HIGH CUT SHOES For Men and Boys Doctor bills cost money. They're caused by bad colds mostly. The colds are due every time Jyour feet get wet, lots of times when they're simply dampish. One pair of these High Cut Shoes will keeplyour feet dry, and as warm as toasi, you don't catch cold and the Shoes are well worth the price. 0 Man's HighCuts ....... $3.50to$9.00 Boy's " " ; $3.00to$3.7u Youth's High Cuts 2.50 to $3.50 Little Gents J2.25 to $3.50 Umbrellas Three special lots, extraordinary values., 50c, $1,00, $1.50 If you need an Umbrella see those. Ladies Vests and Pants In ribbed cotton. White only. Values that for themselves. 35c garment. Ladies Fleeced Union Suits Ribbed cotton, in white only, uncommon value at A very 60c each. Thanksgiving Wants Cranberries 15c qt Currants 15c pkg Raisins Me pkg Citron 30c lb Orange and lemon ptal 25c lb Walnuts, almond, hazel nuts, filberts and peacons. We have the best blends in tea and toffee. THIS MORNING News From Albany's Six Early Trains. THE BOYS R. E. MEN CONFERENCE. ORGANIZE. Our Clearance Sale Our Suits and Millinery is still in progress. If you have not taken -advantage of this money saving sale you should do so. Many people have a ad are not sorry. Surprising values. - ' The trains came in almost any time. No. 16 at 8:30 and No. 14 at 8:45. The storms have delayed trains generally. Superintendent Walsh reported four washouts beyond jMill City and three bents out of the Breitenbush bridge. Tne train runs to Mill City and trans fers to the regular train beyond, which then runs to Gates. Col. and Mrs. C. B. Montague, of Lebanon, left for Portland to eat Thanksgiving dinner at the home of E. r;. Montague. the (Jul., a hero ot the Balaklava, is holding his age in a splendid manner. G. R. King, the real estate deiler, left for Bloomington, 111., on a business trip. Owen Beam left on a Portland trip in the interest of Linnhaven. He report ed the stock practically taken, and the company in splendid shape tor business. J. W. Hobbs. jf the internal revenue office had been out among Lebanon's Blind pigs, if it has anv. Hardly any escape his vigilant eyes. Nearly a hundred O. A. C. students passed through on their Thanksgiving holiday trip home. b other Lane went to f ortland. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Williamson left on a Portland trip. Thanksgiving Service. Will be held at St. Mary's church at 9 a. m. and the sermon will be deliver ed by the pastor with a'special musical program. Father Lane who has been with the Chapel car will conduct the service, haying just returned home. Get Your Fish at Pfeiffers. The place, 229 West Sec ond street. Everything in the fish line, neat and clean, at a r easonahle price. The arrangements for the entertain- j The real estate men last night eot ment ot the delegates to the Boy's Con- together in earnest, after some prelim, ference are about completed. In al, inary Bkirmishe8 retarded some by two about 60 delegates are exDected. The or thre0 firIrt8 not getting into line, and Portland delegation has chartered a aome disagreement about who are real . special car, and will arrive on the noon estate men Knyway, and organized a train on f naay. local exchange, a movement that will . The opening session will be held in be generally commended, not only in the Christian chui:h on Friday evening the interest of the real estate men, but at 7:30. Mr. Struble of the Albany as well in the greater interest of Alb- Commercial Club will deliver the ad- any, winch is materially concerned in dress of welcome to the Visiting dele- gates. The public is invited to this session. William White, son of Rev. Mr. White, is president of ihe State Con ference, having been elected to this position last year at Eugene. Rolla Ralston is president of the local boys organization, the Phi Alpha Pi. The following committees have been ap pointed to receive the delegates and escort them to their places of enter tainment: ReceDtion Commithee: El bert Warford, chairman, Earl Fort-, miller, Rolla Ralston, Buford Payne, Wilson Peery, George Doyly, Frank ! Engstrom. Entertannment Committee:' T III. TTlllbU, UllUlllllttll, UaVdl UVbll, Clyde Roberts, R-y Nutting. Edward Vieeck, Sanford Archibald, Park Stalnaker, Dean Cornwall. Edward viereck has been chosen as representa-1 tive of the local organization to read a paper before the Conference. the real estate offices ot the city work ing together, it wilt mean a good deal -for the city and county. The following officers were elected: J. J. Collins, president. J. A. Howard, vice president. Owen Beam, secretary. W. E. Pears, treasurer. The plans for operating the exchange -were discussed and the Exchange ad journed subject to the call of the president. TO-MORROW The Thanksgiving Service. Catholic fair. will the and The pastors of the city are very ' anxious that the service tomorrow at 10:30 a. m. in the First United Presby terian church be well attended. Rev. J. C. Elliot will preach a very optimistic sermon. You will wish that were young again if you hear him. The choir will sing soul-stiring anthems. The service will eot be too long. We are looking for the church to be packed with happy worshippers. An offering will be re ceived for the needy. Foot Ball Tomorrow. 30 Days Trial just Like me Jr lowers Just arrived a beauti ful line of - the latest toilet waters,Palmers, Wrights and.Colgates. all sizes from 25c up. Many new and deli cate oders, swe6t and lasting. FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE The'Willamette Valley Co. has re ceived fifty electric irons, which will be Bold on thirty days trial, for only $3.51 A splendid thing for the ironer. BIO GRAPH AT DREAMLAND TONIGHT With all the old characters we know and like so well. Don't miss this. A fine line of fruits, vegeta bles, nsh, The Latest Perfume Spiehler's "Select Lily tfe Valley" Just Like the Flower. i-.. , u Witt?.' No. 21350 acres, 300 acres all in cultivation, 50 acres in good saw timber and pasture, good hop yard on place and produces 2400 lbs hops Der acre. Most all A No. 1 bottom land and will grow anything. Thisj is one of the most productive farms in the state. Buildings good, and canned goods, etc.. always on hand at running water the year round. 1 tne Metropolitan Market, Btoadalbin can at mis time give you a Dargain street. Only the best is kept, on this place. Terms can be made. 1 No. 22 170 acres close to Albany and K. i D. station, most all in culti vation, fair buildings, 60 acres m clover, fine fruit land, and is situat ed well for dividing into small tracts. ! No. 23 50 acres, all beautiful land, small house, good barn, 6 acres A No. 1 apple orchard; all in cultiva tion. Scnool close to place. I have some small tracts of good land close to Albany, with or without buildings. Call at my office for in formation. J. V. fir a. 203 West 2nd St. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE sented at the opening exercises and Dr. Harry Lane of Portand is expected for some occasion. The Catholic ladies of Albany hold a bazaar and fancy sale on evenings of Nov. 3 ), and Dec 1, 2 3. tx iiiiu umiier win in ocivcu a. ;i. m., and all kinds of dainty efresn- i ments will be served in the evening. There will Be a large assortment of j fancy and useful articles from which to . The bankers, thirsting for gore,- select Christmas gitts. through J. W. Cusick, E. W. Langdon Archbishop unnstie will De repre- a wm. Bain have challenged the Nasobies for some foot ball tomorrow " afternoon, and it has been accepted un- bankers and post office men play. For the P. O. Myer will play center. riumpnrey ana rlouser guards, Powell ? and Leverisch tackles, Houser and Warner ends, Torbet qb, D. Patterson and Serfling at half and Bill Patterson fb. For the Bankers Stewart, Robe. Torbet, Irvine, McKechnie, Vollsted'v Knott, Williamson, Harry and Ed. Cusick, Bouley and Archibald are men tioned, but the positions couldn't be learned. For Christmas. Our Christmas goods are arriving. Websters, Charles the Great, Gordons and Jacksona Hand Made, in Christmas boxes. See our new line of fancy briar and merscham pipes at American Cigar store. iurkhart & Lee. A fine line of novejtfes arriving ' for the holidays. Opto-date goods, Choice cut glass F. G. WILL, THE JEWELER. No. 1 Good house of 7 rooms, 7th St. West Albany; large lot; is a bar- . gain. Price $1800.00. No. 2. 2 cottages, East Albany, price $auu.uu eacn. No. 3 Good house of 7 rooms and some furniture with it, 2 lots, also barn, East Albany. Price $1400.00. No. 4 Good 5-room house and 2 nice lots. Price $1600.00. East Albany. JNo. a Uood 'Story house of 6 rooms, barn and buggy shed, East Albany. Price S21UU.U0. I No. 6 Good house of 6 rooms, with 3 lots. West Albanv. Price "S2300.00. I No. 7 Good 8-room house, bath and electric lights, lot 50x100 ft, situat ed on Montgomery bt. Price $3000. No. 8 Nice house of 8 rooms and 2 beautiful lots, well located, and a lucrative business in connection with it. This is. a snap if taken soon. 'Call and see me for informa tion. J. V. PIPE,- 203 West 2nd St. The "OLD RELIABLE" A full line of choice nursery stock. Order now, for Fall delivery. Phne Red 871. Office 312 W. Second St. S. F. PEIRCE. Manager. Albany Supply Company WflUUH DElLffi In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices befjre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones. Mdin 6 Bell, 3 Home. Walter Parker Grocer and Baker i!16 WKST r'IRST 8TKKETALBANY 0KE30S, First class go.ds in their season Phone Main 50. G.E.METZGUS & SON, Sanitary Plumbers and Sheet Meial WorKcrs. Our natron) are assured of strictly first-class work, prompt Bervice and reasonable prices. , Eave-trough, conductors, roofing and general jobbi.-.g. Specifications furn shed. Estimates cheerfully given. Try us. 201 E First St. Both Phone Thanksgiving Specials ', Cream Wafers. ' Cream Dates. Milk Chocolate Kisses. English Fruit Loaf. ' . ' Sliced Lady Creams. Cream Bon Bons. Coeoanut Biscuits. Assorted Nuts, Dates, Figs, etc. Ices and creams of all kinds made to order. - Get your order in today so as to insure prompt delivery. The Toledo.- A new steel range, with a cooking plate on top, a modol modern . Btove No blacking. Keeps clean. Just take a look at it. At Albany Hd. Co's. FINE RAZORS We are showing a fine ine of Razors $2.50. Razor for $2.60, $2.00. razors for $2.0 All guaranteed by us as well as the manufacturer. Try one, you will be please i. Burkhart & Lee. Send you. orders in early for your Thanksgiving dinner delicacies. ELITE, Chocolate Shop. cents a quart, as long as they last at F. H. Pfelffer's. FOR RENT. 6 furnished bouse keep ing rooms. Inquire of W. F. Pteiffer. permanent renters tSO T?rI UPHT A kniuA nt civ fnnma orYinll ham Tnnllii-A nf Mm. fj W. Moench, 830 Main street. t27 FOR RENT Close in, three furnished rooms for housekeeping. 125 4th and Baker. 23t If your Oregonian ia missed phone the Eagle Cigar Store before 8 a. m. daily or 10 Sunday. FEATHERS and MATRESSES for a short only Cleaned 355. IPhone t26 ELITE Both Phones. Chocolate Shop WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING; 113 BR0ADALBIN STREET. OVER GOAT and CRAVENETTE SEASON THEY ALL LOOK ALIKE IN PRINT A comparison will show that ours is different. There is a distinctiveness that is not shown in ordinary makes. Ours were made up for this particular trade, and according to our own! designs. QUALITY first-price next. Moderately Priced ft t , i - " V - f A hi - "i K . f j .3 ft ' '? ' ' vf $10 to $25 BOYS OVERCOATS $3.75 up. Everything NEW. D. B. ADAMS, VACUUM CARPET SWEEPER. Aeent for the ONWARD SLIDING HOE. The Blain Clothing CoJ Albany - Oregon