The CHRISTMAS' 8 Not time enough to make your gifts so a ready-to-give article is the nec essary thing Our splendid assortment of these excellent gift articles gives you a large selection. Dainty and inexpensive gifts if useful are always appreciated. We show in Handkerchiefs a beautiful line.' Thtf daintiest of designs and fabrics from the cheapest to the more expensive hand made ones. They Bell from Be. to $4.00. ' " Jewelry in the latest effects, and boxes, ribbon, cards, everthing to fix your present ready to send. I '' ' -I THE L. E. & H. J, Hamilton DOU you want a bargain in a nice Diamond Ring, brouch or ear rings for Christmas? I ren ch, the Jeweler. We have so me special bargains in sterling silver toilet sets, a beautiful and appropriate present for a lady. French, the Jeweler Don't forget our line of 1847 Roger Bros., also Reed & Barton silver knives, forks and spoons. They are the finest grade uiade and very appropi iate for Christmas. French, the Jeweler. F. M. French, the Jeweler. antured i tua pu Ltttut), AlDuuy, O a secoo 1 ernes mail matter. FP NUTTING The Democrat. , The Dally Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, j4.0?. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $3.50. The Weekly Advance peryear$1.26. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at $2 OUR WANTS WANTED. Farm home for horse where he can work enough to pay for his keep. R A. Easton, Albany. LOST. Back comb, set wltn brilliants on R. K. track between 7th and Jefferson. Return to Domocrat FOR RENT. Twj furnisoed house keeping rooms. Call 60(3 Jackson and Wutor streets. 17t FOR RENT Suit housekeeping rooms in Wright block. Apply to G. W. Wright. JUST PLATl'FD. -Fourteen 10, acre tracts-3 miles out. Sold on install ment plan. Fino soil for berries, garden truck and fruit trees. Buy a Tremont tract of tho ownor. Owen Beam, Room i Stark Bldg, Albu.y, Ore. FOR SAI'E.-A man's bicycle, in good repair. Call at Viereck's barber shop. FOR RENT. Some fino rooms for or housekeeping. See W. C. Burkhurl. WOOD SAWING.-By N.v W. Webb, BUCCC83UI to Ben Rozelle. Red 1981 Bell. FOR SALE. -3 homestead relinquish ment on Silotz, all joining each other. Iiuuiro box 84, Albany. About 4,UU0,0U0 feet on each. 12t GLASS.-All sizes and kinds, for sale1 lit tho Aibany Pinning Mill, cheaper! tlirm nywhere flso in Albany. Skill-1 ly set. if desired. i LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE. With ! mo for prompt rulurns. 1 have many . reuucKltt for city and farm property, in liu'uo and small tracts. Both 1 phones. C. W. Ikhai.t 432 W. Fiist St. . WOOD FOR SALE Dig fir, J. D. j Ellis SliHI E 4th. l'hune Bell Red, 952. , 14t PLANTS FOR SALE. (.ioofoberrics, ! red and while Tumults, Rhubarb, Rid and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg : Blackberries, Loganberries, Dcw-j berries, l'hvnoinvnals, He ine Plants unil Sane. Iveu C. Di;i:oau I Albany. Or., R. F. D. No. 5, Homo; Phone 7102. Hit ; FREE. Edging nnd ba:kl at itho Al bany saw mill. Get some. i ONIONS FOR SALE. Hy E. L. Me Keever. Phono Bell Farmers 2x1. ID TO LOAN.-$!0 00U on real property: J. C. Christy, over 1st National Honk Albany, Oregon, laleot interest ren sonable. ). W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemaker and repairer, does first class work at reasonable prices. Next door to Democrat ollice. See him. FIRE INSURANCE.-O. F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C.C. Bryant, Albany, CusicK Bank Bldg. Both phones. j Last Week of A OPEN EVENINGS THIS WEEK. EING! Vr HAMILTON STORE Special Christmas Sale of Flower Bulbs. Hyacinths, extra' large, all colors, single or double, 3 for 25c. Jonquils, yellow, 2c each, per dozen 20c. Tulips, 3c each, per dozen 30c. Lillies Auratum, very large bulbs, each 15c; Longiforum, each 15c; For mosum, each 15c. . , ' Chinese lillies each 5c. M. SENDERS & CO. i Let Me Make a Suggestion, For Xmas Engraved Cards, Printed Cards, Hand Eainted Posters for College and High chool; Loose Leaf Memo and Price Books, Automatic Pencil Sharpeners. Postal Scales, Score cards for bridge, whist and 500. Rawling's 123 Broadal bin, Albany, Oregon.! Retiring Irom Business,. Kverything in the Btoro to be closed out by Jun 1st. MBS. G. E. NICHOLS. Wondor Millinery. The 1 oledo. A now stool range, with a cooking Rlate on top, a model modern . stove lo blacking. Keens clean. Just take a look at it. At Albany Hd. Co's. WE ARE READY FOR Waiting to show you a swell line of leather goods hand bags, gents purcos, bill books, money bills, etc. Prices are right. BiMiKHAliT & Lee. Get vour dressed chickens at Pfeift cr's. ' ;w Try a bowlVf Hot Chilli Carncarnaat Tho Crest. LOST. A bunch of keys, with three silver coins. Leave at piano store of Prof. Head, next the Democrat office. FOR RENT. Two housekeeping rooms, over Royal Bakery. Call there. FUR SALE. Two fine pieces in North Albany, 25 acres, in cultivation in one, nnd 50 acres in the olher, the latter unimproved, to be sold to gether. ISt FOR ONE MORE WEEK Conkey's Laying Tonic is olTorod for free trial by Senders' Feed Store. Get your hens laying It will not injure jour birds. Ask for a Poultry Book. t24 FOR SALE Some potatoes, medium grade, at 50 cents a bushel. Call upon A. J. Carothurs, 531 Lafayette street. FOR RENT. Fine ollice rooms. Call upon F. G. Will. TYPEWRITERS. -Factory rebuilt nnd guaranteed as good na new and for one year. Olivers $10,00, Reming tons $;"0 00 to $tU).00, Underwoods Silt). 00 to $05 10. Como ond see them. Buy something useful for the boy or girl for Xmns. r.nwling's, 123 Broadalbin. MONEY TO LOAN on real estatm at soven per cent. On choice farm lands at six per coot. A-iply to Geo. W. Wright, Attorney, Albany, Ore gon. Both phones- Ollice. corner of 1st and Ferry . ( FIRE i INSURANCE. Beaver Stnto Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Bldg. the PPIN6 Albany, Oregon 317-321 First St LEBANON. The Facts About Small Pox Scare. The E. A.: Hugh Kirkpatrick, who has been sick with pneumonia for ovr a week, is now rapidly recovering. On accoont of tho bad weather of late work on the extension of the Southern Pacific railroad between Leb anon and Crabtrep has been greatly retarded. J. W. Stewart, banker and attorney of Lincoln, Neb , arrived in Lebanon Sunday to spend a couple of weeks. He is one of the principal stockholders of the new Lebanon State Bank, and Mr. Day, manager of the bank, is his son in law. The scarlet fever and smallpox situ ation is improving. No new cases out side of the house quarantined prior to last Friday are reported, which goes to show these diseases are on the decrease. The smallpox cases have been of the mildest kind: in fact an mild that in some cases the patients w,ere not ill enough to be confined to their beds. Pennies and R. Ft D. Men. The little one cent piece has become a decided nuisance among R. F. D. carriers. A statement just received by Postmaster Van Winkle from the P. O. department at Washington is that on an average all over the country 115 pennies are left for each carrier in the country to take out of the boxes, with his cold fingers, instead of placing stamps and letters nnd papers, as should be none, making the little things cause a good deal of trouble. In the whole U. R. it figures up the enormous amount of 300,000,000 pennies. It will therefore be a favor if people alrng R F. D. routes will use stamps instead of pennies. F. G. WILL, lor Watches FOR SAT.H One good heavy truck wan'on, one two-seated light haek, one ginul plow, one single harness, one potato digger, one large Majes tic Range, one small cook stove, one healing stove, two A-No. 1 Iron bedsteads, together with spring and mattresses, one good oak extension dining room table, and' 15 A- No. 1 White Wyandotte young pullets from imported stock, ami other household goods. The above prop erty is all as good as new nnd will he suit! at private sale. Call on J. V. VI PK. West Second St., Alb any, Oregon. WANTED. Fresh' cow, Holatein or Durham. 4 mtl.'perday. must be good smooth cow, weight 1H00 pounds. Hell Phone l;5 Home S5U5. tU7 FOR SACK. Two brood sows with pig. tit me Phono 3G05. t'27 WaNTED - -A girl todo genera! house- , work, at oneu. Good place. Call c South Ferry, Phono Bell Black 3024. FOP. RENT. Residence, five rooms, furnished, electric lights, cold and hot wuter, garden, etc. Also two room cottage, furnished, and b bam. In quire of R. Rogoway, 2nd St. 17t PIONEER OF 1847. J. J Davis Passes Away. 3.3. Davis, who came to Aibany when it was a deer trail, died this morn ing at the age of 77 years, at the home of his son Everett, in this- city. He was born in Missouri, and came to Al bany among the earliest settlers, ar riving here in 1847, living an eventtul life as told by Mr. Davis a few years ago in a series of articles in the Demo crat, splendidly posted about early days. Among other things hff was interested in the famous Blue Bucket mine. He was a brother of A. Hackleman's first wife, one of the founders of Albany. he leaves a wife, arfd five children, Mrs. Kate Beard, Mrs. Ed School, Willard and Everett Davis of this city, and Miss Eleanor Davis of Portland, and two grandchildren. The funeral service will ba held at the Baptist church tomorrow at 2 p. m. PERSONAL . AND SOCIAL Mrs. Anna Farrell Williams is home for a holiday visit. i J. J. Graham, of Portland formerly : of this city, is up ror a few days. I i Mrs. J. H. Turpin, of Wateloo, was j in the city today on a shopping trip, I I Guy Lewelling, a guard at the pen, j went to Tangent today, for a visithome. . Hon. J, K. Weatherford left this.' ' week for San Francisco and San Jose I ! on a business trip. 1 ' Mrs. George Maxwell and Mrs. Nevin ! McCormick and daughter, of Shedd, ! ! were Albany visitors today. ( I . Ohas. Johnson, of Salem, went ,.to ! iCorvallis today to mix with some of ; the many Johnsons of that city. Misses Inez Taylor and Eulah Wright , arrived nome tnis noon irom uorvauis, . where they have been attending the O. i A. (J. A Triple Wedding. Triple weddings are not very com- ( ( mon affairs, but one is reported at this ' city, at the Hotel Revere this afternoon I I in which Rev Esson had the honor of , I pertormiug the ceremony. The) were I Geo. A. Pandner and Miss Nellie L, j j Dart, William J. Dart and Miss Over-j holts, and J. W. Hirons and Miss Freda ! Dart, three bein?;brothers and sisters, I tne latter wedding being a 'surprise to : the former, who came here thinking it was to be a double affair, For Christmas. I Our Christmas goods are arriving. I Websters, Charles the Great Gordons and Jacksons Hand Made, in Christmas boxes. See our new line of fancy briar and merscbam pipes at American Cigar store. . I Hot Chilli Carncarna at The Crest. CHICKENS. -A few choice Plymouth ! Rocks and some Rhode Island Reds. I" F. T. McTimmonds, 415 E 9th St. FOR SALE. Lots in Wright's addi- tion; also lots, blocks, and from 4 to i 40 acres in acreage in Hazelwood, adjoining the city, Good terms and ' reasonable prices. Apply to Attorney ' Geo.. W. Wright, officeRooms 1 and 2, Wright Block. Both phones. FOR SALE. A good horse, single or double, gentle, weight about 1000 lbs. Priie $45. J. H. Turpin, Waterloo. . WOOD. If you want some leave your ; order at tne imperial uestaurant, I Second street. 22t j WANTED To buy. vacant residence ! lot. State location and lowest cash ! price first le'ter. Address D. E. ; Benedict, 21G E 2nd St Albany. t23 : LOST.- One black plume, between 4th and Washington Sts. and Northwest ern Corporation office. Please return ' to office of Northwestern Corporation. Monumental Works.. Now occupy their new quarters at 327 Lyon street, where will be found a choice selection of monuments, tomb stones, tablets, crosses, etc., of the best material and latest design," in for eign and American marble and gran ite. When- wanting anything in this line please call and get my prices. Patronize homo industry and save agent's commission. Having had years of experience as a practical workman, I am satisfied I can please you. Leave orders now for spring dcliverv. Idle Hour Restaurant, Cor. Broadalbin and Sccondt Sts. Under new management. Best 20 cent meals in the city. N I JONES &KISOR. Wood. Yard. AM kinds of wxd, old fir, maple, dry slab and mill end trimmings, sawed ready for shed. Phone Home Black 252 HOWARD BROS. Office with J. A howard. CURTIS EEAL! ESTATE CO. 106 N. ELLSWORTH. Farm land and city property bought : and sold. Parties having land cr city properiv or sale will do well to list with us. Phones Bell black 63, Home main 231 FROM ACTUAL SKETCHES. In Wyoming fairly pulses with fresh, vigorous, active life of the young' West. It has a love story as tender as that of 'Romeo an Juliet," and is rich with humor and quaint philosophy. That "In Wyoming" will be richly staged, and excellently weil acted is guaranteed by the name of the artist ho painted the scenes from actual sketches mads in the state of Wyoming, and the names of the clever acton chosen rortheprin cipal rales of the play. The scenes of Dalby Ranch near Casper, Wyo., in the Big Horn Valley, were painted by W. O. Wegner, from sketches especial ly made for him in Wyoming. The decorations, costumes, accoutrements, were all chosen and arranged by M r. Willard Mack, who was born and raised in Wyoming, and who is considered an authority. ' At the opera house tomorrow night. Fresh oysters at Pfeiff er's, 229 2nd St. Bargain Sale ot Standard Books. Rawlinson's History of Ancient Egypt, 2 Vols., $6.00 .'.....$ 3.00 Rawlinson's The Sixth Oriental Monarchy, $3.00 1.50 Scott's Poetical Works, 8 vo Sheep, $3.00 . 1.25 Moore's Poetical Works, 8 vo Sheep, $3.00 1.25 Cowper's Poetical Works, 8 vo Sheep, $3.00 ;. 1.25 Hemen's Poetical Works, 8 vo Sheep, $3.00 .1 1.25 Picturesque Washington, 8 vo Cloth, $2.50 1.25 Goethe's Works, 6 Vols., $7.50 4.00 Schiller's Works, 7 Vols., $10.00 x 5.00 . Half Houtf of English Poets, 4 Vols., $8.00 3.00 Modern Painters, By Ruskin, 5 Vols., $10.00.... 3.50' Modern Painters, By Ruskin, 5 Vols., $5.00 . 2.00 History of the Great Reformation, 8 vo, $5.00 3.00 Half Hours With the Best Authors, 4 Vols., $4.00 : 1.50 ' New Greece, By Lewis Sergeant, $3.50 1.50' Famous French Authors, by Theophile Gautier, $2.00 1.00 Souvenirs of Madame La Brun, $2.00 1.00 Life of Major-General George H. Thomas, $3.00 1.00 Golden Treasure or World of Knowledge, $3.00 1.50- History of French Literature, 3 Vols., $7.50 3.00: Portugal Old and New, $3.50 .-: 1.25 Biography of American Men of Letters, Noah Webster, $1.25 75' Ralph Waldo Emerson, $1.25 Z 75 George Ripley, $1.25.... .75 Edgar Allan Poe, $1.25 - 75 Fielding's Works, 2 Vols., $5.00 2.00- Packard's Zoology, $3.00 1.00 Charlotte Cushman Memoirs of Her Life, $2.00 .75 Manual of Dates, $7.25 ISO History of Greece, 2 Vols., $2.00 - : 1.-60 Ferdinand and Isabelle, by Prescott, 2 Vols., $3.00 1.50 Famous African Explorers,- 2 Vols., $2.00..... 1.00 History of Rome, 2 Vols., $2.00 1-00 ' Lincoln and His Times, 2 Vols., $2.00 1-00 Campaigns of the Civil War, 16 Vols., $16.00 8.00 Morley's English Men of Letters, 29 Vols., 75c per vol 50 Chamber's Cyclopaedie of English Literature, 8 Vols., $8.00 4.00 Illustrated Biographies of the Great Artists, 32 Vols., $40.00 20.00 Scott's Waverly Novels, 12 Vols., $14.00 v. 7.00 Life and Deeds of" U. S. Grant, Cloth, 8 vo, $3.50 1.75 . Same, Sheep, 8 vo, $4.50 2.00 Same, Half Morocco, 8 vo, $6.50 2.50 Memoirs of John A. Dix, 2 Vols, 8 vo, $5.00 : 2.50 History of Georgia, 2 Vols, 8 vo, $10.00 3.50 H. Albany Abstract . Company, L. M. Curl, Manager. Hereafter the records in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances for Linn County, will be abstracted daily, by an expert title examiner employed by our company. In this manner we will be able to keep pur records up to the last minute of each previous day, thereby affording better service to the public than any one has heretofore been able to give. . It is our intention to maintain the standard of excellence gained by thorough and conscientious work in the past. The very best and latest system of abstracting of titles will be permanently and contigu ously carried forward regardless of the expenditure of money in main taining our well established reputation as progressive and reliable ab stracters. We assume that every one realizes the necessity of having an abstract of title prepared for the property which is about to be pur chased; we solicit your patronage anu assure you tnat we can give you the very best work that is possible with little delay and at a moderate living price. It will be to your advantage-to see us before ordering. An unlimited amount of money to loan at six per cent per annum on real 'estate security. Both telephones in the office. Call in .and sec us or write. A ft A A. Albany, OPEN. WILL BE OPEN Evenings front now until Christmas. We lead this year in the TOY LINE; also have a full line of FANuY DlSHES,GROCERIE3 and PRODUCE. Promp Delivery. Stetters's New FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. . Have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and taka pleasure in show ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. Office 23GWest First St ::::RELIABLE:::: ' Light, Power and Heat. Willamette Valley Co. R. E. Welch, Manager. ALBxNY QPiRA MQU;E Thursday, Dec. 23 The besfuf the Great Western ' Plays Prices25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 School Notice. Notice is hereby given that a meet ing of the voters.of district 5, will be held at the central school building on Wednesday, Dec. 22, at 7:30 p m.. for the purpose of levying a tax for the running of the schools of the city the coming year. W i. Li. ioulinson, iierx. Albany. Dec. 10, 1909. J. JONES. . Oregon Store, 206 West Second S -