Democrat Albany ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY 'DECEMBER. JO 1309 Si VOL LV I yw'l'" nntminMw,j SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY 15 a ad 20c Yankee LUNCH BOXES for 1 Ha4 MPIR THEATRE at Meiser & MeiserY 8 ' Pictures: . 1. Lnuncclot and Elaine (Drama). 2. Story of a banknote (Drama). 3. Telltale Reflections (Comedy). 4. Pigmy world (Comedy). 5. Peace agitator (Comedy), Two good illustrated songs. Admission 10c. Matinee every day. Our General Sale ENDS SATURDAY NIBHT Every Item in Winter Wear At Cut Prices Ladies, Misses and Childrens Suits, Coats, Capes. Dresses, Skirls, Furs, Waists, Petticoats, Sweaters, Kimonas, Dressing Sacques, Bat'j Rones, Outing Flannel Gowns, Hosiery, Underwear. Millinery, Children's Hats, Hood3, Caps and Tams, Comforts, Blankets, Lace Curtains, Bed Spreads, Towels. Table Linen, Napkins there's scarcely a thing that you will need during the coming months but what is on sale this week at greatly reduced prices. HARRISBURG. Bulletin; R. A. Githens has sold his 100 acre plaee near town to Robert Venske of : Wisconsin for $50.00 per acre. P. W. Blumberg is suffering an at- mi-u ui lumuugo. nu nab ueeii tun- week. Since the flood has subsided it is learned that considerable damage re sulted to property across the river. The Bennett hop yard was badly dam aged, garden patches in many instances were Derelt ot all the ungatlierea pro duct. It is said one can gather potatoes almost any old place, Hartog" s Nobody. Another Nobody from Eugene is here. said to be the last that Booster Hartog ! will issue There may be more No. bodies, but there can never be a No-; body like the one with the little i's and ; the refreshing conceits, and tho breezy suggestions, and the matchless individ uality, none such anywhere else. Only just one Hartog in the world, the great-! est hot air artist on the racitic coast, a genius in the use of small words. Here is just one: So Albany is going to have a depot park. A la Eugene, And with a foun- tain, erected by the women. Tout com- ! mecheznous! And Salem is having! plans drawn for a new Capitol park. 1 And La GranJo is making a tine park. ! And Roseburg: and Ashland are consid-1 ering depot parks. Well, welj, isn't that great? Visitors from those towns imagine it makes us wince. Imitation is the sincerest flattery. "We lead, let ; others follow." 33 DROWNED. . London, Dec. i. A terrific storm is raging on the coast of England. The steamer Elian Vannin sank, thirty three people going down with her. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. A General Storm Pohtlano, Dec. 4.-2 inches of snow at fort land and more all tho way to Eugene, where 3 inches art reported at noun. A Store apsed. Walla wajj.a. Dec. 4. The toy balcony of the Davis-Kaser Co. store collapsed today, precipitating below a number of children drawn there bv an advertisement, and several were injured. Five goats belonging to Chas. Weber, of Brownsville, climbed a tree during tho high water and remained in it thtte 'days. Members of G. Co., are requested to meet at the armory ut S) o'clock tomor row, preparatory to attending the iu ncrnl of Chas Cochell at 'i o'clcek Another bridge for consideration is the Santiam structure near Lebanon, said to have been damaged by the high water. Ed. Wilson Wyntt, of Corvallis, was lined $Ti0 yesterday for bootlegging, be sides agreeing to leave the country and never return. B. F. Jones, a leading politician, has been olfered the olfice of register of tho ' laud o.'lice at Roseburg, considered quite a plum. B. I,, Bddy's term ex pires Dec. IS. Bourne secured the ap pointment. , Oregon won the ftranol prize for the best display in educational work at the A. i . p. li. at Seattle, besides securing n any individual prized. Albany took a g'M medal, while Corvallis only secured a silver medal. At the close of this Sale Saturday Night one of the most successful events this store has ever known will come to and end ' t Chambers & 'McCune An Oregon Inventor. -Fok.ti.and, Dee. i. ti. E. Redfield, of Glendale. who is in the city, has just retur.-ed from Massachusetts, where he disposed of gun invention, now netting him a thousaud a month. Where Did He Get It. ! A farmer came to Albany today, got some booze and was drunk for the first time in four years. He broke things up some at Spires stables and was taken charge of by John Catlin and two other men, and put in the calaboose after a hard struggle. A good fellow sober the liquor did what it generally does ; with men. This afternoon ' ho was; taken home, where he will be all right. Where did he get his liquor? New ork Commission Men 1 S. E. Comstock and J. M.Pitkin from the former town of the Fortmiller Bros., Newark, N. Y., have been in the citv on commission business. S. E. Comstock & Co. is one of the largest commission houses in Western New York. Mr. Comstock was her just two vears aero, after having been inter ested in the handling of the product of the Albany prune packer, The Toledo. A new steel range, with a cooking plate on top, a model modern , stove No blacking. Keeps clean. Just take a look at it. At Albany lid. Co'a, Holt Again for your meats of all kinds, and the Metropolilun Market next door for tho latest and best in fruits and vegptnbli.'H. ' The Olive Type writer, BestnJtho market. First Nationa Bank people have five. Albany College has ten. Thirty-hvo used in ADlany, See the new tabulator and ruling! de vice. $15 cash, then r'c ner day. uay able monthly. See one at Steward & Sox Hardware Co. Phone 218. Homo Phone. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Boug$ Dreamland Tonight. I Bears the 1 Signature 1 I 1. The Fisherman's Bride. (Selig Drama) 2. Benedict Arnold. (Vitagrap Drama) ' 3. Good lesson in Charity. (Drama) 4. Sam's Artistic Beard. : (Comedy) The McKenzie Morry Makers all next week. New program every night, Picturo matinee every day. j Admission 10c. ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE 1 a 3 in the New stofe, .Kindergarten- School' I Miss Helen Wright ' At the W. C. T . U. Building. Terms: $3.50 per month. Phone Black 2131 Bell. j rwt O A A A 1 IP .THSTP Ttir&L Groceries and Produce Prompt delivery Miss Bertha Wright, FARM AND CITY PROPERTY! J,SS,ofn THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ing you any place you wiBh to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Beforo hiivintr pPe ns. See it all. Take your choice, Get the best. Office 236 West First St riON. VOTCR rni.TTIRB! ii hour lesson 50c, 1 hour lesson 75c. Bell Black 24S1, Albany. Oregon. BAGGAGE ANn EXPRESS Call Bell Red 0201, Home 233. We meet all trains. All kinds of job work, No waiting, CARL TANDRUP, : Expressman. ' Office 322 West 2na St. ; I I . , ers A fine lot at our yard at this city, just burned. j Phone Home 2P5. J ALBANY BRICK CO Let, us estimate on your works. We guarantee first-class work at moderate cost. PLUMBING, TINMNING AND HEATING. W. E. FRANCIS.' 126 Ellsworth St. Both Phones. C. B. DAVIS, CURTIS REAL ESTATE CO, 10G N. ELLSWORTH. Farm land and city property bought and sold, Parties having land or city property or sale will do well to list with us. Phones Bell black 63. Homo main 231. Yearly contracts !5 for two tunings. Leave orders at Davenport's Music Store (INCORPORATED.) Dealers In Hay, Grain, Wool, Cascara, Suit, Feed, Seeds, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard and Alsen Portland Cement, Acme Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and Hair Fiber Plaster, Stock FoodB, Ponl tr Supplies, Ruberoid Roofing, Build ing paper, etc. i Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. g J Z a a " P 2 , c '3 a 3 a. ! CI S i! u o H -a Funeral of John'lirush, J s i . I The remains of Mr. John Brush, who ' died at Portland on Thursday, were ' brought to Albany this noon, folbwed 1 by burial at. this city, under tho au-! spices of the Masons. Messrs. Bilyeu, ! Mason, Ohling, Van Winkle, Redlield and Bryant officiated, as pall bearers. ! Rev. Bowersox. of Portland was the accompanying minister. K-INEi'OCKIST KNIVEH We are shjw ing a fine line of Pocket Knived, stag and pearl handle. 25c to $2 50. Fully j guaranteed by us. See our window ; dlspiay; everything that leaves our store is backed by our guarantee. I BuitKHAiiT & Lee. If you are going to travel get tha American Bankers Association Trav ellers $10.00. $20.00 or $50.00 denominations, payable at ten thousand banks, or t.t any hotel or railroad ollicc. For sale by J. W. Cusick & slx. , Bankers. I The, balance V our stock-of Man-tailored - Ladies Suits and Coat? will be dosed out ' at Cost andbelow within the next 30 days on exceptional' oppcrfurity ;0 purchasa . useful Xmas presents at aslinisliin; bar gains. Tell cverjbo ly. Oao Suit Given Away Free THE PARIS CLOAK & SU1T HOUSE 223 1st Street, Albany loth Phone: I Main C2. M. B, CRAFT,: 242 West Second St., Albany Fir3t-clas3 meats of all Muds from Ven. rirst it. r ; r ; LA33 vo.;k guaranteed insurance, loans and collections. have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mortijugsu bought. 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-residents crrusiTE the p. o. Forr chcirs. Prompt ca Efficitnt Care of the face :ind hair. Lodge Meetings. ' The K. O. M. every Saturday even-1 ing. Fred Richmond, Commander. The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerk. M inzanita Circle lat and 3rd Mondays, Anna Strom, G. N. Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in Bussurds' Hall, j Grant Fkoman, Clerk. Royal Neighbors mec every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in Uussard's Hall. Alice KniK. Recorder. DOOLEY'S GROCERY ALBANY STATE BANK. WM, BAIN, Fresilent. V. D. GILBERT. V. P. A new and expensive line of frcdh, clean H N. tOUL'CY, Cashier. This bank has si lenc'id futilities for handling your bai king buEinesa Invites ypur ritronagr. Our methodsi are modern and conservative, ai d prompt and careful attention is given to all cUibsts of butinsss placi d in our hinds. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. lnterc t is paid on SavinKS Acrcumss, REG OF! MARKE J. M ENGLAND, Proprietor' GROCERIES Fivst priic. class Groceries, and the best and' vegetables at reasonable A icJart d al (or all. .. Baked Goods, Produce and Fruits. The best to be sscured Bread, Dried Fruits and Ver etables '. .-ft V. : Vv'ill fcr wa tchs s a.-.d iycu r.uEhn. Cc n :sd Myer's.