BIG ALE OF Mill Ends of Table Linen For Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday $1.25 Values in Table Linens, handsome 72 inch damasks, at65c yd. 65c Values in Talle Linens, pure liuen damas) Beautiful patterns at 55c yd F6c yd -64 inch Mill ends for ... , 40cyd -A very good quality, at a remarkably low price. COME E i RLY AS THEY WILL NOT LONG. ::::RELIABLE:::: Light, Power and Heat. 'Willamette Valley Co. Welch, Manager. R. E. TIMES! K27 . V t mm )FO.lHEi m i& Tungsten Lamps Make Electric Light Much Cheaper The have two and a half ' times the efficiency of the or ciinary carbon lamp hitherto in general use The fila ment is made of a rare metal called Tungsten, which 7olcIs an intense brilliancy at low cost In shape and .:;3 the bulb i jutt like any other eJoctric incandescent lump. Why not try a Tungsten lamp yourself? Get one of the 40 watts and use it somewhere in your house in place of one of your carbon lamps. Then observe the great difference Note the clear wtto light, exactly twice as brilliant and costing you cas rifth less for elec tricity. Tungsten lamps are destined j displace all OA 's, for both store and house HOW ABOUT YOUR HEATER? Is it all ri:jlit and ready ior th Winter? If not this is the nest tunc M have it cleaned and put in repair before yuii start ynur winter's lire. Or iiossihlv von need a new one? In any caw you will find our work in tins line of the best. We will put in steam heating apparatus, hot air fur ii.iee or hot water heating at a reas- "MEDIN & STUAPT. WE have rotate Deposits, nor do wo accept any tie posit where special security has to bo pledged. This means that we havn no preferred creditors and that y(Kir Uuposit baa the same security that all . have. Wo bavii invented assets worth nnru than $100,000(10 and this would have to bo dis sipated before depositors could lose a cent. It is not being dissipated, it is growing. . J. W. CUSICK & CO. I BANKERS. Established 1892. I mm bhode!,! D lakr in choico meats o' all kinds, j f,.,,,.,.,,;,,,,,,... ., .?!k : 1 li il i Pit t -MMfl L if III P Lit YniiflW ftj We keen the best of all k nds. Se Agents for Stanard Patterns, Mill ill ' RiteM lighting v. u 306 Vat Second Street. m . LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, hen cleaned by our methods of dry cleaning, are made to lock just an good as made to .ook just as new. Waists and dresses of delicate colors and ma terial we renovate to the delight of the owner. Wo also dye tiny garmnnt de aired in beautiful shades and colorings. THE CLEANER, C. E. SHF.Ll.EY, Prop. f.O W 1st St. Boll Phone black 273 .Home phono 196 LLiXS KftYlXl! ! Insurance Real Estate a Buy and sell realty. Insure prop fri'y uii'l tramaet loans. Large or small t-mber tracts. A if Snap in Land taken soon. E A. CHAMBERS. R. F. D. 2. Mil rJ: 'II ! TOMORROW'S DOINGS. Grace Presbyterian Morning sub ject, Map of the World. Evening sub ject. A Call to Preach. S. S. at 10 a. Evangelical. A. R.Geil, pastor. S at 10 a. m. Preaching services at lla ni. and 7:30 p. m. Reception of members at morning service. Christian Church. -All the usual ser vices will be held. Morning service be fins at 10:30. Christian Endcaver 6:30 p.m. Evening sermon at 7:30. Baptist. Sunday School at 10:15 a. m. Preaching at 11 and 7:30 by the ,-astor. Subjects: morning, A Prayer for a Kevival; evening, The Marvels of Gethesamane. Young Peoples meeting 6:30. St. Mary's.-Rev. Arthur l ane, Rec tor. Rev. A. Servais, Assist mt. Sun day services at 8 and 10:30 a. m. The pastor will officiate and speak from the gospel of the aunday. Vesper service at 7.30 p. m. The public is cordially invited. Methodist. Cor. 3rd and Ellsworth. The subject, at 10:30 will be: The Sal vation of India, and at 7:30, The Dying Words of Jesus. Special music at eacn service. The orchestra will assist at the Sunday School which meets at 11:45. Kings Heralds 3 p. m. Ep. League 0:30. n: i. r i-.-t r t tti it . '" rr;yB"an'-"ev-,r- Miuracni, minister, iviornimr service; 10-30 Theme- True Humar. RPantv memo, true "umari Beauty i anu us rerpeiuation. Miss smitn will sing, My Redeemer and my Lord, by j Gounod Evening service 7:30. Timely tnnic -What Mnrtorn Free Rraernmpnt SK5"t SI hhSrJ-Srts0!' Ai!or. fnrma, nit. ithn, ' i- gene. S. S. 11:45; Junior Endeavor 3; Christian Endeavor 6:30. A most cordial invitation to all these services is extended to the public. United Presbyterian. Cor. 5th ' and Washington Sts. At the morning ser vice the pastor will present more pres ent day lessons from 2nd Kings. Miss Wrirrhr. will Rintr a snln. Timp 10-510 a m. The overling program iollows: with Miss tnima box at the pipe organ: ! line was being transferred from one Familiar Songs: My Faith Looks up to fishing launch to another near Mukil Thee, Refuge, Mercy, Rock of Ages, teo last night, the fumes were ignited Nearer My God to Thee, Lead Kindly by a lantern and Eldon Graham was Light, Flee as a Bird to the Mountains, ! burned to death. Onward Christian Soldiers, Chorus: Ye j His companions, J. Everett Graham Gates Lift Your Heads. Sermon 7:30, ' and F. Francis Aikys were burned but subject, Ability and Responsibility. ALBANY ' Doin$r 'n and Around It, Ovsters at The Crest. How about THAT chair. Have you ordered that chair yet. Boost the Albany made chair. Hot chicken tamalies at The Crest.. Pfeifter's, 229 W.'2nd street for fish. Hot tamalies at the Vienna Bakery. Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery, e;. ,1 : ,i a ii,.. i chairs . ' i i i. ! ., ... Ice crcar- and lonhos at the Vienna Bakery Oall arsd ..ry them, Get vour dressed chickens at PfoifE-1 er's. Fresh ovsters at Pfeiffer's. 229 W : 1 2nd St. i Juat received car ot Olympic Flour ' at your grocer s. t.tu per eacK. i ' Gordon Dunn, agent for the Daily ; : Telegram. Phone 307 Home for it,, or i it missed. i I If your Oregonian is missed phone i j the Eagle Cigur Store before 8 a. m. daily or 10 Sunday. ' ! The Albany Butter & Produce Co. ' . are paying 37 cents per pound f. o. b. I Albany, for butler fac, or 36c on the wagon, li you have cream to sell call ' both phones 49. ! The Misses Bertha and Helen Wrichti I will receive orders for embroidery, , ' painted novelties, place cards, menu : , ards ut their room in the Brenner ; block. Bell Telophone Black 24S1. At jhome Monday im Thursday afternoons i ui ujr oici.iui uIiuiiii.iii(ji:.. , i The Albany signs have at last been ' put up on tile depot. i A. Vanderpon! of Soap Creek this i week killed an imense otterand brought ; it to Dr. Hill for mounting. Walter j Peterson, of Lebanon, will do the work, i The interview of Dr. J. L. Hill and; Jas. A. Finen will be given in the Dom- ; ocrat Monday, the Dr. not having hud timo to prepare it for today. All members of Manziuila Circle, W. O W.. are requested to be present a.t the regular mvoting Monday evening. Election of olhcers. By ordor ot the ; G.N. Bertha T. Parker clerk. ' There is more alarm :n this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until tne last tew years was supposed to be incurable, l'or a great many years doctors pronounced 1 it a local disease una prescruiea local remedies, and by constantly failing to : cure with local treatment, pronounced J it incurable. Science has proven ca-! tnrrh to bo n constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treat- ment.. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufact- ' ured tv P. J. Cheney & Co., Ohio, is , the only constitutional euro on the! irarket. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspooful. It acts 1 lirectly on the blood and mucous sur saces of tho system. They oiler one hundred dollars for any case i. fails to cure. Serd for circulars and tostimon-1 tals. Address: t J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Soldbv Diugftists. 75c. Take Hall's Karcily Pills for consti ation. FINK RAZORS We are showing a fine incof Razors $2. SO. ltar.or fe.- 52. .".0. 50:1. rar.ers for $2.Cr. All guaranti ed bv us as well as the manufacturer. Try ne. yeu w;!i be please I. liURKIIART & LEF, Hal dv ippsiB ..r irdig.-str n lor nppi tite, ar.d what I did I rv? tentivy. I'vrdock urcd mo. "j. 11. Walker i.ars No -'.I.Mi Hitter ijunturv, Ohio. MISFITS. Jim died game anyway. And a jolly lot are the Shriners. A pilgrimage for f uri and a good time. Boss Murphy has been completely downed. New York needs it. It is hard to remember just the good in a man's life when he is hanged for the bad. Twenty divorce suits at one term court wiil speak for a good deal matrimonial cussedness. In Illinois, just suspecting a man to be guilty he was hanged; but when a pure and innocent girl is waylaid in an alley and outraged the public cannot be blamed for wanting tbmake it tropical for some one. A couple drummers in the hotel lobby, old bands at the business) were telling about their children. One had a boy 6 feet 2 weighing 240 pounds, and the other a daughter of only 15' weighing 138. Which beat. Two men and their families from North Dakota, were here intending to .v . n i z, u.. ; u,-,- wait and look around oefore buying, but ,.,.,. h h t TZ"i LA i.h wh.t !,v ?" J 80 n?d ' els?"hf; lba Bomg to do with this prob- Km- overuse lor utopie nun mi. end them elsewhere Because it cannot. take care of them. GASOLINE BURNS FATAL. Boatman Tries to Refill Tcnk With Lighted Lantern in Hand. Everett, Wash., Oct. 8 While gasc- ! escaped' death by leaping into the wat i er. Graham is in a hospital here. All j the men are from Seattle. Football I Football I At University Campus Eugene. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1909. The Southern Paeific Company will make a round triD rate to Eutrene and i from all stations Portland tu Roseburg inclusive of ONE AND ONE-THIRD I FARE. ' Sale dates Nov. 18 and 19th. Chil ; dren under 12 half fare. See the great Annual Game between the two leading 1 colleges of the state. f or rates, schedules, etc., call on any iaoui.nera:rac:nc jzeni or on Wm. McHurray, General Passenger Agent, Por land Ore I! ' ! Constipution causes neadache, nausea aizziness. languor,, heart palpitation Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels and don't cure. Doan's Reg- Wva"? ZZJT"1' GROCERY A new and extensive line of foesh, clean Bread Dried Fruits and Vegetables 9TH AND LYON STREETS. Lodge Meetings. The K. O. M. every Saturday even- ,red Kichmond, Commander, The Woodmen of the World every vnuay evening, u. u. owun cterK. Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays, Anna Strom, G. N. Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd nnd 4th Wednesday in Bussards' Hall, GRANT FltOMAN, Clerk, Rovai Neichbors meei; every: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in Bussaid's Hall, AliceKikk, Recorder. " NOTICE TO FARMERS. The Albany Elcrator Co. is now pre pare,! to furnish sacks and store grain for farmers the same as last year. Our dealings last year were sc satisfactory both to the farmers and to ourselves that we solicit tho patronage arainthis j ear and we will guarantee the same satisfactory and square dealing which has received such a kind endorsement from those who patronized us the pa-st year. Wo solicit your etehange work, giv in j torty pounds "f ' Johnson's Best" l-'iour to the bu.-hel of wheat and will P iv ihe highest market nice for grain. AL3ANY Ml'-L & i LEVATOR CO GBOCEBIEb Imported Brasses ! New Designs and Shapes ! At the Bight Prices. Always at Ghas. Knecht's Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses when you can get the following prices at EASTBURN'S 14 lbs Granulatad' Sugar $1.00 1R lbs Cream RolleiOats 1.00 11 lbs Head Rice.... 1.00 14 lbs Japan Rice. . s 1.00 16 lbs Broken Head Rice 1.00 12 los White Beans 1.00 12 lbs Lima Beans 1.00 10-16 ozpksRaisinns 1.00 Get our prices before-you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. Short orders, including Meats, Salads, Vegetables, Pies, Oysters in ail styles. Hot Tamalies, Sandwiches, Cakes, etc. , meals and lunches, neat ami clean. Gonfectionaries and soft drinks at 128- Broadatbin Street. Corsets Made to measure. P am ag-.ent for the famous hygienic Sjiirclla Corset, far girls and women. These corsets art made to measure and: guaranteed for one year not to rust or break. Come and try on my models. They will bend with the body and; still retain their shape. Absolutely-indestructible and can be laundried. Price $3.50 and up. Also maker of fancy gowns ofcbeau tifiil designs and' superior workman ship. MRS. A. B. KELSAY 119 East 7th, Cor. T.ynn. Vetch and Cheat Seed. In any quantity desired, also all kin "s -f Grass Seed which will bd sold on a very close margin. 4t Murphy's Feed Store 225 West 2nd Steeet. -AT- Tamalie3, Tamalies. Try one of our boneless chicken tam alies. None better in the city. Oysters served any style, also light unches. Both Phones. 316 West 2nd Estimates given on Flastoring, Side walK and Cement Work. J. F. TRAVER, 4th & Galapooia Si. TOM YOUNG Hvi-ie and Sign Painter,. 122 Eerry St. Agent for the Cievsland Geisenite roof paint. Home phone 320. Pacific Red 3092 lostfs SantaS-pgpsiii Cspssiies $$& A POSITIVE CURE flV" - thp Mlft't'lcrand Pleased Kic! HOOURB HQ VAT. CurM uort (rcs oi bonorrnofs nutl Glwt, no mutter rtf how 't-nt fftnoJine. AtaolHtel? b.trtulrfis. Sold ly druggist. Priro tl.00, or bj mall, post paid, (l.W,8 boxe, $2.75. THE SANTAL-PEPSIh C5, EtllclonUlno, Obis. For bv"Borkhrt A lea CHINESE DOCTOR J. Kon Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the lato Hong Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chincso medicines to alj. The under signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Cad or w: te him st No. 110 West Second st . Albany Or ' Jim Wes tfall. a Home Meals! GementWork ... . - i ''..Cfc? iOld and Reliable Thirty-eight years pf steady growth are significant endorsement of the careful management and courteous service of the time-tried Bank. Assets over one million dollars iFSlST NATIONAL SMlli A i'aving Account in the name of your boy and girl wilt teach thens a knowledge of business and a habit of saying chat they can acquire in no better way. Interest paid on Savings accounts- FiRST SAVINGS. BM'K. Owned anF-operated by the stockhold ers of the First National Bank. BAGGAGE ANO EXPRESS Call Bell Red 3201, Home 233. W meet nil t-.rntn 11 L-tnrla nf nh n.nHtr No waiting, CARL TANDJSUP, expressman. Office 322 West 2nd St. Made in Aiharvirmv rin 1 .2n:n a the K.F.ST in tlu grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. I J 1 ... r ij.cijr uuiivii uianueu witn my name. I.onlt for it. Rvauina nu;.inn uw..i.m,w wiwo DUMlglca sefore buying elsewhere. , E. A. THOMPSON; We us no dry kitai. A. STAKE, M. D PHYSIOIAN-ANf) SLRGEON wiUi & stark block, albany DR, MlRflASSHiLi; Osteopathic Physician Albany Stato Bank Building Bell Black 482. Home 275. DR. ViKlilNlA V- LKWEAUX" Osteopathic , Physician, Rooms 15 and 17'Brenner Blk., Albany Phone,BellJJlack 2481; Home 35 H. A 7 LEININGER DENT! ST Crawtord Blocks - . Albany DP. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist WILL & STAJtK BLOCK, ALB-ANY SSTS. a iiumt. DENTIST Rooms ft and 8, Brenner Block. Homo Phone 359. Bell Black 2481 Va.mer's Oairy HIE GuLDlN RULE. I Deliver&railk and cream to any part of aoiiaiiiu'. Jersey cows with best of care. Both Phones. L UiUPHI Cement Contractor. Phon-Red 30S1. Res.l29Hontgomery St J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the New Albany State Bank Bui'd mg, second floo', with a complete equipment for picture taking of all kinds. I ALBANY OrtSCON Wcnl's Year Patrcnsce Telaphene Red '671