around It. Pfeifter's, 229 W. 2nd street for fish. Hot tamalies at the Vienna Bakery. Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Patronize home industry. Use John son's Best. Use Johnson's Best. It is the Best. Alade in Albany. , Chiropractic is not Osteopathy nor 'agnetic Healing. Onr own make, ' ''Alco Chocolates." Elite Chocolate Shop. If you want something specially fine m the candy line, try "Alco Chocolates" Elite Chocolate Shop. Highest market price for chickens, turkeys, geese and duck3 at F, H. Pfeiffer's, Second street. Those self basting roasters at the Albany Hardware Co's. store, are the best thing going. Get one Come and look at our Holiday Goods, they have the merit, they will please you. F. M. French, the jeweler. When others fail try Chiropractric Spinal , Adjustments and get well. Chiropractor 226 Broadalbin St. I have found a place to have mv eves tested and glasses sci-ntificf lly fitted Albany Optical Co,, 226 Broadalbin St We offer a splended line oi high grade, Gold and Silver goods for the Christmas shopper. F. M. French, the jeweler. , The Albany Butter & Produce Co. are paying 40 cents per pound f. o. b. Albany, for butler fac, or 39c on the wagon. It you have cream to sell call both phones 49. The Albany Optical Co. ' are doing business six days in the week at their office at 226 Bioadalbin St. Why wait for a traveling optician. Why not pat ronize home industry. All work guar anteed. , , Select your Christmas presents now while the stock is complete. We will lay them asidefor you until later. Drop in and see what we have in gold and silverware. F. M. French, the jeweler. MISFITS. A sweet old mess is this sugar scan dal. Ex-President Zelaya will now retire into obscurity. The power of team work in basket ball suggests the way to run a city. Jeffries says that lumbago story was an infamous falsehood. He never felt better. A Baptist minister back east has been preacning on traps. One of them was the mail order fake. A world of shams. 91 imitation pearls have Just been discovered in a famous Astor necklace. Standard Oil has appealed. When it gets in the supreme court it will be all right. The government, which has been in partnership with it, will take care of it. Forty saloons have alosed daily in the U. 2 the past year, 11.000 having been voted out. And yet a Salem man just from the east s"ays prohibition is a thing of the past. Tho mission of an element in this countrv seems to be the creating of SDirit of discontent. There may be some thiners that don't suit, and always will be, the infamous trust domination for instance, but altogether this coun try has a contented, prosperous people Another City hall article on .Monday. MARRIED Hulburt-eullis In Corvallis on Wednesday, December lfi 1909, at the hsme of 'die bride's grandparents. Troy H: Hulburt, of According to the Oreeonian Albany sud. Mica urnntin M. Rnllis.' nf worm. ; . .,, hnnt. Kfl crnpats. The ladies of the Rebekah Lodge are , 'fo the strains of a wediJing march requested to meet Sunday afternoon at ; Aiaved bv Miss Flossie Thompson. Mr. the I. O O. F. hall promptly at Hulburt and Miss Bollis entered 1 o'clockto attend the funeral of Mrs. tne beautifully decorated! parlor, fc4- Montanye. : iwe(i bv Elder H. Campbell Clark . Members of the Linn couotv granges The br idS couple stood beneath a yesterd ly held their annual election of beautiful red, white and blue marriaga a jnemoer or tne Board ot directors or bell, wimia JSicier uiarn periormea an nst "cy have two and a half times tho of rieiency of the or dinary carbon lamp hitherto in c-narul use. Tho fila ment is made of a rare metal callc d Tungsten, which yields an intense brilliancy at low, In shape and 'size the bulb is just likb any other electric incandescent lamp. Why not try aTungsten lant.3 vourself? Get one of the 40-watts and use it somowhe: j in your house in place of one of your carbon lamps. Then observe the great difference. Note the clear white light, exactly twice as brilliant and costing you one-fifth less for elec tricity. Tungsten lamps are destined to displace all oth ers, for both store and house lighting. Sup. Co., Weit itcunu Mi et Ralston' E! 306 jlMilJtJliii'Vvi"'il the Columbia ire Association, again electing P. A. Dawson, a member of the board lor a good many years ' i F, K. Cottage has soldi his place of 48 acres, across the Willamette, with all the stock, furniture and utensils, to J.' V. Pipe, who is selling all the per sonal property. Mr. Cottage and fam ily nave returned east ' The two wanderers, suspected of be ing connected with the Benton county hold up, who yesterdr.y were given thirty minutes to get out of town, last evening were around town again, and were prbmptly taken in chargd of and given another dose of calaboose, and they will be permitted to have, some bread and water for several days now as a punishment. i A fine line of fruits, vegetables, nsh WOMEN'S WOES. ALBANY WO- ! canned goods, etc., always on hand at MEN ARE FINDING RELIEF j the Metropolitan Market. Bioadalbin AT LAST. I street. Only the best is kept.-- imnressive wedding ceremony. A splendid wedding dinner was served bv Mrs. Bullis and the offifBting min ister then jresented Mr. and Mrs Hulburt with the splendid wedding- gifts. Among the many beautiful paesents were a fine bedroom set given Dy Mr. ana mrs. o. a. Duma,- pui-ema of the bride; D set oe silverware, the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs; Frank Hulburt; a pretty and sereiceablesetof dishes, by the grand parents and uncles and aunts; and a gold-banded water set, by Jarvis Bullis, brother of the bri e. The young people start'in life with every prospect for happiness and suc cess and with the best wishes of many relatives and friends. WE huvo r.o'Slate Deposits, nor do we act-opt imv de posit whore special security has t" bo pledged. This means that, wo have no preferred dilors and that your deposit has the s-aim; security that all iluive. Wo ,l.av wivesled assets wonh mm- than J100.U0U (10 and this would have ni tie dU ,aipated before deposit "i s ceuld lose cent. It is not being .dissipated, it is gruwing. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. Estabbhed 1892. Keep your clean an I ressech THE CLEANER, 4-0 W 1st St. is?.as.i3i-Peps!n Capsuies A POSITIVE CURE E. SlIELl,EY, Prop. Beli Phone black 273 ,llome( phone 196 a i ruoi 1 1 I'm ltillnmiimlli Vl tlti I'.lAitilor Mil! V (lutfirrliot ,1 Itl.mnl U li) NO ,1UltK NO PiY. trpf i. klv inn! lu'iiniiiiiMtll tin; n it 'i-iin-ti nf (mtor i-Ih tea it 4iU''t, lin iinittiT n( lioiv v, ntnu.Unt-. A t.BoUiot; iiiiltvti. nM l' JruBRisU i 41 .W, or I'T P1-'11 ill. 61.LO, 3 Imm8, 2.T )iliC dANIAL-rtrdlfl lb, Uclldntaine, OblO- Iti does seem, that women have more titan a fair share o the aches and' pains that afflict humanity; they must "keep up," must attend to duties in 1 spile of constantly aching backs, or headaches, uizzy spells, bearmg-uown pains; they must stoop over, when to-1 stoop means torture. They must walk aud bend and work with racking pains ; and many aches from kidney ilia. Kid- nays cause more suffering than any : tvthcr organ of the body. Keep the ' Iddneys well, and health is easily main- : tained. Readi of a remedy for kidneys only that helps and cures the-kidneys j and is endorsed by people you know. , Mrs. M. Custer,, of 138 W.. Ninth St., Albany, Oca, ssLys: "I have hadl i2G Ellsworth St, uo occasion to use Doan's Kidney- ; 1 ills for nearly thrtc years and think j tihat fact. alone is proof of th&ir value.. At the time I procured this remedy at ; Foshay & Mason's drug store 1 was ) suffering fn?ju. an acute attack of kid- j ncy complaint, the n;sult of a cold that had settled in my kidneys. 1 was so- weak and Rune that 1 cotrM scarcely : move froix one' pficc- to acMthcr an.di the kidney secfettons were too fre- iiieilt. I used Uoan s Kidney Tills i until cured', and in March. 1903, I tolol ! o my CKpunencc in" our Fiscal papers. . .Now that the cure has proved permit- fA nsA Dal nkA nent 1 am lirmly convinced ot the val- I VfiVi uuu ivnuuiv ue of liiau's Kidney l'iUs' l'or sale by :dl dealers. 1'ncc 50 cents. l'oster-Milburn Co., liuttalo. Xew Vork, sole; agents for the United States. ReiiMiinber the nam Doan's and take no other. THIN Decorated Cups and Saucers SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Retail Price as High as 75c Your Choice21 cents ( Bring your Children to see our Dolls and Toys. CHARGES KNECHT'5 i p in doubt about that Christmas pres " ent for the old folks or for those that are not old what is nicer than a Big Rocker? A beautiful Axminister Rug or a Leather Couch? Remember we are giving a BIQ dis count on all these things as well as on every thing in the Furniture line. We also have and must sell a fine lot of carving SetsRogers. 1847 Silver ware and the Holmes and Edwards ware If yon don't buy these things from us both loose money. Also we have a assortment of Nuts, candies and Fr , and the prices are right. Fine cigars in small boxes. Gilbert 8ros. ' First Groceries, Hard war: Stoves, F. 0, Will for watches. treeL. Furnitnre; Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses when you can get the following prices at EASTBURN'S Sl lbs Graaulatad Sugas?: $1.00' IB lbs Cream RMled Oatis, ..1.00 11 lbs Head Rice 1.00 3 lbs Japan Rice 1.00' 13 .ibs Broken Head Rieev':. l.OO 12 los White Beans..... 1.00 121bs Lima Ben n 1.00 10'16 oz pks Raisinns 1.001 Get outr prices before-you buy. W.. A. EASTBURN The Grower. SHINGLES Made in Albany my Pio 1 Edg vJraini s the BEST in the market. Various-rra,des-and prices from $1.25 upwards. Erery bunch branded with my name. Look ibr it. Examine these shingles; before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON We ira no dry Jiitao. A. STASK, M. D PHY8I01AN ANIlStRGEON WILL & STARK BLOCK, ALBANY 1. MAR! MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician Albany Statb Bank Building; Bell- Blaak 482. Home 275'. ' For !c hv Borhi'"-' "i ten A fine lot at our yard at this city, just burned. .I'huiu' Home 25. ALBANY BRICK CO B OITOS1TE THE P. 0. Four chairs. Prompt an KHicient Care of the face nnil huir. B. CRAFT, mis Albany 5AGOAGE A iXl 1 t- X K K KS Call Hell Re-1 8201. Home 233. Wt meet nil tiains. Ail kinds of job work No waiting. CARL TANDKUP, Exprossman Omri :i2 Wi'S "nn St JVI.V1 .242 West Second St. Vn'jt-cUiss meatn all oloil,oil bttlj'ii. 'Real Estate and Insurance kinds from iuv ,) Sl,, reaiiy. Insure iroy I I ort'y niv! transact loans. Large or ,uL. ' ' 5.' Vest irst St. Let us estimate on your work.. We guarantee first-class work at moderate eost. PLUMBING, TINNNINS. AND HEATING. W. E.. FRANCIS Both Phones, All kicjds of Lumber Fench.. Posts, Shingles. CITY LUMBER YARD WILKINS & SON. Thirty-eight years of steady growth i are significant endorsement of the j careful management and courteous ( Home leak Short orders, including Meats, Ralailn, Vegetables, Pies, Oysters in all styles, Hot Tamalies, Sandwiches, Cakes, eto., meals and lunches, neat ami clean. Gonfectionaries and soft drinks at OR. VIRGINU V- LEWEAUX. Osteopathic Physician. 1-3. Breaner Block, Albany. Phones: Office Home 359, Bell 'black--' 27ol, Residence 394 Home, black S63 Bell E LE!NIN DENTIST Cravvaord Block, Albany.- 128 Broadalbin Street, service uf the time-tried Bank. Asseb over oe million dollars FIRST NAT.0NAL MM ; A Siving Account in the name of your boy and girl will teach them a knowledge of business and a habit of saving chat they can acquire in no better way. AFTER HIS COLD RIDE Santa Clans may feel like warming: '.lis liatuls on the kitchen hot watj toiler. Is yours in pood condition.? I'.ettor have lis look over it to wake sure. It wouldn't he very comfortable io have your plumbing break d:vn ou Christmas, would it? MEDIN & STUAPL Interest paid on Savings accounts FiPST SAVINGS BANK Owned and operated by the stockhold ers of the First National Bank. 1 C. B. DAVIS, PIANO TUNER. ! Yearly contracts $5 for two tu .liters. i Leave order's at Davenport's. J'usic Stow. R. B. Mayberryv Baggage and Express Office with' Linn & Benton R. E. (2o, WaKon at office at all times of day.. Phones:' At home, Bell Main 382, Home 74. At office, Bell -black 431, Home 178. -A I'-- ' The Crest Tamalie3, Tamalies. j Trv one of our boneless chicken tarn- I alies. Nona better in the city. Oysters served any style, also light unches. j Both Phones. 3L6 West 2nd Dentist WILL & STARK BLoCK, ALBANY tftt. It. s ttUMT, DENTIST Rooms 6 aad 8, Brennor Hlnck. Bell Black" 248i Palmer's Oairy I THE GOLDtN RULE. i Delivers milk and cream to any part of the. city Prices reasonable. Jersey cows with best of care, . Both Phone- EV Cement Work Estimates given on Plastering, Side walk and Cement Work. ;j. P. TRAVER, 4th & Calapooia Si;. TOM YOUNG Hv Jje and Sifm Painter, 122 Eerry St. Asent for the Cleveland Gelsenite roof paint. Home phone 320. Pacific Red 3092 L. U! dement Contractor. Phone-Red 3081. Res.l20Montgomery St J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery . Is in the New Albany State Bank Build ins, second nW, with a complete' equipment for picture takine of all kinds. CHIN ESK LOCTUK-J. Mon Foo, an 1 experienced compounder of' Chinese j medicines, successor of the late Hong Wo long, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to ail. Theundor signcd recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or w:ite him at No. 110 West Second it-, Albany Or ..i Vinmi.. 6 ALBANY ORiGOhlg Wane's Ycur Paironaffe Telephone Red 671 STCLAS3 v UK Citi1 1' M EEL'