Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 12, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Until Nov.' 10.
$2.00 Ladiea Shoos for. ....... .$1.60 pr
$2.50 " " , " ........ $200pr '
$2.76 " " " $2.20 pr
S3.C0 " " $2.40 pr
. " " " ........ .2.80 pr.
New Stylish Shoes, all of them.
Flood's Ast
Light, Power and Heat.
Willamette Valley Co.
R. E. Welch, Manager.
I m ' m Iks
Tungsten Lamps Make
Electric Light Much Cheaper
'They have two and a half tunes tho efficiency of the or
' dir.cxy. carbon lamp hitherto in general use. The fila
ment is mado of a rare metal called Tungsten, which
i ; elds an intense brilliancy et low CDzt. In shape and
' s the bulb is just like any other electric incandescent
lamp. Why not try a Tungsten lamp yourself? Get one
of the 40-watts end use it somewhere- in your house in
place of one of your carbon lamps. Vhen observe the'
great difference. Note the clear vUte li'cht, exactly
twice as brilliant and costing .you co -.:if th less for elec
tricity. Tungsten lamps are destined .3 displace all oth
rs, for both store and house lightinc. .
.on- Elec. Sop. Co;
Scaled proposals will lie received
by the Common Council of the City
of .Mbanv, Oregon, until o'clock
o in. Wednesday, November 2-llh,
Ivn ". for conveying to the City ol Aj
lianv, two acres oi land for GAK
same to be situated within two mile
:!. corp. .rate limits of the city,
l'.aeli bid is to submit price per
acre, l'tillv ilcM-ribine; the same, and
I he council will select from the buU
offered that tract which is deemed
lv them to be most .suitable for the
mcil reserves the right to
reject anv anil Ml mils. All mus imisi
lie aililre'sseil to the City Recorder,
Albanv. Oregon.
I'.v order of the Cite Council made
Oct.' 7th. I'WJ.
llianv, Oregon. Nov. ,2ml. W-.
I'". M. KI'.DI'll'.l.D,
Recorder oi the City of Albany.
30 Days Trial
The Will.unetto Valley Co. has
reived fifty eleetrie irons, which will be
sold en thirty davs trial, for only $3.51.
A splendid thing fur the ironer.
W10 have f.o State Deposits,
tlnr do wo accept any de
posit where special security has
to be pledged. This means
that we Imvo m preferred
creditors and that, y.'ttr deposit
has the naiue security that all
We havu invested assets
worth miru than SUIO.000.00
and this would have to bo dis
sipated before depositors could
lose a cent. It is not being
dissipated, it is growing.
J. W. CUS1CK&C0.
Established 1892.
Dtakr in choice meats of all kinds.
506 Vsot Second Stree.
ANY LADY can easily make from
$18.00 to $2,5.00 per weeic working for
me quietly in her own homo locality.
This is a uonalido offer one which
will pay you to investigate, even if
yuu can only spore two hours per day.
No investment required. Turn your
spare time into money. Write me at
oner, for particulars. Address HAR
KIKT M. lUi HARDS. box 30,
Woman's Building Joliet, Illinois.
Violin Lessons
MannutT of the EUor's Piano House,
will tfivo instructions on the violin this
winter. Mr. UnUorv is a praduato from
the New York Conservatory of Music,
and has had yenraof orchestral practice.
Mr. linllury expects to orime an or
chestra composed mostly of his pupils.
A I ino Assortment of Goods, consist-
inrr of First class work.
Combines,' Rooted and put up nice as
cut hair
Old switches d.ved to nnv shade.
Hair jewelry and shampaoing a spec
ialty, Only human hair used.
MRS. C. A.SPAULD1NU, 71111th St.
Coryallis, Oregon.
The Olive Type writer.
Rest onjthe market.
Hank people have five
has. tea. Thirty-ttve
See the new tabulator
vice. $15 cash, then 1"
First Nation.i
Albany Colleg.
used in Ablany
nn.l rtiline; ilc
per day. puy
ahl" monthly. Sco one at Steward A
Sex Hardware Co.
I hone 218. Home Phone.
A Snap in Land
if taken soon.
Gospel meetings will continue in the
W. C. T. U. hall tonight. Sunday 10:30
a. m. and 2.30 and 7:30 p. m. All we-
Evangelical church. First and Pine
streets. Will be didicated at 10:30 Sun
day, by Rev. Hornschuch, P. E. " Mr.
Hornschuch will also preach tonight.
Suljeot tonight: Aliens Brought
Right. Dedicatory sermon, Pilgrims,
With the Lords supper, P. S. at 10 e.
ai.. .
St. Mary's church. Rev. Arthur
Lane, Rector. Rev. H. Servais. assist
ant. Services tomorrow at 8 and 10 :30.
Evening service at 7:30. Rev. A. Ser
vais will officiate in the morning and
the rector will speak at the evening
service. Mission service will be held
at St. Thomas church, Jefferson, The
public is cordially invited.
United Presbyterian. - Morning sub
ject; "The Devil's Kindling Wood."
The Women's Missionary Bociety have
their beautiful Thank-offering service
at 7:30 p. m. At 6:30 the pastor will
present nis illustrated cutting oi me
Pilgrim's Progress to the Christian En
deavor. A cordial invitation is extend
ed to all of these services.
First Presbyterian church. Rev. F.
H. Geselbracht, misister. Morning
service 10:30. Theme: Preaching, Pos
itive or Liberal? Vesper service 5:00,
theme Some Diciples Whom Jesus
Loved. Music emphasized, Miss Smith
will sing. Sabbath school at 11:45:
Junior Endeavor at 3:00: Christian En .
deavor Society 7:00. A cordial and
hearty invitation is extended to the
public. -
Christian church, corner Fourth and
Broadalbin, Albyr Esson, minister.
Morning service begins at 10:30, even
ing at 7:30. Christian Endeavor at
6:30 d. m. Preaching at North Albany
school house at 4:30 p. m. Regular
monthly business meeting of the offi-.
cers of the church at the church flies- i
day evening, nov. cn at I..3U.
M. E. ehurch, corner Third and Ells
worth. Subject at. 10:30, "The Saviors
Parable on Prayer." and at 7:30 will be
given the annual address on Education,
which will be of interest to parents of
pupils in the higher grades. In addi
tion to the usual music, the young
mens sextet will sing at Sunday school
and the orchestra .will play. Next
Thursday eve. the subject will be:
"Our Friends in Africa and their re
cent letters."
A Comedy fantasy.
With In Dreamland, at the
house Friday, Nov. 12, are two
cians. One of them hails from
bay, India and the other was formerly
I chief black art assistant to Kellar and
I Thurston. Neither pains nor expense
have been spared in the selection of si
I i. 1 t... . -r il.
I most lavish as well as artistic aver'
seen on any stage. In the cast are
Herrnme bnons, Josephine Robinson,
J!iva Randolph, Natalie Jorome, Emily
Anderson," William Hurst, L. B. Carl-
ton, John E. Maguire, William Eck-
stine, Arthur Lurie, John Dillion and
Chas. Hudson.
To Can Be Done, So Scores of Albany
Citizens Say. i
To euro an aching back,
The pains of rheumatism.
tne tired-out tceiings.
You must reach the spot get at the Everett, Wash., Get. 8-Whrfe gaso
cause. . line was being transferred from one
In most cases 'tis the kidneys. fishing launch to another near Mukil-
L-oan's Kidney Pills are for the kirJ-; teo last night, the fumes were ignited
neys. by a lantern and Eldon Graham was
James Greehalgh, formerly of 707 EJ burned to death.
Fifth St. Albany, Ore., says: "Early i His companions, J. Everett Graham
in the winter I had an attack of sciatic and F. Francis Alkys were burned but
rheumatism and as I had always been a . escaped death by leaping into, the wat
healthy man it snemed very severe. The-er. Graham is in a hospital' here. All
pain was mostly in mv kidnevs and. I the men are from Seattle.
often extended into my limbs. Fi
thought that treatxag the kidneys wouliN
ue uiu oeMi, meuiou io gei reuei ami as-i
Doan's Kidney Pills were highly recom-
mended, I obtained a supply. The pamss)
Degan 10 lessen soon alter i commences.
the use ot tins rereedy and 1 procured a.
second box. I hud only started its use-
when the lust trace cf the trouble din
appeared and 1 gladly say that I have
been tree trom it Sinc3.
For sale by ail dealers. Price 30
;ents. Foster Milburr. Co., Buffalo,
New York, solo-agents for the United: :
Remember tho name Doan s and '
no other.
There is mors oatarrh :n this seciion
of the country than all other diseiJies
put together, and until too last row
years was supposed to be incurable, r or
a great many years doctors pronounced
it a local disease and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failtag to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proves ca
tarrh to be n constitutional disease ami
therefore requires constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufact
ured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Oiio, is
tho only constitutional euro on the
market. It is taken internally in doses
from 10 drops to a teaspooful. It acts
Jirectly on the blood and mucwra sur
saees of the system. They offer one
hundred dollars for any case iv fails to
euro. Serd for circulars and testimon
ials. Address:
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tolodo; O.
Sold bv Druggists, 75c.
Take llall's Family Pills for consti
oation. Come to our store ana see the new
iainty patterns in Wall Paper. New,
-'loan, stock just arrived, many new
shades in brown and olive. Let us help
vou fix the dining mom, parlor, or hall.
Prices correct. BuitKHART & Lek.
"Had dyspepsia or indigsti. n !ov
years No appetite, and what I did
eat distie.sse.i me tirribly. Hordock
lilood Uitteraeured me. 11. Walker
iunbui v, Ohio.
Harriman will get down the
chutes, in the courts anyway.
The melancholy days have come; but
that depends upon the mind.
The chrysanthemum wili now take"
its place in the front of the show.
Aldrich 'has begun an educational
tour. There is much for him to learn.
The fat want to bo lean and the lean
fat and no one is contented in this world.
San Francisco bas .practically elected
the Schmitz gang of thugs back again-
A new kind of pie down at the old
Democrat corner.' When the Demo
crat was there it was spelled pii.
A Paris murder trial is stirring
whole world. With its aioving
tures, the world is getting next to
center of fashion.
An Albany man has found from ex
perience that by carrying a buckeye in
his pocket he is never in a train wreck.
It is also a sure cure for all kinds of
Some of our people who were iir at
tendance at the Albany apple fair re
port that wormy apples were common
among those in the display. Harris
burg Bulletin. Not a wormy apple in
the fair. But what did Harrisburg do.
Nothing. Better wake up.
The following from the Brownsville
Times sounds good:
A Brownsville fruit grower informs
The Times that he will begin at once to
put his orchard in shape to produce
apples to enter in competition at the
Albany apple fair next fall. This -is
the proper way to develop the apple
industry. The main object in conduct
ing the fair is to stimulate the growing
and proper development of the apple
industry in this section, and bring it ur
to the highest standard. '
At the Hotels.
F. Klicker, Stayton.
L. Payne, Gates.
J. H. Mihoff. Portland.
Mrs. P, G. Head, Grants Pass.
E. Sims, Scio.
Chas. Balschweid, Scio.
Maggie Carter, Oakland.
Bruce R. Kester, Portland.
The Weather,
' '
RanSe of temperature 50-33, tho
coldest ni'ht of the season,, a frost ap-
peanng this morning, followed by a fog
along the river, a strange thing being
that it covered only a part of the city,
The rainfall was .10 for 24 hours,
The river has kept falling and is 3
fair tonight with heavy
and fair and warmer.
frost Sunday,
Boatman Tries to Refill Tank With
I Lighted Lanierrv in Hand.
- v '
Never can toll awliori youB mash a
linger or suiter a cul, oruisa-, Durn or
scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas'
Ecleciric' Oil instanfclv relieves- the Dain
'u:ckly cures the-wound.
The Market..
Wheat 85c, Oats-40c-Beef
on foot 2. to 3c ; veal dressed 7c)
pork dressed tfc; on foot 7cx
Lard 15c.
Eggs 37c. 1
t hickens on foot 10c.
Hams 16c to 20c, sides- the some.
Jeotter 30c to-Joc.
Klour ?1.50 to $1.75c a saek.
Potatoes lc aer lb.
Hay, from $-7' for some clover to $U
for the best timothy.
Lodge Meetings.
ine&. u. in. every tHUiintay even
ting, rred itchmond. Commander. ,
i no i oour i ot ahe orld evemn
rriday evening. L. L. Swan clerk.
Mnozanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays,,
Anna Stroen, G. N.
Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd
and 4th Wednesday in Bussards' Hall,
Grant Foman. Clerk.
Royal Neighbors meet every 1st. and
,ird Wednesdays in Uussard s Hall.
Alice Kirk, Recorder.
We keep Hie best of all 4tinds.
us for figures.
Tom young;-'
tU u and Sien sinter. 122 Ferry St
Airent for the Cleveland Cfcisenitc
roof paint.
Home phone 320. Pacific Red 3C,:
Imported Brasses !
New, Designs and Shapes !
At the Right Priced Always at
Chas. Knecht's
Is it all right and ready for the
WiifSer? If not this is the best time
to hare it cleaned and put in repair
before, you start yWir winter's fire.
Or possibly jrou ccd' a new one? In
any cas you will find' our work in
this, line- of the 'bes. We will put in
steam heating apparatus, hot air fur--
nace or hot' water liiating at a reas
onable cost.
Vetch1 and
Cheat: Seed.
In any quantity desired, also all
kinds of Grass Seed which will
be sold on a very clcue margin.
4t Murphy's Feed Store
225 Wast 2nd Steeet. ,
; a r-
The Crest
Tamalio3, Tamalies.
Try-one of our boneless chicken tam
aliess None better in the city.
Oysters served any style, als light
Both-Phones. 316 West 2nd
hen aleaned bv our methods of fcrv
cleaning, are made to-lock just as good
as made to .ook just as new. Waists
and dresses of delicate colors and ma
terial we- renovate to. the delight of the
owner-. We also dye any garmnnt de
sired in beautiful shades and .colorings.
C. E. SHELLEY, Prop.
fc!0 W- IstlSt. Bell Phone black 273
' .Home phone 196
Get Meyer Vacuum
13 clean your house this Fall, the
machine that gets the dirt.;
Gasoline power.
Have your beds and on all kinds of
Furniture the Onward Siding Furniture
Sioe and throw away the casters.
Leave orders sA Pratt's Furniture
siure. D. B: ADAMS.
lion-.e Phone Blocik 352.
Estimates giren on Plastering, Side
walK and Cemeat Work.
; J. F. TRAVSB, 4th & Calapooia Si.
SGotis Sarnaf-Pepsm Capsules
Forlnfl&ntomtloQ orCatarrhof
the UlnrliloT :intl Diased Kid.
.tu-ya. HO tlVIS HO PAT. Cure
Illicitly ou'WrmiineiitlT th
worst c- ot tionorrhoAn
and tiloet, no matter of bow
'oiik titnuu)E. A bioldtcl?
biirnileda. bold by drogpiBU
J'rico fl.. or by mail, poai
paid, 91.U, 3 boiM. L75.
DtHehmtjlM. Ohio.
For ale bT'fiorkhort & Leo
CdlNKSK DOCTOK 1. ' Mon Foo, an
experienced compounder of Chinese
medicines, successor of the late Hong
Wo.Tong, is now prepared to furnish
Chinese medicines to all. Tho under
signed recommends him and guaran
tees satisfaction.- Cad or write him
at No. 110 West Second t.. Albany
1r .llM WrSTFALt,. 5
Collixs k Oevive
Real Estate and insurance
Buy and sell realty. Inst
prty and transact loans,
stuiiil timber tracts.
ft-'! H
-ffWM V"- . ' JV.
Old and Reliable
Thirty-eight years of steady growth
are significant endorsement of the
careful management and courteous
'service of the time-tried Bank.
Assets over one million dollars
A Saving Account
in the name of your boy and girl
will teach ihein a knowledge of
business and a habit of saying that
they can acquire in no better way;
Interest paid on Savings accounts-
Owned and operated by the stock hold
ers of the First National Bank.
Madarin Albany my No. 1 Edg Grain
s the BSST in the market. Various'
grades and prices from $L25 upwards..
Every bunch branded with- my name.
Look for it. Examine these shingles
before buying elsewhere. . t
We ur-no. dry kalm.
Osteopathw Physician,
Alb AKvySTATsr Bank Buhiding
Bell Black 482. Hsme 275.
Rooms 15 and IT Bsrenuer Blk., Albany '
Phone,Bcil 1 Elacls 2481; Home 35
Crawiord Blocks - - Albany
DR. 11. C. UUT,
Uooma 6. ami 8, Brenner Block.
Home Phone 35&. Bell Black 2481
Palmer's Oairy
i Deliversmilk and cream to any part of
; w, - jriites reasonanie. Jersey
utov ui care, cotn rhones.
Phone-Red 30S1. Res.l20Montgomery 3t
J. G. Crawford "s
Photograph Gallery
Is in the New Albany State Bank Build
ing, second floo-. with a complete
equipment foi picture taking oi all
Right on hand any time of the dav or
iafty lransfemn ftaBKOfte a spec-
Any kind of wood for sale,
Phones-Bell Red 204; Homo Red 163.
Office with Linn and Benton Real
Estate Co. Li. B. MAYREPPv
ill i ALBANY ORE CON il4 H
uror j Wanf's Your Palronae
I i Telephono Red 671 3
F. A. ClUMBEK?, R. F. D. 2.