Knit Goods of all Kinds in Scarf, Fascinators, Infants Caps, Sacques and Leggins. An entir new line of Sweaters, in Ladias and Childrens sizes. Jet Buttons, all sizes, just received. at Moods ::::RLIABL Light, Power Willamette Valley Co. R. E. Welch, Manager. frni TSTP"! S til ik-m ti .- 1 !! r Ki-iiTA Tungsten Lamps Make Electric LigKt Much Cheaper They have two and a half times the efficiency of the or dinary carbon lamp hitherto in general use. The fila ment is made of a rare metal called Tungsten, which p -Mb an intense brilliancy at low coat In shape and 'i..::e the bulb is just like any other electric incandescent lamp. Why not try a Tungsten lamp yourself? Get one of the 40-watts and use it somewhere in your house in place of one of your carbon lamps. Then observe the great difference. Note the clear white light, exactly twice as brilliant and costing you one i'if th less for elec tricity. Tungsten lamps are destined ' j displace all oth ers, for both store and house lighting. ffl on 506 , 1 E have restate Deposits, v' nor do we accept any de posit where special security has -.i bo pledged. This means that we huvtr no preferred creditors and thai your deposit has the sumo security thai all have. Wc hnvu invested assets worth nr,re than iJlDU.mHi iw and this would have to bo dis sipated before depositors could lose a cent. It is not being dissipated, it, is gruwing. J. W. CUSICK&CO. BANKERS. Established 1892. sSsntsi-Pepsifi Capsfej ;. - A POSITIVE cunt . '' "A ',.f (Mlsnmntli'ii i.rr.iinr-r.t f . '1 tli.- Ulml.i-T.Hltl IV.-.iM-il KM ' ' Iv'1- -U "!V Itt ti 0 i'.'.U . (uik "-' d- hi lhii-I tv nii,i .! itcm.'iitly tt.' V 'j ii. I J vl. tt.i null, r i tu... . . '.-. . ''!.: Mi.nuuuT. A 1. full, to) .U " I.iui!. .. by iitiinh-iM, Tyvv)yij SANrAUPEFSlh fl. licllc(intliie, Ohio. For ialc bv'BurkiiTl .t Tiw mum OPPOSITE THE P. O. Konr chairs. Prompt, nn Kllioitn' Cnru of tlic faro nntt hnir. . B. CRAFT, .242 VVcct Second St.. Albany Fiirtt-clnsR in.'iita of all kinds fron elected stock. Ilkuil i .. l - - v D 2 ll 3 Ct OU . ts cfa'! kinn Agents for Stanard Patterns. H 0 and Heat. SI rU"'MMIliuj't- - jr Vest Scccnd Stree All kiads of Lumber. Fench Posts, Shingles. CITY LIMBER YARD WILKINS & SON. LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, Himi cleanci! by our methods of dry denning, aro made to look just as good as mime to ,ook just as new. Waists uiiil ui'esso of delicate colors and ma lor::i! we lonovato to the delight of th. owner. We also dye any gannnnt de sired in bi'imtit'ii1 s'nades and coloringi1.. i THE CLEANER, C. E. SHKl.I.EY, Prop. 4.0 W 1st St. Ueli Phone black 27;! .limine liliooo 11H5 i Seal lisiaie aiit! Insurance i Hey an 1 sell really. Insure prof i ei'iy hti ' tr:n aet louns. Large or i sir. II t!m ior tiaets. wmmws BATHS I V.' VrM t:itst St. 1 K cl ( L.' So V 0:iK CO FMtEU m ALBANY Doing n and Around It. Ovsters at The Crest. Hot chicken tamalies at The Crest. Pfeifter's, 229 W. 2nd street for 8nh. Hot tamalies at the Vienna Bakery. Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Patronize home industry. Use John ion's Best. Use Johnson's Best. It is the Best. Made in Albany. Chiropractic is not Osteopathy nor Magnetic Healing, Onr own make, "Alco' Chocolates." Elite Chocolate Shop. If you want something specially fine in the candy line, try "Alco Chocolates" Elite Chocolate Shop. Highest market price for chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks at F. H. PfeilFer's, Second street. Those self hasting roasters at the Albany Hardware Co's. store, are the beat thing going. Get one. Come and look at our Holiday Goods, they have the merit, they will pleasn you. F. M. French, the jeweler. When others fail try Chiropractric Spinal Adjustments and - get well. Chiropractor 226 Broadalbin St. I have found a place to have my eyes tested and glasses scientifically fitted Albany Optical Co,, 226 Broadalbin St We offer a splended line or high grade, Gold and Silver goods for the Christmas shopper. F. M. French, the jeweler. Select your Christmas presents now while the stock is complete. We will lay them aside for you until later. Drop in and see what we have in gold and silver ware. F. M. French, the jew eler. " The Ladies of the G. A. It. gave a chicken dinner this noon in the G. A. i R. hall, a good one, and will give sup. I per tonight for only 15 cents. j At the Hotels. Harry Asbahr, O. A. C. Hugh Freeland, Salem J. H. McConnell, Shedd Dr. Jas. Withycombe, O. G. Simp son, Corvallis Ida Lawrence, Findley, 0. Roy G. Hersch, Portland Geo. T. Smith. Chitwood C. A. Bevier, Gates W. H. Raymond, Portland E. A. Lambracht, Eugene L. A. McLaugnlin, Shedd D. D. Bronson, Washington, D. C Anson E. Cohoon, Eugene Fred R. Welsh, Reed City, Mich. H. R. Davis, Portland W. F. Groves, Corvallis More Red Cross Stamps. A consignment of the red cross stamps' have been received and are on sale at the office of Wells Kargj & Company this city in any quantity desired. It is to be hoped that our citizens will place on every Christmas package sent out. Every penny thus obtained is used in I Oregon to eradicate the "White I Plaguo". Buy them yourself and tell j your friends that each may do his pant i in this great work. , . The Weather. .64 inches of rain fell during the 24 hours previous to 8 a. m., and same I more has tumbled during the day. I The range of temperature recorded j was 49.49, being the same for 24 hours, , day and night.a remarkable incident. The river fed from 12 5 feet to L1.5 ! feet. If you are going t. travel get the American Bankers Association trav ellers $10.00. $20.00 or $50.00 '. denominations, payable at ten thousand banks, or :-.t any hotel or railroad oliice. For sale by J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ' "Alco Chocolates," a new and delic ious chocolate, put up in cspeciallv 1 designed packages. Extra good. Elito : Ceocolate Shoo. AFTER HIS COLD RIDE Santa .Clans may feel like warming lis hand on the kitchen hot water oi!cr. Is yours in good condition? Hetter have ns look over it to make iiirc. It wouldn't be very comfortable to have your plumbing break d vn on hrUtmas, would it? MEDIN & STUAPT. Let us estimate on your works. We guaranteo first-class work at moderate cost. 1'LI'.m:;;ni;. tinnninq an l) ueatin'g. VV. E. -R AAV IS :X K!!;-.vorl'.i St. l; i'.onfs. ! .. . .-r-, . i i! 'I'-UrSW-'w' A fins lot at our yard at this city, just rth'Mfj- 1 burned. Phone Homo 2!. X ALBANY 8R1C1C COjl e Plumbing A MUSICAL CRITIC. Both Lebanon papers have exactly the same report of the recent concert of the Aibany College Trio, evidently having formed a trust, but it is a good one, and deserves a place in the litera ture of the valley along with the poems of Sam Simpson. Here it is: The concert given by the Albany Con servatory of Music Wednesday night was a rare treat. Miss Aetna A. Smith, soprano, in rich and splendid voice, charmed and delighted the audience. The nightingales of sunny Italy and the skylarks of Old1 England were heard in her notes and the selections rendered. The witchery of her magic music charm ed all ears. Miss Emma R. Sox, pianist, in her instrumental renditions, showed the training and culture of long years. In deed snch was the skill shown that one felt that a master was at the keys, charming forth the matchless melodies rendered. Miss Mary L. Blackwell. reader, captivated ail. Her thorough and per fect imitations of old and young,' gruff and gay, Caucasian and Celt, showed the genius of power in htr selectiorafc. That the audience was well repaid for facing the stormiest night of the season was evidenced in the apprecia tive applause and encores. Our people are learning tnac in uid Liinn tne pro ducts near at hand are worthwhile, for genius and art, schools under the great masters has enabled Albany College to possess talent equal to the best, where- ever found. Midst clearer skies it is hoped to have these great artists with us again. MISFITS. Well the rain suits, after a sufficiency of snow. j The middle west is getting its dose of i weather now. Mr. Prosperity will have to show his hand this holiday season. The are full of goods. Une trust that ought to be busted- is the paper trust. At least that is wiiat the newspaper men think. As long as there is a vestige of sno-w left the small boy will throw it. Snow is a weapon for cussedness. The. Democrat's suggestion that Al bany have a night clerk at the post of fice is meeting with favor by the busi ness men. Two shows, both having big houses, in one night, indicates that Albany is getting big enough to take care of sew oral things at the same time. The Harrisburg Bulletin tolls of a couple of men there getting six coons out of one tree, where it is generally a good hunt to. get one coon. That nwy 1 be good out there; but the record cut on tutj Darns larin was seven, wmcn ia real cooning. fter a Divorce. A new divorce suit in Portland is August H. Johaaningsmicr agt. Mr?. Uarline Johanningsmier, former Albany people for s white. They were mar ried in Kebuary, 1907 in Illinois, and soon nfter came west, with the large family of rive children of the husband, a widower when marned. The step motner, according to the complaint, has made things tropica) for the whole family. Holt Again for .your meats of all kinds, and the Metropolitan Market next d.-or for the latost and bast im fruits and vegetables. BAGGAGE ANn EXPRESS Call Bell Red 3201, Home 2.J3; W meet all trams. All kinds of lob worls, No waiting, CARL TANDHUP, Expressman OITiee 322 West. ?ni St. Old and Reliable Thirty-eight years of steady growth are signiHcant endorsement of the service ui tne iinie-tnea oans. j Assets over one million dollars FfiST NATSQRAL BANK A. .Saving Account I in the name of your hoy and (rlrl ; will teach them a knowledge of ' business and a habit of savins that they can acquire in no better way. Initresl paid on Savinas accounts 3 a G Owntd and operated by tl;e stio'iholti eijof the l"irt National Hank, THIN Dscorated Cups and Saucers SEE OUR'WifluOW DISPLAY Retail Price a"s High as 75c Your Choice21 cents Bring your Children to see our Dolls and Toys. CHARLES KNECHT'S FURNITURE FOR CHRISTMAS -PRESENTS' During' December we are going to make a big cut in prices in our Fur niture and flug Departments to reduc e Stock before invoicing. We have 200 Rockers that wc hav e marked at 25 per cent below our regular selling prices. For instance: Solid Oak Rocker?, $7.00 to ?9.00 Valiws for $6.00. Phoenix Leather Spring Seat Roc kers $12.00 Values for $8.50. Monster Mission Chairs, Solid Leather, Loose Cushions, $25.00 Values for $16.00. Quartered Oak Center Tables, $12.50 Values for $9.00. Quartered Oak- D:ning- Tables, 8 to 10 ft., $33.00 Values for $22.00. RUG DEPARTMENT, 3rd FLOOR. ALL BOUGHT FROM FACTORY. 9x12 Axi.-insters, $36.00 Values for $29.0tt. . . 9x12 Velvets, $26.00 Values for $21.00. . 9x12 Tapestry, $22.00 Values for $17.50. 9x12 T;fjcstry, $18.00 Values for $14.00. Pro Brussels aiwl Ingrain Rugs also reduced' ' duri.7 t!'!s month. Big advance in Linoleums and Mattings, but we have not raised our prices. ' By paying J4 down we will lay any article asica and yoci may call for suae :rtid pay the balance at any time. GILBERT BROS. Groceries Hardware and House' Furnishers. Our Store is bigger than it Looks. 310 First Street. Ask to see our Music Cabinets "Writing Desks..' Couches,. Library tresses and Iron Beds. F. G. Wiliior watches. Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses when you can get the following prices at 14 lbs Granulatod Sugar $1.00 16 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00 11 lbs Head Bice.-. . 1.00 14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00 16 lbs Broken. Head Rice 1.00 12 Ins White Beans j2 bs Lima Eesrc 1.00 ,.: 1.00 10-16 ozpksRaisinns 1.00 Get our prices before you buy.. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. oiRfi laeais Sshort orders including Me:its Salads, Vegetables, Pies, Oysters in al styles, Hot Tamalies, Sandwiches, Cakes, etc., meals and lunches, neat and clean. Confectiona?ies and soft drinks at Si 12& Broadalbin Street-. R. B..Mayberry, ; Baggage and Express ! Office with Linn & Benton R. E. Co. , Wagon at office at all times of day. Phones: At home. Bell Main 382! Home 7-1. At office, Bell black 431,. ! Home 178. A i Cres Tamalie3, Tamalies. Try one of our boneless chicken tam-1 . alies. None better in the city. j served lusy 8ty!e a,s0 Iicht i b' i3 Wegj. 2n(J Estimates given on Plastering, Side walk and Cement Work. J. F. TRAVER, 4th & Calapooia Sv, i.3 i-ie and Sign Painter, 122 Eerry St. Aqent for the Cleveland Gelsenite roof paint. Home phone 320. Pacific Red 3092 CHINESE DOC'l'UK-J. Mou Foo, an j experienced compounder of Chinese ' mefiii-ines. sneceiysor of the late Hon? i Wo Tonsr, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. The under signed recommends him and iruaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him at No. 110 West Second tt., Albany Cr ' iurn. 5 GeinsntWork Tables, Mat' Made in Albany my Jfio 1 Edg Grain 8 the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from SI1. 25. upwards. Every bunch branded mih my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere.- E. A. THOMPSON. , Waa no dry kilm. A. STARK, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SbRBKON WILB.& STARK BLOC2j, ALBANY UlL MARYMARSI1ALL, Osteopathic Physician Aisbant State Bank BVUidikg Bell Black 4. Home 27oi OR. VIRGINIA V- LF.WEAUX Osteopathic , Physician. 1-& Brenner Block, Albany. ' Phones: Office Home 339 Bell 7S51. Residence SSI Home, 863 Bell. LEININCER BBNTIST Crawiord Block, Albany Dentist -SILL & STARK BLOCK;. ALBANY lis DENTIST Rooms 6 and 8, Brenner Block. - Bell Blaca , Palmer s Ua.ry 1HE GULDEN RULE. i Delivers milk and eream to any part off the city. Prices reasonable. Jersey; cows with best of care. Both PhoneSv L Li 51 Cement Contractor. Phone-Red 30S1. Res.I20Montgomery St J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the New Albany State Bank Build ms, second floo'-, with a complete eqjinmanc for picture takin;; of all kinds. Want's Your PaironuO's Telephono Rod 671 :l i ALBANY OIIEUO k I