Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 03, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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    Ml. ill. 11. ELLIS,
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calh made in city and country. Phone
Main 38.
w'SEGIS'llwiTIChM OF TI"ii-E.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn. De
partment No. 2.
In the matter of the application of
Z. G. Hays to register the title to the
following described prem:ses, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the south
boundary line of the Donation Land
claim of Geo. F. Settlemire, Notifica
tion No. 1997 and Claim No. 42 in
township 12 south of Range 3 west
of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon,
which is 32.09 chains west of the
southeast corner of sa'd claim, and
running thence north 377)4 chains;
thence west 13.25 chains; thence
south 3.77)4 chains; thence west
2.56 chains; thence south 0 de
grees 23 minutes east 9.12 chains;
thence east 7.48 chains; thence north
0 degrees 23 minutes west 9.12 chains
to the said south line of said Donation
Land Claim; thence east 8.33 chains
to the place of beginning, containing
12.82 acres, more or less, Against all
whom it may concern, D. Kroman and
Jenneke Brochers, defendants.
Take notice that on the 22nd day of
October, 1909, an application was filed
by said Z. G. Hays in the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for Linn
county for initial registration of the
title of land above described.
Now unless you appear on or be
fore the 30th day of November, 1909,
and show cause why such application
shall not be granted, the same will be
taken as confessed, and a decree will
be entered according to the prayer of
the applicant, and you will be forever
barred from disputing the same.
Dated this 22nd day of October,
(L. S.) J. W. MILLER,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, guardian of the estate of
Nora Troutman, an insane person,
will, by virtue of an order of the
County Court of Linn County, Ore
gon, duly made and entered of record,
on the 7th day of September, 1909,
sell at private sale on' Saturday, the
4th day of December, 1909, between
the hours of nine o'clock in the fore
noon and four o'clock in the evening
of said day at the Court House door
in Albany, Linn County, Oregon, all
the right, title and interest of the said
Nora Troutman, an insane person, in
and to the hereinafter described real
estate, the said interest of the said
Nora Troutman, being an undivided
one-ninth thereof. Said real estate is
described as follows: -
Beginning at a point on the west
line of the Donation Land Claim of
R. W. Brock, Notification No. 2047
and Claim No. 52 in township thirteen
south range three west in Linn Coun
ty, Oregon, 30.20 chains south from
the northwest corner of said claim
and running thence east 44 chains to
the east line thereof; thence ngrth
along said east line 22.72 chains;
thence west 44 chains to the west line
thereof; thence south along said west
line to the place of beginning, con
taining 100 acres.
Also the following tract of land:
Beginning at a point on the west line
of the Donation Land Claim of R. W.
Brock, Notification Number 2047 and
Claim No. 52 in township thirteen
south of range three west in Linn
County, Uregon, 30.U chains south
from tiic northwest corner of said
claim and running thence cast forty
' four chains to the east line thereof;
thence south 43 chains and twenty
eight links to the southeast corner of
said claimj thence west to the Cala
pooia Creek; thence, down said Creek
to the west line of sakl claim; thence
north on said line to the place of be
ginning, containing one hundred and
sixty acres, more or less.
And in case said land is not sold
on said 4th day of December, 1909, I
will offer the same for sale on the
consecutive days immediately follow
ing the said 4th day of December,
Terms of Sale. The purchaser will
be required to pay one-third cash
down on the day of sale and give his
note for the remainder of the said
purchase price to the guardian and a
mortgage on the premises so sold to
secure the payment of said note.
Dated this the 5th day of Novem
ber, 1909.
T. J. STITES. Guardian.
Attorney for Guardian.
Xotive is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the estate
of S. T. Crooks, deceased, has filed
her final account in said estate with
the' County Clerk of Linn County,
Oregon, and the County Judge has
set the 20th day of December, 1909,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. ni. and the
County court room of said County as
the time and place for hearing objec
tions to said final account and the set
tlement thereof.
L. L. SWAN, Admrx.
Attorney for Admrx.
nn r a nrrr ainr n Send model. I
,1,.7.. ....Ti.T.,.. r.....n.rt pro!i ami iree reoorr. R
Frve nTrtee. how to obtain patents. trto mark. 1
copyrights, etc., IN ALL COUNTRIES. 5
Business direct it iA Washington saves tinted
I money antiojtcntne patent.
Patent and Infringement rTictlM uciihwij.
Writn nr ramp to ua at
I 813 XtaUt StrMt, opr. UnHed flutat rataat Office,!
o a. "X o art x a .
fctwtht The Kind 1m 1w Always eg
On Thanksgiving day, Nv. 25, attho
residency of S. V. Hull, in Albany, by
Rev. S. A. Douzlas. Mr. Otis Dike and
Miss Delta Heath, botu of M arion
We are showing a fine
ineof Razors $2 50. Razor for $2.50.
$2.00. razors for $2.Cr". All guaranteed
by us as well as the manufacturer. Try
one, you will be please i.
Burkiiart & Lee.
If your Oregonian is missed phone
the Eagle Cigar Store before 8 a. m.
daily ur 10 Sunday. t
Painless Dentistry
Ontf town people
can nave their plate
and bridgework flu.
lnhed In ona day
if nocesnarr.
We will sin you fgood
22k gold or porcelain
crown tor oo.bU
.. . it nn
i v ' JaSMoi&r.urowns o.UV
.:jQold Filling 1.00
S h lEnam.1 Filling 1.00
' Silver Fllllnn .50
Inlay Filling Z.&U
Good Rubber AA
Plates U.UU
Beit Red Rub- -A
DR. W. A. WISE, Puitam uro Miuan
bar Plata f.OU
at nut tnuiBui WTUio
Palnlew ExtrMlon .50
PbIhImb Extraction Freo when plt or brldgo work
it ordered. Oo run tat ion Free, Yoa cannot eat better
paloleesworkdotieanywhere. AH work full j-ruar-nteed.
Modern eloctrio equipment Bt methods.
Wise Dental Co.
Fittnra Bmuraa ' ? " . .
oitios bows: a A. u. u t. u. lutoji. to l.,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn, De
partment No. 2.
Fred Holzfuss, .plaintiff, vs. Herman
Holzfuss, Bertha Ktecker, Emil J.
Holzfuss, Johanna Leib, Olive Holz
fuss, G. H. Kiecker, Wilhelmina
Holzfuss and Henry Leib, defendants.
To Herman Holzfuss and Welhelinina
Holzfuss, defendants above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby notified and required
to be and appear in said above named
court in said suit, and answer the
complaint of the plaintiff on file there
in, on or before the tit It day of Janu
ary, 1910, and you are hereby further
notified that if you fail to appear and
answer said complaint as aforesaid,
for want thereof the plaintiff will take
a decree against you and each of you
for relief prayed tor in said complaint,
towit: '
A decree of said court directing that
the following described lands, towit:
Lots One and Six, in Section One,
and Lot One in Section Two, all in
Township 10 S. of R. one East of the ,
'Will. Mer. in Linn County, Oregon; '
also, eight acres in Lot S, in Section
35, Tp. 9 S. of R. 1 E. of the Will.
Mer. in Linn County, Oregon, and
more particularly described as being '
situated and lying in the Southeast j
corner of Sec. 35, S. R. 1 E. of the !
Will. Mer. in Linn County. Oregon, !
on sz t.
cuiiiuiiiug ou.u ucres, ue partitioned
among the parties to this suit accord
ing to their interest therein, as below
mentioned or sold and the proceeds
of said sale divided among the plain-,
tiff and the defendants in proportion i
to their interests as follows: one-fifth
thereof to said plaintiff, Fred Holz
fuss; one-fifth thereof to said defend
ant, Herman Holzfuss: one-fifth there
of to said defendant Bertha Krecker;
one-fifth thereof to said defendant,
Emil J. Ho(zfuss; one-fifth thereof to '
said defendant Johanna Leib; and that
the costs and . disbursements of this
suit and the expenses of such parti
tion, or sale, be apportioned among
the parties to this suit according to ,
their respective interests, and for such 1
other relief as may seem proper to
said court. j
This Summons is served on you and '
each of you. by publication for six
consecutive weeks prior to the said
8th day of January, 1910, in the Al-1
bany Democrat, a weekly newspaper '
of general circulation in said county, '
by order of the Honorable J. N. Dun-!
can, Judge of the said County Court
of Linn County, State of Oregon,
which said order was made Xovcmbcr;,
18th, 1909, and that the said J. N.
Duncan, Judge of the said County
Court, in said order for the publica-
tion of this Summons ypon 3'ou, has '
prescribed the said 8th day 'of Janu- '
ary. lyiu, as tlic time on or bctorc
which you shall appear and answer
said complaint in said suit.
The date of the first publication of
this Summons in said newspaper is
November 26tli, 1909.
J. J. WHITNEY, and
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
To al! whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned
has been duly appointed executrix of
Henry A. deck, deceased, by the
county court of Linn county, Oregon,
and has duly qualified as such execu
trix, therefore all persons having
claims against the estate of said de
cedent are hereby notified and re
quired to present such claims, .vith
the proper vcmchers to the under
signed at her residence in the city of
Albany, Linn county. Oregon, with
in six months from tile date hereof.
Dated this 29th October. 1909.
Executrix of Henry A. Cleek, de
Notice is hereby given that the -undersigned
has been appointed 'admin
istrator of the estate of John W.
Hardman, deceased, by the county
court of Linn county, Oregon. All
persons having claims against said
estate arc requested to present the
same to J. J. Whitney, at his office
in Albany, Oregon, properly verified
as by law required, within six months
irom the date hereof.
Albanv. Or., Oct. 1, 1909.
J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney.
I 5
niillfrairik '-'r fefctttJ
i Thanksgiving day was generally ob
served in Albany. The banks were
closed all day and the stores nearly all
day. The local newspapers took a rest.
A large audience enjoyed the Thanks
giving services at the U. P. church yes
terday morning. Rev. J. C. Elliot of
the Grace Presbyterian church preach
ed the sermon, an interesting and able
one, covering a wide field.
The earth is evidently just the place
for men.. Mercury would be too hot,
and Neptune too cold. He is a very
small thing and God could not find him
if not infinite.
The north temperate zone is the one
of power and this is the best place in
Life is a battlefield, a continual fight
for righteousness, and the enemy is on
the run.
Like Waterloo, Yorktown, Sebasta
pool and Gettysburg this the crucial
time of the warfare and marvelous
things are shown. The gospel of Christ
is reaching out over the world.
There have been wonderful changes.
Witchcraft had to go, dueling has been
stopped, gambling is less and less, an
outlaw, the drink habitis decreasing,
slavery has been done away with in
this country.
In thirty years it is said the Gospel
will be in every place, building up a
Christian civilization. feSQuf
There is much in the progress of the
world to be thankful for.
The second number of the Albany
College Lecture course, the Central
Grand Concert Company will be given
at the United Presbyterian church on
Monoay evening, Nov. 29. The comp
any is composed of four musical artists
of exceptional ability, and is guaran
anteed by the Lyceum Bureau to be the
bpst musical talent to be obtained on
the coast. Watch the papers and other
announcements as to the individual
members of this company.
Reserved seats on sale Saturday and
Monday at Woodworth's,
The Weather.
Thanksgiving was a pleasant day,
though the temperature was low, 48
degrees being the highest. During the
night it dropped to 36 degrees.
The rainfall was .12 inch.
The river is between 22 and 23 feet
and falling steadily.
Prediction:, cloudy and probably
showers tonight. andSaturday .
Be thankful all the time.
Miss Carolyn Cannon, of Portland, is
visiting at D. P. Mason's.
U. G. Berry, of Peora, lost four nun
nred sheep by the recent floods.
Manager Struble returned this noon
from Portland, where he ate turkey.
Born on Thanksgiving evening, .to
Mr. and Mrs. Traver, a son. All doing
well. '
if a thing stands for anything mor
ally ihe Uregonian sets its mud gun to
Miss Smith, of North Bend, Wash.,
is visiting her sister. Miss Smith, ot
the col lege.
Ashland says it doesn't want a double
service anaisngnting anotner teiepnone
franchise. '
At. and Mrs. Geo. Washburn, of
Portland, ate turkey with father and
mother Washburn.
The fact that near-beer joints cause
intoxication rieht along is sufficient
reason to make them go.
Mr. and Mrs. Witham, of Corvallis,
have been in the city on a visit at the
home of li. A. Thompson..
A team of Corvallis boys came over this
noon to play a mixed Albany team of
boys, known asjthe Curtis club.
Will Alma Bell go into vaudeville or
on the lecture platform, or do tne
proper thing, remain in obscurity.
The Presbyterians of Corvallis have
nougnt a $4,oui jviiiiuuu pqjc uluu,
tor ip4,u00, says the Gazette-Times.
Guy Thompson left last night for
San K'raucuco, alter a visit witn his
parents, Jir. and Jars. E.A. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bell, of Eugene,
spent Thanksgiving at the-home or the
latter's sister, Jars. L. L. Swan, in
this city.
Notre Dame, which defeated the
great Michigan team, was unable to
ueat Mrquette of Milwaukee, yester
day, the score being a tie.
A live crowd of boys arrived this
noon in their special car from Portland,
Saleiu, tiillsboro and other cities, with
their own yells. Tnere will be id to 1UU
boys here in all. . .
E. L. Thompson, a former Albany
man, has been elected president of the
Portland Live Stock Association- Mr.
Tnompson has become one of Portland's
most successful business men.
Robert S. Lovett, the new head of the
Harri man lines, has been in Portland
He left for Seattle, will r.turn to Port
land and will then go south, passing
through Albany early next weex, and
we can sit on the cement walk, there
being no seats, and sec him go by.
Dr. W, E. Stewart arrived home
Wednesday evening after a trip to
Chicago. He has secured an outfit Cor
an otlice .iid contemplates settling
in Tacoma, Washington. Since
graduation he has been with the Chica
go and Milwaukee, looking after the
medical wants of construction g.ntis,
getting a varied and valuable exper
ience. Chas. V. Galloway had a mighty nar
row escape from death. By mistake
he was lucked by his assistant George
Brown in the land office vault in the
evenitg, Brown leaving the oilice. But
lie had forgot to turn off the light anc
went back, when Galloway succeeded
in making him hear by pounding with a
seal, and he was released, tie would
have been suffocated in four or fivt
fsjfifik) WMotcadSa
ft" cake the flnest.most taste- i$zft)
' ful and healthful made with wa
g. Royal, impossible without it.
Wednesday evening, Nov. 24. Pres
ent all officers and councilmen.
Bills were allowed as follows: Ig
Steinhart. S600; H. G. Fisher, $110;
A. Kyle. $8.60; Foshay & Mason, $1.75;
F. K. Churchill. $5.00; C. G. Rawlings.
$13.50; Albany Lumber Co.. $85.71;
Theo. Hoflich, $13.50; Spires Bros..
$1 50; R. A. Murphy. $5.65; A. M.
Dawson, $1; Ohling & Taylor, $8.55; J.
A. Whitesides, $28. ( '
A cross walk was ordered at Ferry
and Water streets.
Petition cf Mary E. Parker et al for
an electric light at 3rd and Jefferson
was referred.
Petition of A. D. Barker for per
mission to move a small building,' now
occupied by Hoflich Bros, to the street
at 10th and Lyon streets, was referred.
Secretary J. S. Van Winkle of the
Commercial Club made an enthusiastic
address to the council on securing
Hatkleman's Grove for a public park.
Referred to a special committee, con
sisting of Councilmen Taylor, Millei
and Curl.
The S. P. was ordered to plank its
track at the crossings on Water and
other streets.
A communication was read from the
North West Co. asking for a ten years
contract on hydrants at $2.50 a month
each before installing four additioal
hydrants asked. There are now ten,
the city paying $16 a month for eight of
them,, the others being free.
A crossing was ordered at Thurston
and 7th streets.
The sewer from the St. Charles
across Washington was ordered inves
tigated. News From Albany's Six Early
The Sprigfield train is running again,
the bridge having been fixed at Browns
ville. Among those coming down on it
were Lawyer Barney Martin and H. B.
Moyer, of Brownsville.
Claus Vehrs brought a car of hogs
down from Lebanon and took them to
Portland. About 7 cents is the pre
vailing price now. Mr Vhers' oil well
continues to be in prospecto
Six men with big packs came down
from Lebanon, looking as if they had
been in the mountains
Mr. Phil Swank arrived from Tall
man. Foot Ball
There was a Thanksgiving game of
foot ball in Albany without any pre
vious announcement. The freshmen
and sophomores of the high school went
up against the rest of the high school,
and the result was a tie, with a goal
for each side. It was played on Ram
bler park. $10 was 'wanted for a game
on the college grounds. The came be
tween the bankers and 'po3to . ce men
was not played. It was evidently a
piece of high finance anyway.
O. A. C. won a great victory by de
feating Multnomah 11 to 8 in a sensa
tional game.
U. U. lost to Washington at Seattle
20 to 6. CJ. O. secured one goal by. a
ornnant run oi L,atourette.
Eugene high school defeated Salem
high school 5 to 0. ,
Willamette defeated Facihc Univer
sity 8 to 0.
ne mm uogs ueieated tne Madison
team at tout ball this forenoon 5 to 0 in
a hot grin. The luleups were: Davis
c, Gil, low nml Tucker guards, Archi
bald und .vinrman tackles, Morgan and
Martin en is, Schukz qb, Gray and Mon
teith hli and C. Archibald In. iVIudit
sons: Baldwin c, Purker and Int'Mrom
guards. Miller and Moeneh tackh.s,
.tlcouiiuuuh nil Millson ends, Warper
q'j, Ey.stuurn and Su.'sens ho, Siiiipson
Only ihree oormsls.
in ih' fi
le a com.
f police. I
eing the i
or the i-.i'
-lc:i'in Dee. 5 'here will
f-ir etily I h-fe ulli':e: chief
. .'.lunkers'and Fred Reis
c:miidate3. n-i arranged
i'C fotten !,; I., u.
.larshall :ii ; . A. Barrett lor eou'i
ilrnan of 1 1:.. ii -' ward; and L. .M.
:url and J. A for councilman of
he third ward. 1).-. J. H. Wallace is
.lone for m ijor, K. M. Redfield for re
order, E. D. Cnaick for treasurer and
?. S. Mili-.T i-r councilman in the see
nd ward.
On the b; 1 1. will be n place to vote
or or against near-beer jMints, and for
r against a city hall.
Albany Democrat's All-N W.
Foot Sail Team Selected by
O. H. Luck .
L. E. Borleske, Whitman
R. E. Mattson, Washington
F. B. Keck, O. A. C. ,
L. H. B. Clarke, Oregon
R. H. B. Mucklestone, Washington
Q B. Coyle, Washington
Li. L. finkham, uregon
R..T. Eakins, Washington
C. Tegtmeyer, Washington
L. G. Evenden, O. A. C.
R. G., Washington
Mr. Luck says: "If I were called up
on to furnish money for the support of
an All-N. W . foot ball team to be pitted
against other Bectional aggregations I
would choose the above line-up. The
choice is guided strictly by the showing
of the men made in games this seaBon,
regardless of all previous reputation of
players or public prejudice, if any, that
may exist.
"W. S. C. has not played enough
conference games of importance to give
any of hor men a chance for distinction
and Idaho has had an "off-season,"
hence we must look to Washington, 0.
A. C, Oregon and Whitman.
"Strangely no eminently satisfactory
guards could be found among theguards
bo I have chosen two good tackles. Even
den fnd Grimm, for the euard positions.
This departure is the only solution of a j
well rounded All-N. ff. team.
"With two such competent candi-1
dates as Mucklestone and Borleske for ;
R. H. B. position it has been difficult!
to settle this position. Borleske
posesses every requirement of an ideal
end. He would fill L. E. position better '
than any end that has.been seen, so I
have chosen Borleske for L. E and 1
Mucklestone for R. H. B.
Ars W. W, ?arrish.
The many friends of Mrs. Mary E.
Parrish, wife of the late W. W. Par
rish, will learn with regret that her
death is hourly expected. Mrs. Par
rish is one of the oldest and most high
ly respected of the early pioneers.
Her father, David Froman, Sr.. still
lives in this city on Seventh and Maple
streets. About a year and a half ago
she went to the home of a daugter,
Mrs. Etta Parrish D'xon, who resides
in San Diego, Calif., in the hope of
improving her health, which had grad
ually failed since her husband's death
about four years ago. The improve
ment was of short duration however,
and she has been confined to her bed
for many months.
Another daughter, Mrs. Edna Parrish
Lewis, is also at her bedside. Her
other children are Mrs. May Fisher,
Portland, Or., Mrs. Alda Parrish Burke,
Alameda, Calif., and W. E. Parrish,
Dayville, Or.
At the Hotels
H. E. Smith, advance King Dodo uo.
Mrs. Chas. Stephens. Philomath
G. L. Brown, Stayton.
J. O. Brine, Roseburg.
R. W. Terrill, Roseburg.
P.of. E. D. Ressler, Corvallis.
Walter J. Kirk. Salem.
H. L. Russell, Kugene.
J. R. Cartwright, Harrisburg
Virgil Cartwright, Newport.
H U. Wright & wf, Htrrisburg.
Wm. Coney, Uollcy. j
L. C. Fuller, Portland. i
Came Through Wate.
Coming from Portland this forenoon the
train went through a good deal of water!
the other side of Oregon City, and one
could almost reach the water out of tho
windows. ThiB aido nf Oregon City too
the train went through watei but not
as much. The crest of the flood is nrnv
there, and one can hardly sto the Will
amette falls at Oregon City.
Young People's Meetinj.
At the young people's meeting last
night the theme was methods of study,
an important one in the development oi
character. Tomorrow afternoon the
subject will he equipment for service,
nd it is deiireo that the-n will be i
I ,rge attendance, the tneet.g of the
noys club being p.'iva'.e i' not conflict.
Eight bright, clean looking boys,
from different parts of Oregon showed
up at tho Christian church last night at
the first session of the conference of the-
hnuo ftlnha nf Hroirnn Tha aaaainn n,no .
a good one.
Manager Wallace R, Struble, of the
Commercial Club gave the address of
of welcome, showing that he under
stands boys pretty well. Rex, Ham
merly of McMinnville.was on hand with
the response.
u;n tAru:,n tut- .!,.. !J-J 1
t in , iiiLa. ui imo uibv. utHaiuHM anu .
announced the committee on nomina
tion, Messrs. Lewis of Portland, Gile -of
Salem, Gilbert of Corvallis, Terrell ,
of Eugene and White of Albany.
A couple Salem and Corvallis boys
told what the y were there for, the se
curing of better ideas in the running of
boys clubs and the nomination committee
reporte 1 the following officers selected
for the coming year, taking their pos
itions at once:
President Rex. Hammerly, McMinn- -ville.
lflfc virA nrafiidAnt flon Wnllino
2nd vice president Claire Wilkes,
Secretary Clareniw Farnham, Dallas
Ass t bee Bob Dryden, tJorvallis.
J. Irving ' Gilbert gave some good
ideas on buildintt the body indoors. The
young man signed having broken a rib
in a foot ball game at Salem, R. R.
Perkins spoke o.. building the body out
doors. Albert Gillette was heard in a neat
solo and Harry Mills and Lawrence
Calrson, two musical geniuses of Salem,
who are furnishing the accompan
iment en the piano and violin, gave a
duet that received a warm encore.
P. W. Lee, assistantphysical director
of the Porrland Y. M. C. A. gave an
excellent address on the care of the
In the day sessions the program as
published is being well carried out.
' prolific of -much interest. The Bible
was exalted this forenoon, among the
papers being a good one by Edward.
vierecK oi tms city.
1 This afternoon the different ways to'
: have a good time and yet bo good boys
I was a prominent theme.
Messrs. Perkins, Clark and Lee of
the Portland Y. M. C. A. are doing
splendid work in the convention, and
A. C. Schmitt, of this city, is active in
seeing that the boys are cared fot and
that the conyontion goes olf Bmoothly,
Tonight at 6o'lock at the U. P. base
ment a banquet will be served followed
by toasts in charge of A. C. Schmitt,
wilh-sorne cumpfire scenes and talks by
C'ark and Wyman.
The following are present:
Portland. - Will Humphroy, Clinton
Howe, Earl Scoth, Albert Lewis, Ken
neth Morrison, Doudlas McKay, Merle
Tidd, Clarence Spraguo, Chas. ri. '
Collier. C. O. Chaterton, Myron Gilgore,
Arthur Stillman. Paul Davis. Wm.
Larolan. Earnest Vosper, J. C. Clark,
1. R. Rhodes, Harry Grnble. Sol Hor
zog, Chas. Fowler. Alvin Bradford,
Milton Giddingn. Kussel Alexander,
Wm Poatles, I;'red Vandergrifl, Edw.
Gurband, Geo. Walling, Sidney Veal,
Leonard Baylos, Russell Hurtz, Chas,
Stalling, Rob't Livingston.
Hillsboro. Oscar Lund, Wm. Nelson,
Clair Wilkes, Waid Wilkes, Gerald
Both. Damon Grear, Kev, Fisher.
BSalem. Mr. Kellogg, Master Proctor,
Lawrence Carlstjn, E. M. Bosworth,
Mr. Gile, Harry Milli
Oakland. Orville Kruso. 1
Boise, Idaho. Walter Peterson.
Willamina. Kenneth Shot'erly, Hol
lis Barnett.
Eugene. Chas. Collier, Bruce Slegel,
Paul Hurd. Bert Clubb, Ray Wi'kinson,
Rob't Mount. Wm. Jenkins, Jim Clubb,
Albert Gillette.
Mc.V inn ville.- Rex. Hammor'y.
She; Id n. Floyd Chapman, Otto
Hi. den.
liallas.-Jack Eakin, Melyin Cutler,
Lynn Mntheny, Herman Hawkins,
Clan-nee Tarnhan, Laird Woods, Ralph
Retiring from Business,
Lverything in the store to be closed
out ly Jan 1st.
Wonder jrlillinery.
Willi cil the old character., we know
i A li'.:e so v.-cll. Don t miss this.