Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 10, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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    Oregon Wool Blankets and Indian Robes
Fine VJiite Woolen Blankets with pink or blue border,
full width, good weight.
Thesf would certainly make an acceptable Christmas
Gift. We also have a splendid showing of Indian Robes
Fine patterns and colorings.
Bath Robe Blanketing.
by the yard. Heavy weight in tan, brown, grey,
blue and black eroucd and a nice display of patterns.
28 inches wide 40c yard
32 inches wide..., 45c veard
Men's Furnishings
In Fancy Christmas Boxes. Suspenders, Fancy Socks,
Garters, Ties, Handkerchiefs, etc. Special combina
tion roxes with articles to match.
Linen Initial Handkerchitfs 15c and 20c
Silk " " 60e
Ah Excellent Display
Of Toilet. Manicure, Military and Baby Sets, Corib
and Brush Sets, Comb, brush and Mirror Sets, Six
piece Baby sets, six piece Manicure sets. All suita
ablo for Christmas gifts and the prices are very
Gloves and Mittens
Keep Your Hands Warm
Plain ard fancy knit in pink, blue, grey, red, brown
black and white.
10c to 50c pair.
News from
Albany's Six
ust Like
the Flowers
Just arrived a beauti
ftil line of the latest
perfumes " and latest
toilet waterSjPalmers,
Wrights and Oolgates.
all sizes from 25c tip.
Many new ' and deli
cate oders, swe6t and
The .
Latest Perfume
"Select Lily
A sloppy morning:, but the depot was
well filled.
Prof. J. B. Horner, after attending a
nicotine of the commandery, left for
home. Prof. Horner is enthus:astic
oyer the effort he is making to secure i
lor uregnn a publishing house tor
Oregon productinns,uot dependant upon
the bast, a move in the right direction.
Prof, Kent and another O. A. C. man.
left for Portland lo at'end the state
dairy association's annual convention,
which Albany might have had but
objected to the big expense account
attucneu to ic.
Assessor Bruce MeKi.ieht went to
Salem to attend a session of the state
tax commission, before which all the
the assessors of the state have been
cited to appear. No assessor in Oregon i
comes closer to doing his duty accord
ing to tn la ws ot the state tnan Mr.
anil Hni1frlitr wont- in Prfte,ri nmlarl
there by the dangerous illness of Mrs.
hmall, a daughter ot the tormer and
sister of Mrs. Junkin. An operation
was performed upon her Monday and
her eondition is reported critical.
Messrs. Scott and Freerksen came
down to attend the monthly session of
the Albany Creamery Association,
one of the best in the valley.
Dr. J. C Booth, of Lebanon left for
G. S. Hill went to Portland.
H. Bryant left for the State Hor
ticultural Society's Portland show.
Prof. Head went northward.
Henrv Ohling went to Portland.
A. Becker went to Portland.
Mrs. Childs, of Brownsville, left for
Oregon City, on a visit with her
The Toledo.
A new steel ranee, with a cooking
plate on top, a model modern . stove
No blacking: Keeps clean. Just take
a looK at it. At Albany rid. Co s.
The Albany Butter & Produce Co.
are paying 40 cents per pound f. o. b.
Albany, for butler fac, or 39c on the
wagon. It you have cream to sell call
both phones 49. '
A fine line of fruits, vegetables, nsh,
canned goods, etc., always on hand at
the Metropolitan Market, Btoadalbin
street. Only the best is kept.
liy the Man About Town.
A bare spot on the pavement in fron'
of Chas. Knecht's, reaching across the
street, the only one along the boulevard.
In estate of Mario Schaffer final ao
count approved.
Deeds recorded:
Anton Liberskyrto Wm. A.White
200.44 acres tp 10-2 W ?12,0CO
22 hoboes coming out of the city lail .
at one time. Some one remarked that I , .
whenever a man has a roll of blankets 1 . Real estate mortgages for $505 and
it is a sign that he is a laboring man'W Uatel ?l mid flOl).
and will work. lhreor tour out ot
the twenty-two had blankets.
That the carpenters are taking a
rest where the roofs are not on.
That Pendleton cast a smaller vote
than Albeny. Perhaps had worse
That the Eugene papers have haidly
mentioned the snow, evidently not con
sidering it a booster for the vallev. and
! perhaps out of sympathy for that girl
in tne glass or water, cut tnose are
things that have to take their own
course. People who are not willing tn
stand a week or two of snow here in
stead of months of it with blizzard.
thrown in, back east, for ihe generic
good weather, had better hunt the
The Weather.
It rained .40 inch in 24' hours, with
enough waimth to make the snow grad
ually go, but there is some left yet.
The range of temperature was 42-32.
The river has remuined about sta
tionary at 7 feet.
Tub barometer was down to i:9.29r
indicating a storm of some kind, it is to
be hoped without snow.
The prediction: rain and warmer to
night and Thursday, high south-east
winds along the coast.
Ten inches of Know make one of rain.
From New Zealand.
Wherahiko Rawei, Hine Taimoa, his
wife, and Little Rue, who give an en
tertainment, "The New Zealanders in
Song, Story and Picture," or "From
Cannibalism to Culture," are native
Maoris. Mr. Rawei was born in the
wilds-ot northern New Zealand and
lived for a time among the most savage
cannibals, f
Third number of the lecture Course.
At the United Presbyterian church,
Friday evening, December 10, at 8:15.
Admission, including reserved seat,
50c. Seats on sale Friday morning at
Woodworth's Drug Store.
Season ticket holders may have seats
reserved without extra charge.
A Snow Woman.
A white woman, with a well chiseled
face, black flashing eyes, and hair done
up in the latest style, was seen in the
yard of W. H. Rhoades yesterday. Mr.
Rhoades was the sculptor, and this.
1 piece, the best snow subject the Demo
crat man has seen, shows Mr. Rhoades:
to be an artist of talent.
Olde Tyme Concerte.
; An old time concert will be held at
the Christian church next Monday night
that will be worth attending.- It will
I cost two shillings to get in if grown, a
i little more than a shilling if a cbild and
a little less for some victuals, that is
25c and 15c to get in and 10 cents to
l eat
LOST. A bracelet, on Broadalbin
street, initials F. M. Jon it. Return
to Democrat office.
Blind Singer Coming.
Mr. Edward abner Thompson of the
Boston School of Expression, who will
09 remembered from his splendid pro
gram last last year, will again appear
at the Academy on Monday, Dec. 13,
Pe will give a concert recital which
included several classical numbers. He
is an artist both in song and recitation.
Ticket 50 and 25 cents.
Firemen Election.
Notice is hearby given that the an
nual Fireman election will be held in
the hall of Engine Co. No. 1, on Mon
day, Dec. 18, from 1 to 6 30 p. m.
Just Like '
the Flower.
Burkhart & Lee.
A fine line of noveStfes arriving
for the holidays. Up-to-date
goods. Choice cut glass
If so, call and see me about it, as I
! have just what you want.
j No. 1. Nice new house and lot, 5
rooms. Well located. .Trice $MUU.UU.
No. 2. Good 7 room house, modern,
bath, and furnace heat. Situated close
in. A snap if taken soon. Price
No. 3. A eautiful vacant lot at a
bargain. '
No. 4. Good 7 room house, West
Albany. Trice S18UU.UU
No. 5. Good paying business, will
take S7UUU.UU investment.
No. 6. Good 7 room house, barn
chicken houses, lots of fruit. Vi acres
of land, also blacksmith shop (30x30)
on the place which rents for $8.00 per
month. Possession given immediate'
ly if taken soon. Can be got at a bar
gain. .
I have bargains in farms of all de
scriptions, if you wish to buy call and
sec me before doing so and if you wish
, to sell list your property for sale with
j the oldand reliable Real Estate dealer.
T. V. riPE.
203 W. 2nd St. - - Albany, Oregon.
Cream Wafers.
Cream Dates.
Milk Chocolate Kisses.
English Fruit Loaf.
Sliced Lady Creams.
Cream Bon Bons.
Cocoanut Biscuits.
Assorted Nuts, Dates, Figs, etc
WANTED. By a married man. a farm
to care for this winter, with timber
wood cutting by contract or cord
None but those meaning business
need reply. Uare ot Democrat.
A full line of choice nursery stock.
Order now for Spring delivery.
Phne Red 871 Office 312 W. Second St.
J. F. PEIRCE. Manager.
Albany Supply
. In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts,
confectionary, wrapping paper, twine
and paper bags.
Cash paid for all kinds of poultry.
We also have the agency for Pyramid
and Golden uate cement, ulympic lime,
Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy
Cash paid for eggs.
Foot Ferry Street. Albany.
Phones. iHin 5 Bell, 3 Home.
First class gojds in their seasor.
Phone Main 56.
Sanitary Plumbers and
Meial WorKers.
Our patron? are assured of strict))
first-class work, prompt service anf
reasonable prices.
Eave-trough, conductors, roofing am
general jobbi. g. Specifications furn
shed. Estimates cheerfully given.
Try us. 201 E. First St. Both Phone
Ices and creams of all kinds made to
order. Get your order in today so as
to insure prompt delivery.
ELITE Chj'-'
Both Phones.
FOR SALE A good fresh cow, an a
No. 1, pure blood Jersey cow for sale,
fine milker and a perfect pet, just the
cow for family use. No better Jer
sey in the country, also a good heavy
Bteady work horse, will weigh about
1400 lbs. perfectly sound in every re
Spect. Call on J. V. Pipe 203 West
2nd Btreet, Albany, Or.
Furniture Co.
Sell a duster guaranteed for one
year for 10c.
1st. You get a duster that will out
wear a duster of any other material'
costing five times the price.
2nd. It will not scratch the finest
furniture as other dusters do.
3rd. You can-push it into corners,
shelves and . crevices where other
Dusters would be destroyed. Try one..
We have a long line to select from
in furniture. When making presents
don't forget there is nothing -more
useful and acceptable than, a good
piece of furniture. Chairs and Rock
ers in Leather, Oak and Mahogany;
Ladies Desks, Book Cases. Iron beds
of the latest designs,, and Dressers in
all the latest styles and finishes. Rugs
of all sizes. In fact, you can select a
frescnt for any member of the family
here, and the prices will be as usual,,
the lowest possible.
si 1
ittrit for the ONWARD SLIDING
DON'T for.the sake of being over-nice
buy useless things for the Holidays. The
things that don't "show up" well a week
after you have given them.
BUY ARTICLES of Service 'and Utility
-for with them alone do you do an act of
good grace, and only by them are YOU
gratefully remembered.
BUYGIFTS FOR MEN at an all men's
store, See what we offer. Then it is
easy to select.
Ihe. Blain Clothing Co.
Albany - Oregon