Uhrist la best done early in the day and early in the month. Then you have a better opportonty in selecting and a great deal more satisfaction in the end. Always just before Christmas we are rushed and buying is materially hardt'r for you but new with a whole store, dressed for the occasion with the Christmas spirit much in evidence more more and prettier gift articles than we hive ever shown before, and prices to please. Now, you can buy advantageous! and well. We are showing this year some special Handkerchief and Jewelry values. Fancy Work, Ribbons, Slippers, Blankets, Furs, yes, a hundred and one thing to please the women. Come and seee the Christmai store: let us aid you in your gift selectiuns. THE L. E. & II. J, Hamilton Phonographs $10 to Victor and "EASY PAYMENTS" Is the modern way of doing business. $1.00 a Week Does It. Over 2,000 records to select from. Wc have arranged comfortable scats in our Phonograph Department use while making selections. Woodworth Drug-Co lite BeiMCOi CMilureU 41 Hie puei clttoe, AlUttOy, U An mwou i naee mail matter, FTIOJTTIN(3 The Democrat. . The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, $4.0?. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $3.50. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at $2. OUR WANTS FOlt SAL. 13. Household furniture, and house, close in, for rent. WANTED -Good girl to wash dishes, at the Cottage, opposito Central School. FOR RENT. House and burn $7.U) pur month. Will rent garden land ad joining if desired. Enquiro of rum & Hodges. FOR SALE. A yearling Jersey bull. W. F. Crawford, Shedd, or Bell phono Kxx2. 2t FOR RENT. Some fine rooms for oil co or housekeeping Seo VV. O. curnnuru ll'lfinAM' M ! U W W Wt 111. nuwu.mn"u. "j --- I i.i nwi Ilea l'jhl Ettcccusoi lo uen nuVllu. Hell. , FOR SALE. 3 komcstend relinquish ment on Silotz, all joining each other. Iiuuire box 84, Albany. About 4,UU0000 feel on euch. 121 GLSS.-All sh.es and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere else in Albany, skill ly set.'if desired. LIST YOUR HEAL ESTATU. With mo tor prompt return. 1 have ninny requests for city and f irm property, in larpo and small tracts. Hoth phones. C. W. Tkbai.t. x 4'.!2 VV. Fust St. ENGRAVED CARDS.-For a limited time Uawlings will furniih 103 Cop per plate Engraved visiting cards (plate included) for $1.50. WOOD FOR SALE Uig fir. J. D. Ellis 90ti t'. 4th, Phone Hull Red 952. lit PLANTS FOR RALE. Ooosebemos, red and white Currants. Rhubarb. , Red and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg Hlackberrios. Loganberries, Dow- berries, Phennmennls, Hedge Plants and Sage. lVKii C. Dl'Kl'Ai.I,, Albany. Or., R. F. U. No. 6, Home Phono 7i02. N't FREE. Edging'nnd bn.'k ntltho.AI bany saw mill. Get some, -j ., . ONIONS FOR SALE.-Uy E. L. Mc Keever. Phono Bell Farmers 2x1. tD TO LOAN. $50 000 on real property J. C. Christy, over 1st National Rank Albany, Oregon, late'ot interest rca sonable. it J. W. BENTLEY, ttoot and shoemaker and repairer, does first class work t reasonable prices. Next door to Democrat office. Sec him. Any furniturestore Has that Albar., F JNSURANCE.-O. F. R. A. ot lk'innville. Oregon's greatest mil- i Ittmpany. C.C. Hrvnnt, Albany, . ;il Hunk Bldg. Both phones. JHTIiaS HAMILTON STORE $100 Edison. for your TONIGHT. The Schubert concert at the opera house, for the benefit ol the depot park. The program: Quartette "March Nuptial"--Schubert Lady Quartette. Monologue -"The Dumb Waiter" Anna Pearl Weatherington. Violin Solo-Gypsie Fantasio-Thomas Valentine Purcell Soprano Sold Aria from Rigoletta Letta Corder. Selection ' 'Fond Memories' ' Schu bert l.ady Quartette. Mandolin Solo D Concerto Thomas Valentine, Purcell. S Contralto Solo "Non E Vol" Lovie Zondt Purcell. Reading "Uncle Peter" Anna Pear Woathcrinirton. Violin Solo lth Concerto inomas ' IT. nnl o Pltwn 1 I Quartette-"Venetian Serenade" , politicians know that Oregon leads, Schubert Ladv Quartette. even if the Orcgonion is blind to that b relSW'lm0?hon C'lub WMieS " ShU' f;lct- Hurrah for Oregon ! Her peo-UGnmdml-'imue -Voices and instrti- l'1-' ll'ld lllc "orl1! They e show monts of the Company. J i"K how to enable Demos, the people, j to break her chains. The chief knock """"" cr of Oregon docs not like it, and is For Christmas. ! sacking to rivit the chains on his limbs I that have been broken. The Oregon- Christmas iroods are arriving, ... . . ... . " ' ' vxiosiuia, v.ii.int-3 kiiv uicu., ufiuuiw .,,, i.,.,,,.,0 u,i M.u ;.. rhrUim,, ' vvetwtors, Unities me lireat. tioroons I ...... 0,..., """" y f." ' r I,, boxes. Sec our new line of far.ev briar and merschauv pipes at American Cigar store. FINR RAZORS- We are showing a fine ine of Razors $2 50. Razor for $2.50. $2.00. razors for $2.0''. All guaranteed by us as well as the manufacturer. Try one, you will be please I. liURKIIAKT & Li:k. Get your dressed chickens at Pfeiir er's. FUR RKNT. A residence, 7 rooms. Call, 027, cor 7th and Ellsworth. Gt JUST PLAT I'li'D. - Fourteen 10 acre tracts-U miles out. Sold on install ment plan. Fino soil for berries, garden truck and fruit trees, liny Tremont tract of the owner. Owen Hoam, Room 4 Stark Hldg, Albn.y, Ore. RNSTAITHANT FOR SALE. Or rent. Inquire of the Royal Bakery Restaur-! ant, Aliiany, ure. TYPEWRITERS. -Factory rebuilt and guaranteed as good as new and for uno year. Olivers $40,00, Reming tons $;i0.u0 no $ti0.00. Underwoods, $(W.OO to $ii5.l0. Come ond see them, i lluv something useful for tho boy or girl for Xmas. Cawhng's, 123 Uioadalbin. FOR RENT. Kino ollico rooms. Call upon F. G. Will. FOR RENT.-A ten acre fruit farm. Cull at Curtis Real estate office. N. Ellsworth street. St MONEY TO LOAN on real estatm at seven per cent. On choice fnrm hinds at six per cent. A'iply to Geo. W. Wright, Attorney, Albany, Ore gon. Both phones- Office, corner of 1st and Ferry. FIRE lNSURANCfc.-Boaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opeta House Bldg. Shopping Albany,' Oregon 317-321 First St WILL KEEP THEM. In Great Britain a very important election is now on. It is called "an appeal to the people," but in fact is the electing of a new House of Com mons, district by district, somewhat as we do in the United States at reg ular intervals when electing a House of Representatives. Some time ago the Democrat published the fact that it was seriously proposed by some of the leading 'thinkers and statesmen of Great Britain to make the appeal the real thing by appealing directly to the individual voters, as we do in Oregon. Thereupon the sleepy Oregonian snipped a column or two from some encyclopedia telling us all about the way the "appeal to the people" is now made. This would apply to the situa tion about the same as if the Demo crat had reported that in Ohio there was a strong move toward the Ore gon referendum and initiative and the Oregonian had proceeded to show up our rural innocence and gross ignor ance by quoting from the state con stitution of Ohio telling us how 'the legislature was elected under existing provisions. The Oregonian knows well that all over the civilized world the example of Oregon is being wide ly advertised and commended. Five states in this union have followed her. Tvcnty-fivc more would pass the Oregon plan tomorrow if it was sub mitted to popular vote. By resolution special measures are referred to the people in the" Australian British demo cracies and a strong clement in all of them wants to follow Oregon and place such refcrendums under the power of the people themselves. The ! Oregonian hates tu acknowledge that Oregon is rapidly forging to the front ; as a leader of slates and nations. The , people of Great Britain could easily , follow Oregon, and thousands of her writers and thinkers, statesmen and 'an is out ol date. .... i . t....... , ... live ;imi nir rcicrciiuiini, ami wc arc ... tto'ng to keep tlicm DECIDEDLY THIN. Now conies the assembly promoters and assure us that the-' republican state assembly is to be a harmless, representative gathering of the party, and that it is none of the business of the democrats to chip in, butt in or make any remarks. All right, all right. Xo harm done. lUit. all the same, as citizens both republicans and democrats have a right to oppose a return to that day that Henry E. Mc Ginn tells us about when scnatorships wore auctioned oft and shot-guns were enlisted to keep men from the polls. The assembly may assemble, but thou sands of independent citizens and Lincoln republicans w sec that the gooils arc not uclivcrcit. A GREAT SCHEME. The gall of the land hog is supreme. In Portland a rich estate has offered a free highway for a boulevard that is a mile long and over 100 feet wide. This generosity wa surprising; but now comes the string. All lots front ing on tliis boulevard must be forever exempt from taxation. Mow nice that would be. Turn a farm into a magnif icent suburban villa and sell with each lot a perpertual exemption from tax ation. The big land hogs of Portland now beat the city, county and state out of half their taxes as a matter of charity. They would like to beat out of the oilier half. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL1 Dr. Davis went to Lebanon this after-! noon, called there as county health officer, to investigate a reported; case of small pox. ! Misses Adna Smith, singer, Louise Blackwell reader, and Emma So pianist, left this noon for Lebanon to give a concert tonight, with a tine pro- . gram arranged. i RavnarH MnnlnnvA nf QpntHp. ifl in the city, called here by the serious illness of his mother. Mrs. Geo. Patter son, of Portland, also arrived this noon to see Mrs. Montanye. There will be a special meeting of Barzilla Chapter this evening at 7:30 at Masynic Hall. The official visit of the Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs. Stiles,, to which ill members and visitors are urged to be present By order of Worthy Matron, Dora Bowers, sec. Retiring trom Business. Everything in the store to be closed Ott by Jan 1st. i MBS. G. E. NICHOLS. I Wonder Millinery. If you are going to travel get tha American Bankers Association Trav ellers checque.in $10.00, $20.00 or $50.00 denominations, payable at ten thousand banks, or t-.t any hotel or railroad office. For sale by J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. FOUND.-A hat pin, with initial .0. S. at Sc. Charles, WANTED. Girl to do ganeral house work. Call at the Democrat office. B WANTED. -Light team about 1100 lbs, also want man to work on farm. Phone Bell Black3024, Home 331. 8t LOST. A purse, with $6 or $7 and some receipts, Broadalbin. 4th or Jefferson streets. Leave with Mrs. C. A. Gray, at 4th and Jefferson. FOUND. A bunch of keys. Can be had at 1197, Santiam road. Albany Opera House FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10TH SAMUEL E. YOKE'S SPECTACULAR PRODUCTION OF THE BRILLIANT .MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA THE : LAND A Stage Full of The Card Castles, The Peppermint River, The Sandman's Palace, The Dancing Dolte. See AND SIXTY Prices 50c, $1 and $1.50. Imperial Resaurant. A. L. Binson, an experienced res taurant man has taken charge of the Imperial, Second street, and will serve home meals, neatly and promptly. He solicits the public patronage bott tor sinele meals and regular boarders, promising sati.-ction. ; Get Your Fish at Pfeiffers. I The place, 229 West Second street. Everything in the fish line, neat and j clean, at a reasonable price. ! P, 0. WILL, lor Watches FLOUR. : A nother car of DALLES DIAMOND HARD WHEAT FLOUR just in. NONE BETTER. A few more of those SO E Z DUST ! PANS tree with your first sack of this or LIBERTY BELL flour; weaisohave theSTAYTON and JOHNSON'S BEST. ! M. Sb-NDERS & CO. ! Idle Hour Restaurant, j Cor. Broadalbin and Secondt Sts. I Under new management. j Best 20 cent meals in the city. JONES A. KI30R. I.CARPET CLEANING, ! At reduced rates for the months of December and January. Call up for estimates on either Phones, i L.H.JACKS. I Wood Yard. A'l kinds of w x.i, old fir, maple, dry slab and mill end trimmings, sawen ready for shed. Pnone Home Black 252 I HOWARD BROS. j " Cffi:e with J. A. ijoward. ! FOR SALE Vv rpsidfnce corner 2nd and Bake St., lot t 7.I13 It. Greu' bargain i ' taken tit once: also furniture, horse, etc. Inquire 140 E. 2nd S. MRS. H. F. MclLWAlN. ON THE ALL WESTERN TEAM. The foot ball season ended this year with Notre Dame as champions of the West, ready to try conclusions with Yale for the championship of the United States, a game impossible to arrange. This Is of particular interest to Albany, as '.be best player on Notre Dame, Sam Dolan, is from this city, and three of the players from Oregon. The Indianapolis News says that Dolan was the bulwark of the team tor three years, and this year supassed his old standard. He is even given a place on the all west team and also on the Indiana team, showing his high standard; as a player. But better than that he has sustained his position as a scholar, making good in his studies, and was president of his class. A young man of splendid habits and character he is bound to succeed in his business, that of civil engineering. At the Hotels. A. F. Sweetzer, Marshfield. E. L. Spore & wf, Portland. Geo. A. Phippen, Eugene. F. P. Van Hack. Boise. Wm. Gilbeler, Detroit. G. W. Hollister, Portland. Dr. R. Cartwright, Salem. 1. H. Chase, Portland. Geo. Tyler, Corvall.s. R. L- Wells, Portland. Daniel Kaneen, Leroy, N. Y. 2500 Eastern oysters 40c a pint. 75 cents a quart, as long as they last at F. H. Pfelffer's. ' FREE. 10c package Conkey's Laying Tonic, also 50c Poultry Book. It is full of valuable information for the poulty raiser. Bring ad to Senders' Feed Store. By mail 7c. tl3 OF People and an Amazing Array of Superior Costumes, Scenery and Electrical Effects Lady Love, HT.he Same Old Moon, y Bonnie Brier Bush, m. I could learn to love you, How I Wish to Know. OTHER SPARKLING Albany Abstract Company, L. M. Curl, Manager. Hereafter the records in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances for Linn County, will be abstracted daily, by an expert title examiner employed by our company. In this manner we will be able to keep our records up to the last minute of each previous day, thereby affording ' better service to the public than any one has heretofore been able to give. It is our intention to maintain the standard of excellence gained by thorough and conscientious work in the past. The very best and latest system of abstracting of titles will be permanently and continu ously carried forward regardless of the expenditure of money in main taining our well established reputation as progressive and reliable ab stracters. . We assume that every one realizes the necessity of having an abstract of title prepared for the property which is about to be pur chased; wc solicit your patronage and assure you that we can give you the very best work that is possible with little delay and at a moderate living price. It will be to your advantage to sec us before ordering. An unlimited amount of money to loan at six per cent per annum on real estate security. Both telephones in the office. Call in and see us or write. Albany Abstract Company, Albany, : ; Oregon Oregon Title fi Trust Co., (INCORPORATED.) Capital Stock S100,000. Ov ners of the Lim County Abstrtct Co. Tiscal agent, trustee. , uarJia-, Administrator, dealeri in rea' estate tnd morlgia.s. Directois:-Z. tl. RudJ, J V. HawHns, C. H W'oidir. H. M. Hawkin G. H. Crowell. AN ELECTRIC - OPERA. "The Land of Nod," which comes to Albany next Friday is a production of extravaganza which has not had a para llel since the days of ths Henderson Chicago production, a decade ago. The comparason is limited, however, to the magnificence of the scenery, costumes ana the customary paraphenalia of a production of the character. Since the Henderson days many devices have been effectly introduced into stage equipment, notably those produced by electricity. In this important respect "The. Land of Nod" eclipses anything that has ever been accomplished in a presintation of extravaganza in this country. Curtain promptly at 8:20. Lelt tor Honolulu Ernest Hornbach, of Newport & Hornbach left this morning for Hono lulu on a six, weeks trip. Here is the way it happened. A man representing the biggest Hawiian stock farm, was here on his annual pilgrimage for blood ed bulls for breeding purposes, and needed some one to help him, with the seventeen head on the ' return trip, so young Hornbach took advantage of it for a little experience in the world, and an ocean trip of a rare character. The stock was shipped yesterday for Seat tle, and Mr. Hornbach will be there to leave with the steamer on its long trip. Pianos, : Prof- Head's new piano store, corne ; of Second and Ferry street, is now open, I with the best line of pianos on the ' market in stock. Also sheet music and j smai instruments will be carried. Holt Again for your meats of til kinds, and the Metropolitan Market next door for the latest and best in fruits and vegetables. FEATURES