Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 03, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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    Knit Goods of 11 Kinds
ia Scarf, Fascinators. Infants Caps,
Sacques and Leggins.
An entire new line of Sweaters, in Ladis
and Cliildrens sizas.
.Jet Butt:ns, a'l sizes, just received.
Light, Power
R. E Welch, Manager. 1
f4 Ik
B vl I'M II If.
Tungsten Lamps Make
Electric Light Much Cheaper
They have two and a half times the efficiency of the or
dinary carbon lamp hitherto in general use. The fila
ment ib made of a rare metal called Tungsten, which
;r 'elds cm intense brilliancy at low cost. In shape and
t:ao the bulb is just like any oiher electric incandescent
lamp. Why not try ft Tungsten laic .7 yourself ? Get one
of the 40-watts and use it eomewK iro in your house in
place of one of your carbon lamp . Then observe the
great difference. Note the clear waite light, exactly
twice as brilliant and costing you or -.-fifth leas for elec
tricity. Tungsten lamps are destines to displace all oth
eri, for both store and house lighting, t
if yor.r plumbing s-lioulil be out of
order these winter ila.. Suppose
von have us look over it now. Tlu-rv
may be some little thing wrong that
would break out on the great feast 1
, ;.'.! v'.ir i-Kasiire. An !
.'tim-e of prevention is better than
pound of eure. Have us do a littl
preventh e plumbing-.
.YttiDlN & STUAPT.
7 K have i.oJStnte Deposits.
' ' nor do we awepl any de
posit where special security has
to bu pledged. This means
that we have tin preferred
creditors and that, your deposit
has tho Mime security that all
Wo havti invested assets
. worth nnru than StUO.OOlMIO
nnd this would have to bo dis
sipated before depositors could
lose a cent. It is not bring
dissipated, it is growing.
fs'!i:hcd 1392.
D aler in ch '..-e
Agents for Stanard
and, Heat.
rillamette Valley Co,
wu is, a
sgJHlL 1
ec. tJu'isi. t .0.
West iccond Stree
Wu keep thn beat of all Kinds,
us for figures.
7 v JiSxy-QiiW. t
when cleaned by our methods of dry
cleaning, are made to lock just as good
as made to .00k just as new. Waists
and dresses of delicate colors and ma
terial we renovate to the delight of the
owner. We also dye -,iny garmnnt de
sired in beautiful shades and colorings.
C. E. SHELLEY. Prop.
10 W IstlSt. Hell Phone black 273
.Home phone 1!6
k ftKYii:
I Real Estate a
id Insurance
l!uv and sell really. Insure prop
erty ami transact loans. Large or
onv.o mbor tret--.
A Snap in
if taken
Lan j
R. F. D. 2.
Congressman Hawley and wife, ar
rived this noon on a visit at the tteisen
dorfer oume.
Miss Allie Butler, of Independence,
returned home today after a visit at .
. cooper 8. .
Thoj. Cummings and family hae
moved from Portland to i.ulchinson.
Kan., to reside awhiie.
J. C Allen, -jf Boliver, Mo. has been
visiting at J. H. Kauffman's. Today
they went out to Plainview.
Mr. Robert Douglas, of Arleta, the
Kt. b'coll suburb of Poitland, has been
ill Ihe city cn a visit with his son Ros3
and fairi y. He reports great progress
ai d improvement in the Mt. Scott dis
trict. ALBANY
Doing; n and Around It. '
Ovsters at The Crest.
How about THAT chair.
Have you ordered that chair yet.
Boost the Albany made chair.
Hot chicken tamalies at The Crest.
Pfeifler's, 229 W. 2nd street for fish.
Hot tamalies at the Vienna Bakery.
Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery.
Sit down in one of those Albany made
Ice crear acJ lur .-ties at the Vienna i
Bakery Oall and j-y them. i
Get vour dressed chickens at Pfeiff-
er s.
Fresh ovsters at Pfeiffer's, 229 W
2nd St. . , j
Oh that mince mea-, try it. Holt
Buy Home Made Mince Meat. Holt
Again. ; ' .
Holt Again for that mince meat like
mother use to make.
Chiropractic is not Ostaopathy nor '
Maimetip Heaiino-
Magnetic Healing.
TU. onlP hD.i;n vnaateira of
Albany Hardware Co's. store, are the
best thing going. Get one.
When others fail try Chiropractric
Spinal Adjustments and get well.
Chiropractor 226 Broadalbin St.
I have found a place to have my eyes
tested and glasses scbntificplly fitted
i Albany Optical Co,, 226 Broadalbin St.
The Albany Butter & Produce Co.
are paying 37cents per, pound f. o. b.
j Albany, for butler fac, or 36c on the
j wagon. It you have cream to sell call
ootn pnones 4;t.
The Misses Bertha and Helen Wright
will receive orders for embroidery.
painted novelties, place cards, menu
"ards at their room in the Brenner
block. Bell Telephone Black 2-181. At
home Monday end Thursday afternoons
o by special appointment.
See place cards at Burkhart & Lees.
The Curtis Club defeated Corvallis at
foot ball yesterday afternoon.
The first basket ball games will be
nlayed at the gym Dec
between the
high school and Alco. " and high
80 00
ircshmen and sophomores,
N. C. W. Risley and Roy Eastburn
had turkoy lor Thanksgiving dinners,
prcs -nted them Wednesday evening, by
tne generous proprietor of Dreamland.
Service was held this morning in the
Chapel Car at the union depot and vis
itors were shown through the car. The
car goes to Brownsville for a week's
mission in charge of bather Lane and
will later take in several points south
on the main line.
The ladies of Fair Oaks Circle No. 1,
G. A. R., will serve a chicken pie din
ner on Dec. II Saturday to which all
are invited. No admission. Dinner
35 cts. supper 15 cts. All day Bazaar.
Presents suitable tot the Christmas oc
casion. Please remember the place upstairs
in the Grand Army Hall. Strangers
There is more taiarrn :n this section Bilyeu assessed a fine of $50 for the of
of the country than all other diseases fense. The fine was paid and now all
put togother, and until the last few :tt
years was supposed to be incurable, ror
a great many years doctors pronounced
it a local disease and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced :
it incurable. Science has proven ca- '
tarrh to be a constitutional disease and
therefore requires constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufact
ured ty v. J. Cheney & Co., Ohio, is
the only constitutional cure on the
market. It is taKen internally in doses
from 10 drops to a teaspooful. ,It acts
irectly on the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. They offer one
hundred dollars lor any case p. tails to
cure, bend tor circulars and testimon
ials. Address:
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
ntion. TRY OUR
White Queen Flour
Also Capital Mills, Perfection,
Stayton and Johnson's Best.
Special Delivery.
Flour and Feed.
Call up. Both Phones.
Scolf s SaiuaS-Pepsin Capsuics
Forlnlltmmntlon nrt-'nrr-r.ot
tlif Ulft.ltior nml li' kid-
ifvu. no ?uE ko rit, (.urw
niikly And ihm ninm-ntly tr.-
t. rt nix-it o tdumK-rUPva
MX JlNt, UO llllim J ItW
'"ni: ft iinhiiff- A bi I'lMtelj
l'ru-3 fl.iV, or by m:ul, pof
Ociictnnutne. oalc.
For ok b ftarklmrt & !;
The boys make the men.
Cannon has begun firing back.
The boy does well who starts well.
November has made
a new record
A simple life will generally be found
with a big soul.
Stand 'or everything that will
the city better.
Some boys are almost men, and some
men almost boys.
Will there be two floods this winter.
It is all guess work.
The Christian who has to be labeled
is principally one in name.
Some people just hunt rough places.
and are nearly always cross
People who think they know the most
about, weather signs generally know the
ipna). - -
The man who helps even a
lame dog
oe3 more than some people who boast
of their love for their fellow men
Lord's Dav or Sabbath Obser.'1
Resolved, that we deplore the pres- j
ent laxity of the observance of the day j
on the part of many of our citizens, I
and believing it to be detriment to the j
highest interests of all, and especially
harmful to the young, we urge,
ir8t- that every church member in i
Albany adhere closely to the teaching I
. H '.,,. i ui rrtm n . ,
mv. .j."" l j wU......n ........
necessary labor and business, and from
all those forms of popular amusements
which are out or harmony with the
sacredness of the day; and
. .1... : i i:it..
invite all other citizens who are inter-
esteu III uie mural weuaie ui uur Kiy
to co-operate with us in making the
day one of res: and divine worship,
thus strengthening character instead of
undermining it.
Rev. W. P. White. Rev. Father Lane.
Rev. H. R. Geil. Rev. S. A. Douglas.
Rev. .S.Gordon Rev. J. O. Elliott
Rev.Albyn Esson Rev.G.J.Beyerlein
Rev. F. H. Geselhracht.
Catholic Fair.
The Catholic Fair will open on Tues-
day at the Armory and will close on the
evening of the 3rd. A chicken dinner j
will be served at 5 o clock Tuesday and
choice refreshments during the- even- j
A fine program of music and song
will be rendered, in which the best ;
talent of the town will take part. Rev. 1
George Thompson will make the open-1
ing address. Proceeds of fair go t0 ;
Sisters' School. j
The News says: The damage to the
dam, which was washed out,, can be re
paired as soon as the water subsides.
The denosits in the Scio State Bank
are over $92,000, loans and discounts j
Scio has wretched mail facilities.
Last Saturday J. A. Bilyeucompleted
the sale of 86 acres of land, just east of
town. The purchase price was $40 per
acre. Chas. Wesley was the purchaser
and turned in his residence property on
Main street as part pay.
Frank Holub was arrested by Game
Warden May last week, tor killing
deer out ol season. Justice Jas.
School Report.
For District No. 67, Linn county:
7ih grade Maximum marks, 800.
Bertha McCormick, 125; Elza Pugh,
724: Willard Brown, (-21; Francis Coon,
6th grade Pugh, 650; Frank
Worniiiger, 566; Mary Kendall, 554;
Elmer Lclvn, 462.
5th grade Maximum, 800. Eva Coon,
01; Roy Kendall, &71: Eda Workinger'
562; Edith McBride, 661.
3rd grade -Maximum, 700. Harley
Lamar, 500; Gerald Workideer,. 493;
Ashorv PuLh. 481: Jesse Kendall. 461
3rd urade Maximum. 500. Laurel
Puirh. 451: Fred Nitzel, 431: Grace I
Miller, 38S; Isabel McBride, 342.
First grade Maximum, 300. lona
Kendall, 265; Elht.1 McCormipk, 264.;.
Harold Pugh, 50; Koa Nitzel, 239.
L. A. MCLAUGHLIN, Teacher.
! Boatman Tries to Refill TtnK. With
Lighted Lantern in Hand.
I Everett, Wash., Oct. S While gaso
line was being transferred from one
fishing launch to another near Mukil
teo last night, the fumes were ignited
by a lantern and Eldon Graham was
burned to death.
His companions, J. Everett Graham
and F. Francis Alkys were burned but
escaped death by leaping into the wat
er. Graham is in a hospital here. All
the men are ojjm Seattle.
If vru a.-e goinir to travel get tho ;
AiiK-i-ican Sankeis Association Trav-;
ellers i-hoi-qup.inSlO.OO. S20.00or S50.U0!
de.':r.iiiu'.ii.'P.s, ji.iyalile ui ten thousand '
tuinks, or nv hotel or railroad office.
'For sale by J. W. Cusick & Co..'
B-ni-crs,. I
Baskets. Baskets.
See our window display
Only 50 c.
Dr. Jekyll and
' Mr. rtyde.
Tonight at Dreamland James Keane
will present a .one act version of Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, in three scenes.
Mr. Keane has displayed remarkable
talent in Held for Ransom, pleasing the
large crowds present for three nights.
The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
told in the wonderful novel by Robert
Louis Stevenson, is perhaps the most
! "eird.and fa,!c.inat!nert,! '
tueruiuce. it nas lung" sin
literature. It has loner since become
UliaOIU. 1L GLOMUS UlUlltT.'
It tells the story of Dr. Jekyll, a man
i ot noc-le nature and Kindly heart, who
holds the love and respect of Alice
Leigh, all hough he is manv years her
senior. Dr. Jekyll in his search into I
me mysteries oi Lrunscenueiuai meui
cines, disc -vers a combination of drugs
which enables him to completely trans-
form himselt into the vilest of creatures,
who is known as Mr. Hyde- a being
with a terrible desire to- torture little
childien. strangle woinsn and murder
old men. .
Mr. K'jane has been identified with
this dunl character for many
years. It was in this play that the late
Richard Mansfield gained prominence.
It is a lerrihly exacting role arxJ the
wonderful complete and lightening like
change trom the noble Dr. Jekyll o ihe
fiend riyde is startling in the extreme.
It- is a play once seen, never forgotten.
Tonight, Saturday.
p..(j.. Will 101 WatCllSS.
Why buy Groceries
of Portland Houses
when you can get tike
following prices at
14 b3 Granulated Sugar .
m h r.m Rniinri rwo vmf
u b Hgad p. " '
14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00
16 lbs Broken Head Rice.; 1.00
12 los White Beans . .. 100
" ., r . '
12 lbs Lima Be; n3 1.0
10-16 z Ps Eaismns 1.08
Get our priees before you buy.
The Grocer.
Short orders, including Meats, Salads,
Vegetables,. Pies, Oysters in all styles,
Hot Tamalira, Sandwiches, Cakes, etc.,
meals and lunches, neat and clean.
Coiifectionaries and soft drinks at
12S Broadalbin Street. .
R. B. Mayberry,
Baggie and Express
Offipe with Linn & Benton R. E. Co.
Wagon at othce at oil times of day.
Phones: At home, Bell Main 382,
Home 74. At office, Bell black 431,
Home 178.
The Crest
Tamalies, Tamalies.
Try one of our boneless chicken tam
alies. None better in the city.
Oysters served any style, also light
unches. x '
Both Phones. 316 West 2nd
Cement Work
Estimates given on Plastering, Side
walK and Cement Work.
J. F. TRAVER, 4th & Calapooia Si.
Hvue and Sign Painter, 122 Eerry St.
Agent for the Cleveland Geisenite
roof paint.
Homo phone 320. Pacific Red 3092
experienced compounder or Chinese
medicines, successor of the late Honir
Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish
Chinese nuniieined to all. ThtiUnder
aigned reeoi.imends him and guaran
tees satisfaction. Ca.l or w;te him
at No. 110 West Second i--. Albany
Or Jlk V. HUIU 6
Old and Reliable
Thirty-eight years of steady growth
are significant endorsement of the
careful management and courteous
service of the time-tiied BanK.
Assets over one million dollars
A Saving Account
i. in' the name of your boy and' girl
will teach them a knowledge of
business and a habit of saving chat
they can acquire in no better way.
i. ; . c . ,
j Interest paid On iaVingS accounts-
, ,
r FliRST SAVlilCS BAiySv
Owned and operated by the stockhold-
ers of the First National Bank.
Call Bell Red 3201, Home 233. We
meet all trains. All kinds of job work,
No waiting, CARL TANDRUP,
Office 322 West 2no St.
Made in Albany my No 1 Edg Grain
s the BEST in the market. Various
grades and prices from $1.25 upwards.
Every bunch branded! with my name.
Look for it. Examine these shingles
before buying elsewhere;
We us no dry kilm..
Osteopathic Physician
Albany State Bamk Building
Bell Black 482. Home 275:
1-3 Brenner Block, Albany.
Phones: Office Home 359, Bell 7S51.
Residence 394 Home, 863 Bell.
Crawiord Block, - - Albany
. Dentist
;DR. R. C. UUMT,
, Rooms 6 and 8, Brenner Block.
i Bell Black 24&I
Palmer's Uairy
HIE GULDlN rule.
Delivers milk and cream to any part of
the city. Prices reas-jnahle. Jersey
cows with best of care. Both Phones. .
I Contractor.
PhoneReMSl.eOMongomery St
J. G. Crawford's
Photograph Gallery
Is in the New Albany State Bank Puild
ing, second floo-, with a complete
equipment for picture taking ot all
Want's Your Patronae
Telephone Red 671
1 ,tft Hr0.8AS3G