Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 19, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Beginning, Monday, November l5tH
We will put into effect one of the greatest money savinp sales of the
season. .A general Fall Clearance of Ladies' Suits and Millinery.
All goods marked in plain figures.
Remember the Date, Come Early, Take Advantage and Save Money
Ladies' Ijose
15c Value
Sale Price
Pair .
Hose ordinarily
This Hose ordinarily brings
Elastic, sanitary and durable.
We bought a quantity at a saving and
give you the benefit.
Another good purchase of
Mens' Work Socks
enables us to offer a lot at 8c straight.
These are extra good values at 10c
straight. '
Stock up on these. You can never
buy as good socks cheaper.
8c pair.
We will offer strictly Tailored Suits
!in models that will please the eye m
every particular. We will offer values
,that will surpass any effort that hasyet
oeen made, avery suit a uirijaui.
Mannish Worsted fifty-two inch Suit,
Vanov Silk Line with nlaited skirt.
Beautiful Green Chiffon Broadcloth
fancy silk lined. $50.00 Suits at$42.uo
Suits that sell regularly at $35.00 and
440.00 in serges and mannisn worst
eds. Sale price $30.00 each.
Suits that Sold $25.00 to 35.00. Sale
price $20.00. Every one is worm tne
origiual price.
i?18.00to$20 Suits. Full value gar
ments. $is.uu eacn.
$15.00 to $18.00 Suits. lo'ir money's
worth for wear and service. In good
colors Navy blue, black and brown.
$10.00 each.
Odd lots of Suits of good quality. Fa
brics that are worth from $10.00 to
$17.00. The coats are a triflle short.
The skirts are worth more than we
ask for the whole suit $5.00 each
Ladies' Trimmed
Our entire line of Ready-to-Wear hats
at exactly
Half Price
every hat marked plainly.
News From
Six Early
Miss Mvrtle E Pease, district visitor
and investigator of the Boys and Girls
Aid Societv of Oregon, returned to
Portland with a young girl for the
home. Next Tuesdny will be the an
nual gathering of Thanksgiving offer
ings for the home and contributions are
appreciated. The homo is doing a
splendid work.
Father Lane of this city and Father
Datin and his niece. Miss Courteous of
Brooks, returned from Lebanon, where
they had been to hold a mission.
"Judge J. J. Whitney left for Port
land to appear tor tne aetenaant in me
divorce case of Mrs. Parrish, their sec
ond suit, Mr. Parrish having,been plain
tiff in a former suit.
. Mrs. H. H. Hewitt went to Salem on
a visit with her sister. ,
Childrens' Grey Vests
and Pants
This'lineis a little broken. We have
not every size, but every garment is
worth 25c.
To clean up the entire line we offer
them at . '
16c gar.
Death of Mrs. St. John.
Judge Galloway has disposed of the
following additional business:
In Ruth Boggs agt. Henry Boggs.up
on a motion ot the defendant for chil
dren. Judge Galloway rendered a decis
ion this morning decisively in favor of
Mis. Boggs ,
Elva Martin agt, Brownsville, con
tinued. In application of Mrs. E. E. Payne to j
register title, report of examiner filed I
and title ordered reg'ntered.
Divorce granted in Atilda M. Guba
agt. H. L. Cooper.
In Susan Martin agt. Sarah A. Rib
olan. for petition of estate, report of
referee confirmed. Attorney's fees
were placed at $40.
Ocie D. Barney agt. Ora A. Barney,
for partition, C. E. So x apppoinled ex-
'aminer. ,
In W. L. Brewster, A1. agt. N. v.
Sorenson et al., to quiet title, W. R.
Bilyeu was appointed to take testimony.
In application of Z. G. Hayes to
register title, C. C. Bryant was appoint
ed examiner. .
In Henry W. Beard agt. S. Spicey
Cottrell, et al. report of referee con
firmed. ....
W. A. Thomas agt. 2500 dismissed as
per stipulation.
Tn ooii irmir nA rti -vnln.r n.t.t.emtion to our beautiful line of Dresses, we
' will offer for the oale at the special price of $19.00 our 825.00
line of Cloth Serge Dresses in Navy and Black.
Don't, fail to see the bargains.
Mrs. W. H. St. John, a former res
ident of Albany, died at the bome of
her daughter, Mrs Fannie Biown, in
San Francisco tnis weeK. ane was a
Christian woman of splendid attain
ments and character, and will leave
many to mourn ner oeacn. ivir. sc.
John died several years ago. She leaves
two daughters, Mrs. Brown and Mrs.
Chas. Q. Hideout, the latter of San
Leandro, wnere Mr. Hideout is now
the postmaster. Mrs. St. John was a
sister at Mrs. waic Meaa, or tnis cuy,
and Dr. C. U. Chamberlain, of Los
Gatos, Calif.
A New Club.
Last evening fifteen' jolly young
ladies met at the home of Miss Velma
Davis to organize a sfycial and literary
club. During tho winter the young
ladies expect to read many or. tne cur
rent books and have a good time on the
side, and if last night was a "fore taste
of the glory devine" the club will cer
tainly he a success.
Get Your Fish at Pfeiffer s.
The Election Status.
By the Man About Town.
C. B. Winn, the Wells Fargo agent,,
getting instructions from W. V. Merrill,
local agent of the Bell Telepone Co.,
which recently gobbled up the Western
Union and numerous other talking and
ticking companies.
Some red fez men, natives of the red
fez country, selling rugs.
The Man about Town and P. D. Gil
bert are now neck and neck as the re
puted authors of the red barn hre,
with a frog in the throat in evidence
against the former.
The high school building is nearly
ready for work on the roof. It is going
to take hustling to finish the building
by March 1.
Prof. Head says he will carry a full
line of sheet music and Bmall instru
ments, as well as pianos. He has been
in the business over thirty years, and
.nows it thoroughly.
Building in the winter is slow work.
Several weeks of good weather may
strike us any time.
The present status of the coming
city election is: one candidate for mayor,
Dr. Wallace, who has given the city a
SDlendid service, with prospects of no
opposition; one for recorder, F. M. Red-
lield, an" one lor treasurer, n. u. u
ick, both having given the city good
service, with indications of no opprai-firtn-
fum Fni- ritv marshal. Fred Ries,
the nresent incumbent, and Ex-Sheriff
I. A. Munkers; two for councilman in
the first ward, L. C. Marshall and W.
A. Barrett, one in the second ward,
Hon. F. J. Miller, with probability of
no opposition; none in the third ward
yet, but probably the present council
man, L. M. Curl, will be induced to
run. It is said tne intro wara nua
never been known to allow an election
to go by without a contest.
Just Like
the Flowers
Just arrived a beauti
ful line of the latest
perfumes and latest
toilet waters,Palmers,
Wrights and Colgates,
all sizes from 25c up.
Many new and deli
cate oders, swe6t and
The .
Latest Perfume
"Select Lily
Just LiKo
the Flower.
Burkhart &
Tamales and
A fine line of novelties arriving
for the holidays. Up-to-date
goods, Choice cut glass
Tho nln... 229 West Second street.
Everything in the fish line, neat and
clean, at a reasonable price.
No. 21350 acres, 300 acres an in A fine jne 0 fruits, vegetables, nsh,
cultivation, 50 acres in gooa saw canned goods, etc., always on hand at
timber and pasture, good hop yard tne Metropolitan Market, Bioadalbin
on place and produces 2400 lbs hops street. Only the best is kept.
per acre. Most all A No. 1 bottom . .
fand and will grow anything. This c p W; - r4.rU0:.
is one of the most productive larms i . vj. m iui TT uibiivo. i
in the state. Buildings good, and : -
running water the year round. I FOR RENT. A furnished room. Call !
can at this time give you a bargain , . at 612 Maple street,
on this place. Terms can be made.
No. 22170 acres close to Albany ana
R. F. D. station, most all in culti-j
vation, fair buildings, 60 acres in
clover, fine fruit land, and is situat
ed well for dividing into small
tracts. . ,
91 n nrrpQ. all heautiful land.
3II1CI1 l,uua., gjv w. ..,
No. 1 apple orchard; all m cultiva
tion. School close to place.
I have some small tracts of good land
close to Albany, with or without
buildings. Call at my office for in
formation. J. V. PIPE,
203 West 2nd St.
No. 1 Good house of 7 rooms, 7th St.
West Albany; large lot; is a bar
min. Price $1800.00.
No. 1.2 cottages, East Albany, price
No. 3 Good house of 7 rooms and
some furniture with it, 2 lots, also
barn, East Albany. -Price $1400.00.
No. 4 Good S-room house and 2 nice
Ints. Price S1600.00. East Albany.
No. 5 Good 2-story house of 6
rooms, barn and buggy shed, East
Alhativ. Fr ee SZIUU.UU.
No. 6 Good house of 6 rooms, with 3
Ints West Albanv. Price $23UU.UU,
No. 7 Good 8-room house,' bath and
electric lights, lot 50x100 ft, situat
ed orf Mnntcromerv St. Price SJUUU.
No. 8 Nice house of 8 rooms and 2
beautiful lots, well located, and
lucrative business in connection
with it. This is a snap if taken
soon. Call and see me for informa
tion. J. V. PIPE,
203 West 2nd St.
Will Continue to Sell Seed.
Carter & Robson, who have sold their
mplement and hardware b usiness to
W. H. Marvin, have retained their
large seed business, whish they will run
i at the same place: This in itself is a
big trade at this hub town. Mr. Mar
' vin has taken charge of the other busi-
The river boats as usual are carrying
freight one or two cents cheaper than
the S. P., that's all, indicating pretty
conclusively an agreement.
On Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1909 to Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Jackson, a girl,
weight 84 pounds. All doing well,
their first child.
With all the old characters we know
and like so well. Don't miss this.
Retiring from Business
Everything in the store to be closed
out by Jan 1st,
Wonder Millinery.
Social at the U. P. church basement
tonight, with something to eat. . Ad
mission 10 cents.
The real estate men have not organ
ized the exchange contemplated due to
two or three firms not signing up. i
Phne Red 871
A full line of choice nursery stock.
Order now: for Fall delivery.
Office 312 W. Second St.
$. F. PEIRCE. Manager,
Waiter Pa
First class goods in their season.
Phone Main 66.
Albany Supply
In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts.
confectionnrv. wrapping paper, twine
and paper bags.
Cash paid for all kinds of poultry.
We also have the agency for Pyramid
and Golden viate cement, Olympic lime,
Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy
Cash paid for eggs.
Foot Ferry Street, Albany.
Phones. Min 5 Bell, 3 Home.
& SON,
Sanitary Plumbers and Sheet
Metal WorKers.
Our Datrona are assured of strictly
first-class work, prompt service and
reasonable prices.
Eave-trough, conductors, roofing and
general jobbii g. Specifications turn
shed. Estimates oheerfally given.
Try us. 201 E First St. Both Phone
Mrs. E. A Parker, of Cottage Grove,
is visiting her children here.
Holt Again' for your meats of all
kinds, and the Metropolitan Market
next door for the latest and best in
fruits and vegetables.
Dr; Lowe the opticion will be in Hal
sey next Tuesday morning only, Nov.
23, Harrisburg afternoon, Jeiferson
afternoon 22.
for a short1 only.
WANTED. A girl to do general house
work. Call 226 W. 2nd St.
I HAVE several Portland properties
to trade or sell for Albany property
or acreage. Ethel E. Miller.
FOR SALE. Two good heating stoves,
suitable for parlor or sitting room.
Call at E. H. Rhoades, 6th and Mont
gomery. WANTED. -To buy a fresh cow and!
chickens. Call upon M. W,. Dresser,
R. D. 3, box 2. t22 ,
WANTED. First class seamstreso to
sew in a dressmaking shop. Steady
work. Apply at once. Mrs. rielsey,
119 E. 7th St.
Agent for the ONWARD SLIDING
they;all look alike in print
A comparison will show that ours is
There is a distinctiveness lhat is not
shown in ordinary makes.
Ours were made up for this particular
trade, and according to our own designs.
QUALITY first-price next.
Moderately Priced
$10 to $25
$3.75 up.
Everything NEW.
The Blain Clothing Co,
Albany - Oregon