H ' 1 We knew precty well what your wife would like for Christmas. We have a whole store full of all things that delight women and your selection of some ore thing will be easy and at the same time need not be expensive. Perhaps Bhe would like JEWELRY then this splendid deoartment offers a hundred and one novelties that will please her immensely aud we will save you money. Then there are KIMONAS, BATH RuBES, SLIPPFRS.'in new and beau tiiful patterns and styles. Our HANDKERCHIEFS, HOSE, FANCY WORK SILKS, everything that women wear and need plus'a few things she does not need but would like to hive and its theBe latter things that pleases her'mosl Come in men and let us help you. "'" V- : j .. , r THE L. E. & H. J, Hamilton mwxt a attired i tut puei itiiutt, Albany, U neooa i "'flea mail matter. F P JNTJTTING The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year,' 4.0C. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end ol year sj.ou. The weekly Advance per year ti.zo. At end of year $1.60. 2. Alter 3 years at OUR WANTS FOR SALE A good fresh cow, an a No. 1, pure blood Jersey cow for Bale, fine milker and a perfect pet. just the cow for family uso. No better Jer sey in the country, also a good heavy steady work horse, will weigh about 1400 lbs. perfectly sound in every re. Snoct. Call on J. V. PiDe 203 West 2nd street, Albany, Or. j JUST PL AT I'F.D. -Fourteen 10 acre tracts 3 miles out. Sold on install ment plan. Fine aoil for berries, garden truck and fruit trees. Buy a Tremont tract of the owner. Owen Beam, Room 4 Stark Bldg, Alb.iny, Ore. FOR SALE. A man's bicycle, in good repair. Call at Vicrock's barber shop. FOR RENT. House and barn $7.10 per month. Will rent garden land ad joining if desired. Enquire of Fish & Hodges. FOR RENT. Somo fine rooms for ollice or housekeeping. See W. C. Burkhart. WOOD SAWING. By N. W. Webb, I I successoi to lien Kozelie. uea lusi i ju per cent, sock it to tne cow . Bell. counties." FOR SALE. 3 homestead relinquish- j lot on p;fln stlcct anJ Washing-! ment on Si etz, all joining each, . ,. . . . , .,.,,, I other. Iiuuire box 84, Albany. ,tJ ' Poland is assessed for $190,-( About 4,000;000 feet on each. 12t (000 that is well worth $400,000 and, GLASS. All sizeB and kinds, for Bale 'probably the owners would refuse at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper $500,000 for it. How wicked arc some than aywnere else in Aioany. omii- ly set, if desired. LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE. With me for prompt return. I have many requests for city and farm property, in largo and small tracts. Both phonos. C. W. Tebai.t, . 432 W. First St, WOOD FOR SALE -Big fir. J. D. I Ellis 9W E 4th, Phono Bell Red 952. i lit PLANTS FOR SALE. Gooseberries, red and white I urrants, Rhubarb, Red and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg :,, i,v.B: i n..,.ni.nwina t!- Ivf., f nun,,!! Albany". Or.. R. F. D. No. 5, Homo Phone 7102. ltit I FREE. Edging and bavktatllho Al bany saw mill. Get some. I ' .. ., . .. ! ONIONS FOR SALE. By E. L. Me- Kcever. Phone Bell hurmerB 2x1. tD TO LOAN, $50 OOtl on real property J. C. Christy, over Jst Nntienal Bunk Altmny, Oregon, mu-.ut interest rta Bonable. J. W. UENTLEY, boot and shoemaker' and repairer, does first clns work at reasonable prices. Next door to Democrat oflico. bee him. FIP.E INSURANCE.-O. F. R. A. ot MeMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. 0. Bryant, Albany, Cusici: iiank Bldg, Both phones. MEN HAMILTON STORE 11 ' ; : 1 JABS FROM PORTLAND. Portland, Dec. 14. On the north east corner of Fifth and Alder streets in Portland is a lot 100 feet each way. I It has two unsightly shacks on it that i have been an eyesore for years. They j are worth little or nothing, and the 1 lot is worth actually less by the cost of removing them than it would be if j bare. This lot is assessed, exclusive ' f ;mDrovements. for S200.000. It has increased in value fully 25 per cent in ( - the last year, but it is assessed just the same this year as last. By com- j parison with leased property near it real estate experts place a value of not less than $500,000 on it. A lot ' was recently purchased at Sixth and Alder at the rate of $40 a square foot, i Property at Fifth and Alder is worth ! more. Yet we arc told that property 's assessed at its full value in Port- land. The block on which the Portland Hotel stands is estimated by real estate experts to be worth $1,000,000.' These experts must be mistaken. The only qualified expert is the assessor ( of Multnomah county, and he tells us i that the land, exclusive of improve ments, is $579,000, and that it is worth ! no more than in 1907. The "cow : counties" are to be made to live up to full ablations, but Portland is to gel off on a 60 per cent basis. Some of the property is assessed for less than cf ,ncsc contry assessors to estimate values on a 60 per cent basis! FOR SALIC. 16-liorso power Stick ney gasoline engine in first-class running order with Apple Dynamo Sparking attachment, large enough to run a threshing machine, or hay baler or wood saw, economical enough to run your cream separator or pump. Double Burr Grinder capacity of 60 to 80 bu. per hour goes with engine at $500. Box 221 hrownvillc, Oregon. U , - .,, one. t k.....j.i..m: u 11 bALE. Team, harness and steam 11113 UUICU, FOR RENT. Fine office rooms. Cull "l"n F. G. Will. TYPEWRITERS Factory rebuilt and guaranteed us good as new and for one-year. Olivers $40,00, Kerning- ,on3 ?r,0 00 to $t!0.00. Underwoods $t;o.0o tn $65.10. Come ond see them. Buy something useful for the hoy or girl lor Amns. P.awling'8, 123 Uroadaluin. MONEY TO LOAN on real estatm at seven per cent. On choice farm lands at six per cent. Aiply to Ceo. W. Wright. Attorney, Albany, Ore gon. Both phones- Ollice, cornel of 1st and Ferry. FIRE INSURANCE. Beaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Bldg. Albany, Oregon 317-321 First St F. M. FRENCH, JEWELER Sen Our Beautiful. Christmas. Display SS! of all the laiestlNovelties Gold andjsilver F. M. FRENCH, JP-WELER TO AN OLD COVERED BRIDGE. By W. S. GORDONr- Old bridge, if thou couldst ordy speak And tell us all you've seen-and heard, A tale so strange thou couldst unfold Ihe world would list thine every word. How many vexing mysteries So long consigned to realms un known, Thou couldst illumine light as day, The shades of doubt forever flown. For thou hast echoed to the tread Of mighty man in every form, From saint on noble missions bent To knaves with victim's blood still warm. How many a sigh thou must have heard. As broken hearts by night and day With downcast eyes and heavy feet Have groped along thy sombre way. Have trudged the remnants of a race That walked these wilds when earth was young; ! Here have the mothers borne the load . Here have the men and maidens ' sung. 1 And many a merry laden sleigh i Has made thy frozen timbers creak, As laugh and song was borne along Across the prairie cold and bleak. ; And thus with ever changing view Life's panorama ihou hast seen, i Where Joy and Grief walked side by side . '.Mid thorns with roses strewn be- twetn. . j Methinks I hear the hollow tread i XirSSZtt " " , Still more fall in the line of march. ! And like the restless stream beneath That ever presses to the sea, This living stream of life and love Flows on toward cternitv. Let Me Make a Suggestion, For Xmas Engraved Cards, Printed Cards, Hand painted Posters for College and High School; Loose Leaf Memo and Price Hooks, Automatic Pencil Sharpeners. Postal Scales, Score cards for bridge, whist nnd 500. Rnwling's 123 Broadal- bin. Albany. Oiegon. For Christmas. Our Christmas Roods are arriving -Webstors, Charles ihe Groat, Gordons nnd Jackson Hand Made, in Christmas boxen. See nur new 1 in o of far.cy briar and mersc'i.nii pious at American Cigar store. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL J. A. Wilson, of the Salem Brewery, came up this noon. The Hoover Brothers, of Hoover, were in the city today. Rev. Jones, of Brownsville, returned borne today from a Portland trip. ff Harrison Johnson, rged 88, of Leba non, was in town today. Mr. Nevin McCormick and daughter, Miss Bertha, of near Shedd, have been in the city today. Druggist Fred Dawson is now in his new home, one of the best in the city. and his former residence was occupied Dy newcomers Detore ne naa time to get out. They had to pass each other to get in and out. A. K. Curtis, the real estate man, has returned from a trip to his old home at Garden City, Kan., and is now more an Oregonian than ever. He re ports a great deal of interest in this country, and several of his Garden City friends will be out this way to remain. Mr. and Mrs. Al Bates, of Phoenix, Ariz., and Mrs. Groves of Portland, are visiting at the home of their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Dyer, Orleans precinct. Mrs. Bates, nee Miss Lois Dyer, is a ; former Albany teacher, a resident of Phoenix for eleven years. ' Mason and Marshall. Corvallis Gazett-Times: Ferguson Chapter No. 5, Royal Arch Masons, held a very interesting com- munication here yesterday, the K. A. degree being conferred upon A. K. j Russ, Peter Rickard, and a Mr. Ander , son. from Toledo. The work lasted i from four to eight o'clock and was con cluded with a big banquet to which all ' did full justice. D. P. Mason and L : 0. Marshall, of Albany, were over and took a prominent part in the work. Special Christmas Sale of Flower , Bulbs. Hyacinths, extra large, all colots, single or double, 3 for 25c. Jonquils, yellow, 2c each, per dozen 20e. Tulips, 3c each, per dozen 30c. ' Lillies Auratum. verv larcre bulbs. I each 15c; Longiforum,- each 15c; For mosum, each 15c. Chisese lillies each 5c. M. SENDERS & CO. Trv a bowl of Hot Chilli Carncarna at The CreBt. I Hot Chilli Carncarna at The Crest. Retiring from Business. .T .. ... -ij i Kvervcnmp in cne store to ue ciuseu out by Jan 1st. , i MBS. G. E. NICHOLS. Wonder Millinery. The 1 oledo. j A new steel range, with a cooking Slate on top, a model modern . stove io blacking. Keeps clean. Just take : a look at it. At Albany Hd. Co's. ! FINE RAZORS , We are showing a fine j ine of Razors $2.50. Razor for $2.50. i $2.00. razors for ?2.or. All guaranteed by us as well as the manufacturer. Try one, you will be please 1. Burkhart & Lee. ANNUAL MEETING. A meeting of the stockholders of the Albany Creamery Association will be held at the Creamery in Albany on Tuesday, Jan. 13th, 1910, at 1 p. m., j for the purpose of electing five direc tors and to transact such other busi j ness as may come before the meet 1 ing. C. L. SHAW, President. WANTED oung men to learn au tomobile business by mail and pre- i pare for positions as chaffeurs and repair men. We make you expert in ten weeks; assist you to secure position. Pay big; work pleasant; demand for men great; reasonable; write for particulars and sample les son. Empire Automobile Institute, Rochester. NT. Y. FOR RENT. burnished room, electric light, furnace. Call Bell Red 122. tl8 School Notice. Notice (g hereby given that ft meot. jng of th(j voter3 of diatrict 5 win be held at the central school building on Wednesday, Dec. 22, at 7:30 p. m., for gTt hi !Sfot& to coming year. J. L. Tomlinson, Clerk. Albany. Dec. 10. 1909. Idle Hour Restaurant, . , Cor. Broadalbin and Secondt Sts. Under new management. Best 20 cent meals in the city. JONES .KI30R. j Wood Yara. I AM kinds of wjod. old fir, maple, dry , Blab and mill end trimmings, sawed i ready for shed. Phone Home Black 252 ; HOWARD BROS. Ofrre with J. A Howard. C. B. DAVIS. PUN0 TIMR. Yearly contracts So for' two tunings. Leave orders at Davenport's Musii St'ire. FOR SALE Mv resilience corner 2nd and Puke St., 'lot i7.U3- J'.. Greaf bargain i ta'en at unce: also furni:uiv, hurs etc. Inquire 140 E 2nd S". 11 KS. H. F. McILWAlX. GAINS AND LOSSES. The school census figures show gains in the following prominent districts: Albany 1380, from 1210; Lebanon 5.), from 444; Halsey 149, from 144; N. Brownsville 265, from 253; S. Browns ville 209, from 154; Shedd 87, from 85; Tangent 76, from 75; Lacomb 105, from 95; Knox Butte 73, from 68; Gates 42, from 32. The following lost: Scio 3, Shelburn 5. Sweet Home 9. Crawfordsville 7. Sodaviile 11. A striking loss ib from 21 to 11 in district 48. Diamond Hill. Oakville remains the same, 62. A good many country districts have lost, most of the gains being in the towns. Jingles. Put your money into houses For that is what arouses Building enthusiasm. Several flats we need For the new breed 1 Coming to town. Wanted more light On the city hall site. Get your pocket book out Then keep looking about f or some one to give to. The Weather. Range of temperature 51-25. The river has been falling and is 12.8 feet. A heavy frost prevailed this morning, and there was a snap to things during the forenoon. The prediction is: Fair touight and Thursday. BIG SHOE SALE I will sell my stock of Boots and Shoes exclusively at cost price. Sale beginning Dec. 15 and ending Januaiy 1st. C. H PR0CHN0W Albany Abstract Company, L. M. Curl, Manager. Hereafter the records in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances for Linn County, will be abstracted daily, by an expert title examiner employed by our company. In this manner we will be able to keep our records up to the last minute of each previous' day, thereby affording better service to the public than any one has heretofore been able to give. It is our intention to maintain the standard of excellence gained by thorough and conscientious work in the past. The very best and latest system of abstracting of titles will be permanently and continu ously carried forward regardless of the expenditure of money in main taining , bur well established reputation as progressive and reliable ab- stracters. We assume that every one realizes the necessity of having an abstract of title prepared for the property which is about to be pur chased; we solicit your patronage and assure you that we can give you the very best work that is possible with little delay and at a moderate living price. It will be to your advantage to see us before ordering. An unlimited amount of money to loan at six per cent per annum on real estate security. Both telephones in the office. Call in and see us or write. Albany Abstract Company, Albany, L C. S. FREE WINTER EXCURSIONS provide an excellent opportunity for students of the International Corres pondence Schools, of Scronton, to enjoy a refreshing and invigorating win ter outing without expense to them. If you are a student of the Schools, you are eligible and should go. Excursionists will visit at the time that suits them best SEATTLE VANCOUVER PORTLAND SPOKANE These places have been selected as objective points because of the num ber and quality of the attractions they offer to visitors. No student should fail to take advantage of this opportunity to get away for a while from the monotonous grind of workday life to renew his vitality through the thou sand pleasant excitements inseparable from travel. Shake off your drowsiness. Be alive. Get in touch with ' GEO. A. PHIPPEN, Eugene, Oregon. Local Representative of the I. C. S. ' ' ' . Room 7, Hovey Bldg. Light, Power and Heat. . Willamette Valley Co. R. E. Welch, Manager. DRUNKENNESS Grounds of Divorce from Pronv inent Man. A warm divorce suit was begun to day by Lawyer L. L. Swan, being Cora E. Willoughby agt. J. E Willoughby, Harrishurg people. They were married March 14, 1894 and- have one childj Mildred. Drunkenness is the principal charge, and then some more, until the plaintiff left defendant in Jan., 1908. but upon his promise to reform returned to him, but he got drunk numerously some more, sne charges, and threatened to kill himself, plaintiff and child several times, and kept a lazor under hia pillow to harrass them with, that he even had her arrested on the false charge of chicken theft and made other false accusations against-her. $20 a month and the custody of the daughter is asked. - New Officers. Officers elected in Bayley-Chapter No. 8 R. A. M. last evening are: R. K. Ohling. High Priest; Wm. ortmiller, . King: Geo. E.- Sanders, Scribe.;. . J. Miller, C. of H.; D. P. Mason' P. S.; Geo. Taylor. R. A. C, E. W. Langdon. Treaj. ; E. Whshburn, Sec; Wm. E. Baker, Sentinel; E. W. Langdon. Master. ' F.G. WILL. lor Watches Monumental Works. Now occupy their new quarters at 327 Lyon street, where will be found a choice selection of monuments, tomb stones, tablets, crosses, etc., of the best material and latest design, in for eign and American marble and gran ite. When wanting anything in this line please call and get my prices. Patronize home industry and save agent's commission. Having had years of experience as a practical workman, I am satisfied I can please you. Leave orders now- for spring delivery. Oregon STUDENTS' J LA-