Knit Goods of all Kinds ia Scarf, Fascinators, Infants Caps, Saccules and Leggins. An entire new line of Sweaters, in Ladiss and Childrens sizes. Jet Buttons, all sizes, just rvceived. 13 11 V i( fcELIABL V W W li-fl eoeo :, Power "S3 R. E. Welch, Manager. K I ft ll 'Q iff ,:-1'.WJK- Rl 1 1 IdArVA.'Mfl POWWOW':! Tungsten Lamps Make Electric Light Much Cheaper I 1 Hi Thcy have two and a half times the efficiency of the or dinary carbon lamp hitherto in general use. The fila ment ia made of a rare metal called Tungsten, which ; 'n!ds an intense brilliancy at low coat. In shape and .3 tho bulb is just like any other electric incandescent lamp. Why not try a Tungsten lamp yourself? Get one of the 40-watts and use it somewhe.o in your house In place of one of your carbon lamps. Then observe the great difference. Note the clear wh'.lo light, exactly twice as brilliant and costing you one-'lflh less for elec tricity. Tungsten lamps are destined displace all oth ers, for both store and house lighting. Ralston Elec. Sup. Go. 506 West. Second Strcc 1 I'-A , - - WOULDN'T IT EC AWFUL il" your phimhin r-htuKl bo out of onkr Ilu-M' wiitu-r ilays. SuppiiM' you have us look omt it now. The re in:iy he some little tiling wroni that would break out on the threat feat (' i! m iil yiu'r pleasure. An ounce ot prevention is bolter than a pound of cure. Have us do a little j ; i .; entive plumbing. MlfDlN & STUAPT. ! K have t.o'Stnte Deposits. ' ' nor do we aeeept any de-pu.-iit w'nero special seurity has to lie pie i;vd. I Ins mrans that v. have li pie'.V'.Ted (HVtlilnis and thai yv.r . op. isit has tho Mitno aeeursiy i!,at all liuvo. Wo bnvo inv.-ied nn-.t'ts worth in no than $.HH)(ltDll (HI and this would have to bo dis sipated before depositors eoiild lose a cent. U is not dissipated, it is tfrowinn. J.W.CUS1CK&C0. : BANKERS. ! Isfnblislwu ISO?.. - f 11 Pi 1 iaSl ? Agents for Stanard S Patterns. 90 and Heat. illametfe Valley Co. 111 ll I CITY LUMBER YARD WILKINS & SON. LIGHT SUMMER hABRICS, flhen cleaned by our method of dry cleaning, ar-.; maiie to lo k just an pooti as made to .onk jimt as new. vVaist.1 and (tresses of lielteat; colors ami ma terial we renovate to the delight of the owner. Wo also dye .iny uanunnt de sired in beautiful shades am! colorings. i THE CLEANER, I C. E. SHELLEY, Tivi). ' 1-U V 1st St. lioti l'Jumo hlai'k i .lUune nlume liH) ! Real Estate an J Insurance I Ii:i7 an. I soli roal'.y. Insure ymf t rty :ii't transact loans. Larc or 1 mivi" t mbor tiat'ts. A Sj'.ap in Land it taken soon. E. A. CHAMBERS. R. F. I).:. m mi A 11 ALBANY Doing: n and Around It. Oysters at The Crest. How about THAT chair. ! Have you ordered that chair yet, ' Boost the Albany made chair. Hot chicken tamnlies at The Crest. Pf eider's, 229 W. 2nd street for fish. : Hot tamalies at the Vienna liakery. Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Sit down in one of those Albany made chairs. Ice crear ar.,i iu. jhes at the Vienna Bakery Oal! and try them. Fresh oysters at Pfeiffur's, 229 W 2nd St. Patronize home industry. Use John son's Best. Ueo Johnson's Best. It is the Best. Made in Albany. Chiropractic is not Osteopathy nor Magnetic Healing. Those self hasting roasters at the Albany Hardware Co's. store, are the best thing going. Get one. When others fail try Chiropractric Spinal Adjustments and get well. Chiropractor 226 Broada'bin St. I have found a place to have my eyes tested and glasses scientifically fitted Albany Optical Co,, 226 Broadalbin St The Misses Bertha and Helen Wright will receive orders for embroidery, painted novelties, place cards, menu arda at their room in the Brtpncr block. Bell Telephone Black 21. At ome Monday and Thursday afternoons o by special appointment. See place cards at Burkhart & Lees. The first sled seen by the Democrat man this morning was drawn by Hubert F..rtmiller. The Ladies Auxiliary will meet Mon day afternoon at 2 3" o'clock, at the rooms of the Albany Commercial Club. There will be an election of officers. The Bull Dog foot ball team yester day afternoon defeated the Madisons attain 15 to 6 and claim the grammar school championship of Albany, pre pared to defend the title against all comers. The chanel car St. Anthonv after a two day's stop in Albany will leave today for Harrisburg where it will re main one week in charge of Rev. D. MacUonaki. From there it will go to Roset urg for a seven weeks' tour in Douglas county. It will later return to Tjinn county for further work. Reduced Rates in Effect. Tickets will be sold on the certificate plan at reduced rates to meetings noted below. Full fare going, one third fare returning, provided fifty or more have attended the meeting: Oregon Retail Hardware and Imple ment Dealers Association, Portland, Jan. 18th and 19th. Annual Assembly Church of God. Portland Cec. 24th to January 2nd. Oregon State Horticultural Conven tion, JJortland December 6ch-9th, and Oregon State Dairy Convention, Port land, Dec. 9ih-10th. Apply Union depot for full inform , ion. R. K.. Montgomery, Agent. GASOLINE BURNS FATAL. Boatman Tries to Refill Tnk With Lighted Laniern in Hand., Everett, Wash., Oct. 8 While gaso line was being transferred from one fishing launch to another near Mukil teo last night, the fumes were ignited by a lantern and Eldon Graham was burned to death. His companions, J. Everett Graham and F. Francis Alkys werfl burned but escaped death by leaping into the wat er. Graham is in a hospital here. All the men are oajm Seattle. Heavy, impure blood makes a mud dy, pimply complexion, headaches, nausea, indigestion. Thin Mood makes you weak, pale, sickly. Bur dock lihiod Bitters makes the blood ricll red, pure restores perfect health. For a mihl. easy action of the baw ds, a single dose of Doan'j Rciulcts is enough. Treatment, cures habitual constipation. 3 cents a box. Ask your druggist for them. Stops itching instantly. Cures piles. eczema, salt rheum, tetter, itch, hives, herpes, scabbics Doan s Ointment. -t anv drug store. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting af the stock holders of the Vetch Growers Linon ill be held on Tuesday. Jan. 4th, 1911) at 1 o'clock p. m. in 1 angem tor the election of live directors to serve .me year cad to amend by-laws. And inv other business which may conic before the meeting. By order of the Board of Directors. W. F.. PARKER'. Pres. J. K. JKXKS. Sec. TRY OUR White Queen Flour Also Capital Vills, Perfection, Stnyton and Johnson's Best. Sprcinl Delivery. Murphy Flour and Feed. Ctill up. Both Phonos. sift Sanisi-Pepsin Gapsuiss v'-V A FOSlTiVE CUKE Inflammation it Cnt.r-r . J rite W:ut!.T.ui.i -..! .'iOi'l'RS Pur..:. Lti' .viv nmi vini.iTifiitiy t i"i of Jonocrhen i 4iUft. iiu miit tor "I liow t- nnu -live. AUolNlc!" l i: n;!.'". $oltl fcy lirnointji I'rii-L' :l.iO, or lj pm r.n i, 31.-U, 3 boxo. or ij nnii, xt, fCTliS SANTAL-PEPS1K C6 Jir'i1 BclleiaMulM, Ohio. For le br Curki.Tt A Ie MISFITS. As a man's stomach is so dies he think. People with the largest souls live the simplest lives. At last Abe Ruef is out onbail. Let's see, who is Abe Ruef anyway. . When Uncle Sam has conquered Zelaya it is up to him t) tackle the Sophomores. Abany city election on Monday. Be careful how you vote. Cast your ballot f r a bigger and better Albany. Lo. the poor indian, tho original American, is now a mightv small atfar in civilization without any more to say ab'iut aifairs than a yeilow dog. And one timo Lo run this country himself, to suit himself. ' Not content with getting the Equit able J. Pierpont Murgan is said to be after the Mutual and NeiV York, with a combined cani'al of one billion seven hundred million dollars, forming a trust with an annual income of $275,000, 0U0 grafted from the people. Congressman Hawley is said to bo considerable of u humorist. A drummer in the city todav says that in his speech at Cottage Grove he made the state ment that it is impussible for graft to exist in congress, a body of men above sucn tnings. WOMEN'S WOES. ALBANY WO MEN ARE FINDING RELIEF AT LAST. It does seem that women have more than a fair share of the aches and pains that afflict humanity; they must "keep up," must attend to duties in spite of constantly aching backs, or headaches, dizzy spells, bearing-down pains; tliey must, stoop over, when to stoop means torture. They must walk and bend andwork with racking pains and many aches from kidney ills. Kid neys cause more suffering than any other organ of the body. Keep the kidneys well and health is easily main tained. Read of a remedy for kidneys only that helps and cures the kidneys and is endorsed by people you know. iMrs. M. Custer, of 138 W. Ninth St., Albany, Ore, says: "I have had no occasion lo use Doan's Kidney Pills for nearly three years and think that fact alone is proof of their value. At the time I procured this remedy at Foshay & Mason's drug store I was suffering from an acute attack of kid ney complaint, the result of a cold that had settled in my kidneys. 1 was so weak and lame that I could scarcely move from one place to another and the kidney secretions were too fre quent. I used Doan's Kidney Pills until cured, and in March, 1903, I told of my experience in our local papers. Now that the cure has proved perma nent I am firmly convinced, of the val ue of Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foslcr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New. York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doom's and take no other. Attention. The ladies of Fair Oaks Circle No. 1, G. A. R., will serve a chicken pie din ner on Dec. 11 (Saturday) to which all are invited. No admission. Dinner 35 cts, supper 15 cts. All day Bazaar. Presents suitable foi the Christmas oc casion. Please remember the place upstairs in the Grand Army Hall. Strangers welcome. "Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil is the best remedy for that often fatal dis ease croup. 1 las been used with suc cess in our family for eijjht years."--Mrs. I.. Whitcac'rc, Buffalo, N. Y. Ihe Market. . Wheat SjC, Ont3 10c. Beef on foot 2i& to 3c;. veal dressed 7c; pork dressed !)c; on foot 7c. Lnrd 15e. Eggs 37c. I'hickens on foot 10c. Hams ltic to 20c, sides the some, : houlders 12V,; to loc. Butter 30c to 3fic Flour 1.50 to ?1.7oe a sack Potatoes Ic oer H. Hay, from $7 tor some clover to $14 f' r the best timothy. rf-i j. ss nn ("j 7-n rr Old and Reliable Thirty-eight years of steady growth; are Slgniucam eiiuuraeiiieui. ml i careiuf management, unu courteous service of the time-tried Bank. Assets over one million dollars FSSST NATIONAL BANK A Saving Account in the name of your boy and girl will teach them a knowledge of business and a habit of saving chat they can acquire in no better way Inieresl paid on Savings accounts Owned and operated by the stoekhold-j ! era of the First National Bank. . THIN Decorated Cups and Saucers SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Retail Price as High as 75c Your Choice 21 cents Bring your Children to see our Dolls and toys. CHARLES KNECHT'5 FURNITURE FOR ( IIRISTMAS PRESENTS During December we are going to make a big cut in prices in our Fur niture and Rug Departments, to reduce Stock before invoicing. We have 200 Rockers that we have marked at 25 per cent below our regular selling prices. For instance: Solid Oak Rockers, ?7.00 to ?9.00 Values for ?6.00. 1,'hocnix Leather Spring Seat Rockers S12.00 Values for $8.50. Monster Mission Chairs, Solid Leather, Loose Cushions, S25.00 Values for $16.00. , Quartered Oak Center Tables, $12.50 Values for $9.00. Quartered Oak D-'ning Tables, 8 to 10 ft, $33.00 Values for $22.00. RUG DEPARTMENT, 3rd FLOOR. ALL BOUGHT FROM FACTORY. 9x12 Axii.insters, $36.UO Values for $29.00. 9x12 Velvets, $26.00 Values for $21.00. 9x12 Tapestry, $22.00 Values for $17.50. 9x12 Tapestry, $18.00 Values for $14.00. . Pro Brussels and Ingrain Rugs also reduced during this month. Big advance in Linoleums and Mattings, but we have not raised our prices. . . By paying y down we will lay any article aside and you may call for same and pay the balance at any time. GILBERT BROS. Groceries Hardware and House Furnishers. Our Store is Bigger than it Looks. 810 First Street. Ask to see our Music Cab' nets, Writing Desks. Couches, Library Tables,. Mat tresses and Jron Beds. F. G. Will ior watches. Why buy Groceries ot Portland Rouses when you can get the following prices at s 14 lbs Granulatad Sugar $1.00 16 lbs Cream Rolled 0at3 1.00 11 lbs Head Rice 1.00 14 lbs Japan Rice...1. 1.00 16 lbs Broken Head Rietr 1.00 12 Ids White Beans . . 1.00 12 lbs Lima BeED! 1.00 10-10 ozpks Raisinns 1.00 Get our prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. Short orders, including Meats, Salads, Vegetables,' Pies, Oysters in all styles, Hot Tamalies, Sandwiches, Cakes, etc., meals and lunches, neat and clean. Confectionaries and soft drinks at s OS. 128 Broadalbin Street. R. B. Mayberry, Baggage and Express ...:.u r : r. o .. . r C I vVnsnn nt. ntfit'e at nil times of dav. ! Phones: At home. Bell Main 382, i 431,! Home 74. At office. Bell black Home 178. Tamalie3, Tamalies. I iry one or our Boneless cniCKen tam alies. None better in the city. ysjers served any style, also Mght . Both phoae8 Estimates given on Plastering, Side walk and Cement Work. J. F. TRAVER, 4th & Calapooia S;. TOM' YOUNG Ik je and Sign Painter, 122 Eerry St. Agent for the Cleveland Geisenite root paint. Home phone 320. Pacific Red 3032 JIUNSSE UOCTUK-J. Mjii Foo. an I experienced compounder of Chinese ! medicines, successor of the late Hon;; Wo T::iii, is no.v prepared to fnnitfh Ch'no'e miviines t.) .V.!. Th under- ;U:M'.:1 iwnnnnends him and i;'.!u":iri-1 t".s faction. Ca.l or w:'tehimi . N i. UO West Soci-iU .-: . Albany I Or ! : i: :wil, 6 ieas Bough1 1 1 - 1 1 sic ixest 31S West 2nd ; iCementWork; Made in Albany my JNo 1 Edg Grain s the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON. We us no dry kilm. A. STARK, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SWIGF,0N 4 WILL & STARK BLOCK, ALBANY m. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician Albany State Bank Building Bell Black 482. Home 275. DR. VIRGINIA V- LEWEAUX Osteopathic Physician, 1-3 Brenner Block, Albany. Phones: Office Home 359; Bell 7851. Residence 391 Home, 863 Bell. , DENTIST Crawtord Block, - - Albany dr7w7r.bii.yeu, Dentist WILL & STARK BLOCK, ALBANY drTS. c. mm DENTIST Rooms 6 a-id 8, Brenner Block. Bell Black 2481 "Palmer 'IT Uairy 1 HE GULDEN RULE. I Delivers milk and cream to any part of J the city. Prices reasonable. Jersey i cows with best of care. Both Phones. e7 l7"umphWev' Cement Contractor. Phone-Red 30S1. Res.l20Montromery St J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the New Albany State Bank Build ing, second fijo with a complete eqjioment for' picture taking of ail kinds. tv"',F--'tiiS'!r? i ALBANY UREISON g usru's Ysi:r Pa's'onao'e Telophone Red 671