Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 03, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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S vveater Coats
We are offering special prices on Men's, Boy's audChildrens'
Sweater coats. If you need a sweater coat now is the time
to buy at a saving-,
In Men's ooats Good strong elastic weave, plain colors with border of same color or with
different combinations. Fine pear buttons. : Regular ?2.50 value
Special $2.15 each
Boy's Sweater coats A fine assortment of cotars, extra vaiue at $1.35 each.
' Children's Sweater tfoats A fine lot. Special at 78C each,
Made from beat quality heavy
weight blanket. Fine patterns and
Finished with very neat collar, and
cold to match.
Exceptional value for the money.
In either Men's or Ladies' sizes, at
$4.00 each.
Indian Moccasins
We have an excellent showing of
Men's, Women's, Misses and Boy's
and Children's Moccasins.
A pair of these would be appre
ciated at a gift and very inexpensive.
Some of these are of re,al deer
Men's Moccasins $1.75 and $2 00
Women's , " - $1.75
Missses . " ...... $1.35
Boy's " .............. $1.75
Children's " 90
Sweet apple cider for your mince
meat. Just from the press.
By gallon or quart.
Peaches ..: ....10 lbs $1.00.
Prunes.; . S lbs .25
Apricots.. . ! 15c lb
Figs , 10c lb
California raisins
In bulk, extra large and very good
8c, 15c and 25c lb.
C ear -nee Prices on Ladies Suits and Coats
Just Like
the Flowers
Just arrived a beauti
ful line of the latest
perfumes and latest
toilet waters,Palmers,
Wrights and Colgates.
all sizes from 25o up.
Many new and deli
cate oders, swe6t and
Latest Perfume
"Select Lily
the ciiu jr
Just Like
the Flower.
News from Albany's Six Early
. The train caller appeared for the
first time in his official cap, labled Train
Director, which has been needed in or
der to give people traveling an oppor
tunity to know whom to ask about the
J. B. Eaton and family, residents of
Shedd for several years, left for Pea
body, Kan., to reside awhile, expecting
to return to L.inn county later.
Miss Hattie Gunsauls, of the Pacific
States Co. left on a Kingston visit.
Dr. M. M. Davis, of Eugene, arrived
on his way to the Bay to look after his
oysters and other property.
Mrs. Skelly arrived from Tallman.
R. R. McKinney, of Holley returned
today from Portland.
Alex Power, of Halsey, was in the
city today on his way home from
Salem. . , ,
J. B. Cornett, of Shedd, was in town
today, having a hand treated. He has
been working with it for a year.
Arthur A. Garrett, a son of W. F.
Garrett of this city, and J . C. McDon
ald have leased a group of rich claims
on Lost Canyon Mt., Grant County,
Colorado. The average ore shows $50,
but some has run 10 ounces to the ton.
Mr. Garrett is manager, and believes
the Port Huron group will be heavy
The ladies of Fair Oaks Circle No. 1,
G. A. R., will serve a chicken pie din
ner on Dec. 11 (Saturday) to which all
are invited.- No admission. Dinner
35 cts, supper 15 cts. All day Bazaar.
Presents suitable fot the Christmas oc
casion. Please remember the place upstairs
in the Grand Army Hall. Strangers
The Catholic fuir at the armory 1
opened last evening with a big crowd !
present and much interest in the booths
and doings.
Several well stocked booths are neatly
arranged and splendidly decorated in
different parts of the hall. One can't!
escape the country store to the right,
just as one eniers the building. It is
nuite a cute affnir. nnri full nf unnri !
things, with store keepers who know
their business and are equal to all oc
casuns. At the left is the candy booth,
with .toothsome sweets. Then there
are fancy article booths and a Japanese
booth, with plenty of opportunities for
invosting in a good cause.
A fine chicken dinntr was served
from 5 o'clock, with crowds at the
At the evening session of the fair a
fine program was rendered, greatly ap
Dreciated by a packed house. Some
bright talks were made by Hon. J. K.
Weatherford, Father Thompson, of
Portland and Judge Galloway. Miss
Evan French. Miss Boyles, prof. Pal
mer. Inez Lemke and Victor Yates
were heard in pleasing solos a:n the
Teddy Bears captured the house. To
night there will be another good pro
gram, with Prof. Horner of the c(. A.
C. as the principal speaker. ,
For an Accounting and Divvy-
A couple of complaints filed by Mc
Fadden & Bryson of Corvallis today
brings Into the limelight again the af
fairs of the defunct Albany Farmers
Co., which went into bankruptcy a
year ago.
W. W. Poland agt. S. Cox et al, and
T. B. Cooper agt. John Althouse et al.
Both are for an accounting and asking
that certain corporation defendants,
clhss B. be required to divide up with
the plaintiff ani many other defend
ants having wheat and oats on deposit
with the Albany Farmers Co. In the
first suit it is claimed there should have
been 68,00(1 bushels of wheat and 20,000
bushels of ots, instead of the 8,000
bushels of oats turned over to the trus
tee in bankruptcy, L. M. Curl, and in
the other 15,000 to 16,500 bushels should'
haye been on hand, instead of the 3,000'
bushels turned over to the trustee.
Another chicken dinner at 5 o'clock
and afterwards at the Catholic fair tu
night. Indoor Base ball.
A Comma f reat.
Too much praise cannot be given the
Ladies Auxilliary for engaging the
Schubert Symphony Club and Lady
Quartette of Chicago to appear here on
Dec. 8 at the Opera House. This com
pany is in its 20th year of success, and
is acknowledged everywhere to be the
most "up-to-date" musical company
Everybody likes music and everybody
enjoys a hearty laugh. A delightful
blending of pure fun and fine music is
one reason why the above company has
won its way to the top notch of public
esteem.- ,
A fine line of fruits, vegetables, rah,
canned goods, etc., always on hand at
the Metropolitan Market, Bioadalbin
street. Only the best is kept.
Idle Hour Restaurant,
Cor. Broadalbin and Secondt Sts.
Under new management.
Business men's meals 20c.
Basket Ball,
There will be a double headed basket
ball exhibition at the Alco gym tomor
row night, the first of the season, with
a ten cents admission. One game to
start with will be between a team from
the high school freshmen and sopho
mores The other the regular high school
team against the Alcos.
The lineup of the freshmen will, be-
U. BigDee and vlerecK forwards, Cur
tis center, Bruce and Carnegie guards.
The sophomores, Crowell and Beeson
forwards, Ohling center, Archibald
and SotU guards. . '
F. G. WILL, lor Watches
Bufkhart & Lee.
A fine line of novelties arriving
for the holidays. Up-to-date
goods. Choice cut glass
I If so, call and see me about it, as I
have just what you want.
No. ,1. Nice new house and lot, 5
rooms. Well located. , Price $2300.00.
No. 2. Good 7 room house, modern,
bath, and furnace heat. Situated close
in. A snap if taken soon. ' Price
$2700.00. ;
No. 3. A beautiful vacant lot at a
No. 4. Good 7 room , house, West
Albany. Price S18UU.UU.
Not 5. Good paying business, will
take 570UU.U0 investment.
No. 6. Good 7 room house, barn.
chicken houses, lots of fruit. -Vi acres
of land, also blacksmith shoo (30x30)
on the place which rents for $8.00 per
month. Possession given immediate
ly if taken soon. Can be got at a bar
' I have bargains in farms of all de
scriptions, if you wish to buy call and
see me before.domg so and 11 you wish
to sell list your property for sale with
the old and reliable Real Instate dealer.
I. V. PIPE. .
203 W. 2nd St. - Albany, Oregon
WANTED. By a married man. a farm
to care for this winter, with timber
wood cutting by contract or cord
i None but those meaning business
I need reply. Care of Democrat.
MM,. Ml).
A full line of choice nursery stock.
Order now for Fall delivery.
Phne Red 871 , Office 312 W. Second St.
Si F. PEIRCE. Manager.
Walter Parker
! Albany Supply
In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts,
correction-: ry, wrapping paper, twine
and paper bags.
s Cash paid for all kinds of poultry.
We also have the agency for Pyramid
and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime,
Arden plaster. Get prices before buy
ing. Cash paid for eijgs.
Foot Ferry Street, Albany.
Phones, Mriin 5 Bell, 3 Home.
First class gojds in their season.
Phone Main 50. -
Sanitary Plumbers and Sheet
Meial WorKcrs.
Our natron? are assured of strictly
first-class work, prompt service and
reasonable prices.
Eave-trough, conductors, roofing and
general jobbi. g. Specifications furn
shed. Estimates cheerfully given.
Try us. 201 E First St. Both Phone
Cream Wafers.
Cream Dates.
Milk Chocolate Kisses.
English Fruit Loaf.
sliced Lady Dreams.
Cream Bon Bons. ,
Cocoartut Biscuits.-
Assorted Nuts, Dates, Figs, etc.
Ices and creams of all kinds made to
order. Get your order in today so as
to insure prompt delivery.
ELITE chhc;f
1 Both Phones.
JUST PLAT TFD. -Fourteen 10 acre
tracts 3 miles out. Sold on install-
; ment plan. Fine soil for berries,
garden truck and fruit trees. Buy a
Tremont tract of the owner.' Owen
Beam, Room 4 Stark Bldg, Albany,
WANTED. Girl to do general house
work. Call at 62T-W. ?nd St.
The, first game of indoor base ball oc
curred at tho Alco gym last evening,,
between the bankers and the Alco Jun
iors, a fast and furious contest for nine
innings. Score, Bankers 20, Alcos 11.
Stewart and Bvin were the battery
for the bankers and Viereck and Archi
bald for the Alco Juniors.
For excitement indoor base ball bents
almost anything going. Clair Baker
umpired the game and escaped alive.
Piano Commended.
Eilers Piano House, Portland, Or.
We wish to thank you for the courtesy
your Mr. Russell extended to us at Al
bany, and will say that the little
Chickering I used was marvellous.
ADOLHH KNAUER, Pianist,, with
Central Grand Concert Co. ;
Prof. Head's new piano store, corner
of Second and Ferry now open,
with the best line of pianos on the
market in stock. Also sheet music and
small instruments will be carried.
Retiring from Business. ,.-
Everything in the store to be closed
out by Jan 1st.
Wonder Millinery.
Get Your Fish at Pfeiffers. '
The place, 229 West Second Btreet.
Everything in the fish line, neat and
clean, at a reasonable price.
FOR RENT. A house, partly furnish
ed, small barn, 4 lots. Inquire of
Mrs. L. W. Moench, 330 Main.
WANTED. Girl to do general house
work. Good pay for good Bervice. .
Apply at 730 Washington Btreet.
Home phone 354.
FOR RENT. Close in, three furnished
rooms for housekeeping. 125 4th and '
Baker. 23t
1 1 IV'iLj'nti
' i' -
J, f
A comparison will show that ours is
There is a distinctiveness 1 hat is not
shown in ordinary makes.
Ours were made up for this particular
trade, and according to our owni designs.
QUALITY first--price next
Moderately Priced
, $3.75 up.
0 Every thing NEW .
Agent for the ONWARD SLIDING
The Blain Gic