Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 24, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Eriilor Democrat: It is amusing to
read the' 'different opinions about the
location for1 'a' city hall. One would
wedged 'alongside other buildings in
the congested business district, shut
off from light and air, and another
would have it located almost out in
the suburbs. Wonder nobody had. as
yet suggested Hackleman's grove and
Gollra Park, sightly locations, sure.
I'or several -reasons tne city hall must
be located close to the business dis
trict. The principal reason for this is
that the building is to house the lire
department. The council chamber, city
'Ollficcs and a commodious city hall,
meeting and banquet room for the
.firemen, etc., would be located in the
building, and all this necessitates a
close-in location.
A quarter block is all that is needed
for the purpose. A whole block or
even half a block close in would be
hard to find and would cause a big
outlay of money, as the time lias
passed, and I hope never to return
when such property can be bought for
a song. VVhy have a lot of vacant
ground surround the city hall, and
who would keep it .up? A lawn cer
tainly would be a nice thing if well
kept, but who is there to do it? Un
sightly weefls would cover the vacant
grounds. 1 he sum of 40,(XHJ, graft
ing omitted, will be sufficient to erect
a commodious and handsome building,
one that will be a credit and ornament
to the city for. many years to come.
Let it be a plain, down to date build
ing, neat in appearance find of sub
stantial construction with walls capa
ble of carrying a third story in lime
to conic. Perhaps it would be better
to drop the matter and let the city
council seiect the site, which should be
a prominent one, located in a nlcasant,
'close in district. Lyon street, the
main thoroughfare to the depot, would
he a proper location.
P. S. I have no site for a city ball
lor sale, nence no axe to grind.
C P.
"The Governor has appointed a
country life cominis.sioii, whose busi
ness' il will be lo look afler the in
terests of the fanner, and as much as
possible suggest ways that will, make
country life a pleasanter one to live,
so that the boys and girls will be more
'contented at home. This is a splendid
Jiiovc, and one that should be enlarged
upon and made of practical benefit,
not merely a matter pf sentiment.
It is certainly needed.
jii 1.11111 iuMiiiiy, 11,1 jiiai.iin. tut;
school census just reported shows a
decrease in a majority of the districts
outside of the cities, some of a strik
ing character. There are less children'
between the ages of 4 and 20 in Linn
county, outside of Albany, Lebanon,
ltrownsville, I Iarrisburg, llalscy and
Shcdd than '-there was a year ago, a
fact that r ' tor attention. It is the
same in si .-:.j mother counties. The
increase- has been in the cities. All
over the United States there arc re
ports like this. The city population
has increased greatly, the percentage
being, more than double wha it was
.. r II........ , i. ......
UIMJ' .1 J.ll .IS". ,,,.111.,.
country life commissions have a place
of importance, and they should be
made to count for something, and not
merely be a thin.'r to talk about.
yr- Cook built his own grave.
Good holiday weather, don't it.
Stores packed with gift buyers.
Well, Veaiy knew what he was talk-1
ing about. j
Oregon is to be tho center of great
rnilwuy activity.
Tho wots are going to rctorm Walla
Walla. What rot.
When a city goes wet tho Oregonian
uses tho biggest head it has, and would
have red paint too if it bad any.
Tho Corvallis Gazette-Times says the
, Oregonian is perverse and willful in its
. attitude toward the liquor business.
The Democrat started out as a friend
of Dr. Cook, but now it looks mightily
us if Hie Dr. hud given the people n
hoax, and we might as well take the
' Chiis. Edward Russell in Success just
received says ttie press of tho country is
the slave of business, and dares do
nothing ex-'ept at the dictate of the
deniirlinent store ami business interests
Kcnernily, that even the president's
cabinets "and the federal judgeships are
controlled by Business.
Even Portland's booster literature
seuL east nutt-i mist iiiiv l iiiii); miutit titt-
intniense number of saloons in the city.
If they are such a trade getter and
booster for a citv why doesn t Portland
do more bragging nlv.uit them. The
truth is they are a mighty poor adver
tisement for any city, and tne commer
cial clubs know it.
, l 1.:...- ..I ,
Fcdticcd Rates.
Tho Piicilic'Telephone ''.Telegraph Co.
has reduced the nite for conversations
t Portland to a minute. A change
which is always appreciated.
"Dr. Thomas' Kloctru; til is ill",
best remedy for that often fatal dis
ease croup. H,is been used with sut
csj in our f.ihnly Xjic, -eight years."
Pound in a Barn, Half Starved,
With a Frozen Foot
Constable' Green, of Lebanon, las',
evening brought a stranger down an';
placed him in St. Mary's Hospital, un
der direction ol County Judge Duncan.
He was certainly In a bad shape, af tei
a very .rough ' experience. The man.
known as a hobo, was found in the bain
on the John Grishman place, where he
had Been three or tour days, witnoui
food, and with very poor protection.
One of his feet was frozen trom thi
cold nights, and his condition was said
to be serious.
The countv in the interest of human
ity, will see that he is taken care of
ana looked alter the same as it a mil
lionaire. instead of a common wanderer
irom place to place, poor business these
cold December days.
D. R. Stewart was reelected mayor
of Prineville by vote.
Henry Connor is in the hospital at
Portland with a broken ankle.
Geo. D. Widener. of Philadelphia yes
terday gave his wife a $750, 0UO neck
luce, ' Tho revolutionists under Estrada yes
terday completely whipped the Zelaya
Dr. Cook has made $100,000 anyway,
a small recompense for a guilly con
science. A prominent Eugene wcading as
Judge C. A. wintermier and Mrs.
Kathorine Hawk.
Ashland went dry yesterday by 408
majority, an immens' one for a city
witn less, uian i.uou voles. a
Portland's annua', poultry show is be
ing held this week. Il is eal ed a state
show, but is only one in
Stay ton is stirred up. It heard that
Scio was trying to get a bridge of Bteel
across the river at Shelburn instead of
at Stayton. ' '
RoSeburg will do some more paving
this yeai, under the same old .system,
the propertv owner paying half, the
city tho other , hilt, issuing bonds.
$:jb,00n whs issued on the first contract.
The next, win ne lor $40,000.
The E. A.-.I. H. and Albert Weddle
have bought W. H. Cooper's general
merchandise store at Sweet Homa and
will continup the business under the
firm name of Weddle Bros. They in
tend to carry a suven or eight thousand
dollar stock of goods.
At the Hotels.
B. S. Martin, Brownsville
J. M. Stewart, F. E. Stewart, Leba
non H. P. Moycr, Brownsville
L. 3 Dike, Gates v
I. U. L-wi, i-ortland
I, . A. "lilier. McMinnville
Isa "'aylor, Wntorville
J. I' "ay. Mi'l City
G. L jrny, Newport
Dr. v . H. Booth, Lebanon ,
Ilom u B. CoburnJr.. Portland
H. W. Bra's, Salem
A. C Stock, Tonapah
Rose Sundner, Scio
V. IL Bilyeu, Portland
Free Exhibition.
Mr. Terry, of Terry & Shultz, rope
experts, will give a free exhibition of
scientific rope-twirling tomorrow night
in front of the Empire Theater at 7:30
shaip. 1
Terry & Shultz will ' appear three
nights nt the Empire in tho The Cow-
boy and the Lady. The usual program
of moving pictures and illustrated songs
all for the same old price, 10 cts.
11 , a t t a xi , a t t a me c i o c nnn
! WAl.I.A W.M.I.A. Wash., Dec. 3. ,
! Goods valued at ?U5.000 went up i i
j smoke at the Motter-Whceler depart -
I hh-iii store this morning just as the
(clerks were arriving to open up a large j
: "expansion sale." The lire quickly i
i gutted the building, except one bank I
i of shelves, ami water completed the
damage. Tonight 40 employes arc out
1 of work. While the lire department
, was suppressing the names a number
lot (he clerks stood amid the wreckage
weeping. The insurance on the stock
I is estimated ai ,wuu ami messages
I have been sent for agents to conic and
i adjust the Inss. Tomoirow morning
men will separate the damaged goods.
i "1 have been here .7 years," said
Manager W. 1'. Hooper, "and this is
my first tire. 1 have seen many tires
; but this it the w-orst 1 have ever saw.
1 One thing that has been gratitytng is
' the kindness of my competitors."
1 The tire started from an oil stove j
the "ad" department in a balcony ,
over the mam uoor, and successive
n plosions ot gas are given as the
ause of the spread.
Holiday Excursion Rates.
Christmas and Nev Years Rourd
Trip tickets on S. P. lines wi'l be sold
'as follows: Dec. 2-llh and -M. Dee.
,31st and January uf, all limited to re
turn not later than Januar. 3rd. ut rate
of fare and a third for the round trip.
I M.. nr.... .......... n .;nL...... V..
round trips oM whero tho one way fare
is S10.00 or over.
, or loss than .Jo cius.
For furthet
' address,
u. IV
Montiroi ery, Agent.
- j!Sl 4 "V .' -."'-, X :x .
Timber contract E. C. and D. L.
Turnidge, to R. U. Lewis, all saw, pil
ing and tie timber on 160 acres within
2 years and 4 yeavs, at $1.50 per thous
and feet. Total $2,0J0.
Notice of claims of S. P. holidays by
John Wa erous and ,53 others, by H.
W. Millers of Portland, with tender of
$2 50 per acre, the property being in 9,
10 and 11, 2 and 3 East.
Probate? Final account approved in
estate of S. T- Crooks.
Seventh account approved in estate of
a. tsoemcke.
"Deeds recordsd: .
Lvdia Vodtli to S. W. Potterson,-
118.64 acres $3560
S. W. Patterson to U. M. Geisen- '
dorfcr and wife, same 3560
Robert Jones to John W. Davis,
89.60 acres 5376
R. H. Liggett to I. J. E3tes, 160
acres 10
H. L. Schnackenberg to G. W.
Rockwell, 45 acres 2500
Curtis Lumber Co. to School Dist.
129. block Mill City 1
Ida E. Rose to M. C. Carolin.
67.51 acres 10
C. H. Paxson to Lewis Kegelsber-
' ger, 10 acres 1
Final account approved in estate of
biKabeth Whitehead.
Sale of realty in estate of Nora Trout
man confirmed.
Demurrers in Cooper agt, Althouse
ana Poland agt. Cox.
7 mortgages, 3 releases.
Deeds recorded: '
Claus Sehoel to Henry Schoel
24.05 nores.. -. f 10
A. W. Marks- to Eva B odeett tot
Lebanon .... 200
L. L. Swan to C. W. Sears 50 bv
67 feet hi 50 Albany 10
W. E. Lawrence to L. J. Morris-
78 by 1291 feet Lebanon . . 450
Jas. Ramsey to C. J. Frohch 2
lots Lebanon- 6000
Jos. V; Smith to Ed Kellenberg
er 160 aorts 1200
Kliss. Turnridge to Jtosper D. Turn
ridge 40 acres ..,- 1
Rilev W. Swank to- S: D. Turn- .
ridge 200: acres. .. . . -10
J R. Keebler to Sarah M. Stew
ard 2 lots Lebanon- 1205
J. J. Barnes to Melcbain Muhly &
wife 11 acres. . .. " 450
A. S. Graham to E. (S. Marrason
5 lots Lebanon . 10
W. A. Howell to Dist. 541 acre. I
M. Mehlv to H. C. Miller 13.05-
acres : 620
The Pesky Coyotes.
The E. A. D. C. Bellinger called: at
this office yesterday and. requested us
to announce that there- would be a,
meeting at Berlin next Monday at 10-a.
m. for the purpose of organizing a coy
ote club. Mr. Bellinger stated that
coyotes were killing more sheep and'
goats this winter than usual. His idea,
is to form a club and each, member pay.
25 or 50 cents for each coyote killled;
a-oertain part of the amount to go- to
the man who kills the animal and the
balance to the owner of the dogs that
do the chasing. With 100 members the
amount each would pay would be small,,
still the reward would be sufficient, to
induce men to hunt the animals and aid.
in their extermination.
Have Y01I Noticed i
1 ' .
What a line stock of all kinds of jew
elry F. G. Will has fos- the holiday
tradH nothing better in-the Willamette
galley: v
I Watch' 8, from those that will suit a
boy or gin, to the highest grade makes,
in latest designs, for ladies and msn.
! Diamonds, in rings, cuff links, stick
' pins, lockets, earrings, brooches, etc.,
la choice line.
Many novelties in silverware, little
and bitr. al w n vs acceptable.
Some beautiful: hand paintedgoods.
A large line of eat glass, in small
and large pieces,, from- a dollar or two
UP- . , ,. ,a
And many other things. Call and sea
11 em whether you buy or 'not.
Reduced lates in Eifect
Tickets will bo sold on the certificate
' plun at reduad rates to meetings noted
below. Full fare going, one third fare
, returning, provided htty or more nave
attended tn meeting
. Oregon Retail Hardware and Imple-
ment I'ealers Association, rorua..a.
Jan. 18th and 19th.
Annual Assembly Church of God.
Portland Cec. 24th to January 2nd.
Apply Union depot for full inform
, a w T
Lower Rates by Home Co.
! Effective Dec. 21st the Long Distnnre
' rate to Portland over the Home Tele
phone Co. line will be 25c for first
, minute nnct five cents for each addi-
: tional 30 seconds.
select a nice framed picture. We have
a nice line to select from. Prices are
away down. Burkhart & Lee
"Alco Chocolate., '
a new and delic-
iou chn.-olate, put
up in epe?tnl v
JS31? PJf Xra EOJ"-
j Heavy, impure blood makes a mud
' dy. pimply complexion, headaches.
nausea. indigestion. Thin blood
. makes you weak. pale, sickly. Bur
dock lliiiod Hitters makes the blood
rich, red. pure restores perfect health
Big Advertising Campaign to
Make Oregon Famous.
An advertising campaign that will
reach no less than 27,428,750 readers of
newspapers throughout the country has
been planned by the Portland Commer
Club and will be opened up in January
and run for three months.
Oregon Danits snow a remarkably
healthy condition according to the re
port of State Bank Examiner Steele
Assets- and liabilities of the private
and national banks of the state at the
close of business on November 1(1 are
compared with the same statistics on
November 27, 1808, much to tho disad
vantage of the earlier date. An in
crease of 21 per cent in loans and dis
counts and individual deptsits is shown
ior tne current year.
Everyone in Portland seems to be
planting roses and to a greater or less
extent the same is probably true of
other cities of the state wheae the rose
attains perfection.- Never before has
there been such prevalent idea of beau
tifying cities as now.
The State Railroad Commission in its
third annual report just issued shows
35 miles of the Descliute Railroad has
been graded and that it is expected to
have 90 miles of the new line in opera
tion by next July. James J. Hill, who
was in Portland during the past week,
gives assurance that the Oregon Trunk
will be in operation by next tall.
IM i TIAllIf from their typhoid fever infected sup
INAIiOxNS.jplies- '
New York, Dec. 22. Four assassin
ations of public men occurred -in the
far east. The British minister was
murdered at Bombay; at Stv- Peters
burg Col, Karpoff chief of the secret
service, was killed by a bomb; the
Prime Minister of the Corean Cabinet
was stabbed to death and the Rcumania1
Prime Minister was killed by an an
archist ,
Got 6 Years
CINCINNATI, Dec. 22. Warner was
deposed as treasurer of he Big Four
and sentenced to six years in prison.
Cook's Records.
Fairbanks, Alaska, Dec. 22. TRe
Mount McKintey party starts to ex
plore Cook's records today.
A Big Victory.
NlciutAUGA, Dec. 2?. Estrada" womar
great victory . and defeated Zelaya'Si
troops at Kama: (Japtured 2oU0 so!i
The Weather.
Raujce of temperature 42-17. With-1
out a breeze it didn't seem that cold.
-i - j e e, .. 1
liiv river uuwii tu u.a iiret.
Prediction: fair tonight and Thursday..
The Albany Optical Co. are dome 1
business six days in the week at their
office at 22& Broadalbin St Why wait j
tor a traveling optician, vvny nor pat-1
roniae home industry. Ail work guaa-'
ant ted. I
does seem that woirten have morfr .
than a fair share of the aches and
pains that afflict humanity; they must'
"keep up," must attend to duties, ha
spite ot constantly achmg backs,, or
headaches,, dizzy spells, bearing-down
pains; they must. stoop over, when, to.
stoop means torture. 1 licy must walK ;
and bend and work with racking pa.ins '
and many aches from kidney ills. Kid- 1
nevs cause more suttcrme tnan any .
other organ of the body. Keep the
kidneys well and health is easily main-1
laiiied. Read of a remedy for kidneys ,
only that helps and, cures the kidneys ;
anil is endorsed ny people you Know. .
Mrs. M. Custer, of 138 W. Ninth
St., Albany, Ore, says: "I have had t
no occasion to use Doaivs Kidney i
Pills lor nearly three years and think '
that fact alone is proof of their value, i
Al the time I procured this remedy at
l-'oshay & Mason's drug store 1 was !
suffering from an acute attack of kitl- J
ncy complaint, the result of a cold that i
had settled in my kidneys. I was so j
weak and tame that I could scarcely
move from one place to another and
the kidney secretions were1 too fre
quent. I used Doan's Kidney Pills
until cared, and in Marciu 1903, I (told
of my experience ill our local papers.
Now that the cure has proved perma
nent I am firmly convinced of the val
ue of Doan's Kidney Iills."
For sale by .all dealers. Trice '50
cents. Foster-Milhurn Co.. BuffAlo.
New York, sole agents ftir the Uuitcd
Remember the name Doan's and
take nfV other.
FOR SALE. Id-horse power Slick
ncy gasoline engine in first-class
running order with Apple Dynamo
Sparking attachment, large enough
to run a threshing machine, of hay
baler or wood saw. economical
enough to run your cream separator
or pump. . Double Burr Grinder
cavcity of 60 to SO bit. per hour
coes with engine at $500, Box 21
i Prowusvillc, Oregon. 1
GiV'i the other fellow gives to you.
Peary thinku he has Cook, by the
Leopold left' $3,000,000 and a bad
About the busiest ylace la town Is
in the P. O.
Good evening, have yoo een Haley
comet. Tbe;Democrat's guesj is -Nit.
If a woman thinks she isn't dressed
as well as her neighbors there ismiaery
around the house.
One who tries to make a showing
according to the creator wealth of
j some one else is bonnd to be in a pickle
oi trouDte.
Haley's comet will keep in its skid- j
doo until it gets within 23.000.000 miles
of Albany, about next May. Don't get
impatient, .
; Los Angeles will give $50,000 in prizes
: Mr a great aviator contest. For dis
asters it will probably beat a prize fight
or foot ball game.' j
Some people .think the climate s
changing here; but the probability is
that it w'tl remain substantially the
sanrs-on the average.
Permanently clean water for a city is
I a great? problem, as is evidenced by the
: trouble Salem und Eugene have had
The Eagene Register says the f atJh
ers ought to- be happy in having the
dough to put up for others. Correct,. ;
but the trouble is that some of them
have to put up whether they have it oir
not,-just f nr. the' sake of appearances;.
A Western Or. man recently -saw t
bull fight in Mexico, and wrote home : j
"It is the most cruelly inhuman sport
imaginable. After thuee balls had been
slaughtered, one horso gored to death,
several matadors injui-etfin the arena,
1. 1. ad seen enough and: left; but the
game still went on "
Corvallis Gazette-Times:: Albany may
(.In... nk.'.i;n nnA A.,1, ,w.rl ttf aha
ig ha,dy mode9t. The streets are lined
with bare limbs and the-Democrat talks
of seeing the comet with the naked eye.
Cutting out near beer after-it's found
to be no gdod isn't sufficient .occasion
for putting on airs.
King Leopold' is dead and lots of fuss
is being made over the dead monster
for that is what he wass JSven rich
kings have biggerr funerals than poor
ones. His kingdom was about as big
as an Eastern Oregon sheep ranch, but
he ran a big section -of Africa with a
high hand and a bloody trailt .
The Drain Nonpareil say it will de
feat the Nes'miih county hill or die in
the attempt. Drain will, oppose it
tooth and nail. RoSeburg doesn't want
it, nor Oakland, nor Elkton, nor Gard
ner, and why should Cottage Grove try
to run it down our throats, asks the
A meeting ai. the stockholders of the
Albany Creamery, Association will be
held at the Creamery in AUoany on
Tuesday, Jan. 13th, 1510, at 1 p. m.,
for the purpose, of electing, five direc
tors and to transact such other busi
ness as may come before the meet
ing. C. L. SHAW, , '
In the Circuit Court, of tlis State of
Oregon for the. County of. Linn.
Elva O'Dtell, plaintiff, vs. Joshua
L. O'Dcll, (IcfendanU.
To Joshua O'Dcll, the above named
In the name of the. State, of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answeir the. complaint. of the above,
named plaintiff in the. above entitled
court now on file: with the clerk of
said court on or before the 17tll day
of February, i910. and you are hereby
notified it. you fail; to appear and an
swer the complaint, as herein required;
that tht plaintiff will apply to the
court for. the rdiaf. demanded in tint
complaint! to-wift for the dissolution
of the bonds of matrimony, now ex.
isting between phintiff and defendant
and for the costs ani3 disbursements
to be ctxed..
This summtns is served by publica
tion by- the order of the Hon. Win.
Galloway made on the 20th day of
December. 1509, directing that the said
sununons be; served by publication, and
that the. same, he published in the
Albany Democrat for six consecutive
weeks, the first publication therof to
be- made on the 31st day of Decem
ber. 1909;. ami (t,e last publication to
he mailt on the I lth day of Kcbruary.
Dated this the 20th day of Decem
ber. KM9.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
N'Otice is hereby given that the un
dersigned the executor of the last will
and testament of Elizabeth Whitehead,
deceased, has tiled his final account
with the clerk of the County Court for
Linn Countv, Oregon, ami the court
has- fixed the 7th. day of February,
j 1910. at the hour of 1 o'clock p, m.
ior the he.-wing of 'objection to said
account, if any, and for the settlement
! of said estate.
. Dated this the 20th dav of Decem
ber, 1909.
J. K. WEATHERFORD. Executor.
Atty, for Er,
i MeacAam, Dec 20. The extra West
bound freight on tho 0. R. N. slipped
a vacum at 10 o'c'ock this morning
while the engine Was coaling, the crew
assisting, an.', run away from .the
summit at 70 miles an hour. Attached
were twenty construction carB with 65
Greeks aboard and the caboose con
tained 15 stockmen who were shipping
10 cars of stock to Portland. A car of
lumber broke away, which slackened'
the speed, taen the construction and
bunk cars heaped up and stopoed the
stock cars trailing behind. Miraculously
no one was injured.
Washington, Dee. 20. -Out of the
receipts of the public land sales Oregon
last year received has received $888,043,
a credin to the state on the reclamation
fund at 41,144 for the schools.
Salem, Dec. 20. - Diplomas from the
Seattle exposition were received for
fruits in iars. nrunes. ehinook salmon.
shelfish and manufactured woolen goods.-
Copenagen, Dec. 21. The Univers
ity of Copenhagen today rejected Dr.
Cooks claim to having discovered the
north pole.
Salem, Dec. 21 The Supreme Court
holds the act of the legislature creating
additional judges for the supreme court
is constitutional, and that the five jus
tices are legally on the bench.
Hiiatboro, Dec. 21. Roseclair was
found guilty of murder in the first de
gree. The jury was out one houv.
Grange Election.
Officers electpd by Fairmount Gi-jage"
No. 252 P. of H. for the year 1910 aei
Master, Sn Bustard.
Overseer, Mr. Maymire.
Lecturer, Mrs. Bussard. ,
Steward. Will Phillips.
Assistaut Steward, T. J. Risley.
Ch&plain, Mrs. Rieley.
Treasurer, A', A. Hawley.
Secretary, Mrs, E. i. Phillips.
Gate keeper, W. B. Shannon.
Ceres, Mrs. Waymire
Pomona, Mrs. Weavr.
Flora, Mrs. B-.M. Shannon.
L. A. S, Mrs. Charles Berry.
A tine line of fruits, vegetables, nstv
canned goods, etc.. always on band at
the Metropolitan Market, Btoadalbin
street. Only the best is kept.
Notice is hereby given that the un
iK:rsigned administrator of the estate
af. Deborah Ann Davis, deceased, has
fifed with the clerk, of the County
Court for Linn County, Oregon, his
final account in the: above- entitled
estate, and the court has fixed.' the 17th
day-cf January, 1910, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m. for tha: hearing: of ob
jections to said account and the settle
ment of said estate. .
Dated this the 2nd' day of Decem
ber;. 1909..
iNfbticie is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of Jonas Daws, deceased', has filed
witfi the'clerk of the County Court for
Lihir Count', Oregon, his final ac
count! in the above entitled' estate, and
the- court has fixed the 17th day of
January, 1910, at the hour of 10" o'clock
a. m. for the hearing of objections to
said' account and the- settlement of
said' estate. ' '
Datvrf this the 2nd"day of Decem
ber; 1909.
Practical work, lectures and demon
strations will be giv&n in such vital
subjects as General, Farming, Fruit
Cirriure, Animal Husbandry, Dairying,
Poultry-keeping, ithe. Business Side of
Farming, Forestry, Carpentr-f'Blac'k-smithing,
Mechanical! Drawing, Cook
ing; Sewing, Dress Making1, Home
Management, etc.
All regular courses- begin January
4th and end Febrmry llth. Farmers'
Week February 14h to 18th..
A cordial invitation is extended to
all interested.
Good accommodations may be se
cured at reasonable- rates. No age
limit above 16 years. Me. entrance re
quirements. Prominent lecturers have
been secured for special topics. The
instructional forca of the College num
bers 100. Excellent equipment.
A special feature is the Farmers''
Week which comes this year Feb. 14th,
to ISth. Lectures, discussions, and ai
general reunion.
For further information address
Registrar, Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, Corvallis, Oregon.
Notive is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of tiic-estatc
of. S. T. Crooks, deceased, has filed
her final account in said estate Trith
the County Clerk of Linn County,
Oregon, and the County Judge lias
set the 20th day of December, 19U9.
at the bout of 10 o'clock a. m." and the
County court room of said County as
the time and place for hearing objec
tions to said final account and the set
tlement thereof.
L. L. SWAN, Admr.
Attorney for Admrx-
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Vetcli Growers Union
will be held on Tuesday. Jan. -it'::.
1910 at 1 o'clock p. m. in Tangent i,c
the election of five directors to serve
one year ead to amend by-laws. And
any other business which may come
before the meeting. By order eg the.
Board of Directors.
W. E. PARKER. Pres.
I E. JEXKS, Sec,,.