Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 17, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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By the Man About Town.
Can find shopping easy when trading here. We want to assist you in select
ing your ihristmas gifts and have placed everything on our counters and tables
which may be helpful or suggest just what you want.
You are perfectly welcome to come and inspect our showing whether you
buy or not.
Hundreds of Ties. A splendid array of patterns and some very beautiful .
cororings. He would be pleased to receive one or more of these.
25c, 50c, 75e, $1 08
Some very beautiful effects in China Silk Crepe de Chine and fancy weaves1
Delicate shades of blue, pink and combinations. Priced from 75c to $5 00.
A splendid showing. Some very fine values. From 5c up to $5.00
Beautiful patterns and in plain colors or very pretty combinations. An
excellent Xmas Gift. 75c to $1.60. Knitted Mufflers, 35c and 50c.
We have a fine line of LADIES UMBRELLAS at $2.00 each. Better qua!
jty umbrellas for either Ladies or Gentlemen. Priced up to $7'50.
News From
Albany's Six Early
Just Like
the Flowers
Just arrived a beauti
ful line of the latest j
perfumes and latest
toilet waters,Palmers,
Wrights and Colgates.
all sizes from 25c up.
Many new and deli
cate oders, swe6t and .
v- . .-. .The,.. t-r
iv Latest Perfume
"Select Lily
Just LiK
thai Vlowvr.
If so, call and see me about it, as I
.have just what you -want.
No. 1. Nice new house and Int.
mnm! Well lnraH Prire SZOfth HO
Wo. . Good 7 room house, modern,
hath, and furnace heat Situated close
in. A snap if taken soon. Price
A ' cautihil vacant lot at a
Burkhart & Lee.
No. 3.
No. 4.
INO. ft.
A fine line of novelties arriving
for the holidays. , Up-to-date
goods, Choice cut glass
Good 7 room house, West
.Price S1NXI.UU.
Good paying business, will
take $uuu.UU investment.
No. 6. Good 7 room house, barn
chicken houses, lots of fruit. Vi acres
or land, also blacksmith shoo (oUxJU)
on the place which rents for $8.00 per
-month. .Possession given immediate
ly if taken soon. Can be got at a bar
I have bargains in farms of all de
scriptions, if you wisli to buy call and
see me before doing so and if you wish
to sell list your property for sale with
the old and reliable Real Estate dealer.
I 203 W. 2nd St. - - Albany, Oregon.
At reduced rates for the months of
December and January. Call up for
estimates on eitner rnones.
UIHI 111, Inr.
A full line of choice nursery ntock.
Order now for Spring delivery.
Phne Red 87 1. Office 312 W. Second St.
9. F. PEIRCE.IManaser.
Walter Parker
First class goods in their season.
Phone Main 66.
Albany Supply
In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts,
confectionary, wrapping paper, twine
and paper bags.
Cash paid for all kinds of poultry..
We also have the agency for Pyramid
and Golden Gate cement, Olympic Jime,
Arden plaster. Get prices before buy
Cash paid for eggs.
Foot Ferry Street, Albany.
Phones, Miin 5 Bell, 3 Home.
& SON,
Sanitary Plumbers and Sheet
Meial Workers.
Our natron are assured of strictly
first-class work, prompt service anil
j reasonable prices.
i Eare-trough, conductors, roofing ar.d
' general jobbi.g. Specifications furn
- shed. . Estimates cheerfully given.
! Try u. 201-E First St. Both Phone
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Wyatt left on a
trip to their former homes id Kansas
and Missouri, Mrs. Wyatt's first trip i
back for 23 years. . They were!
fixed for cold weather. Theiryouneest
daughter left for Chehalis to visit with
her brother during their absence.
R. W. Tripp, JBrownsviilo's success
ful real estate man and booster, left
on a visit to his former home at Somer
ville, Iowa. He will also visit Chicago,
returning by way of Los Angles, all the
time shouting for Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Collins, of Polk
county, parents of Mrs. Ed. Wiles, of
this city, after a visit here of several
weeks, left for Portland and thence to
Los Angeles, to spend the winter.
W. A. Templetun, of Brownville, left
for Vancouver, Wash.
Elmer Conn went to Portland in the
interest of the new store. Scott &
Conn expect to have their Ma!n street
store running by tne first of January.
Chas. Childs of Brownsville went to
Oregon City and Portland.
Harry bchlosser left on a Salem trip.
Ubbe Peters left for Portland. -W.
F. Garrett loft on a trip to Turner.
Mr. and Mrs W. W Crawford came
down from the farm tor an Albany visit.
ttoy reterson ana lamny leit witn
the remains of their daughter. They
will go to Fore9t Grove, their former
Father Servais left oa a Portland
The High School Did It
j . r
University o Oregon, Eugene, Dec.
14. Three men trained in the Oregon
High School Debating League have
just won first honors in debate at the
University of Oregon, having been
chosen, after a series of hard try outs
in wnicn a large number or men com
peted, to represent the University
against the University of Utah in their
annual debate on January 28th The
team chosen is as follows: Percy Collier,
a leader ot tne Eugene High School
League team of last year; Carlton E.
Spencer, of Cottage Grove, a graduate
of the Roseburg High School and lead
er of its team for two years against
Ashland; with Howard Zimmerman, a
graduate of the Salem High School and
a member of the Salem team last year,
as alternate.
A good force of men at work on Z. H.
Rudd's new on Third street,
near Washiuston, that promises to be
one of the prettiest places around, well
planned, madern in its makeup .
Numerous men talking about the new
city hall. One man suys the proper
place is the corner of Second and Ferry.
That the city should buy the corner
next to No. l's engine house and then
it woul ' have plenty of room for a
larpe building, right in the business
section, with an alley for rear service.
Another one says the Wolverton corner
would be a good one, that a block is not
needed for a city hall, that a quarter of
a block is enough. Some one else
would like the whole block surrounded
by Fourth, Lyon, Fifth and Ellsworth
streets, making three public blocks in a
row, forming a civic center.
A novelty in window displays at the
Tracey Clothing Co's, a toy balloon
kept in the air by an electric fan hidden
at the bottom ot a ban el.
Four oil paintings in the windows of
the Hamilton Store; in pretty settings,
the work of a home artist, Mrs. Hattie
MansfieUL displaying a superior artistic
A calender being presented by F. M.
French, the jeweler, with a pretty pic
ture of a woman in abbreviated cos
tume. A fel cw jeweler down the road
hbS written a letter warning Mr. French
not to allow her to take her hand away.
Misfortune of Former Albany Man.
The friends of Mr. Ivan Marks,
furmerly of this city, where he was
employed in the job office of his
brother-in-law P. J. Smiley, several
years ago, will regret learning of the
affliction that has come to his home
recently. His two boys, one four years
of age, the other less than a year, both
died from scarlet fever, and Mrs.
Marks had it, and is now recovering.
Their home iB in Buffalo, N. Y., where
Mr. Marks has resided. and was married,
since leaving Albany six or seven years
ago. .
Reported in North Albany.
A young man named Ayers, who had
been working, chopping wood, for El
mer Williams, across the Willamette,,
last night about 8:30 o'clock telephoned
in from the home of Mr. Williams, that
while on his way to Albany he had been
held up near the walnut grove by a,
couple of men, and Constable John Cat
lin and others went across the river to
look into the matter.
According to the story Ayers was
coming to Albany when a couple of
men stepped out and told him to throw
up his hands, that his money was want
ed. Not complying very fast he was
knocked down by one of them, when he
drew a revolver he was carrying, and
the men fled, he taking a couple of
shots at tham as they ran through the
walnut grove, one of the men falling,
then getting up and running. Con
stable Catlin easily tracked them
through the field to near the Phillips
residence, and then south to the end of
the steel bridge, which they evidently
crossed into the city.
As in the case of nearly all hold-ups.
there have been numerous versions of
the affair. Just take your choice.
Our U, S. Jurymen.
P. D. Gilbert and O.' A. Archibald re
turned last night from Portland where
they did two weeks' faithful service as
U. S. jurymen. Mr. Gilbert was on
the famous vinegar case that took a
week to try, and Mr. Archibald was on
one or two cases. They finally were
excused, much to their pleasure. W.'
H. Hogan, another juryman, is there
yet, though permitted to come home
for a couple days.
Get vour dressed chickens at Pfeiff-er's.
HOT STUFF. Uncle Billy Wright is
here with his horsradish. Have your
dish ready,
FOR RENT Suit housekeeping rooms
in Wri?ht block. Annly to G. W.
Socialist Lecture.
J. M. Work, member of the National
Exectutive committee, an Iowa attor
ney, will speak at the courthouse.
Thursday evening, Dec. 16, at 8 p. m.,
on "What's So and What Isn't, About
Socialism." All welcome, women, as
well as men. Questions answered.
A Sweet booster.
The Elite Candy factory has just
gotten out in Bome pretty packages
chocolate bon bona that will take their
stand beside the most celebrated makes
of the world, and ask no odds of any of
them. They have been named after
Albany's popnlar social club, the Alco
Chocolates, which means Albany, Linn
County Oregon. When getting choco
lates order a home product, fresh and
the best. The Democrat knows for it
has tried a box, a booster for Albany.
An Elegant
Will Be Given
Xmas Day
at the
ELITE Chjhcate
BOY WANTED at Commercial Tea
WANTED. Position to do general
housework. Call Red 114 Home.
FOUND. A 4 by 6 flexible Bible, in
the P. O. loby. At the Democrat
FOR SALE.--A span of hoi sea, about
. 1000 lbs. each, cash or easy terms.
Call upon Prof. Head, next tqe Dem
ncratoffice. Also twojeovered wagons,
Furniture Co.
Sell a duster guaranteed for one
year for 10c.
1st. You get a duster that will out
wear a duster' of any other material
costing five times the price.
2nd. It will not scratch the finest
furniture as other dusters do.
3rd. You can push it into corners,
shelves and crevices where other
Dusters would be destroyed. Try one.
We have a long line to select from ,
in furniture. When making present
don't forget there is nothing more
useful and acceptable than a good
piece of furniture. Chairs and Rock-.
ers in Leather, Oak and Mahogany;
Ladies Desks, Book Cases. Iron beds
of the latest designs,, and Dressers in
all the latest styles and finishes. Rugs
of all sizes. In fact, you can select a
fresent for any member of the family
here, and the prices will be as usual,
the lowest possible.
DON'T for the sake of being over-nice
buy useless things for the Holidays. The
things that don't "show up" well a! week
after you have given them.
BUY ARTICLES of Service and Utility
-for withjthem alone do you do an act Oof !
good grace, and only by them are YOU
gratefully remembered.
BUY GIFTS FOR MEN at an all men't
store, See what we offer. Then it is
easy to select '
Blain Clothing Go.