Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 17, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Physician an! Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls aiado in vty and country. Phone
Main 38.
In the County Court of the Stale of
Oregon, for Linn County.
In the matter of the estate of Mary
Towiie, deceased.
To Owen Bond, David Bond, Tem
perance Reinhardt, Lizzie Cross, Min
nie Kecncy, Lula Bell Bond, Fredey
Oscar Bond, William Owen Bond,
Mabel Clara Bond, Gertey May Bond,
"Royal Bond, Geneva Elvina Bond,
Stella Alice Bond, Clarence Henry
Bond, Thelma Cecil Bond, and Elmer
iWcKyniston, greeting.
In the name of the Stale of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, at the court room thereof, at
Albany, in said county, on Monday,
the 24th day of January, 1910, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon of that day
then and there to sliow cause, if any
there be, why an order of this court
should not be made directing, author-,
lzuig ami ciupuwcmig mc cxcttuui
to sell the real property of said estate!
described as follows, to-wit
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, in
Block No. 5 in the town of Halsey,
Linn County, Oregon.
Witness the Hon. I. N. Duncan
Judge of the County Court of the
btate ot Uregon, tor the County ot
Linn, with the Seal of said court af-.
fixed this 3ntl day of December, A. D.
(L. S.) J. W. MILLER,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County. Depart-
ment No. 2, 'Reg. No. 2771. I
Anton Yocubcts, plaintiff, vs. Emma
To Emma Yocubcts, the above named
defendant :
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby notified and required
to be anil appear in said court in r.aid
suit, and answer the complaint of the
plaintifi above named, now on file
herein, vm or before the 22nd day of ;
January, :1910, and you are hereby
further notified that if you fail to ap
pear and answer said complaint as '
above required, for want thereof the (
plaintiff will take a decree against you j
for the relief prayed for in i plaintiff's I
said complaint, to-wit: ;
A decree ot said court dissolving the
bonds nif matrimony now existing be
tween you and said plaintiff.
This .-summons is served -upon you
by publication thereof for six consec
utive -and successive weeks prior to
said ZZna day ot January,
1910. in
Albajiy Democrat, a newspaper pub-; Oregon for signing the petition for pub
lished weekly at Albany, Una Cotm- mittirig the matter of the new county
ty, Oregon, and of general circulation to a vote o the peopje with 35 per cent
in satdrcounty, by order of Hon. J. N. more names than are needed. Nes
Duncan, county judge of said Linn mith County will undoubtedly be estab
County, Oregon, which order bears lished. The people will vote for it be
datc December 6th, 1909, and that the cause asked for, the same as they will
said J. :N. Duncan as judge of said for all other counties asked for in this
county, in said order for the ptfblica- way, and any section can get a new
tion of this summons upon you, has county by going through with the pre-
prescrraca saia ana day ot January,
110, as the time on or before which
you shall appear in said court and
answer the said complaint of said
plaintiff in said cause.
The date of the first publication of
this summons in said newspaper is
December lOtli, 1909.
Attorney for said plaintiff.
SUMMONS. .ness. 1 he funeral took place on lues-
In the Circuit Court of the State of i day, with burial at Oakville cemetery.
Oregon ' for Linn County. Depart- : " '
ment No. 2, Reg. No. 2765. arfl 0f Thanks
C. R. Adams, plaintiff, vs. Elizabeth!
E. Adams, deicndant. i
To Elizabeth E. Adams, the above
named defendant:
In Hit name ot the State of Oregon,
you arc hereby notified and required -
to be and appear in said court in said
suit, and answer the complaint of the
above named plaintiff, now on file
herein, on or before the 15th day of
January, 1910, and you are hereby j
lurtner nnmieri tnat it you tail to ap-!
pear and answer said complaint as
above required, for want thereof the
plaintiff will take a decree against you
for the relief prayed for in his said
complaint, to-wit:
a ,Wr ,i;cCi, i.-r u, i, ,i f
matrimony now existing between you
and said plaintiff
' This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof once "a wek
for six successive and consecutive ,
weeks prior to the said 15th day of;
January, lyiO. in Albany Democrat, a
newspaper published weekly in Al-
bany, Linn County. Oregon, and of
general circulation in said county, by
order of the Hon J. N Duncan Coun-j
ty Judge of said Linn County Oregon,
'oth 1909 and tYrs"id7eN Dunca" '
a. Judge ol "aid County, 'in said order .
for the publication of this summons i
upon you, has prescribed said 15th day !
of January. 1910, as the time on or i
before which vou shall appear and I
answer the said' complaint in this suit. 1
The date of the 'first publication of
this summons in said newspaper is
December 3rd. 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Vrpe adrice. how to obtain PAlenu, trad 3 mvu,
I cuprriglUA, e&i, N ALL COUNTRIES. a
Bnsinest direct n ttti 11 ashtngion wwj ww,
money and often the patent.
Pittnt and Intrtngeiwnt prime UHuwnij.
Writ, nr Mm, to ill at
SU math Stnrt. on. UsIUo lula hlal OSci,
Bills were allowed:
Willamette Valley Co. $162.33; Or. &
Wnsh. Sewer Pipe Co. $10.57; H. G.
Fisher $85; J. A. Warner, Assistant.
15 judges and clerks of election $45;
0. T. Porter and L. L. Swan, can
vassing election, each $3; T. J, Stites
$2.50; Robert Brown $5; J. A, White
sides $28.
. 1 he petition for an are, light at 3rd
and Jefferson was rejected, there being
other localities equally in need of a
The petition of A.B. Barker for mov
ing house to 10th St., was rejected, be
ing prohibited hy ordinance.
The light at 7th and Ellsworth Sts.,
heretofore ordered changed, was order
ed retained at that place.
Report of assessable property $2,982,
900 and the usual levy of 8 mills, the
limit, was ordered.
Petition of H. F. Ellsworth et al for
an electric light and fire hydrant at 8th
and Madison streets was referred.
Petition of W. B. Stevens and 45
others for the parking of the streets
from and including 5th street, Lyon to
wasntugten, was referred,
Tne return of tn canvaaain hoard
was read, showing 720 votes, as hereto
The proclamation of the Mayor, show
ing the approval of ordinance No. 472,
vote of 446 for and 231 against, and de-
pronioitmg tne sale or near beer, oy a
ciaI.jne- the ordinary tn he in full for
hd effect from, Dec. 7.
The City Attorney was directed to
file -complaint at once against A. Stern
berg and W. H. Goltra for violation of
the sign and awning ordinance.
The committee on streets and public
-property was directed to meet with the
County Court and urge a 2 mill tax fo
epecial road work in city suburbs.
- '
ik. Hnfofc
Ml me 1 10 WIS .
C. H. Baily, Honolulu
J. B. Hopkins & wf, Eugene
Mrs. S. W. Taylor & child, Eugene
Mrs. L. D. Andrews, Corvallis
S. O. Sorenson, Gates
D. F. Newland, Brownsville
A. D. Craft, Crabtree
Milton N. Shwartz, Portland
C. E. Mercer, Portland
Arley Brown & wf, Hoover
C. A. Bevier, GateB
Jas. Mooney, Shedd
L. A, Newton, Portland
J. R. Hilburt & wf, Portland
Nesmith County.
The Nesmith County committee 5e
lending out thanks to the people of
nmmaries, somewhat strenuous.
.' Death of Wm. A. Si. John.
William A. St. John died at his home
in this county the first of the week, at
the age of 68 years and 22 days. He
was an old resident of the county,
member of the G. A. R. For many
years he was in the bridge building bus-
' The Benedictine Sisters of Albany
,'wish to offer their sincere thanks to all
who kindly helped to make their fair a
They are especially grateful to those
-who served so well on the committees
'ana contriuutea sucn excellent numnesrs
t evening programs.
No More Ncar-Becr
Places selling near-beer have
forosd Mayor Wallace, now that the
people have sooKen tney win onserve
"V"- i" """ , J ""
close-l. At the Franklin House the
P1 a"d ,b!"Lard ,r00m ul" f.nntinue'
'"s . .iy.
The navy last year lost 47 men by
drowning alone.
Postmaster Davton Harris, of Foster,
wa9 jn the city today,
Mrsjulia Rin(!0 went to Lebanon
afternoon for a visit.
E W" Da' ha3 8 c,asa
forty in singing lessons at Dallas,
, Kev. Elliot returned from Portland
t"18 nom- t,Lef,t w0? Jv?a,t"'er1 thatl
here- Portland slush is frightful,
Mr- Hennessey, the singer, came
down from the chapel car at Harris-
burg, and spent the day in the city
Miss Mary Adele Case is bound to be
in the limelight. Now she is to marry
William Merrill Beam, nephew of Sec
retary Metcalf. Giad it is settled.
The Schuberts last night played to a
small but well pleased house. The
company is one of artists well trained.
:-.arry Waggoner and Pren Francis,
indited at Corvallis for gambling, were
caught in La Grande and taken back to
i orvallis, where they were held under
$500 bonds.
t o . u. AiKire. 01 aaiem, was in me
city today. He recently letumed from
i Eastern Urczon. He ha sold his place
, at Salem, and will reside in Albany
i during the winter.
1 Geo. W. Chne returned last night
! from a trip to Trail, B. C. where bis
i brother in-law Oliver J. Bushnell, re
1 3ide8. His daughter, viss Maggie, is
at nooper. Wash All the waj from
Spokane to Albany Mr. Cline saw snow
Supervisor Hendricks Looking
Over the Field.
Robert J. Hendricks, editor of the
Salem Statesman for twenty years,
now supervisor of the census, was in
the city last evening, sfthr a trip to
Corvallis, looking over the field prepar
atory to the census of 1910. Mr. Hen
dricks is making a thorough preparation
for ths important work.
He reports a good many applications
for enumerators at Albany and through
thecountv. Those for Albany will be
referred 'in the Albany Commercial
Club for selection, and four men will be
chosen from the list presented by Mr.
Hendricks by the club, and this will be
done in the other cities of the district
under Mr. Hendricks, so the cities
themselves will have the responsibity
of the selection.
The enumberation will begin on the
15th of Anril and close on the 15th of
Mav, just thirty days. The census will
De taken by precincts, ana eacn enum
erator is supposed to handle about two
thousand name3 in a montn. ine
Albany enumerators will take the four
precincts, but will also separate the
city from tue country, .showing the
population ot the city itself.
News From
Albany's Six Early
Trains. .
Not much doing.
Misses Smith, Sox and Blackwell,
the talented trio of the Albany College
Conservatory ot Music, returned from
Lebanon, where last night before a
good size audience they gave a concert,
that was splendidly received, many
compliments being given them for the
superior program,
Mrs. P. Cohen, son Leo, and daugh
ter Miss Sadie, left for Portland, with
the remains of their husband and fa
ther, for burial in the Jewish cemetery
at that cityi
Mr. Thomas Froman left for Portland
to attend the annual convention of
dairymen. He has attended about all
of them, not having missed one for
North Albany.
E. M. Perfect has
gone east on a
Miss Anna Gibson expects to start
ast about the 17th for Penn. to stay
with her mother in the last days of her
old age. Mrs. Lizzie Arnault and son,
Mrs. Mcililler and Mrs. U. W. Uolt
spent the evening with Mrs. Gibson,
All had a fine time.
The telephone people have been hav-
ing quite a time since the high water.
Mr. rA Bon ,ff
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wyatt start for
Minn, the loth to be gone a couple of,
Mrs. Lizzie Arnault and soa, of Mil
ton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Goff last week.
Condensed from the Republic.
Mrs. Ben Holmes is said to have
killed nearly 150 gophers, aided bv her
-little dog, during the high water.
An early spring is promised, for geese
are laying already.
The new house of Mr. Luther is just
about ready to be occupied, and it can't
be beat.
Mr. Mard Hooper is said to be train
ing diggers and gophers to fight.
The E. A.
The school census of the Lebanon i
district was completed last week, and
of school age in the districr.
Mr. Kent and family, who lived in
Lebanon for several months a couple of
years ago ana men went Dactc u xowa,
have again raturned to Lebanon, and
say they are now here to stay. A ,
younger brother came with Jrisn. j
The totnl number of votes cast on
Mondev was 292, which is an increase
of 16 over the of last y eat. j
Wayne Huddleson, ' the Lebanon '
young cnan who was stabbed by his
cousin, Merritt Jenning, in Lebanon on ,
thfi mprninp" of Nnvemher21. han ro- '
covered syfficiently to leave thehospital
in Albany and return home. It is feared
that he will never regain tomniete use
of his right arm. ,
Albany's City Hall.
Editor Democrat:
Mow that Albany is to have a city
hall it seems timely that citizens should
express their opinion on the matter. I
for one should be in favor that the city
dispoae of the properties on Second and
Lyon streets arid invest the money for
the purchase of a prominent corner for
a city hall. A building to cost $40,000
shoull occupy a suitable p ace by a 1
means. It would seem too bad to put
that much money into a building on an
inside lot. The two properties owned
by the city could be sold and enough
money realized therefrom to buy a more
suitable building s'.te for a city hall.
Secure a corner in a good locatii n by
all mean3 for the purpose. C. P.
Uty Elections.
The new Sodaville officials are: Re
corder Jas. Misner, Marshal George E.
Pierce, Treasurer Geo. Tacker. Coun
cilmen M H. Baker. H. Seifert, O. i.
Smith, G. H. Courtwright and Hogu-
Parnsh. ihe mayor is selected bv tin-
councilmen themselves from thpirbodi ;
At Sweet Home W. H. Dauehertv
was elected recorder. Farmer Malon-J
marshal, r . a. weoner treasurer. War-
ren Gum'). John ivnnmec , John T.
States i.r.d Vv. H. Putnam ccuncilmtn.
Rare Experience of a Former
Albany Man.
R. M. Robertson, of Spokane, for
many years a resident of Albany, re
cently received, it is thought from the
Willamette Valley, a type written letter
containing $200 in papar money, the
letter reading as follows:
Mr. R. M. Robertson. 1420 3rd St.,
Spokane, Wash.
Mydearsir:-I am inclosing $200.00
in currency, which is due you You do
not know it. No one but God and my
self knows ic, and I trust that you will
not give yourself any concern about it.
I am simply trying to make restitution
of that which was wrongfully taken
from you, together with interest.
Hoping that you will forgive the wrong
and that the Lord will bless you,
I am sincerely yours.
No place, no time, no signature, Mr,
i Robertson writes that he is duly thank
' fnl and wishes the author of the letter
to know that he is forgiven, whoever
the man is, or whatever the wrong was,
not known by Mr. Robertson.
' The incident is another strong one of
the power of conscience to right a
A request from the Brooklyn Taber-
uucie, uiui in view ui me ihcl uiul me
large amount ot space given oi late to
snorting news, is somewhat resented
that more attention be not paid to re
ligious themes, and some excellent ar
ticles on Bible studies are enclosed,
deserving consideration, but too long for
the limited space of the Democrat,
which gives freely to religious matters,
as well as sporting matters, in con
densed lorm.
A copy of an address by John Barrett
on getting ready for the canal, showing
the need of the country for preparing
for the changed condition of affairs
that will follow the opening of the
Panama canal.
I An article by Mr. Barrett, released
at any time, on Nicaragua, telling
about Nicaragua, which is given else
wfeere. Fined $25.
, Oregonian
' Harold Davis, a youth residing at
Uorvallis, was yesterday haled before
the bar of the United States Court and
pleaded guilty to sending a postal card
improperly decorated through the mail.
Judge Wolverton imposed a nne of of
$25 at the recoriniendatton of United
l,t niat.ri,f R.
The weather prediction is: showers
tonight and Saturday.
births and 29 deaths was the rec-
ord for 8tieoc0u"ty laBt mo"?!l
Mrs. R. S. Shaw, of Mill City, is
viBittng at the home ot J. A. Shaw,
W. H. Lee, of Glenwood Springs,
Uoto., is tn the city looking around.
Mr. Omer Hendricson, of Heppner,
Dr., is m the city on a business trip.
vV. L. Marks left for Dallas today to
' referee the Uallas-McMinnvillo game
tonight. .
I Mrs. J. W. Kirkland went to Inde
' pendence this afternoon on a visit with
! We take it back, the Eugene Guard
j did mention the snow with black heads
i several times.
Great is the moving picture. It re-
: cently caught an actual murder at
j Mjaa Myrt,Q Peage- of the 0regon
Boys and Gir s Home, passed through
for Eugene this afternoon
i r. o.-m uno i.QD Mnianfari
of .Marshfield, which teMs which way
: the wind blows at Marshlield.
I A woman has just vvalked 435 miles
through the snow from Shoshone, Wyo.
to Denver on a wager, winning out.
! Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Junkin have
returned from Portland, leaving Mrs.
Small, daughter of the former better.
E. 0. McClain has returned from
Umatilla county, where he haa been
several months on a visit with relatives,
A. J. F. Voigt. an old newspaper
. man, has been in the city, while on a
; trip through the valley while looking
j Mayor Wallace's picture appeared in
: the Oregnnian this morning, the same
one mat was useu on two jormer oc-
. . .',,, u.j ,
government ticket. The people art
tired of the old regime of graft and
malfeasance in office,
in tne assignment of seminary stu-
dent8 at Eugene for next Sunday, Mr.
John K. beggett. a former Albany col
iege student, is placed at Dexter,
LU. . , ,
Something new is a vacuum street
5,1.aner- , hl Bill Edwards, New York
City's cleaner, the Democrat man's
for",eF f?'low cltlzen' ,sg0,nK t0 tr 11
m tnat city.
Mrs. Margaret Cundiff W aliens lyinj
very low in a hospital at San Francisco,
w'th chances againtt her recovery, newF
ner. ni). y warm Aiuauy irienuawui
regret Iriirnint;.
Phiibin.'i'h is waking un. In just one
night, op- man wjis trirown out of a
livery stn'jle and liown stairs, another
man w;is h-t.eri ty his son, mid a third
ha'1 his - si;! --r; c'tfd by a '.illy wi'-lded
hy the e:-.v rp-ir.4hal. Let's e.. wih. is
it stands fur when trans
lated. The Cook con'.rovcrsy is getting more
tropical than ever. The New York
Times publishes a sensational ar'icle
thnt tne ur s north pole
article was a fake, written up for him,
and the Lop nnagi-n authorities say
the charges m the limes are based on
pure fiction.
the most nutritious
food and the most
dainty and delicious
No fretting crer the biscuit
making. Royal is first ,
-m m I
id to
Linn County Investors Made
New9 received vesterdav frftm Mex-
: . ... I.: -
mine owned by Linn county people have
nut those who were luckv in makinir
their investments on ground-floor prices
on tip-toe in anticipation of certain re-
suits many months before expected.
A vein ot great richness has Been
struck and another is to be opened at
any day. The manager writes the
officers that it is looking better every
blast shot off and he wifi be able to give
them a big surprise soon. Two tunnels
are now being run, withore rich enough
to pay all expenses of one tunnel, and
a vein is to be cut very soon that is
hnllnvori hv nynAHo will ho .if ailfllr-ipnh
extent to pay all running expenses, put
in all necessary machinery, and open
me way tor dividends to tne stocK-
holders much earlier than they were!
mnf tSL rtit,.r tho nntion nf
fb,-- n nti, r kn o-cf - a a
taking all stock off the market, or ad-1
vancing tne price, tne Democrat is in
formed, will be prominently brought
up and perhaps definite action taken.
Aa the mnnnv now hnn all thn reaHv
mnnev nppilert nnme nf thH dirpetnrn are
money neenea some oi tne directors are
known to favor discontinuing sales of
stock. The Democrat has a promise of
being favored with reports from these
minea from time to time, and as many
of its readers are financially interested
in the mine the news of their success
will be haled with delight.
" .
c aii i-:.. c. i..
.u biuiu. unu as uiaiiv
P .
news iiuiu Miuany s oia
R. S. Shaw, of the Curtis Lumbar i
Co. who came down Mill City last even-1 .... . ., ,..,.
ing left on a Portland trip. He report-,: At their meeting ast night the For
ed only five inches of snow altogher at : e8,ers of America elected the following
Mill City, while only six miles further
up there was twelve and still further
eighteen oi twenty,
J. ID. McClain left tor Salem to
resume his studies in the Capital Bus
iness College.
Mrs. P. A. Young and mother, Mrs.
Gibson left on a couple days trip
to Portland. ,
S. J. Keefhaver came down from
J. B. Gentry returned from a trip :
south in the interest of the A. O. U. .
W. which is now going it alone in its i
Oregon jurisdiction.
,, ,, , .. .
r"-- Ei D' Man Sf tmB ,t? aml hl
sister-in-law, Mrs. Sloan, and son, of
wiSrevr"' - d.
At Churchill's Pnntery.
Churchill, the business printer, is
very busy these dayB, with several big
jobs on hand,
The school board has just had
printed by him a 75 page booklet, giv
ing the rules, regulations and courso of
study, clsing with the complete list of
teacners. ine iront page shows the
four buildings, including the new hiirh
school, a neat affair.
Churchill will have the new Bell dir
ectory completed tomorrow, ready for
delivery, watch for it. Besides other
worK he is aiuo busy on the new cook
book for the ladies of the Presbyterian
church, a one hundred page affair, and
jlso on a conk hunk for Hrnivnci-illp
Preshvteriantompn" linW
Mrs. Jos. Welt, of Waterloo has been
in tho hospital for some tii.o, for a
case of blood poisoning. Three fingers
have already been amputated on one
hand, leaving only the thumb and little
Lebanon is getting there. Tho city
council has ordered the awnings down
and a fire limit has been established.
The city officers have been put on flat
salaries, tho marshal $05 a month, the
recorder $100 a year, the treasurer $75
a year, city attorney $120 n year.
Makes -
many a
Chas. S. Bruce, of Minn., who is vis
iting his son, Chas.' Bruce, has just
been notified from Washington, that
there is a balance due him as a U. S
soldier, from the government, for pay
1 short. Feb. 29. '64. 14 cents, and Aug.
j"d,20' 6.5; !,P,?1,49e
: 2,23, for which a check wilT be sent ire
a f ew dayB. M r. Bruce enlisted as a
private, was promoted to corporal, then
sergeant and lBt sergeant. The pay is
J -ki
I Mr- race W he f'1' Klve the .ent'r.e
i to h'8 Bon' t0 keeP him in hl8
3eclining years,
He has gotten along 45 years without
Got a Verdict (or $1050.
The jury in the case of M. Bailey
! against Benton county, tried at Dallas
this week, rendered a verdict of
$1050 in favor of the plainMff . On the
, fir8t trial the case was thrown out on
account of technicalities.
On May 4, 1907. Mr. Bailev and his
sons were crossing the Thornton bridge
just north of Albany, in Benton county,
' "10 .u.r uKe went oown, wicn mr.
1 aa"ey B"d his load ot wood, and sons,
. if. M R;i .i.imj .
damages on account of injuries to his
spine, which were allowed. It is said.
that at the trial a lady osteopath tes-
i i; . l! : .
'i.--j ... . .
""a '".'"hK,? ,i Bmne-..wn''e. a
j 3"lafritSt 1h J? nfP,Pt. 8lt0" B
I JH1 'a0kmK . the ""t , thfek woman.-
j Ihe case has been watched with a good
deal of interest here, the accident.
urai ui interest uere, tne
having been close to the city.
The Foresters Elected,
W. M. Parker, chief ranger.
H. C. Jordaa, sub chief ranger.
Fred Hockspior, past chief ranger.
Bert Crawford, secretary.
C. W. Dawson, financial secretary.
J. J. Collis, treasurdr.
AuBtin Crowder, lecturer.
Ohaii. Dannals, senior woodward.
L. W. Marlow, junior woodward.
Otto Scherff, senior beadle,
A. Senders, trustee.
Card of Thanhs.
I hereby desire to express my heart-
; felt thanks to Lidutcnant Worrell and
' every member of G Co., Rev. Gordon
i?r.,trni u, p!,,, o I ,
titul flowers. Mav He who nntvn tho
sparrows fall b csa you dear friends one
and all. f,'.ns. Ettie Cocheli,.
The School Census.
The preliminary count of the school
census shows 1343 in Albany, with
thirty or forty names to be added,
making approximately 1376 in the city
district, un increase of about 200 during
the year.
The Weather.
The woather prediction is showers
tonight and Saturday.
.l . Ie "uw vunlsnea raster
i ? ' " . gentle Willam-
tiaai nignt tne snow vanished faster
ette Valley breeze helping it along.
On Thursday. Dec. 9. tn Mr nnrl Wra
.John J. Barrett, a bov. Weight 7
pounds. All doing well.
Fifty Land of Nod peop'e helped to
fill thr- waiting room, seen in their
everyday clothe, wilti the thick red
paint, while p 'wper and b.uck penciling
off. lo .kin,' like other peo le, hut ac
quiring a theatrical personality throngh