Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 03, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Two Very Low Priced Lots
One lot including all our splendid stylish Pattern Hats of the best known makes
we have included under one price. Values $10 to $15, a choice
The other lot of stylish Dress Hats all styles and all good. We have put undr
a very low price. They are values from $5.00 to $7.50. Your choice at
L. E. & II. J, Hamilton
$10 to
Victor and
Is the modern way of doing business.
$1.00 a Week Does It.
Over 2,000 records to select from. We
have arranged comfortable scats in
our Phonograph Department
use while making selections.
Woodwbrth Drug Co
ailtmivd b tuu poet ittlut), Albttuy, O
4 HCin t ;-ftfB mail matter.
The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week ; in advance for one year, 4.0?.
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end of year &I.50.
The weekly Advance per year $1.25.
At end of year $1.50. Alter 3 years at
2- 4 -
FOR KENT. Some fine rooms for
on. co or housekeeping. See W. C.
LOST. At the U. P. church basement,
during banquet, Saturday night, an
unibrcliu, name stamped on handle.
Return to A. C. Schmitt.
WOOD SAWING. Iiy N. W. Webb,
successor to Ben Kozelle. Red 1981
Bell. '
FOR RENT. A furnished room. C a i
at G12 Maple street.
WANTED. First class seamstress to ;
sew in u dressmaking shop. Steady
work, Apply at once. Mrs. Kolsey,
IIS) E. 7th St. Kit
FOR SALE. 3 homestead relinquish-1
ment on Siletz, nil joining each
other. III. uiro box 81, Albany. .
About 4,000,000 feet on each. 12t j
GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale 1
at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than aywheru else in Albany. Skill
ly set, if desired. j
FOR SALE. Good cooking apples. '
Phone Monte 2702. 6t
mo for prompt reiurmi. 1 have many
requests lor city and farm property;
in largo and small tracts. Both
phones. C. W. Tkiui.t.
432 W. Fiist St.
ENGRAVED CARDS.-Kor n limited
time Rnwlings will furnirh 10J Cop
per pi ite Engraved visiting cards
(plate included) for $1.C0.
WOOL) FOR SALE -Uig fir, J. D.
Ellis U E -1th, Phone Hell Red 9r.2.
PLANTS FOR SALE.- Gooseberries,
red and white Currants, Rhubarb,
Red and Yellow Raspberries, iceberg
Blackberries, Loganberries, Dew
berries, Phenemennls, Hedge Plants
and Sage. IVKit C. Dmauu,,
Alhanv. Or., R. F. 1). No. 5, Home
I'liene 7102. . list
FUEE. Edging"nnd bark at the Al
bany saw mill. Get some.
Keever. Phone Hell Farmers 2x1. tD
TO LOAN. -$"i0 0011 en real property
J. C. Christy, over 1st National Hank
All'tiny, Origin, inline! interest ica
ponahle. u , .
J. W. UENT1.EY. boot and shoemaker
and repairer, lines first class work at
reasenatdc prices. Next door to
Democrat olliee. See nun.
Any furnilurestorc nas mat Alban, '
McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu
tual company C. C. Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Bank lil.lg. Both phones.
for your
The county court began its regular
December sesBion.
Filed: U. S. to Eugene Goic'h, .Pat
ent Mortgages for $900 and $800. Re
lease for $1000. '
Final hearing in estate of Louis Miller
act for Jan. 3.
Inventory filed in estates of Andrew
Autle and Dale Oiborn,
Marriage licenso: C. H. Palmer of
Albany, born in New York and Lena
V. Tawney, born in Kansas, both of
Albany. No. 24 for Nov.
It docs seem that women have more
than a lair share of the aches and
pains that afllict humanity; they must
"keep up," must atlend to duties in
spite of constantly aching backs, or
headaches, dizzy spells, bearing-down
pains; they must sloop over, when to
stoop means torture. They must walk
and bend and work with racking pa.ins
and many aches from kidney ills. Kid
ney cau.iC nunc suiVcriug than any
other organ of the body. Keep the
kidneys well and health is easily main
tained. Read of a remedy for kidneys
only that helps and cures the kidneys
and' is endorsed by people you know.
Airs. Al. Custer, of 138 W. Ninth
St., Albany, Ore, says: "1 have had
no occasion to use Doan's Kidney
l'ilts lor nearly three years and think
that fact alone is proof of their value.
Al the lime I procured this remedy at
l-'o-hay & .Mason's drug store 1 was
suffering from an acute attack of kid
ney complaint, the residt of a cold that
had nettled in my kidneys. I was so
weak and lame that i could scarcely
move from one place to another and
the kidney secretions were too frc-
tie-til. 1 used Doan's Kidney Pills
until cured, and in March. W03, 1 told
ot my experience in our local papers.
Now that the cure has proved perma
nent 1 am firmly convinced ot the val
ue ot lloan's kidnev Pills."
l-'or sale by all dealers. Price 5ll
cents. Kostcr-Milhurn Co.. Buffalo.
New York. sjle agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
FOR RENT. A ten aero fruit farm.
Cull at Curtis Real estate olliee. N.
Ellsworth street. 8t
MONEY TO LOAN on real estatm
at seven per cent. On choice farm
hmds at six per cent. A'ply to Geo
W. Wright, Attorney, Albany, Ore
gon. Hut h phones' Olliee. cornel of
1st and Perry.
FIRE lNSURANCK.-Heaver State
Merchant's .Mutual. Inquire at Opera
House Uldg.
! rilK MLK.
Vv residence corner 2nd and Paker
St., lot 07x113 tt. Great bargain if
taken at once; also furniture, horse,
etc. Inquire 1-10 E. 2nd St.
, MRS. H. F. MclLWAIN.
Albany, Oregon
317-321 First St
Following is the record of the rain
fall for thirteen years, since F. M.
French kept the record, for the wet
months of November, December, Jan
uary, February and March, when most
of the rain of the year falls:
Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.
9.89 6.95 3.13 6.12 7.43
7.56 3.45 3.35 4.65 1.82
8.79 7.45 5.57 5.19 5.54
4.47 5.21 4.05 3.42 4.71
3.65 5.33 7.13 5.89 3.38
9.81 10.43
11.02 1.91
6.43 8.41
2.43 4.84
9.38 5.40
6.78 11.70
4.07 3.43
4.66 12.20
4.47 2.26
Editor Democrat:
English lords are telling one an
other that the new land tax will have
to be swallowed, bitter as" it is, else
the House of Commons will wipe
them off the map and the Constitu
tion. That is about the size of it. I
Land monopoly is doomed in all civ- j
tlization. No people can continue to
give the greater part of their- pro
ducts to support an idle and landed
aristocracy and remain free or pros
perous. England would be over-run
by the Russians or the Japanese in
another century unless it has the virus
iii its veins to shake off the 00 lords
clinging to its throat like so many
vipers. In Oregon we are and have
been building up a lot of land mon-
opolissls who must walk the plank. I
The plank will be bung out over the
gunwales of the old Ship of State i
within a shorter time than many of us ;
4hink. LAND, i
Letter List.
The following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for
Noa. 30, 1909. Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
Professor A. L. Cla'k, M. J. Harris,
John Johnson, James Longelie, E. A.
Luudy. MisR Janet Leonard, Dr. C. II.
Lawson, Chis. MatKin. Prate Martin,
Tillman Swan, Thomas, Sehtmdtz,
Joshua Wright.
J. H. VanWinkle, P. M.
For Christmas.
Our Christmas goods are arriving, j
Wehsters, Charles the Great, Gordons
and Jacksons Hand Made, in Christmas I
boxes. See our new lins of fancy briar j
and merscham pipe at Ameri .an Cigar j
Imperial Restaurant.
A. L. Benson, an experienced res
taurant man has taken charge of the
Imperial, Second street, and will serve
home meals, neatly and promptly. Ho
solicits the public patronage both tor
single meals and regular boarders,
promising satisetin.
If , you are going to travel get tha
American Hankers Association Trav
ellers ehecoue.inSlO.tiO. $20.00 or SSO.OO
I denominations, payable ac ten thousand
oanKs, or i.t any hotel or railroad otnee.
Per sale by j. W. Cusick & Co.,
We are showing a fine
in oof Razors $2 ail. , Razor for $2.;.0.
$-00. razors for All guaranteed
by u? as well as the manufacturer. Try
one, you will be please .
Another car of D.ALI.FS DIAMOND
A few more of those SO E Z DUST
PANS tree with vour first of this
i 1.IHERTY HELL flour: wealsohavi
The Thanksgiving dinner given by the
M. E. church at the grange hall was
well attended, anl the receipts were
over thirty dollars. The afternoon ex
: ercises consisted of singing and a short
address by Rev..McFarland.
i W. B. Mills and wife have gone to
: California to spend the wi.iter.
! ' Mrs. Emily Bartges, of Dayton,
! Wash., who was visiting with her
I brother near here, has gone to Ashland
i and will continue rer trip to Merced,
Cal., to visit her daughter and later
will go to Los Gatos and visit with her
Drother B. b Scott of that place.
Mrs. Eva Vernon of Seattle is visit
ing at the home of her father Mr. 5. J.
Archibald and her brothers and sisters
near here.
Rev. Parker of Shedd preached a very
iniesting sermon at the U. E. church
last bunrtay.
Mounts and Hadley have discontinued
their butchering business here on ac
Pnnnt. of lank nP natrnntura
I r
The young grain looks well and seems
to be glowing cicely.
Many farmers did not get as much
grain put in as they expected on ac
count of the continued rains.
All kinds of stock has to depend en
tirely on being fed, as there is very
little grass and no prospect for any
before spring.
Grange Meeting.
On Saturday Dec. 27 a regular meet
ing of Tangent Grange was held. Vis
itors were present from Ash Swale and
Harmony granges. A fine lunch was
partaken of at noon and a pleasant soc
lal'hour spent. .
The afternoon session consisted of
songs and a spirited discussion of the
good roads question by A. Blevins, M.
F. Wood. E. R. Allen, W. J. Ober
meyer and D. Newland. Excellent
suggestions were offered by C. Carlson,
Paul Driver and Henry Meinert,
Our next meeting will be held on
Wednesday. Dee. 22. on account of
Christmas comincr on the fourth Sat-nr.
day. There will be initiation and elec
tion or officers for ensuing year.
Linn county council will meet the
first Saturday of Dee. in Western Star
Grange hall.
A Jab.
By the Corvallis Gazette-Times:
Students returning last night from
their Thanksgiving holiday found the
combination hearse rnn on the C. & E.
very inadequate. The comDanv verv
obligingly attached a cattle or coal car
and brought the young people over fro m
Aioany. inis Deat staying all night at
the Hub city, of course, but conmiArincr
heroes are entitled to more thoughtful
consideration. The fact is that com
bination car is frequently oveicowded
on its night return trip from Albany.
The writer of this has had to stand at
different t mes.and has sat while others
stood. This coach and that old patent
leather sleeper are not very good
advertisements for the city or tha C. &
E. Surely the C. & E., could dig up a
respectable passenger coach and run it
at no particular disadvantage.
A Basket Ball Schedule.
The schedule for the valley league of
colleges, Willamette, Dallas, Pacific
University, Pacific college, Philomath,
McMinnville, Monmouth and Albany,
nas Deen arranged, tnougn it is report
ed that Albany Coilege has withdrawn.
Albany is down to play Dallas March
4, Forest Grove Jan. 22, Newberg Jan.
11, Philomath Feb. 11, McMinnville
Feb. 19, Salem Jan. 7, Chemawa Jan.
, at those places and the following at
At Albany College Dallas, Jan. 28;
Pacific University, Feb. 3; Pacific Col
lege, Feb. 4; Philomath, Dec. 17; Mc
Minnville, Jan. 7; Willamette Univer
sity, Jan. 14; Chemawa, Feb. 25.
Rooms for Rent.
All finished and readyjfor use, some
fine office rooms, in the new Will &
Stark block. See Dr. Stark.
FOR RENT.-Fine pflice rooms. Call
upon I'. G. Will.
JOHN CORT Presents a
'mm mm mm m ?&i- pm mm pm mm
m m&m mm m mi ml pm
Fill H rfP? Wm W W wj pi
h4 M Urn tm xsv U$&w
'Mi 'tes&lm laa esl fillip
Hy n.;Uy I.ader, with ELEANOR KENT as Piola, WILLIAM FRIEND as Fit Doc'o, Z03
William Herman West, Lajra Millard, Osborn Clemson, Louise M!nk, Charles J. Udell and
An Exceptionally Attractive Chorus of 50
PRICES--50C, $1.00, and $1.50
William Galloway judge.
Judgment was ordered in J. W.
Moore agt. Jas. E. Brooks et al.
H. E Noble agt. Susan Martin.
Amended answer to be filed in thirty
Clara B. Cooper agt.Cathbert Cooper,
divorce granted.
Judge Galloway went to Corvallis last
evening with Hon. J. K. Weatherford
and will conyene court again upon his
return this evening.
Oregon Apples Win Honors at
National Show at Spokane, r
Portland, Nov. 30. State pride ran
high during the past week because Ore- i
gon apples won the grand prize at Spo
kane at the National Apple Show in
competition with apples-from all over
the United States. Tronson & Guthrie,
growers of Eagle Point Or. were re
ceiving congratulations on all sides over
their succtss. The growers have only
five acres in bearing orchard and had
not expected to exhibit at Spokane. It
was not until a large part of their crop
was marketed that ;hey decided to
enter a car.
Oregon dairymen are showing great
interest in the annual convention of the
state association, to be held in Portland
December 9 and 10, and the attendance
will be large. Many prizes have been
offered for the best showing of dairy
products made at the convention and
the exhibits will undoubtedly be the
best made in recent years.
According to W. R. Parker, of Baker
City, who has be n in the city during
the past week, Oregon has the only
herd of ibex known to exist on the con
tinent. He discovered the rare ani
mals in the vicinity of Mount Eagle in
the Cornucopia Range.
Albany Abstract Company,
L. M. Curl, Manager.
Hereafter the records in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances
for Linn County, will be abstracted daily, by an expert title examiner
employed by our company. In this manner we will be able to keep our
records up to the last minute of each previous day, thereby affording
better service to the public than any one has heretofore been able to
give. It is our intention to maintain the standard of excellence gained
by thorough and conscientious work in the past. The very best and
latest system of abstracting of titles will be permanently and continu
ously carried forward regardless of the expenditure of money in main
taining our well established reputation as progressive and reliable ab
stracters. We assume that every one realizes the necessity of having
an abstract of title prepared for the property which is about to be pur
, chased; we solicit your patronage and assure you that we can give you
the very best work that is possible with little delay and at a moderate
living price. It will be to your advantage to see us before ordering.
An unlimited amount of money to, loan at six per cent- per annum on
real estate security.
Both telephones in the office. Call in and see us Qr write.
Albany Abstract Company,
Albany, ; Oregon
Oregon Title Trust Co.,
Capital Stock $100,300.
Owners of the Linn County Abstract Co. Fiscal agent, trustee, guardian,
administrator, dealers in real estate and mortgages.
Directors:-Z. H. Rudd, J. M. Hawkins, C. H. Weidor. H. M. Hawkins, G.
H. Crowe!!. , .
tnv Opera House
Mammoth New Product'on in
of Comedy Opera Sutctssts.
"King Dodo," that merry mingling
of mirth and melody from the pons of
those gifted writers, Frank Pixley and
Gustav Luders. will be the attraction
at the opera house Saturday evening.
John Cert, the astute unci progressive
theatrical magnate, under whose di
rection this excellent comedy opera is
being presented this season, has gone
to unlimited pains and expense in mak
ing this the grandest Du 10 ot all. The
scenery, properties and effects are en
tirely new and magnificent and the
costumes are gorgeous. Mr. Cort has
specially engaged Charles H. Jones,
who staged the original, to stage this
season's production.
2500 Eastern oystsrs 40c a pint, 75
cents a quart, as long as they last at
F. 11. Pfelffer's.
At reduced rates for tho months of
December and January. Call up for
estimates on either Phones.
Wood Yard.
A'l kinds of wjod, old fir, maple, dry
slab and mill end trimmings, sawed
ready for shed. Pnone Hanw Black 252
Cffhe with J. A. Howard.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Vetch Growers Union
will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 4th,
1910 at 1 o'clock p. in. in Tangent for
the election of five directors to serve
one year ead to amend by-laws. And
any other business which may come
before the meeting. By order of the
Board of Directors.
W. E. PARKER, Pres.
J. E. JENKS, Sec.
His Revival cf the Grealest
m 14