THE BIGGEST PETTICOAT SALE OF THE SEASON For Friday, Saturday, Monday & Tuesday $1.1:5 Embroidered flounce Petticoat, sale price 84c ea $1.50 Petticoat, cut very full, Bale price $1.13 ea $2.00 Moveen Petticoat, good and full, Sale price , $1.50 ea $2.75 Hydegrade heatherbloom Petti coat, sale price $2.07 ea $3.50 coiored Hydegrade heatherbloom Petticoat, Safe price $2 63 ea $4.00 Hydegrade heather' 1 .omPetticoat with wide embroidered nounce, sai, pri:e $3.00 e ALL STRICTLY TAILORED PETTICOATS. at Flood's Agents for Stanard Patterns. ::::RELIABLE:::: Light, Power and Heat. Willamette Valley Co. R. E. Welch, Manager. 1SIMUCH .if LHC SAME-MONEY Tungsten Lamps Make Electric Light Much Cheaper They havo two and a half times the efficiency of the or dinary carbon lamp hitherto in general use. The fila ment is made of a rare metal called Tungsten, which ; ' 'r'.ds an intense brilliancy at low cost. In shapo and i. tho bulb is just like any other electric incandescent lamp. Why not try aTungsten lamp yourself? Get one of the 40-watts nd use it somcwhc: in your house in place of one of your carbon lamps. Tacn observe the great difference. Note the clear ih.o light, exactly twice as brilliant and costing you one-'lflh less for elec tricity. Tungsten lamps are destined l-i displace all oth ers, for both store and house lighting. on 506 c. boo. Co. Ve;t Second Street TOMORROW'S DOINGS. We keep the best of all us for figures. . kinds. Sot- Grace Presbyterian. Preaching by .he pastor. Morning subject, Truth's yiisaion, evening subject, A jNew l.nurcn riouse. S. S at 10 o'clock. United Presbyterian. Morning sub ject: A Dead Man's Power. Evening subject: fcJijub ana ADab. fastor a Bihle Class at the S. S. hour, 11 45 a. :n. All are invited. MISFITS. Albany chairs go all over the coast. 4 Novemher sure. has been soaker for Railroads radiating out -fire m Albany will boost. Albany is already thebest traiie cen ter in the valley. Baptist. Regular services at the usual hours. S. S. 10:15 a. m. Preach ing by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. MiuweeK prayer service rnurs day at 7:30 p. m. Special music by the choir. First Presbyterian church. Rev. F. H. Geselbracht, Minister. Morning ser vice 10.30, Theme: Beyond Eye, Ear and Heart; AThanksaivincr Meditation. Evening service 1:A). theme: ine Message of the First Thanksgiving Dav to U. S. Sabbath School 11:45; Junior F.ndeavor 3 00; Christian En deavor Society 6:30. A cordial invita tion and hearty welcome to ever one. Christian church. Bible school 10:30 a. m., followed by sermon on "The Man Who' Means It." Christian En deavor 6:30 p. m. 7:30, sermon, "Place and Importance of the facts of the the Gospel." Prayer and teachers meeting Wednesday night this week instead of Thursday. Remember the union Thanksgiving service at the United Presbyterian church, Thursday, 10:30 a. m. M. E. church. cor. 3rd & Ellsworth- Class meeting lOo'c ock. Subject 10:30 ITUVIlltillCH. UI1U .HI I .OU ITUIC i touched Men." On Thurday at 7:30 : bany yesterday to see how it Baskets. Baskets. See our window display Only 50 c. Chas. Knechfs Some people just livi in the future. There is a big present. Do something now. The Union Furniture factory is1 running night and day to meet the de mand for its superior furniture. Binger Hermann is to be tried now says Heney, just as soon as Mr. Hermann gets ready to be tried, that is, names the date. Several Hartisburg people Che other night saw a huge ball of fire in the, air north of Harrisburg. It suddenly burst and fell. And this is a dry coun ty. Mrs. Stetson has been excommuni cated from the Christian Science church and will now start a new church of her own, and perhaps excommunicate Mrs, Eddy herself. . ! M.J. Monteith came over from Al feels to there will be a Thanksgiving program It will be both patriotic and devotional, consisting of a number of Ishort ad dresses and appropriate music. A cor dial invitation to all. Young people's meeting, at the W. C. T. U. hall at 3 p. m. Sunday. 5 minute talks by the ministers ot the city and others. The special services this ween nave Deen iuii oi interest along- at a steady clip. Eugene Keg and helpfulness. They will be contin- j3ter. Oh, thanks. uea next weeK, luesaay anu rnuay evemtgs. be-where there is something doing. Ccrvallis Gazette-Times. Just for a little quiet atter the Albany hustle. Albany is coming right along. It has paved 35 blocks of its business streets, has 12 miles of cement side walk and in addition to electrifying its street car line, building is moving ALBANY Doings n and Around It. OVsters at Tho Crest. How about THAT chair. Have you ordered that chair yet. BooBt the Albany made chair. Hot chicken tamalies at The Crest. Pfeifler's, 229 W. 2nd street for fish Hot tamalies at the Vienna Bakery Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Kesne Coming. Bly's theatre was crowded last event ing to witness the mitial performance- :of "Held for Hansom ' in which James; ! Keane is starring in a four-nights' ' run. The- play is a one act farce, pre sented by four characters, Mr. Keane : taking both the part of the hero and . the bandit chief, widely dissimilar ! characters, showing the veraatilty of 1 the actor. i It is the story of an. actor, who is stranded in a Mexican, town, and falls in love with a Spanish maid. His uncle in New York refuses his consent to the vouhVs marriage, or to aid him Annnniqllii unfit fha TTttJina. man WirPQ bit down in one or tnose AiDany roaue , . . - . . h t j. ransom by Mexican bandits. The uncle comes post haste and meets. Dolores the young man's- sweetheart, who imper sonates the daughter of the bandit chief, tellingrthc ur.cle of her father's cruelty to tha captive his nephew. The caDtive aDtears in chains, delirious H ,t and wild-eyed'and after going back to his dungeon appears again as the bandit himself1,, flourishing his knife and Holt nXf. on)v lrains the consent of the uncle chairs Ice crear . and lun jhes at the Bakery Call and cry them. Get vour dressed chickens at er's. Fresh oysters at Pfeiffer's, 229 2nd St. Oh that mince mea'., try it. Again. Buy Home Made Mince Meat. HARRISBURG. Bulletin: The Modern Woodmen initiated six new members laslf Saturday evening. Todav Mr. and Mrs John A. Hawk are enjoying the- 5tb anniversary of then wedding. J. F. Ke'ley has purchased the- 200 acre Jarm ot V. W. Kafka. thi adjoins-the large ranch'which Mr. Kelley now oOTies southeast of town. Vincent Grimes and' Miss Phebe Part- ridee were married at the home of t3e latter in Eugene November 3rd in th- presence of a few relatives end friends'. Barney May was down' from Portland' vesterdav. He has iust purchased an interest n the job printing concern of ttusnong cvr tio., one ot tne largest con cerns of the kind on the coast. At the Hotels. E. R. Pricey Portland W. C. Stimson, Corvallis S. P. Parker, Portland G. W. Evans-, " J. K. Weber, " J. Povey. Saleat Elmer Patrick, Newport A. J. Wilson; ffiorvailis W. B. Pepper, Salem R. D. Burgess, Toledo Jas. Pitzel, Lyons Never can tell when you'll mash a finger or suffer a cut, bruise, bum or sr-ald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil instantly relieves thejpaio -luickly cures the wound. Old and Reliable Thirty-eight years of steady growth are significant endorsement of the careful management and courteous service of the time-tried Bank. Assets over one million dollars FIRST NATIONAL BANK A Saving Account in the name of your boy and girl will teach them a knowledge of business and a habit of saving that they can acquire in no better way. "nfsrest paid on Savings accounts FaSST SAVINGS BANK Owned and operated by the stork.hoW eraof the First National Bank. Vienna Pfeiff- W Again. to the marriage of Dolores and ihe Holt Again for that mince- meat like nephew but secures the $6000 that the mother use to make. uncle has with him, Ha reveals him- The Albany Butter & Produce Co. self and is pardoned by the uncle on are paying 37 cents per pound f. o. b. condition that the. uncle is returned Albany, for butler fat, or 38c on the sufficient money to take him back to . .." i . u ,n New York, She work of tho "Uncle both Shonw 49 I i8 clever' alt!,0UEh Mr' Koane haS m9t t n. i h w w,iwf of the heavy acting. Saiem Statesman The Misses Bertha and Helen Wright j The aboye cornpany opens for four will receive orders for embroidery, . n-lf!ht Rtand t The ureami,,,,,! jhcatro painieu noyeiiiss, d in this city commencing next W.ednes- oards at their room in the Brenner . d nj ht Novcmber 24. This comp- diock. Ben ieiepntme oiaca jox. carries its own scenery which is home Monday end Thursday afternoons : t'ical of a,e city of Mexico, which or by special appointment. will give ouu patrons a. rare treat and See place carus at isurnnar- k iea. i bv fur the bfigt 8hov,. eve preSented . j here. Price-of admission wall remain Lady wouldilike loom and board in , aa asual , private family or private boarding i house. ! f INE POCKET KNIVES The Arnold Plantation Show tonignt. i We are shjw- Genuine darkies, and a live perform- i ing a fine hne of Pocket Knjves, stag ance ' , and peavl handle. 35c to $2.50. Fully : 5 thso yhy buy Groceries of Portland Rouses when you tan get the following prices al EASTBURN'S IS lbs Granulated Sugar $1.C0' lfi lbs Cream Rolled Oat 1.001 11 lbs Head Rice I.00 1-Jilbs Japan Rice 1.00 lfiUbs Broken Head 3ce t.00 1211ns White Beans.. 1.00 12ilbs Lima Beans 1.00' lOlSoapksRaisinns 1.00' Get onr prices before yexa buy. W.A.EASTBURN The Grocer. BAGGAGE AN n EXPRESS Call BslhRed'3201, Home 233. We meet all trains- All kinds of job work. No waiting, CARL TANDKUP, Expressmun. Office 322' West 2na St. SHINGLES. Made in Albany my No 1 Edg Graim s the BEST in the market. Variousi grades and prices from $1.25 upwardsv Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles' before buying: elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON We us no dr kilm. A. STARK, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SliRGEON WILL & STAECC BLOCK, ALBANY CITY LUMBER YARD WILK1NS & SON. HOW ABOUT YOUK HEATER? Is il ;ill ris'hl and ready for the Winter? If nut this is the hest time to have it cleaned and put in repair before you start your winter's lire. Or possibly you need a new one? In :vy e:-e you will I'md our work ill this line of the best. We will put in swam heating apparatus, hot air fur naee or hot water heating at a reas- ""mEDIN & STUART. $Ff$S . . ill LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, hen cleaned by our methods of dry itlnnninir. uro made to lock lust as goot as madu to .ook iust as new. Waists and drosses of delicate colors and ma borint we renovate to tho delight of th ..ivn.-r Wi nlso dvo !iiiv irnrmnnt de sired in beautiful shades and colorings. THE CLEANER, C. E. SHEI.L.EY, Prop. 11:0 W lst.St. Belt Phone black 273 .Home phono 196 WE have r.oJStulo Uuposits, nor do wo accept any de posit where special security has to be pledged. This means that we have n.i preferred creditors and that your deposit has the tamo security that all havo. We h.nv invested ns-sels worth miiu tln.n $100,000.00 iind this would have to bo dis sipated before depositors could lose a cent. It is not being dissipated, it is growing. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. Uslablfchcd IS92. !" D(ier in choice mcuts of all kindo. E CHAMBERS, U. F. D. OLMS - IIEYIW. ; Real Estate a id Insurance j liny and sell realty. Insure prop ' eity unit ti-aniaet loans. Large or 1 small limber tracts. ull in a short time The Albany State Bank hs?s just in- stalled a lino Manganese safe, theucme;. of security in banking. j Some genuine Pantages vaudeville i next Monday mid Tutatlay. aE the Opera j house, a big program of attractions. The .1. M. Ralston cittaere at New port has been sold t.i W. R. Hoover of; fortland, wno nas tasen eoarguui n.. Do vou like dajkey music, eversbody ! does, then go to. the Optra house to-: morrow night mm near i.rnoiu s i iuii- tation company. Tlir. l.'lks nro nrennnnc for a family gathering on Thanksgiving night, when j all the members and their families and best girls will- gather m the spacious rooms of tho temple and have a j Thanksgiving high jents. , This week Wayne Dawson recovered : his bicycle, stolen from in tront ol tne- creamery. It was at oceiey s on rerry street, where it had been pawned foiv Sb hv a man answering the description, .if Fred Hnrdman, responsible for-1 iverything these days. j The four months old child of F. 0. j Daly died this week and was buried yesterday. Mr. Daly came from Kan- j ana a few days ago, bringing the child nre to be taken care of by a sistor of ; Mr. Daly. Mrs. Daly having died three .veeks ago in Kansas Rooms for Rent. All finished and ready for some ine ollieo rooms, in tho new Will & Stark block. See Dr. Stark. is backedby our guarantee. Buiikji&rt & Lee. TRY OUR White Queen Flour Also Capital Mills, Perfection, Staytsn. and Johnson's Best. Special Delivery. Home leas Short orders, including Meats, Salads, Vegetables, Pies, Oysters in all styles,. Hot Tamalies, Sandvncbes, Cakes, etc., ineals and lunches, neat, and clean.. Confectionaries and soft drinks at 128 Broadalbfa Street. DR. MARYMARSHALL, . , Osteopathic Physician Albany St.vte Bank Building Bell Black 482. Home 275. Murphy R. B. iYlayberry, Baggage and Express jl Office with Linn. & Benton R. E. o. i vVagsn at office at all times of day Phones: At home, ben Main ,3Bl, Home 74. At office, Bell black 431, Home 17S. G!3) op. Flour and Feed. Both Phones. A if in Land taken -soon. Snap BOOLEY'S GROCERY A new and extensive line of fresh, clean DR. VIRGINIA Vr LriWEAUX; Osteopathic Physician. Sooms 15 and l7? Brenner Blk., Albanyr Phono, Bell Black 2481: Home 35. H. A. LEININQER DENTIST Crawiord Block, - - Albany DR. W. Pi. BILYEU, Dentist WILL STARK BLOCK, ALBANY . it. c. iiuCT, DENTIST Rooms S and 8, Brenner Block. Bell Black 24S1 -Al- The Crest I Tamalie3, Tamalies. Try one of oar boneless chicken tarn- j alies. None better in the city. I Oysters served any style, alao light f unches. Both Phones.. 316 West 2nd Palmer's Dairy IHEGULDCN rule. Deliveri-milk and cream to any part of the city. Prices reasonahle. Jersey cows of care. Both Phones. GROCERIES joifs Santal-Pepsin Capsuies .'CX'V A POSITiVE CURL 1 for Inllftmranllcn rtfttnr-ict t)u liiiii,i.i mm! M-,''-cki K.t1- foii'Vi. HO.TRS KOF4.T. t urp V- WiunHly antt ivrnmnt'iittr K:t 4Jlrt. no tiiititiT of hci I'li-o iVCO, or hf vttni, po4 THE SANTAL-PEPSIW Ct, i UclkMntalne, Obla Fcr le br Borklurt A le Bread, Dried Fruits and Vegetables nil AND LYON STREETS. K-.n tLs A T;'8 M Vg'-l HW AiWW Cement Work Estimates given on Plastering, Side walK and Cement Work. J. F. TRAVER, 4th & Calapooia Si. TOM Y0UfiC Hv .x and Sign Paint .'r, 122 Eerry St. Acent for the Cleveland Geisenite roof paint. Home phone 320. Pacific Red 3092 E. 1. Lenient Contractor. Phone-Red 3081. Res.l20MontKomery St J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the New Albany State Bank Build ing, second floo, with a complete equipment fot picture taking ot all kinds. CHINESE DOCTOK-J. Mon Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the late Hong Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. Theunder signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or w: te him at No. 110 West Second st., Alhanv Or UJHU. "5 jl ALSAkY eiibtc:. II IVsni's Ycjr Patron3e Tolcphono Red 671