THIS MORNING News from Albany's Six Early C.H. NEWS. IN THE MAIL. Two More Days ol istmas Shopping We will remain opeu evenings, beginning Monday Dec. 20 BATH ROBES. For cither Men or Women. Tan, Green, Grey, Blue and Brown ground. A splendid quality. . Ladies Style, $5.00 each. , Men's Style, $4.00 each. UMBRELLAS. A large variety to choose from. These might suggest justwhat you want. In eithei Men's or Ladies, priced up to $7.50. . SLIPPERS AND MOCCASINS. - For Men, Women and Children. A splendid assortment and a welcome gift. All prices. i TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS. We import our i-ln-of ' in a position to c:-.c n value for the money. All prices. . FURS. Make an excellent gift. We have sold many during the last week and have a splendid assortment yet. Don't you think she would be made happy with a nice set of furs? We have them at prices to suit everybody. FOWNE'S GLOVES. One of the best known gloves on the' i market. We have' them in several grades for either ' Ladies or Gentle men. , - A SPLENDID SHOWING OF SUIT-CASES. Many' new arrivals. One of these would make a tine gift for either man or woman. ' $2.00 to $19.00. GROCERIES. I We have a splendid bargain in Rais ins, targe California Raisins at Sc pound. Other grades up to 25c tb. "Delmonte" Brand Pumpkin and Tomatoes, 15c can. "Delmonte" Brand Peaches and Ap ricots, 25c can. This is a splendid California product. SEE OUR BEA UTTFUL CHRISTMAS DISPLAY Full of new ideas, coming surprises happy hits, novel and desirable features. You can not fi id a b attar nlade to get just the right thing for every one. "We offer a splendid of iiigh-grada gooJs at fairest prices. Burkhart & Lee. . If so, call and see me about it, as I have just what you want. No. 1. Nice new house and lot, 5 rooms. 'Well located. Price $2300.00. No. 2. Good 7 room house, modern, bath, and furnace heat. Situated close in. A snap if taken soon. Price $2700.00. A ' cautiful vacant lot at a No. 3. bargain. No. 4. Albany. NO. 5. West A fine line of noveltses arriving for the holidays. Up-to-date goods. Choice cut glass Good 7 room house, Price $1800.00. Good payincr business, will take SUUU.UU investment. No. 6. Good 7 room house, barn chicken houses, lots of fruit. I'i acres ot land, also blacksmith shop (JUxdU) on the place which rents for $8.00 per month. fossessidn eiven immediate ly if taken soon. Can be got at a bar gain. I have bargains in farms of all de scriptions, if you wish to buy call and see me betore doing so and if you wish to sell list your property for sale with the old and reliable Real Estate dealer. J, V. PIPE. 203 W. 2nd St. - - Albany, Oregon F. G. WILL, THE JEWELER. CARPET CLEANING, At reduced rates for the months of December and January. Call jip for, estimates on eitner rnones. - L. H. JACKS. The "OLD RELIABLE" II Hill II IN I! IK Inc. , A full line of choice nursery stock. Order now for Spring delivery. Fhne Red 87 1. . Office 312 W. Second St. 5. F. PE1HCE. 'Manager. Walter Parker ' Grocer and Baker Z16 WEST FIB8T 8TK1ETAXBAH Y OEEQON, First class goods in their season. Phone Main 56. ' Albany Supply Company ' WEOIffiLE DEiLfiRS In fruits, vegetable's, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones. Msin 5 Bell, 3 Home. G.E.METZGUS & SON, Sanitary Plumbers and Sheet Meial WorKcrs. Our patrons are assured of strictly first-class work, prompt service ant reasonable prices. Eave-trough, conductors, roofing and general jobbi; g. Specifications firrn shed. Estimates cheerfully given. Try us." 201 E First St. Both Phone Trains. Miss Mvrtle Pease, of the Bovs and Girls Aid Society, left for Salem, after spending several days in Albany in tne interest of the Society. She requested the Democrat to extend her thanks to Albany people for contri butions for the noma, and will UDore- ciate further subscriptions after the rusn oc tno noliaavs. ' Ben Clelen. who always meets the 4:18 train has had to carry one of the routes himself for two days. He wants a boy right away. Father Lane went to Portland on h short business trip. During the past month in Just short trips he has trav elled nine hundred miles. H. W. Stone, of Corvallis. went to Salem with another car load of dried prunes. Mrs. Guy Thompson went to Portland on a visit with her siattr. W. . . Jeffries, one of the oldest drummers along the line, left tor points norm. 4 25c to Portland. The Home Telephone Co. makes the change to a 25 cent rate to encourage a large volume of business, and to meet a demand for such a rate that will get results. An automatic equipment is to be in stalled at once on the Albany switch-, board, that will enable the lojar oper ator to get your Portland party without calling a Portland .operator, thus obviating the occasional and annoying delays. Deeds recorded: I. M. Thompson to J. T. McMas- ter, 2 acres $ 10 S. M. Thompson to Pearl Davis, 1.5 acres 10 Mary K. Brown to Inez Ring, 50 acres...; " 800 F. S. Gutzman to Luther Catron & wf, 50.09 acres 2300 "Receipt of S600 leeacv by Richard Rader, from estate of Margaret Rader 7 mortgages. ' Demurrer filed by J. K. Weatherrord in the divorce case of Willoughby agt. Willoughly. Inventory filed in estate of G. W. Vernon. , Value of estate (400. Marriage licenses: H. T. Bruce, aged 50, Portland, and Laura M. Jesse, 39, uf Halsey; J. W. Hirons, la, Shelburn, and Freda Dart, 21, Scio; Geo. A. Sandner, 21, and Nellie L. Dart, 18. both of Scio; William J. Dart, aged 21, and Vera Hoverholta, 18, Scio. New Officers, , St. Johns Lodge, No. 17, A. F. & A. M; C. C. Bryant, W. M.: G. E San ders Sr. War.: Walter R. Bilyeu. Jr. War.; E.D. Cusick, treas. E. Wash- hum, see.; David Keller Sr. D.; E. C. 1 Brandeberry Jr. D.; S. S. Gilbert, Sr. S.; T. P. Stevens. Jr. S ;-W. E. Baker, tvler, C. B. Winn, trustee. "Mcpherson Post, G. A. R.: Thou. Glaze, commander, Wm. H. Hiatr, sen. i vice commander; J. M Minnatd, jr. vice commander; Wm. Meyer surgeon; N. C. W. Risley officer of the day, C. M. Westbrook officer of the guard; E.! Washburn, quartermaster, J. C. Elliot, . patriotic instructor. i A couple clippings, sent anonymously.' One on the gabblo about Ingersoll, from' the Ortgonian. pronouncing the stories of his recantation as Christian lies, and' the other about Worcester, Mass., re versing itself changing from' dry to1 wet.'. Nothing new about either, and , how well they go together, infidelity Ianu wnisney, companions. . A prospectus from Scribner's, with , the Roosevelt articles tne most con spicuous Scribner this month will tell about Roosevelt's first . hippo, how Kermit got his first leopard and the pets at the Juja farm. These days it is interesting to watch how the big magazines hustle for specialties that shall startle the world and make the public take notice. The Daily F.xaminer with a striking article by Garrett Servais telling how the sun is a gunner, and shoots out great projectiles of electric storm?, etc. Occasionally we got hit, causing strik ing changes. But there is lots those astronomers don't know. For a School Levy. The voters of Albany should attend the school meeting at the central build ing at 7:30 o'clock tonight, held for the purpose of voting a levy for the running of' the Bchools ot the city the coming year. This is an important thing and calls for a large attendance. Down From tlectron. Mr. Chas. A. Sears, superintendent , of the big power plant at Electron. Wash., arrived this neon on a short Al bany vi3it with his folks. He reports the Albany people at Electron happy and contentel. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson like it there. George Sears is to be married to Miss Potthoff, a fine young lady residing in a neighboring town, on the 31st, when Mr. and Mrs.. C. W. Sears of this city will be present. A Palmist In Town. Opposite the Russ House. Any thing you want to know she will tell you. . Will remain only a snort limb. J Boy Wanted. i Holt Again for your meats of atl i kiuds, and the Metropolitan Market' next door for the latest and best in , fruits and vegetables The barbershops of the city 'will be open Friday night until 9 o'clock, and Christmas .until 12 oclock noon, only. - Get Your Fish at Pfeiffers. The place, 229 West Second street. Everything in the . fish line, neat and clean, at a reasonable price. GILLETTE RAZORS-We are show ing a fine line of safety razors. The Dest monev can ouy. ine uniette (5.00, (6.00, $6.50. Try one. Burkhart & Lee. Boost Albany Liun County, Ore., r-y buying "AIco Chocolates.'1 Put up in especially designed half pound and two pound boxes. Elite Chocolate Shop. An Elegant $10.00 PACKAGE OF , Chocolates Will Be Given Away Xmas Day at the ELITE Chocolate .Shop If you are going to travel get tnelp "t Will ffkf WITrhPl American Bankers Association Trav-I1 J " III 1U1 YVaiWIIfcO ellers checque, in (10.00, (20.00 or (50.00 denominations, payable at ten thousand banks, or ut any hotel or railroad office. For Bale by J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. im SHOE SALE I will sell my stock of Boots and Shoes exclusively at cost p'rice(. Sale beginning Dec. 15 and ending January 1st. C. H PROCHNOW I At once to carry the Orogonian. Easy rout, good pay. See Ben Clelan. CHRISTMAS PERFUME - One of the daintest presents a young lady is a fancy paokage of nice ptrfumes. We ' are showing a fine line. 25c to (5.00. Burkhart & Lee. Fortmiller Furniture Co Sell a duster guaranteed for one year for JO'c. 1st. You get a duster that will out wear a duster of any other material costing five times the price. 2nd. It will not scratch the finest furniture as other dusters do. 3rd. You can push it into corners, shelves and crevices where other Dusters would be destroyed. Try .one. We have a long line to select from in furniture. When making presents don't forget there is nothing more useful and acceptable than a good piece of furniture. Chairs and Rock ers in Leather, Oak and Mahogany, Ladies Desks, Book Case-. Iron beds of the latest designs,, and Dressers i:i all the latest styles and finishes. Rugs or an sizes, in lacx, you can acicci m frescnt for any metnbef tH tS funlSf- nerc, anu me prices win us nsaa the lowest possible. FORTMILLER F.URNITURE CO. WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 113 BR0ADALBIN STREET. USEFUL GIFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. DON'T for the sake of being over-nice buy useless things for the Holidays. The things that don't "show up'" well a week after you have given them. 'BUY ARTICLES of Service and Utility -for with them alone do you do an act of good grace, and only by them are YOU gratefully remembered. BUY GIFTS FOR MEN at an all men', store, 'See what wo offer. . Then it is easy to select WE NEVER DISAPPOINT D. B. ADAMS, VACUUM CARPET SWEEPER, xgtntlur (he ONWARD LlLlG H.E. ri-n he Blain Clothing Co Allxtny - - Oregon