Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 24, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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We have"a complete line of Dolls and
Tovs, all kinds of Fancy and Common
Dishes and Fancy Novelties of all kirds.
all kinds of Popular Ficticn and Toy
Books, not just a few. odds and ends
but a complete line. .
ME1SER & ME1SER Come and see us
J. L. Howard, a Salem barber, has
located in Brownsville.
When Cheney, Wash , went dry tnis
week the holla were runer with ioy. A
sample of the way prohibition is a thing
of the past.
The fourth crew of electric line sur
veyors have just surveyed a gap
tnrouen oenerson, ana up nunipiiie.v
savs there is no use getting excited and
raising uie pnga ui ituiu.
Harrv W. Clarke, a former well
known valley drummer, has been nignt
clerk of the Hoffman Hotel at kugene,
hut he lonirs to be on the road again,
and the hrst'ot the year will sen wnips
tor an eastern nrm.
Chicago, Dec. 18. The Lake Shore
express collided with an engine and
both crews are dead. The Oriental
limited and the C. B. & Q. was wrecked
near Chicago. Among the injured were
Mrs. Eschelbacher and Frank Bishop
of Portland.
New Portland
Mr. Man: Come to the exclusive
Women's store to select "Her" Chust
mas pressnt. Chambers & McCune.
Important Decision
Judge Bean at Pendleton yesterday
held that the connty court had a right
to pay a detective bill of $3b6 in secur
ing conviction for violation of the
local option law, a spienuia victory ior
law order. In thia county some
men continue to howl because outside
dattctives were brought in: but it has
been dene in otner places, notaoiy at
Pend eton. where S7.0UU in hnes nave
been secured. .
Special Attrac
tion tonight
7 To 9 O'locK.
Special Sale for two hours tonight on
all .Ladies, Misses and Children's Furs,
in sets, single Scarfs or Mnffs, at 80
cents on the Dollar 20 per cent dis-
This evening only. 1000 Handker
chiefs at S cents each. These handker
chiefs are our own importation and
would be a good 10c value in any other
store. They come in a big range of
patterns and nice fine materja s. They
will sure be fast sellers tonight. Two
, hours only-7 to 9 o'clock.
Washington, Dec. 18.-lhe Secre
tary of the treasury reported favorably
Bournes' bill for a niw $1,500,000 post
office at Portland. Bourne wiil try to.
have it incorporated in the omnibus
A Cook Rumor
Copenhagen, Dec. 18. A rumor
says the Danish commission has turned
down Dr. Cook's claim to having
reached the north pole.
Severe Storm
A Seattle Minister Compliments
Recently the Albany Commercial
Club sent 450 Aloany illustrated pam
phlets to various Christian ministers,
throughout the United States, each
accompanied by tho personal card aud
(compliments of Rev. Albyn tsson.
pastur ot tne unrisuan cnurcn ui
Albany. ine nrst acKnowieugeminc
comes from Seattle, ana the compli
ments sound good to the ears of the
Albany boosters. Here is tne letter:
SEATTLE, wasn , uec. 10,
Secretary Albany Commercial Club,
Albanv, Uregon.
Dear Sir: Permit me to congratulate
your enterprising business men on the
literature featuring Albanv as a center
for homes and business. My partiality
for this beautiful region is strong. We,
of Seattle, have good reason to appre
ciate our favored country. But irom
the presentation you have made 1
gladly commend your aggressiveness
and wish for the city hnd vulloy growth
in number of homeseekers and in
creased prosperity.
(Signed) Joseph u. ijakvum,
Minis' er First Christian Church
Died at Lebanon,
W. F. Moist, a prominent native
Oregonian, of Lebanon, died last night,
at the age of about 55 years. He was
a goud citizen, a man of excellent char
acter, rle leaves a wife, mother,
brothers and sisters and many friends
to mourn his death.
The funeral will bo at the home at
Lebanon tomorrow at 2 p. m.
A Good Reason.
J. M. Havhins, of the Oregon Title
& Trust ( onninv, advertises a Sale of
his stock, in-plemeiits, etc., giving Ins
reasons: Suia larm ana moyea to uro-
gon. uregcn apples on exniuition win
be sold ana proceeas given to im or
phan's Home. ,
Got the Bridge Fever.
Harrisburg Bulletin:
Commissioner Butler, in an interview
with the writer vesterdav. stated that
he is of the opinion that a fine steel
draw ', biijn;e across the Willamette
river is a Risibility within five years,or
perhaps in even less time.
, holiday Excursion Rates.
San Francisco, Dec. 18. A severe
storm hit 1 the Catalina Island. The
beach is strewn with wreckage and
many boats are missing. There is a
cold snap from the Rockies to the lakes.
Texas is trozen up.
"nr. Tltnma's'. Electric Oil is the
best remedy for that often fatal dis
ease croup. Has been used with suc
cess in our family for eight years."
Mrs. L. Whiteacrc, Buffalo, N. Y.
"Alco Chocolates," a new and delic
ious chocolato, put up in especiallv
designed packages, Extra good. Elite
Ceocolate Shop. i
I? M
FOR RENT. Residence, five rooms,
furnished, electric lights, cold and hot
water, garden, etc. Also two room
cottage, furnished, and a barn. In
quire of R. Rogoway, 2nd St. 17t
PI R 17
Last chance' t,o B te
Patsy In the Messenger Boy, Comedy
Big program ot pictures and songs.
All for 10 cents. Any seat in the j
house. I
act of
La Mont Bros, in a new.
Vaudeville tonight. ,AifiMnh
2. Usmblingwun uvkvu- ' -(? -H
Drama) , ,,
8. A Henri's Devotion. (A very
stirring drama)
4. Tulips, IA periect art stuay in
beautiful colors.)
5. The Man with the Dolls. (Nove-
tig Comic) . .
6. Running .In Hard Luck. (Rip
I roaring comedy) -
Picture Matinee every uay. uuuiw
sion 10c.
Evening'prices 10c and 15c. ,
piTfMT Www'i'T.Ti it r iki.hi.
For the Christmas Holiday
A Brownhar Automobile
Given Away FREE
See this thrre horse power automobile
in our window. We are going to give
it awav free to the boy ;or .girl
that receives the most votes. Per
haps you are the fortunate one. It
costs nothing to try. Have your friends
save their votes for you. One vote for
the auto free with every purchase in
our store. -
i 1 .
Kindergarten r School,
! Miss' Helen Wright
At the W. C. T. U. Building. Terms:
$3.50 per month. Phone black 2481
Ther is nothing that will delight tf-
ladies more than a box of Colegate s
or RMcksecker's exiuisite perfumes.
soaps or toilet articles, i
i,.,. tamilv would
mai5 IllCIIJUC.n v- --- rf
appreciate receiving some fine shaving
cream or soap. Everything here is
Sparkling Cut Glass
It tn cp an exoression of sat
L.c?:A ; Q indv'fl evas. trv any
article of cut glass as a gtf t. American
ut class is clearer and deeper cut than
.i " i in;,, mnro farpful to order
omer Hiae " " .
on y nrst Titles
cut glass, vnyc uio..-o, -
I. .r ,- i i ,i hnn VinndishPS. etc.
it run aisnes, uu
for sale here at lowesr pnr.w.
Headquarters tor Dolls
Santa Claus has
established his
h e adquarters for
dolls at our store
Just come and
see the many
beautiful dolls in
our window. Large)
and small sleeping
and laughing dolls
to suit every child
and everv purse
at all prices fiom
I5c to $7-50
Miss Bertha Wright,
Teacher of Music
hour lesson 60c, 1 hour lesson 75c.
Bell Black 2481, Albany, Oregon.
Any Member of the Family Can
Take Views With These Kodaks
Why not give your baother, sister, son
or coasin a Kodak for Xmas? Then
jyou can have pictures whenever you
wish. Our Premo Kodaks can be oper
ated by any person. We'll instruct
vou. ' All sizes of Reliable Kodaks froir
$1.00 up,
Leather Goods
Elegant gifts at reasonable prices' arc
to be found :n our leather goods de
partment. There are choice things he re,
for ladies and gentlemen that everv
person would love to possess. Laiies
purses and hand bags. $1.00. to $35 00
Gents' purses and bill book, 25c to
$10.00. .. Manicure and toilet sets
tor travelling SI. 00 to fclo.OO.I
Collar mid OiVf bags. Portfolids
M. Senders &Co,
Dealers In
Hay, Grain, Wool, Cascara, Sslt, Feed,
Seeds, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard
and Alsen Portland Cement, Acme
Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and
Hair Fiber Plaster, Stock Foods, Ponl-
try Supplies, Ruberoid Roofing, Build
ing paper, etc.
rioth Phones 48. 435 West First St.
o. c
Christmas , and New Years Round
Trip tickets on S. P.' lines wiU be sold
as follows: Dec. 24th and 25th, Dec. j
31st and January 1st, all limited ti re-1
turn not later than January 3rd, at rale i
of fare and a third for the round trip, j
No stop overs on these tickets. No
round trips, sold where the oneway fare ,
is $10.00 or oyer, or less than 35 cnts. !
For further information call on or
address, I
R. K. Montgomery, Agent. I
,Oet Your" Pish at Pfeiffers. j
The place, 229 West Second street.
Everything in the fish line, neat and
clean, at a reasonable price
If you are going to travel get the
American Bankers Association Trav
ellers $10.00, $20.00 or $50.00
denominations, payable at ten thousand
banks, or ut any hotel or railroad office.
For sale by j. W..Cusick & Co.,
Bankers. i
We are show
ing a fine line of Pocket Knives, stag
and pearl handle. 25c to $2 50. Fully
guaranteed by us. See our window
riispiav; everything that leaves our store
is backed by our guarantee.
Buukhart & Lee .
Orockeiv of all kinds Cut Glass
Hand Painted China
German China
Hayiland China '
Japanese Ware .
and many articles to numerous. 'to mention
Wonderful bargains on our 5, 10 and 15 cent tables,
Commercial Tea Company.
Silver Ware
Chopping Baps
' 223 lst.Slreet, Albany
Eoth Phonets Main E2.
tfl q,U
.5 ,
8 b 1)
rj . u.
5 be c
WM. BAIN, President. 1J- P. GILBERT.V. P.
H. N. BOULEY.lCashier.
A new and extensive line
of f rash,, clean
Does a general banking business,
; ' f
I Pays interest on savings accounts,
' , Sells bank drafts dnd travel 3rs checks,
Has safety deposit boxes for rent.
WobdworthDrug Co. alJw!oIest
White Queen Flour
Also Capital Mills, Perfection,
Stayton and Johnson's Best.
Special Delivery.
Bread, Dried Fruits
and Vegetables.
Call up.
Flour and Feed.
Both Phones.
F. 1 Will ior vuitc 1 1
is the time to set your
ristmas eatables. We
9TH AND LYON STREETS. . r 11 1 1 C
laker VJWA awO w
L" Give us a call. Sta r Bak e ry ,
R Prop.
' v rcsiil-""-e corner 2nd and Baker
St., lut 1.7x113 ft- Grra' biircain if
taken at finer; al. lurmiurr, norbe