"fry Stylish We have just received some very new and attractive Hair Goods includ ing a tine assortment of high class switches. These came in ever shade and two-lengths. 24-inch, $2.50; 27-inch, $3.50. We have a 30-inch length cjming. One of the new ideas is called the Transformation Bwitch the hair b Jing fastened to a ribbon about 24 inches in length. It permits of a number of h indsomo styles in hair dressing. Theprice is $2.50 and $3.50- Then there are puffs of all kinds and colors together with some of the most beautiful hair ornaments we have ever shown Combs, Hair Ornaments, Bonds all are here in splendid variety. Call and let us show them to you and explain the use of the new switth. , THE L. E. & H. J, Hamilton She Jrmorat jbiKureU t Miu Muei ctiiue, Albany, O n sacoo-i i 'H?a inaii matter. F P NUTTING The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, 4.0C By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $3.50. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.60. After 3 years at $2 OUR WANTS FOR SALE. Our Jewel cook stove six holes and water tank; our parlor heat ing Btove. base burner; our blue flame oil stove; all in good order, for sule cheap. H. Barnes. lOt 322 E. 4th St. WANTED, MAN. As partner In bus iness, indoors, twice labor wages. Easy layout for right man. Also man to travel with mo, good business. "Smith," Nooley's Wood Work Shop. t20 WANTED. By a married man, n farm to care for this winter, with timber wuod cutting by contruct or cord. None but thoso meaning business need reply. Care of Democrat. 117 FOR SALE. 5 cords wood, furniture and baby carriage. 920 S Ellsworth. lot nrPnlinnnle,! than aywhero else ill Albany. Skill- ly Bet, if desired. J FOR SALE. Good cooking apples. ' Ill .. ll.,.n 07ti fit X IIU1IU liutnu .tu... --- , , ...... imitn l,WT POTATO With' lUUn ljrtlJ tiu,n,u. i. me for prompt return. I havemnny requests for city and farm property, in largo and small tracts. Both phones. C. W. Tebai.T. ' 432 W. First St. TO TRADE for Albany proporty, 7,'i acres, good house and barn, near school and church. A very desirable home. Eihel E. Miller. 10 ACRE TRACTS. -Tremont ten acre tracts. Close to Albany. Fine soil, excellent location Best of fruit, vegetable and berry land. Buy a ten acre homo of the owner. Owen Benin, Room 4, Stark BUIg., opposite post office. ENGRAVED CARDS. For a limited time Rawlings will furnirh 10J Cop per pinto Engraved visiting cards (platu inclnded) for $1,60. WOOD FOR SALE Big fir, J. D. Ellis IKKi E 1th, Phone Bell Red 952. 141 PLANTS FOR SALE. Gooseberries, red and white Currants, Rhubarb, Red and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg Blackberries, Loganberries, Dew berries, l'henomenals, Hedge Plants and Sage. lvnit C. Dubhali., Albimv. Or., R. F. D. No. 5, Homo Phono 7102. ltit FREE. Edging'and ba.-k at tho Al bany saw mill. Get somo. ONIONS FOR SALE. By E. L. Me Kcevcr. Phono Bell Farmers 2x1. tD TO LOAN. $50 OOu on real property J. C. Christy, over 1st National Bank Albany, Oregon, rulejot interest ren sonable. J. W. UENTLEY, boot and shoemaker and repairer, docs fust class work at reasonable prices. Next door to Democrat ollice. See him. Any furniturestore nasihat Albany ' chiir. FIRE INSURANCE 0. F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C.C. Bryant, Albany, ' Cusk'K Bank Bldg. Both phor.ei. . WOODWORTH NEW Hair HAMILTON STORE DRUG CO OUGHT TO BE THE MOST , HONEST. Judge Bennett of Portland says many of the policemen of the city arc no better than crooks, that they take bribes right along for covering up crime, undoubtedly a fact. This is ' worse than some kinds of stealing. The meanest of all kinds of thieves arc the ones who steal when being trusted. The robber who breaks into a house makes that a business; but the man who is hired by ypu for faith ful work and then grafts you is far worse. Of all people in the world the official should be the most honest. According to Judge' Bennett the po lice officials of Portland arc the op posite. WHISKEY A TROUBLE BREWER liardiy anything else in the wuild will make at man stoop to beating his wife but liquor. Few things raise the I ire of the public more than wife beating, and it ought to make men just as hot in the condemnation of the liquor business, whose principal mission is the causing of trouble in the world. Some good men when sober are had when drunk, losing i. control of themselves and doing .1.: .1 ...... n .1. ....... .1 ,f ntlf- wards. One would think such a man would sit down and make a resolution wilh a rock on it to quit the misery causing habit. If vour Oreeonian is missed phone . m. the Eagle Cigar Store before 8 daily or 10 Sunday. FOR S LE. A good heavy work team ! nt a bargain if sold soon or new HUrill'BS, IUIU KUUU UK"k vmkvm wi l sell i just team. L. N. Gregory 219 E Water nnd Penewinkle. t22 IF MISSED.-Call up Black 2341 Bell, west of Broadalbin street. Black 123 i Bell. Broadalbin to Baker street. ! 351 Homo, east of Bakor street. FOR SALE. 10 room house, lot GG by 110, sewer connections, city water. ! Terms if wanted. A bargain if taken i soon. Ola Saltveit, owner, 101G E I Water St Home phone Black G1G7. FARM FOR SALE.-131 acres, sandy loam, Santiam river bottom, 1.! mile j to church and school and steam boat I landing. 4 miles to railroad. SO acres ; under cultivation. Hop yard, apples, i pears, cherries, prunes, peaches, plums, quince, grapes and walnuts. Some alfalfa on place, elegant dairy ranch, fair liut'dings, good water, i phone and ninil route. Must be seen ' to bo appreciated. C. L. Hottingcr, : Jefferson, Oregon. j FOR SALE. 3 homestead relinquish-j ment on Siletz, all joining each other. In. uire box ,S4, Albany. , About 4,OUO;000 feet on each. 12t FOR RENT A ten acre fruit farm. Call at Curtis Real estate office. N. Ellsworth street. St FOR RENT. Fine ollice rooms. Call! upon F. G. Will. WANTED. A modern residence to rent. Will pay cood price. Address Box 32, Albany. 23 1 MONEY TO LOAN on real cstatm nt seven per cent. On choice farm hinds at 'six per cent. A-ply to Geo. W. Wright, Attorney, Albany, Ore- gon. Both phones- Ollice. corner of , 1st and Ferry. FIRE INSURANC:.-Bcavcr State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera iiuuse uiug. i Goods Albany, Oregon 317-321 First St FOR BETTER ROADS INTO ALBANY. The commercial club has taken up the matter of the improvement of the public thoroughfares leading into Al bany, appreciating the fact that good" roads into a city means much for the business of the city. Farmers are going to go to the city most easily reached, when trade conditions justi- j fy it. A few hundred or even thou sand dollars spent by the merchants of the city in the improvement of the j roads will work wonderfully as a drawing card for the city, the same as money spent for railroads and elec tric lines into a city. They are great trade promoters. The commercial club has begun a movement that de serves the hearty support of Albany people generally. THE BOYS MAKE THE MEN. Boys do well to remember that every day they arc building their fu ture career. Of course they will be boys, man, ways but back of it all is the future and the characteristics that a! stamp a man will be found SOIUCWI1C1C 111 lllU juy. i iiu ; ' , , , , has observed boys closely and seen them grow up, and this holds good as a rule. In the newspaper business in a place like Albany one of the experi ences is that of getting boys who will he faithful in the delivery of papers, doing their best, with all kinds of experiences, when papers are missed trouble being the result. Some make a cood record and some a poor one, jllst as mcn do. through life, and the , ,.ltt,,t ,i,f -,,,.,,1,:,,,, - j a ch nnpos iiblc. All papers have the same experiences. The boy does well who makes his standard the doing the best he knows how. , The Weather. Range of temperature 48-34. Rain fall .OS inch. ! The river is 3.2 feet. Prediction: Rain tonight and Thurs-, ! day. warmer tonight. abstract when you buy real estate i The wind changed from the north to ' the south, and a small cold snap, reach , ing as low as 24 above has changed to 1 another drizzle. THIS IS DISH DREAMLAND. NIGHT AT 30 Days Trial The Willamette Valley Co. has re- , ceived fifty electric irons, which will be sold on thirty days trial, for only $3.5C ; A splendid thing fnr the ironer. , The Toledo. A new steel range, with a cooking plate en top, a model modern, stove No blacking. Keeps clean. Just take a look nt it At Alhnnv ti i o'a FOR SALE My residence corner 2nd and Baker St., lot 67x113 ft. Grea' bargain if taken at once; also furniture, horse, etc Inquire 1 10 E 2nd t'. MRS. H. F. MclLWAIN. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL J. A. Wilson came up from Salem this noon. J. T. Wentworth left this afternoon for Seattle on a visit with his wife. Barney May. of Portlaud, went to Harrisburg this afternoon Mrs. Bessie Cameron Simpson, of Eugene, has been on a visit with her folks. Gale S Bill and Russell Welch went to Lebanon this afternoon on a business trip. ! Mrs. Carter Lee went to Lebanon this afternoon on a visit with her fath er. Mrs. K. N. Torbet and daughter 1 Alene have returned from a Lebanon .visit. ' Mrs. Madae Armstrong Kaupisch has accepted a position in the Weatheria M llinery store at Corvallis. Sheriff Koss, of Toledo, passed through the city this noon on hi? way home, from Portland, also Judga Harris, of Eugene. Mrs. W. C. Davis, of New West minister, a former resident of Albany, is visiting at the home of Mr. George Thompson. . Wm. Ritchie returned from Lincoln county today with Messrs. Osburn anJ Snsok, of Idaho, who are looking for investments. Jerome Zinn, of San Antonio, Tex., arrived last night on a visit with his sister, Mrs. George Zinn and family. He is a cousin of Hon. L. H. Monlanye. Miss Markely, the tnew teacher of music, in the conservatory of music of Albany college, arrived this noon from Walla Walla, and will take charge ot the students formerly under Miss Taw ney at once. C. G. Rawlings, the printer, has re- I turned irom a business trip to Shedd. The joke is he thought he was in Hal I sey. His friends have gotten hold of 'the stjry, and it is said it is liable to ; leak out on the proper occasion. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Wood arrived home last night from Nome, where they spent the mining season, Mr. Wood in charge of the Three Friends dredger, which he has handled for several years. On their way home they visited at the home of Mrs. Wood's sister, Mrs. Lan ning in Seattle. Prof. Palmer and Miss Tawney, formerly of Albany College, are report ed to have been married in McMinnville today. From there they are to go to Portland, and thence to Sandieeo. i Calif., to reside. They will have the best wishes of many Albany friends for happiness and prosperity. BIOGRAPH AT DREAMLAND TONIGHT With all the old characters we know and like so well. Don't miss this. Abstracts An Absolutely bad title may be given by a Warranty Deed. It has a .... , very misleading name, I The Warranty is no stronger than the present ability of the signer to make good, and he may be dead when your defect is dis covered. Get an Abstract i Now and know that your title ig perfect. It : may save much delay and annoyance, Your tu,e may beheA up ag ungalab:e at a time when a sale is greatly de- i sired. For this delay you have no recourse on your grantor. It ,is your worry -not his. Always demand an I me I Tlielmm County Abstract Co. 504 Brruiifclbm Strwt, Albany, Ore. PAUL VS. PAUL Supreme Court's Decision. The case of Paul against Paul before the courts for several years, was de cided in the supreme court this week. Judge McBride rendering the decision. The verdict of the lower court, at this city, was reversed, the court holding that W. A. Paul, at 77 years of age,, was capable of-deeding bis property to his son, W. S. Paul. In the suit G. M. Paul asked that the sale of the valuable Paul farm to W. S. Paul be set aside. Mr. Paul deeded part of his large farm to Mrs. Burrs and the remainder to W. S. Paul, and then borrowed $4,000 from a Salem bank and paid it to the widow in order to have the matter hushed up, so recites the decision of Judge Mc Bride. F. G. WILL, lor Watches is r i. , . y ' ! ' 1 t . : - ; . . , $AY $AMMIE We Have the $ $ $ Yor Some L.af Tracts of Fine Ixand in the Willamette V alley If you are an owner of something desirable in the way of a good ranch or large tract of uninproved land and want to sell it, be $URE TO $EE U$ $OON Or our customers may locate elsewhere, and we want them near Albany. t If you need the money Jmore than you do the landgive usJJyour property. jifor sale. The Oregon Title &r:Trust!Co Al EX 'k304 Broadalbin Sirect- ALBANY, OREGON. i MRS. HOLMES' BEST STORY. The first act is laid in the ueautifu' mountain country of Massaehusets, in the little village of Slocumville. The rural types pictured in the book are all shown here, "Granny Nichols," "Joel Slocum," Nancy Scovendyke," and all the rest of the Slocumites come to bid "Granny" aod "Lena" farewell" and to take away with them whatever "Granny" is inclined to give as a re membrance. The last three acts are placed in Kentucky, and the atmosphere of i he play changes from the rural to the quiet eleganco of the south. The three beautiful pictures of the Living stone estates are shown and are indeed works of art in the scene painter's line. At the opera house Thursday night. THIS BEAUTIFUL HALL CLOCK ONLY $30.00 (On Small Monthly Payments.) Solid Mahoganized Cherry. Height 7 feet 3 inches. We have these fine Hall Clocks from $25.00 to $65.00 They are manufactured by the ITHACA CALENDAR CLOCK CO., and everyone are fully Guaarnteed We are also showing a very nice line of white and black enamel Mantle Clocks at very low prices. Our line of Alarm Clocks at $1.00, .,25, $1.50 "speak" for themselves. F.M. FRENCH (THE JEWELER.) Sole Agent for Albany.