Last Days Shopping Until Thanksgiving But that is time enough to enable you to secure many of the splendid values we are offering. Now tiuly there are some of the best values on our counters now that we have ever offered to our customers. We are enthusiastic about them. We just can't keep from being so. It does us a lot of good to secure eome especially good value and pass it on to you There are a number of them now and among them are the suits. Values to $25.00 at $14,75 each. Ot course all stores have suits at $25.00 but not all scores have suits like ours at $25,00 and when we drop them down to this low figure so as not to earry any over well, it is a bargain. Now come and pick yours while the selection is good and don't neglect the Table LineB and Crash Mill Ends another bargain' THE L. E. & H. J, Hamilton flit Swmxn. unCtsrtiil at tun poti vtiiw, Albany, Bacon i cibsb icail nifltter. F P NUTTING The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week: in advance for one vcar, 4.00. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year S3.60. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. i At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at 1 ti. OUR WANTS WANTED. A working housekeeper, competent person. Apply at Demo crat olllce. FOR RENT. A furnished room. Call at 612 Mnplo street. ' FOR RENT. Largo furm near city. MeConrt & Prettyman, 142 E 1st St. WANTED. First clasa seamstress to bow in a dressmaking shop. Steady work, Apply at ,oneo. Mrs. Kelsey, ' 119 E. 7th St. llit FOR SALE. 3 homestead relinquish ment on Siletz, all joining each other. Inquire box 84, Albany. About 4,000,000 feet on each. 12t FOR SALE. Our Jewel cook stove six holes and water tank; our parlor heat ing stove, base burner; our blue flame oil stove; nil in good order, for sale cheap. H. Barnes. lOt 322 E. 4th St. GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Pinning Mill, cheaper than oywhere else in Albany. Skill ly set, if desired. FOR SALE. -Good cooking apples. Phone Homo 2762. 5t LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE. With me for prompt returns. I haveninny requests for city and farm property, in large and small tracts. Both phones. C. W. Tkhalt. 432 W. Fimt St. TO TRADE for Albany property, 7 acres, good houso and barn, near Hchool and church. A very desirable home. E:hel E. Miller. 10 ACRE TRACTS. Tremont ten acre tracts. CIobc to Albany. Fine soil, excelient location Best of fruit, vcgetablo and berry land. Buy a ten ncre home of the owner. Owen Beam, Room 4, Stark Bldg., opposite post ollice. ENGRAVED CARDS. For a limited time Rawlings will furnich 101 Cop per pinto Engraved visiting cards (pinto inclnded) for $1.50. WOOD FOR SALE Big fir. J. D. Ellis !00 E 4th, Phone Bell Red 952. Ml PLANTS FOR SALE. Gooseberries, rod and white Currnnts, Kluibarb, Red and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg blackberries, Loganberries, Dew berries, Pbcnomenuls, Hedge Plants and Sage. IVElt C. DUKDA1.U I Albnnv, Or., R. F. I). No. 5, Homo Phono 7102. 16t FREE. Edging'nnd ba.k; at the Al ; bony saw mill. Get some. ONIONS FOR SALE. By E. L. Mc ; Kcever, Phono Bell Farmers 2x1. tD TO LOAN. $50 OOO on real property J. C. ChriBty, over 1st' National Bank Albany, Oregon, latent interest ten nonable. J. W. BENTLEY, boot and shocmnkcr' and repairer, does first clnss work at reasonable prices. Next door to Democrat ollice.). See him. 1 Any.furniturestorcnasiinat Albany ' r"ir. -,- FIRE INSURANCE O. F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oicnon's greatest mu tualcompany. C. C. Bryant, Albany, CusicK Bank Bldg. .Both phones. WOODWORTH HAMILTON STORE Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for TOnv. 23 Parsons rieairintr nnv nf I these letters should call for advertised lotters, giving the date: ri. H. & A. B. Banta, H. H. Cobb. F. S. Kennedy, M.J.Roberts, Florence Richard, E. C. Strahlem, Swan Sman son, Tony Schuler, R. A. Tayler. J. B. VanWinkle, P. M. i . WANTED. Young men to learn auto mobile business by mail and prepare foi positions as chaffeurs and repair men. Ve nake you expert in ten weeks; assist you to secure position. Pay big; work pleasant; demand for men great; reasonable; write for particulars and sample lesson. Em- r iro Automobile institute, Rochester, 1 COOKING APPLES. 18, J. F. Bain. Phone Farmers t27 LOP'l OR STOLEN. A garden wheel barrow, from the residence of W. B. Hogan. Information leading to its recover will be appreciated. WANTED. Office work by young lady, i"i orS .Phi ffie"en2?- ."m,e,n.e WOOD SAWING.-By N. W. Webb, successoi to Ben Rozelle. Red 1981 Bell. FOR SALE A fresh cow, '.(' Jersey. F. C. Wetzel, R. D. 2. Home phone. t26 WANTED. A girl to do general house work. Call 226 W. 2nd St. I HAVE Bovoral Portland properties to trade or sell for Albany property or acreage. Ethel E. Miller. FOR S LE. Two good heating stoves, suitnblo for parlor or sitting room. . Call at E. H. Rhoades, 5th and Mont . gomery. YOUNG BUSINESS MAN.-Wishes room and board in private family. A place clnse to business section desired. Call nt Democrat office. FOR RENT. Stock ranch, four miles lrom Lebanon, one year, with pnv-1 llepe of three. cash rent. Call at. the ! Curtis Real Estate office. 18t I FOR SALE. 10 room house, lot 66 by . Terms if wanted. A bargain if taken I anon. Ola Saltveit, owner, 1016 a Wnter.St. Homo phono Black 167. j FARM FOR SALE.-131 acres, sandy1 I loam, Santinm river bottom, 1) mile' i to church and school and steam boat . landing, 4 miles to railroad. 80 acres' I under cultivation. Hup yard, apples, pears, cherries, prunes, peaches, plums, quince, grapes and wnlnuts. ! Some alfalfa on place, elegant dairy ranch, fair buildings, good water, phone and mail route. Must be seen to be appreciated. C. L. Hottinger, JelTerson, Oregon. FOR RENT. -A ten acre fruit farm. Call at Curtis Real estate otlicc. N. Ellsworth street. St FOR RENT. Fine office rooms. Cull upon F. G. Will. MONEY TO LOAN on real estatm at seven per cent. On choice farm lands at six per cent. A-ply to Geo. W. Wright, Attorney. Albany, Ore gon. Both phones Olllce, corner of 1st and Ferry. FIRE INSURANCE. Beaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Bldg. , FOR SALE Mv residence corner 2nd and Baker St., lot 67x113 ft. Greaf bargain if taken at once; also furniture, horse, etc. !nquir 140 E. 2nd St. m::s. h. f. mcILwain. Albany, Oregon 317-321 First St A TOWN'S EYE-SORES. An eastern newspaper writer out here, poked a little fun at the weeds along the streets of Corvallis, at tracted to them on account of the city being the seat bf a great college,. Since then the editor of a Corvallis paper has been busy seeing just about as many weeds in the other towns of the valley, and he has had no trouble in finding plenty of them., AnvHiinir will grow prolihcally in this remark able valley, and the weeds are among the things that fairly keeps one busy keeping track of. All of the cities of the valley arc afflicted with dog fennel and other miserable little pests, nuis ances of the worst order, and it is going to be a great problem how to ' get rid of them. Some cities take more pains than others in cutting I them down, that is about the only dif i fcrcncc. Albany might do' better; I nevertheless it does pretty well, and I many people arc at least taking pains to cut them down along their propertv as fast as they get up. It should be universal. Perhaps we do well when going in to a city to sec the things tcrbc com mended more than the eye-sores, al ways to be found; but there arc some tilings that have to be seen and ex terminated. JABS By Jones , . , The people of the United States feel I so thankful for the reductions in the i prices of necessities of lite caused by ! I the G. O. P. reducing its trust protcc- j I tive tariff. Haven't you noticed it? j Well, didn't Taft tell us it had, and isn't what Taft said true whether it's so or not? Put one of the Taft smiles lilcs ' get ; in with your bank account and credit for S10 on the same. You will notice, feller citizens, that our great and good congressmen from Oregon arc not opposing Cannon. They love him, and all his ways and means. They expect you to love Can9 ni'i:, just as much as they do. Can ii 'i loves the trusts and corporations1 like a brother aiul be needs the votes of the Oregon congressmen once in a while. : Albany map, but not the only city on the spot there. it making a Every citizen who builds and proves helps Albany in doinr so hu so: but every and a citizen who keeps an idle lot tin can reservoir is not helpimy Albany any by doing so. The man who comes to Oregon ami buys a piece of land and builds on it is a help to Oregon; but the farmer who conies here and buys a plot to hold idle until somebody buys him out of the way is not helping Linn county a little bit even. We are told that the Russian em peror is the owner of some Oregon land. The king of England owns more property in the United States in value than any one American Colony amounted to in 1776. Much of it is held idle for Americans to pay for some day. THANKSGIVING WINDOW. Unique and a booster for Albany. In its East window the Blain Clothing Co. has a display out of the ordinary, worth going many blocks to see. It gives a living picture of the chief events that have occurred in Albany this year, and reminds us that Albany is a citv. where things happen, as weil as a city that does things. First, the dedication of the Elks Tem ple, the finest in the valley, with appropriate emblems, Feb, 18. Then the great Johnson Revival meeting, the good effects of which will live forever, , May 7. The meeting of the State : Teachers Association June 29, showing the pedagouges pharphernalia; the Ap ple Fair, Occ. 27, a state wide event; me onrysantnemum iair, jnov. lu, so successful that it will be the means oft: taansforming the unsightly "Harriman'i Lake." ntn a Citv Pai-lt that mill h ; Lake," into a City Park, that will be a thing of beauty and a joy forever, 011 Nov. 13; last but not least, the Pil grimage of the Shriners to our fair city, inu warmest yet. R,.nt n-rrl., n: f i o . ii cement walks. 23 blocks of pavement, and new brick blocks, and new houses and new people. In the center of this ,. , . .. display is th3 Phjenix, a fabulous bird, said to live ; 500 years in the Arabian desert, and to ! rise rejuvenescent from its ashes, after I immolating itself on a funeral pyre, j So lias this entering firm after 45 years jof business life, risen from the ashes of Aug. 6th, ALL NEW, better and 1 grander than before. . W, R. Blain is I the artist. At the Hotels. R. A. D. Gray, Ontario H. S. Bilyeu. Eugene W. H. A. T. Wallace, Portland E. C. Clement, Portlaed R. W. Lerrell, Neal Whitney, E. J. Fischer, Forest Grove Thos. B Davis, Everett, Wash. Jesse Barnes, Salem Stops itching instantly. Cures piles, eczema, salt rheum, tetter, itch, hives, herpes, scabbies Doan's Ointment. At any drug store. If you are going to travel get tha ' American Bankers Association Trav-1 ellers $10.00, $20.00 or $50.00 ; denominations, payable at ten thousand For sale bv J.- W. Cusiek r.n : Bankers. ! " " ' P. U. Will IOf WfltClieS. 1 Abstracts! An Absolutely bad title may be given by a Warranty Deed. It has a very misleading name. The Warranty is no stronger than the present ability of the signer . to make good, and 'he may be dead when your defect is dis covered. ' Get an Abstract Now and know that yourtitle is perfect. It may save much delay and annoyance. Your title may be held up as unsalable at a time when n sale is greatly de sired. For' this delay you have no recourse on your grantor. It ,is -your, worry not his. Alwaj'3 demand an abstract when you buy real estate. The Linn County Abstract Co. 04 Bro.u! titan fetrevt, Albany, Ore. PERSONAL -AND SOCIAL - W. M. Parker returned from Portland his noon. P. B. Marshall and family went to Portland this afternoon. Mrs. Amand". Johnson went to Row land this afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Isaac McClung went to ' Woodburn this afternoon. ; .Mr. Frank O'Brien and family went 1 to Salem this afternoon for a feast. Mrs. Wilbur Frances went to Leba 1 non for a family gathering. Mrs. Louise Goff has returned from KicMinnville frem a ten days' visit with friends. J. K. Davis went to Harrisburg this afternoon for a visit with his daughter, Mis. Haynes. Mr. Archembeau, western superin tent of the Warren Construction Co., has been in the city today, Carl Thunnemnnn oil , Var' munnemann, W Oo-rlen and John Fonger went to McMinnville to spend Thanksgiving. Miss Willetta Wricrht. of U. O.. and Miss Eulah of O. A. C. are at home lor Thankser v ntr. i J. S. Rankin went to Portland this ; afternoon to meet Mrs. Rankin on her 1:7 . Mr. and Mrs. Manny Cohen and daughter, of San Francisco, are visit "B a iiunie ui liib luruier s lamer, Mr. P. Cohen's. DEATH OF THOS. BRANDON. j Hon. Thos. Brandon died in Portland yesterday, at the home of his daughter, with whom he was visiting. He was born in Indiana coming to I ,. Oregon in 1864, settling near Halsey, where he resided until his death. : He was a member of the last legisla-: ; ture and stood for the best in its delib-! erations, a man of clean character, a ; splendid citizen, father and husband. '; ! He leaves a wife, two anns. MnrV ' and Hugh Brandon of Athena, and two ' oaugnters, Mrs. Usburn, of Portland, ; at whose home he died, and Mrs. Sut-i - ton, of Burns. j ' The remains were taken to Halsey iut uunai. Retiring from Business. Everything in the store to be closed out by Jan 1st, MBS. G E. NICHOLS. Wonder Millinery. F. 0. WILL, lor Watches $ AY $ AMIVlIE We Have Foi"Some jharge Tracts of Fine Jianel in the Willamette Valley If you are an owner of something desirable in the way of a good ranch or large tract of umnproved land and want to sell $URE TO $EE U$ $OON Or our Customers may locate elsewher.-, and we want them Albany If youjneed the" money more than yon dothe land-give us your property,3for sale. The Oregon Title & Trust Co. 5 304 Broadalbir, Street- ALBANY, OREG )N. HUMAN HEARTS With all the hue and cry about the immorality of the stage, certain plays of the type of Tne Old Homestead, Shore Acres, Human Hearts etc., con tinue to grow in popularity. Instead of receiving adverse criticisms from the pulpit, the management of Human Hearts continually receive letters trom leading clergymen throughout the coun- ! try, praising it for us neart inceresc : and the Beautiful moral story it tells, ! making an evening well spent for all i who see it. The old adage that "a good man should marry none but a good i woman" was never more truly illus trated than in Human Hearts. 1 Human Hearts will be the attraction here Friday night, Nov. 26. There is more oaiarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases nm together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable, r or ; a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease ana prescnoea local- remedies, and by constantly tailing to , cure wn. i wi. F.u.iUu.,u iiijuto" be constitutional diselse and , Xttoal ment. Hall s uatarrn uure, manuract- ured hv F. J. Chenev & Co.. Ohio, is - the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a tea? pooful. It acts i directly on the blood and mucous sur saces of the system. They offer one ! hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Serd for circulars and tcstimon- ' mis. Address: , F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. j Sold by Druggists, 75c. I Take Hall's Family Pills for conRti ation. ALBANY OPtRA HOUSE Friday, Nov. 26 The Never-Failing Delight, W. E. NANKENILLE'S Enormous Triumph A Story from Life Presented in Dram atic Form. Abounding in Humanity Bubbling Over with Joyous' ' Comedy. Prices-25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 the $ $ $ nnn 1 1? M I ISM II ft