,cW -7JL XLV ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY DECEMBER. J 7. 1C9 xo co SoCV' Democrat C H NEWS "We have a complete line of Dolls and Tovs, all kinds of Fancy and Common Dihes and Fancy Novelties of allkirds. all kinds of Popular Ficticn and Toy Books, not just afew odds and ends but a complete line. E1SER & Come and see us Deeds recorcUd: S. M. Thompson to Oliver McCIure 20 acrea $ J. M. Richardson to Chas. Chris- -man, 294 acres "... 10,000 John W. Gaines to Lee J. Gaines, 120 acres 1200 E. D. Guernsey to H. B. Chess BOOT LEGGERS DOINGS OF FINED.! THE WORLD. 80 ! , i Eugene, Dec. 11, Justice Bryaon to day convicted Harry Jackson. Harvey Jones, F. Steinbuck, Richard Downev. ' Charles Miller for boot leucine and Grants rasa has a genuine blackmail case. of Henry Myers is tho Scio. new mayor S . The Comfortable - Steam Heated 12S bv 300 feet. Lebanon L. J. Bailey to R. E. Kingsley, 3 lots B's ad Albany W. F. Hammer et al to Florence B Hammer, 1 lot bl 104 H's ad - T. B. Radford to T. T. and F. J. Wrightmon, one acre 400 To Be Red Hot. 25 1 Washington, Doc. 11. -Wiekersham In estate of Thos. Brandon, will filed, Estimated value of property $18,000, It is left as follows: $10 to Mable Big Bay light Store Where every modern convenience is at your pleasure. You're at home and comfortable in this New Store. Come in and look around for Christmas suggestions. You'll not be asked to buy. Come any time, early or late, you're always welcome to look around. We are showing the largest assortment of beautiful yet practical and sensible Christmas gifts ever displayed by this or any other store in the "Hub of the Willamette." We have the swell store to show them off and here you will find one Grand Display of Christmas suggestions too numer ous to mention. . Last but not least, the price is always less, and quality the best that money can buy. In, the Cloak and Suit Department The price cuts no figure, we'll sell to suit your purse, we're over stocked. Mark Brandon and Hugh Brandon, all Blue River mining claims, all rest of ; real property to wife for life, then to I children; all personal property to his Wife, Eliza Brandon executor. i Following is a list uf schools with an average attendance of 97 loc more the 1 past month, with the name of the teacher: W. H. Tusnn, Mt. Pleasan, 97. Lelund Green, Sand RWge, 98. Bessie McCIure, Cascadia. 100. Olga Martin, Muddy, 07. E. B. Waterloo, near Stayton, 97. Rebecca Rucker, near Lacomb, 97. , FreeU Dart, Crabtree, 97 . ' Margaret Kemp, near Cascania i? n i i i : i 1000 fined them $100 each and 30 days ,n jail, snow stoandnlmc lias beeS stop1: ped. R. B. Miller has been appointed traffic manager of the u. R. N. and Oregon and Washington. Forest Grove is in darkness, with an ; t..!r,n : . eiem-riv; war raging, even H o lo .o ...,w,.B .u. un.u.. ntsaiuov UIO 4 cent wut rte js objected to. sugar trust and land frauds, and is go- The numho. nf honi -hilrtmn rlrnw. ing to make it red hot tor them in the -. monBV t r,i,nnnn thi. ,. .- Ksri last year it was 444. Knowing a cain of 111, an odd combination for suro. Bulletin: No part of Harrisburg was flooded during tho recent high water. ; Other towns along the river were par- tinlly submerged. Shows we have a splendid townsite about the highest : and dyest along the river. face of the recent disclosures in New Brandon; Viola Kelly,' Mary Osburn, I York and 'hose taking up land for corporations. to aid Congrcess will be asked Settled. Washington, Dec. 11. Panama it: eager for a settlement of affairs. The Costo Rican trouble will be settled by ; Ohief Justice Fullet. Public Sales. loo fT" A Corner in Hay. Chambers & McCune ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE 1 m $10 to 100 . m m 'Victor and Edison. , v 111 pif "EASY PAYMENTS" , r S?;fe ' s modern way of doing business. Mtfl mm Over 2,000 records to select from. We , j j& J WHa . have arranged comfortable seats in ftfftf ,' 11 4 nse while making selections. yJSl jwjj I mWoodworth Drug Co fegggf ' WSV' OPEN: WILL -BE- : OPEN Kindergarten School; Miss Helen Wright At the W. C. T. U. Building. Terms: $3 50 per month. , Phone Black 2481 Bell. iMiss Bertha-. Wright, I eacher of Music , Mr. Henry Kleinberg, of Ellensbe g, Wash., who married an Albany girl, has 18,000 tons of hay on hand, a corner of it in his country. The result ia a higher price for hay, it has now gone up to zz, and it is said tnat it tins is Kept the price will go still higher Being kept off the market, according to the dispatch, has required the shipping of hay in from California. i iJ'INE POCKET KNIVES - We are show ing a fine line of Pocket Knives, stag and pearl handle. 25c to $2.50. Fully guaranteed by us. See our window dispiay; everything that leaves our store is backed by our guarantee. . . Bubkharv & Lee. Wrecks. Cleveland, Dec. 11. By Wednes day's storm four steamers were wreck' ed, anJ 58 lives ' lost, with property loss. Rooms or Kent. The fine farm of tho W. W. Richaid son estate, near Scio, was aold this afternoon nt referee's sale, by Riley Shelton, referee, with a large crowd present from Scio. H C. Kinney, bid it in at $12 an acre for 580 acres and S31.50 an acre for 160 acres, a total of million $12,000, previously offered. , ( I W B. Simpson, referee, Bold three land a half lots in Scio for $605, the ( hird Bale, the first one going at $160. , All finished and ready for use, some ! . Boost Albany Liun County, Ore. by Will CK UUJ"'(i l...W.HVU. uv , efpecially designed half pound and two pound boxea. Elite Ciiocolato Shop. fine office rooms, in the new Stark block. See Dr. Stark CV M.PI.R P THEATRE PROGRAM TONIGHT '. ' Pictures, . Why They Married. (Comedy.) Mystic Melodies. (Drama.) Don Quixote. (Ccmody.) Children of the Sea. ( Drama. ) Dreamland Tonight. cKeuzie . PIANO INSIRUCriON, hour lesson 50c, Bell Black 2481, VOICE CULTURE 1 hour lesson 75c. Albany, Oregon. . Senders & Co, (INCORPORATED.) ' Dealers In Hay, Grain, Wool, Ca'seara, Sslt, Feed, Seeds, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard and Alsen Portland Cement, Acme Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and Hair Fiber Plaster, Stock Foods, Ponl try Supplies, Ruberoid Roofing, Build ing paper, etc. Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. WAittiA :WALLA v HAS $135,000 J?IE3 STARTED BY AN : v OIL STOVE. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Dec. 3. Goods valued at $135,000 went up in smoke at the Hotter-Wheeler depart ment store this morning just as the clerks were arriving to open up a large "expansion sale." The fire quickly gutted; the building, except one bank of shelves, and water completed the damage. - Tonight 40 employes are out of work. ; While the fire department was suppressing the1 flames a number of the clerks stood amid the wreckage ' weeping. The insurance on the stock i is estimated at $82,000 and messages j have been sent for agents to come and ! adjust t'ic loss. Tomorrow morning 1 men will separate the damaged goods. ; "I have been here 27 years," said) Manager W. P. Hooper, "and this is ' my first fire. I have seen many fires but this is; the worst I have ever saw. One thing that has been gratifying is' the kindness of my competitors." j The fire started from an oil stove in the "ad" department in a balcony ( over the main iloor, and successive t explosions- of gas arc given as the ' cause of the spread. ; ) . Songs. 5. Say Boys I've Found a Girl, 6. Daddy Dear. Vaudeville nsxt Wednesday night. Something Una. Mattinee every day. . ' Admission 10c. : erry I alters Chnnge of piny every night. Price 15c and 25c. One Show Tonight. Pjctures start at 7:45 p. m. sharp. CLOSING OUT SALE Lodge Aeciings, Evenings from now until Lhristir.as. We lead this year in the TOY LINE; also have a full line of FANCY DISHES.GROCERIES and PRODUCE. Promp Delivery. Stetters's New Store, 206 West Secpnd Street. '3 TY CLP . . 2 o , THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO, Have u good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in 3how ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buving see us. See it all. T-.ike your choice. Get the best! Office 2S6West First St J. M.' RALSTOf! INSURANCE, LOANS A!Sl COLLECTIONS. have money ti loan tn small and large amounts. Motes and mnrtRncs bought. 1 will bo'l you. f'roperty handled for non-resideita CURTIS REAL ESTATE CO J bought 106 I'i. ELLSWORTH. Farm land and city property and sold. Parties having land cr citv propprty or sale will do w'fill to list with us Phones Bell black 53. liomu main 231. i TRY OUR . White Queen Flour Also Capital M1II3, Perfection, Stayton1 and Johnson's Best. Special Delivery. Murphy Flour and Feed. C:--!l up. Both Phonos. The K. O. M. every Saturday even ing. Jb red Richmond, Commander. j The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerk. vunzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays, I Anna Strom, G. N. . Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in Bussards' Hull. ' Grant Froman, Clerk. 1 Royal Neighbors mee,; every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in Bussard's Hall. ' AlicbKirk, Recorder. . Pianos, Prof. Head's new pianp store, corrje j of Second and Ferry street.ia now open, 1 with the best lino of piano3 on the market in stock. Also sheet music and small instruments will be carried. , The balance of our stock of Man-tailored ' ,. Ladies Suits and Coata will be closed out : ' . nt Cost and .below within the next 30 days on exceptional opprr .ur.iiy 10 purchase useful Xmas presents at astonishing bar gains, Tell everybody. ',. One Suit Given Avay Free THE PARIS CLOAK & SUIT HOUSE 223 lst;Street, Albany Both Phones S Main t2, WM. BAIN, President. P. D. GILBERT 'V. P. H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. DOOLEY'S GKOCERY A new an02-.!xr,cnsiva line of fio-;h, clo.m Does a general banking business, ' Pavs interests on saving accounts ;. , 1 Sells bank drafts and travc lsrs checks Has safety deposits boxes for rent. ake mmmmi Bread, Uriod Fruits and Vegetables F. 2 Win f cr vf tchcj 67 il A LYfK :'ETS. ons, rrocuce. an s. The best to be secured Ccn.-acl Myer??.