Albany Democrat cty Or. ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY NOVEMBER. 2G 1909 NO VOL XLV NEW BOOKS -at- Meiser & Meiser's 55c each, 10 for$5.00 EMPIR V THEATRE PROGKAM TO-NIGHT PICTURES. 1. The Stage Driver. (Wild West Drama) 2. Gamblers Honor. (Drams) 3. Grotesque Mixup. (Comedy) SONGS 4. Nearest and Derrest. 6. Spooneyville. Admission 10 cents only. THE PIER ISTANARDOIL DOINGS OF WENT DOWN.! BEATEN.! THE WORLD. Kit' " m! n SaSSRSiSii"'1'? St. Paul, Nov. 20 The government ' : at Portland was postponed until next The pier in the bridge at Jefferson. went out during last night, that is won its case against the Stanard Oil Monday. SKIS STS' ?! IS 5" ff-."?!" .SfZSK. ZB V-it VJ"""'?" I . Out of fourteen games between U. h.iilt: latn in u..... .ml h.ri n, the Sunreme Court. Stock are iro ns Ys.a u- A- - lne lauer mis won 01117 had time to thoroughly settle, the found- tumoiing. ation hardly being secure on account of uuuvMiumman Today is Saturday There is something you are going to buy. Come here and look around, you'll find everything Ready-toWear, at Sale Prices. Ladies, Misses and Childrens SUITS and COATS at Greatly Reduced Prices. Ladies, Misses and Children's SHOES, SHOES Every Price Reduced. The trial of the Parrish divorce case slight slant, a his cier was 32 by:i4 at the bottom, 27 by 6 fit the top and about fortv fet hierh. It con tains 435 yards of cement, one of the largest cement piers in the valley. This means that the bridge will either have to be abandoned during the winter, or usea ac soma risk. ic is ownea jointly by Linn and Marion, counties, i being looked after by the two counties jointly, 1 three. Mrs. Claus Spreckles has been limited to $5,000 a month for expenses. Poor woman. An Eagle Point, Or., car load of ap ples won first prize at the national tthmv Knnlrnnn fWtfrtn nrrninaf tVio. Lewiston, Nov. 20. Kettenbach, World. Kester and Robnett .were indicted to- j The board of equalization of Lincoln county ordered the assessment reduced Indicted. day. U. 0. Won. Map Rejected. i I Washington. Nov. 20. Thn r.nnH U. O. defeated O. A. C. yesterday offlce reje.ted the Deschutes railroad company map section five, but oppor tuniry was given to file a new map. 78 Alive" EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. Last Saturday it was impossible to serve half the people that visited our store, but tomorrow we have made arrangements for extra sales people and our usual welcome ?o look around will be given every one. The Big Price tickets tell the story, you be the judge. Chambers & JUcCune ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORK afternoon in a drizzling rain 12 to 0. The first half was a tie. O. A. C. played them to a standstill. Keck played a great game at fullback, but had to be taken out in the second half. Wolf went in. Clark also went in for U. 0. and nlaved ten minutes until a touchdown was made. One goal was secured on a long run by Latourette, the other by hard work. Reynolds played a good game at quarter for O. A. C, but he is far too light for heavy playing. U. 0. will now play Washington with chances against winning. About htty Albany people saw tne game and enjoyed a Eugene visit as well, among the many big improve ments taking place there. Something Good. In making' the jump from Portland to San Francisco Pantages Big Modern Vaudeville Co. have got two nights to spare, Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 22nd and 23rd. and the management of the Albany Opera House has secured these two dates for here. So don't miss this oppportunityto see a good up-to-date vaudeville at the low price of 25 and 35 cents. Imperial Restaurant, A. L. Benson, 1 an experienced res taurant man has taken charge of the Imperial, Second street, and will serve home meals, neatly and promptly. He solicits the public patronage , both tor single meals and regular boarders, promising satisction. 40 per cent, from $6,031,257 to $4,160.- dm. v. nut sup. Geo. B. Simpson, general superin tendent of the Atlantic department west of the W. F. Co., was a brother of the late Sam Simpson, poet, and ap preciates Manager Struble's tribute to his lata brother in the Albany booster. Cherry. IU., Nov. 20.-Sevonty. eight men were found alive in the St. Paul mine. A wall of debris saved them. This leaves about' 250 to be ac counted for, all probably dead. Ryan Trial. Pendleton, Nov. 20. The Ryan trial will go to the jury this afternoon. If you are going to travel get the American Bankers Association Trav ellers checquo,in$10.00, $20.00 or $50.00 denominations, payablo at ten thousand banks, or t-.t any hotel or railroad office. For sale by J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. Yale Won. Boston, Nov. 20. -Yale 8, Harvard 0, was the result today. Constipation causes neadache, nausea dizziness, languor, heart palpitation Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels and don t cure. Doan's Reg ulets act gently and cure constipation. 25 cents. Ask your druggist. In the New Store Groceries and Produce Prompt delivery School. Miss Helen Wright i At the W. C. T. U. Building. Terms: $3.50 per month. Phone Black 2481 I Bell. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buvinir see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. Office 236West FirstSt Jliss Bertha Wright, 1 eacher of Music PIANO INSXRUCriON, VOICE CULTURE )4 hour lesson 50c, 1 houHcsson 75c. Hell Black 2481, Albany, Oregon. MRS. J ME HYA Beginners taught by musical kinder garten method, followed by thoroughly graded conservatory course. SI per lesson 40 minutes. Inquire at Davenport's Music store. TT Plumbing ! A fine lot at our yard at this city, just burned. Phone Home 25. ALBANY RICK CO Let us estimate on your works. We guarantee first-class work at moderate cost. PLUMBING. TINNNING AND HEATING. WYE. FRANCIS 126 Ellsworth St. Both Phones. M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) Dealers In ' Hay, Grain, Wool, Cascara, Salt, Feed, Seeds, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard and Alsen P.rtland Cement, Acme Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and Hair Fiber Plaster, Stock Foods, Ponl tr Supplies, Ruberoid Roofing, Build ing paper, etc. both Phones 48. ALBANV 0PEIU HUllSE Monday and Tuesday Nov. 22 and 23 Pantad es odern Vaudville 6 Hoboes headed by Jesse Laske. A Thief in the Night. Laughlin's performing dogs. Kennedy & Kennedy, just from Prim rose. La Belle Fonchette, French Soubrette. Deas, Reed and Deas in their fashion plate. PRICES 25c and 35c. Dreamland Tonight. 1. Anette Kellerman. The Diving Veanes. (Vitograph.) i ON THANKSGIVING NIGHT 'At the Skating Rink. ' Good prizes and a fine time assured. 2. Adelaids graph.) Wash Day. (Yito- 3. Buffalo Racinu, (Sportive.) 4- Life Behind the Scene, (Drama.) 6. A fine Tubin Drama, , ,61 Paul Brady, Exceptionally Fine Singor, Dance and Acrobat. Maltinee Evfery Day. Admission 10 and 15 cents. 435 West First St. C2 c. b. Davis, CUKTKKEAL pm. JUNER- ESTATE CO, Yearly contracts $5 for two tuninss. Leave orders at Davenport's Music Store.' a a 2 as J 5 c J3 a v SJ x O U a 106 N. ELLSWORTH Farm land and city property bought and sold J. flfl, RALSTON nBFnnM markct Parties having land or city property IMvIlDAMrF I DAi ANiHI" bM"11 Ifinillli. I Bale will do well to list with us. MoUKAHWC, LUftlU AllLH COLLECTIONS. J. M ENGLAND, Proprietor GASOLINE BURNS FATAL Boatman Tries to Refill Tt nk With Lighted Lantern in Jland. Everett, Wash., Oct. 8-While gaso line was being transferred from one fishing launch to another near Mukil- teo last night, tne turnes were ignited by a lantern and Eldon Graham was burned to death. His companions, J. Everett Graham and F. Francis Alkys were burned but escaped death by leaping into the wat er. Graham is in a hospital here . All the men arc ojim Seattle. A DELAYED SHIPMENT Jurt received by express a splandi I line of just the handsomest and Best-fitting Man tailored Suits and Coats, which.will be put at once on special s le. $23.00 SUIT SPECIAL...... r... $17.00 . , 25.00 SUIT, SPECIAL ..19.00 - 30.00. SUIT, SPECIAL......,- '23.00 33.00 SUIT, SPECIAL 27.00 . 40.00 SUIT, SPECIAL....'...; ... 30.00 25.00 COAT, SPECIAL.. 18 00' .. 1 SUIT GIVEN AWAY FREE ' To further introduce our New Dpartm?nt and demonstrate our work we have decide I lo give awav free rn X-nias Eve, December 24ih a $35,00 Ladies' or Misses' Suit, m eti your rr.easurement. free of charge. For particul irs esll at THE PARIS CKOAK & SUIT HOUSE 223 1st Street, Albany Both PhoneE! Main (2. ALBANY OPtRA HOLbE ONE NIGHT ONLY Saturday, Nov. 20 or Ba Phones Bell black 53. Home mam 231. WB. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany First-class meats o' all kinds' from Arnold s Plantation 1 have money to loan in small and I large amounts. Notes and mortgage, bought. 1 will bond you. I'ruperty handled for non-residents Frst cbss Groceries, and the best and vegetables at reasonable A pq-iart dral for all. The !?ig Sinking and Dancing Show with 15 G.!iri?J Artists, offering. a I Th'i'e Act Musical Comedy, t-pcciul .Scenery and Lie ... pnnt Wardtohe. HS BECK'S IR3T CLASS WORK GUARANTEED Care of the face and hair' OPPOSITE THE P. O. Fonr chairs. ' Prompt an KlPcitnt F. 1 WJ!1 for watches Popuiar Prices. Woooworlh's. Seats on' sale at ALBANY STATE BANK WW. BAIN, PresiJent. P. D. GILBERT V. P. H N. BOULEY, Cashier. This bank has P bndid facilities for handling your barking bi siness Invites your patronage. Our methods are modern and conservative, and prompt and careful attention is given' to all clstacs of business placed in our hands. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intereit is paid on Savings Accouniis. Baked Goods, Produce and Fruits. The best to be , ' secured- at Cc n :ad Myer)s.