0-- l ALBANY. OREGOiN. FRIDAY NOVEMBER. Ji'i 1J09 VOL XLV SO J& 'J NEW BOOKS --at Meiser & Meiser's 55c eachj 10 for$5. I- To-day Saturday, We commence our first grand Chambers & McGune ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND In the New Store HPi Gfaff , . . . H HB k. 9 LL H 6L H ?mam 'ww - - v Groceries and Produce Prompt delivery FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ing you any place you'wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buving see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. v Office 236West First St x MRS. JAKE HYATT Beginners taught by musical kinder garten method, followed by thoroughly graded conservatory course. SI per lesson 40 minutes. Inquire at Davenport s Music store. A fine lot at our yard at this city, just burned. . Phone Home 285. ' ALBANY BRICK CO! CURTIS REAL ESTATE GO, 106 N. ELLSWORTH. Farm land and city property bought and sold. Parties having land or city property or sale will do well to list with us. Phones Bell black 63. Home main 231. 31. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany j First-class meats of all kinds frou elected stock. VIEREGICS BATHS 2; Vest Pirst St. FIRST CLASS WORK GUARANTEED Fall and. Winter Absolutely eyery price in the store re duced except on a few contract goods. See big circular for prices. w 'wwvw V Let us estimate on your works. We guarantee (irst-clas3 work at moderate cost. PLuMBING, T1NMNING AND HEATING. W. E. FRANCIS 126 Ellsworth St. Both Phones, C, B. DAVIS, Yearly contracts S5 for two tunings. Leave orders at Davenport's Music Store. J. fill. RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AND COLLECTIONS. have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mortgaged bought. 1 wiii bond you. Property I handled for non-residenta BHU'Ciffi "MDSRSOri OPPOSITE THE P. O. Fonr chairs. Prompt an Efficient Care of the face and hair. i i Plumbing ! MPI R 7 PROGRAM TONIGHT Pictures. 1. World's Championship. Baseball Game Pittsburg vs. Detroit. 2. Pet of Tne Big Horn Ranch. (Drama.) 3. The Old Lord of Ventnor. (Drama.) 4. Ambulance Ventilator, (Comedy Song. 5. Hurrah for the Baseball Game. Admission 10c. SUIT STORE Kindergarten School, Miss Helen Wright At the W. C. T. U. Building. Terms: S3. Rf npr mnnfh Phnna HlirL- Bell. iMiss Bertha Wrfeht. Teacher of Music PIANO INSiBUCriON, VOICE CULTURE H hour lesson 50c, 1 hour lesson 7bc. Bell Black 2481, Albany, Oregon. !. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED,) Dealers In Hay, Grain, Wool, Cascara, Salt, Feed. Seeds, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard and Alsen Portland Cement, Acme Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and i Hair Fiber Plaster, Stock Foods, Ponl tr Supplies, Ruberoid Roofing, Build ing paper, etc. GO .5 C tn a to o i . O O U OREGON MARKET J. iVi. ENGLAND, Proprietor' ! 1 First class Groceries, and the best i fruil3 and vegetables at rer-sonaMo price., A square dral for all. j illkr watclies DEATH OF GEO. SIMPSON. Geo. W. Simpson, died at his home on Washington street yesterday after noon, after an illness of some time, of a complication of troubles, his heart and kindeys being affected. He was cheerfnl and brave to the last, with all his suffering. He was born in Philadelphia on June 27, 1861 and came to Oregon with father, Rev. Anthony Simpson and family in 18G5, settling in Corvallis, where ne resided lor many years, t or a number of years he was a purser on a coast steamer. Several yeurs ago he came to Albany, where he has since resided. He was a memner ot the Presbyterian church. He leaves a wite, orotner, J. li. Simpson, and sis-1 ter, mrs. ni. o. wooqcock, or orvams. 1 he tuneral services Mill be held on Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, at the family residence, 718 Washington street, to which all friends are invited. Coolest on Record. The Salem Journal sayB the execution of Jas. A. Finch was the coolest -and most successful ever held in the United States. Death in four minutes is rather remarkable, and there was not a slip in the terrible event. The service of ab solution was performed by Father Francis of Mt. Angel, less than a minute. Suicide of Emil Etter, Emil Etter, a former Albany saloon keeper, when Albany had saloons, com mitted suicide in Portland yesterday by taking syanide of potassium. Ill health. separation from his wife and financial reverses, re given as the causes. He leaves a 12 year old son, to whom he leaves $2,000 life insurance. DINE POCKET KNIVES - We are show ing a fine line of Pocket Knives, stag and pearl handle. 25c to $2.50. Fully guaranteed by us. See our window display; everything, that leaves our store is oacisea oy our guarantee. Burkhart & Lee. If you are going to travel get the American Bankers Association Trav ellers checque, in $10.00, $20.00 or $50.00 denomination, payable at ten thousand banks, or tt any hotel or railroad office. For sale by J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. Never can tell when you'll mash a linger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil instantly relieves thejpain -'juickly cuftfs the wound. F. G. WILL, lor Watches WANTED, MAN rts.pHrtner m bus iness, indoors, twice labor wages. Easy layout for right man. Also man to travel with me, good business. "Smith," Neeley's Wood Work Shop. t20 ALBANY OPERA HOUSE Thursday, Nov! 18 BARTON & WISWELL Offer ' ' : EMMA BUNTING IN u RIVERS" MARY J. HOLMES' NOVEL Dram atized by Beulah Poynter. Distinctly a Woman's Play of Wo man's Emotions by a Woman for a Woman. FOR SALE 137 acres unimproved land, near railroad, 100 acres in cultivation, rest pasture. $47.50 an acre. 105 acres near railroad, 85 in culti vation, living water, good bouse, line soil, beautiful location. Very reason able. 400 acres hill Innd 5 miles from Brownsville. Modem 9-room house, good barn. Soil line for fruit, walnuts or grain. A good stock ranch. 20 or 40 acres 3 miles from Albany. All in cultivation. Can be irrigated. 185 acres unimproved land, all in cultivation, oil railroad. - 822 acres, 16 in cultivation, good buildings, 2 miles from town. A line stock ranch. 12U acres 7 miles from R. R., ft) acres in cultivation, 60 rolling, could be easily clcarefl. Good buildings, ex cellent soil. $5000 cash. ZiA acres, 30 in cultivation, 100 cleared, re.t in timber. Best fruit and walnut, rrood .vcrain land 5;4 acre:, ciosc in, good modern hon.-:e, barn, windmill, O trees, bcr-ri"-., frapes. etc. A modern home. 22 acres elose in suitable for plat tinrr. Would sell in sm:'.ll tracts.' 72 acres eloc in. V in cultivation. . OK) an acre. A snap. j We have stock ranches, farms, '.mull tracts an:! citv ro;,ert ,-. Call ar.d m-c j what we have' F.TtlF.I. ). M!I.I,lik, State Bank Building. ' SHIPPED TO m PORTLAND. Salem, Nov. 13. Finch's bodyas shipped to his wife in Portland today. Notwithstanding various rumors of dope etc., Dr. Smith of Salem says "Pinch met his death when the rope r1"1" mm-, uio opnuu coru useil nav- xycain uy uunging uoes not result in strangulation but is the direct result of the breaking of the ligament. Oregon Snow. Portland, Noy. 13.-Heavv snow prevails in Eastern Oregon, Yale Won. New York, Nov. 13. Princeton nothing, was the their annual game. the Weather. Yale 17, result of Range of temperature 41-37. The river is up to 4.9 feet. Rainfall .12 inch. Prediction; Rain tonight and Sun- way. The reported rainfall one day recent ly for the same time was as follows: uugene .94 inch, Harnsburg .84 inch, Albany .42 inch, Salem ,50, Portland .49. Holt Again for your meats of all kinds, and the Metropolitan Market next dcor for, the latest and beBt in fruits and vegetables. ON THANKSGIVING NIGHT At the Skating Rink. Good prizes and a fine time assured. 1 Ju;t received by express a srlnndid line of just the handsomest and Besl-fitting Man-tailored Suits and Coats, which will be put at once OH spscial s'le. ' $23.00 SUIT SPECIAL ...... ,....$17.00 25.00 SUIT, SPECIAL........ 19.00 30.00 SUIT, SPECIAL. , 23.00 ; 35.00 SUIT, SPECIAL 27.00 . 40.00 SUIT, SPECIAL.... 30.00 25.00 COAT, SPECIAL..,....!........;..' .. 18-00 a suit i;hl .uv.tv-i-ree To further intro' u:e our New Department and demonstrate our work we have decided ! o give nwnv free on X-mas Eve, December 24ih a ' $35.00 Ladies' or ft iises' Suit', made , to your .measurement, free of charge, ifor particulars ci 1' at , ' - ; THE PARIS CKOAK & Slim HOUSE 223 1st Street, Albany ' Both Phones: Main f2. ' ' "" . 1 ... . - WM. BAIN, F esident. P. D. GILBERT. V, P. H N, BCUL'jy, Cashier. ' This bank has sn.lid facilities for handlirg your banking business Invit' s your patronagr. . ' ' Our methods are mit'orn and corservalive, ai d prompt and careful attention is given to all classes of business placed in our hards. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest is paid on Savin; s Accounlss. Baked Goods, Produce and Fruits. The best to be secured. . ., "at"-" Ccnrad Myer's. DOINQS OF THE WORLD. Mr. Oregon has $740,492in his pocket book. Washington and O. A. C. are rolling in the mud at Corvallis this afternoon. Hope O. A. C. beats. Snow has been fallincr un in the mni,f:s ,-f ; .,f Ta BrjorteH. with two teet up the McKenzie. Oregon wants $3,798,492 for its water ways. Hope there is something in that for dredging the Willamette up to Al bany. Wants Extension. The writer, a tax payer, wishes we too could vote on the extension of our city, as well as Corvallis, say two miles 1 each way from our court house, and albo tor a good sewerage system. Think of it, no city sewer east of Madison street, nearly half of our city without sewer connections. It is my judgment nothing would boost our fair Albany more than ex tension of our city limits and a sewer system. SUBSCRIBER. Get Your Fish at Pfeiffer s. The place, 229 West Second street. Everything in the fish line, neat and clean, at a reasonable price. Dreamland Tonight. PICTURES 1. 2. Home Without Children. Hunting Jack Rabbits in Hun- garia. 3. Hpssel & Grctel. (Edison) 4. Whitler's Witless Wanderings. (Fdison) 5. Nursing a Viper. (Biograph) 0. Chas. Overton (new act tonih t.) Picture matinee every day. H 1 i fl! i-