Special Showing of Fine LINENS ' ; ! , -. Thanksgiving is fast approaching, which brings to your minds the necessity of reDlenishing your linen supply. . Dainty and exquisite patterns) that appeal .. to housekepers of good taste. - Table Linen.......,..."..... 75c to 12.50 yard. Table Cloths, several sizes, beautiful patterns in floral effects $1.75 to $4 00 each .Napkins.. .A... ............. 1 . ..$1.25 to $10.00 dozen Remember we import these linens direct from Belfast and we therefore save all middlemen's profit. ' ' UMBRELLAS Children's Umbrellas 50 and 75c each Substantial School Umbrellas $1.00 each LADIES UMBRELLAS A large, variety of styles and qual ities ranging in price from $1.00 to $7.50 MEN'S UMBRELLAS Good strong frames, nicely finished handles. Price...-. 85c to $0.50 MEN'S BATHROBES Thnao oAn maila frnm av(-pq kamm . .... ...... blanket. ' They are cut very full and nmshedin the best manner. r Large collar fastens close to aeck. Colors, tan blue and green ground with fancy patterns. Cord te match. $4,00 each GROCERY DEPT. i New arrivals for Thanksgiving. NUTS Walnuts, Pecans, Alnnnds, Hazel and Filberts. RAISINS bulk' or pkg. ' CUBRANTS. CITRON. . lemon Veal. Good apple cider for min ce meat by the quart or gallon. THIS MORNING News From Albany's Trains. Six Early A verv stormv mornine for travelling. and yet the depot at this railroad cen ter was well filled, a good many coming dwn from7 Brownsville and Lebanon, and over from Corvallis, taking the local or Detroit train. Fred Ficklin. who has been in busi ness in Chehalis the past year, left for Canyon City, Eastern Oregon, where he has a position. DEATH OF mRS. HUGHES, At Almost 91. A 1847. Pioneer of lawyer A. A. Tuisiner came down from Brownsville. C. E. Stanard. of Brownsville, went to Portland. Henrv Wink ev. of Mill Citv. went to Portland. Lawyer C. I Leavonuood and familv. of Myrtle Creek, returned from a Leb anon visit, on their way home. Mr. Fred Braiidshairen. millinorv drummer, stopped off for a short visit at the home of his father in-law, W. C. crecKenriage, wno nas Been ill tor a fewdnys. A. W. McGilvrev left on a triD to Gates. Jingles. Mrs. Sarah A. Anderaon (Iughc3 died at 7 o'clock this morning, at the home of her daughter. Mrs. E. D. Sloan, of old age, and Albany loses a good citizen, a resident of the city and vicinity for sixty-two years, leaving a splendid record as a wife, mother and neighbor. She was born near Beardstown, Ky , I Dec. 7, 1818, and moved with her folks toIllinois when three years of age. She was married to Geo. H. Hughes, at .Carthage, III., May 12. 1839, from ,' which place they moved to I Carlinville. III., in 1814, where they resided three years when they crossed the Dlaifls in 1847. taking up a claim just beyond the Calapooia, where Mr. Huches died a few years ago, and Mrs. Hughes has since resided with her children in thefcitv. Twelve children were born, of whom three survive, Mis. Emily, E. Sloan, Mr. fieo. W. Hughes, aim Mr. hi. L. Hughes, all of and near this city. Be sides she leaves eleven grand children, three great grand children, two great A Dutch meal Will appeal To everybody. Weather full of slop Makes a person hop To keep dry. The blind pigs are on the run Up in the Hartog town. You'll have no mishaps, Taking tea with the Japs. . Don't let the rain Make you refrain, ' From going to the mum show. Rooms Wanted, CARNIVAL Today and Tomorrow. Go and Boost. The chrysanthemum show, and the depot park carnival will begin this even ing at 4 o'clock, when the door of the armory will be thrown open and Albany people will be given a splendid oppor tunity to show their loyalty to Albany, in the promotion of an improvement of the city. b rom 6 to 7 a delicious meal win ta served in the Dut-h booth, by some very pretty Dutch maidens. Everybody in Aioany, particularly our Dusiness men should get into the Dutch Garden. a neat place and have their evening dinner, a good one. The chrysanthemums may Be seem while waiting, and if too early for din ner a cup of tea at the Jupnnese booth', will be appreciated. The great event will be in the even ing, when the armory will be brilliantly lighted for the occasion. A great event' will be theliving'pictures.somo novelties, . : nd splendidly prepared. There will be i-. voting contest for the prettiest pict ure. . The Japanese girls arrived by air line, lookincr aa nrotty as a rose, and will ' ith a noDular resort: The Dutch booth, with the Dutch great grand children, and one .sister, mkhlu h 'i the latter nearly ner age, in the east. She was a member of the Congrega-1 i,,,u.u,u,,uuj,. . Hmi. with sweet- girls will always bo ready for business. ana sanawicnes, weineywurcs, etc., The funeral service will be bold at the "residence of Mrs. ij'.oan, at 418 W. 2nd street on Friday at 2 p. m. THE H. S'S. Fine Wall Paper One of the largest and. best selected stock of Wall Paper in Oregon can be found at our store. Bright, clean pat- terns to select from; new shades in , . Brown and Olive. Our time is your time. Our prices .are correct. We , ask you - to call and see the lines v - Burkhart & Lee. FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE All persons who can furnuh rooms tor the Shriners on next Saturday night Iff or $i.00 each room, are hereby most earnestly requested to report this fact to Mr. Joseph Ralston at once. We are erreatly in need of rooms for next Saturday night. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS j There will no doubt be a large num hpivnf Shriners in Alhanv on next Sat-: urday night and the people generally 1 383 days attendance. No.' 21350 acres, 300 cultivation, 50 'acres acres all in good saw Reports received by Superintendent Jackson show the following high schools, membership and attendance for the month to Nov.S.inLinn county: j Albany. 72 boys,, 104 girls 176- j 3213 days attendance. Sodaville. 1 boys, 3 girls 7. 1041 days attendance. Lebanon. 40 boys, 47 girls. 87. 1464 davs attendance. ' I ' Tangent. 6 boys, 6 girls 12. Oakville. 6 boys, 4 girls 10 219 days attendance. Halsey. 4 boys, 15 girls 19. 273 davs attendance. HarriSburg.-.-9 boys, 14 girls 23. 161 days attendance. . N. Brownsville 13 boys, 25 girls 38. 710 days attendance. B. Brownsville. 13 boys, 9 girls -22. cider for a refreshing drink, ... The domestic science-booth win be' worth while with its jellies, pies, cakes, etc. ' The candy booth has been "splendidly equipped and is bound to drpw. A sweet place.1 ' 10 cents admission will be charged in the evening, with plenty of'thances for spending money besides. Ana it is aii lor a aepor, parte: iu uie gateway of the city. For Killing Deer. ' J. M. Rica, ' Frank Rice and Thosr McQueen, prominent residents of the I Sweet Home country, were brought before Justice Swan, who sent it back to sweet Home, where it hail ,been be gun and transferred to Albany by the' deputy game warden without authority. Thnv nrA nppnaprl n? Irtllino-. fnmala deer. . ) ouerht to reDond to the above notice quickly so that the comm i'.tee will be able to accommodate an persons wno IU11, JV 111 KVUU 3l V :. , , ni ' I mL timber and pasture, good hop yard beioi to tne nnne witn rooms, iw on place and produce! 2400 lbs hops 'pp! wh Vfr'iZ'L0 ner acre Most all A-No 1 bottom Pilgrimage of Al Kader Shrine on next in the state. Buildings good, and . ?AejF:n;. J L'SA thL?" iel A fine Sine of novelties arriving for the holidays. Up-to-date goods, Choice cut glass running water the year can at tliis time give you a bargain on this place. Terms can be made. yio. 22 170 acres close to Albany and R. F. D. station, most all in culti vation, fair buildings, 60 acres in clover, fine fruit land, arid is situat ed well for dividing into small tracts. No. .23 50 acres, all beautiful land, small house, good barn, 6 acres A " No. 1 apple orchard; all in cultiva tion, ocnooi close ro place.. I have some small tracts of good land close to Albany, with or without buildings. Call at my office for in formation.? ). V. Firn, , 203 West 2nd St. WI LL THE JEWELER. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Have a good . list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ing you anyplace yo'u wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buving see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. Office."236West First St , CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE No. 1 Good house of 7 rooms, 7th St. West Albany; large lot; is a bar gain. Price $1800.00. No. 2. 2'cottages, East Albany, price $S0p.00 each. No. 3 Good house of 7 rooms and some furniture With it, 2 lots, also barn, East Albany. Price $1400.00. No. 4 Good 5-room house and 2 nice lots. Price $1600.00. East Albany. No. . 5 Good 2-story house of 6 rooms, barn and buggy shed, East Albany. Price $2100.00. io. o (jood house of 6 rooms, with 3 lots. West Albany. Fr ee S2300.00. No. 7 Good 8-room house, bath and electric lights, lot 50x100 ft, situat ed on Montgomery it. fnce $3000. io. e :ice nopse ot rooms and beautiful lots, well located, and a lucrative business in connection with it. This is a snap if taken sobn. Call and see me for informa tion. J. V. PIPE. 203 West 2nd St. spond to this call Chicken Ta males and Oysters ELITE Chocolate Shop Lacomb. 4 boys. 3eirls 7. 122 days attendance. Scio. 15 boys, 14 girls 29. 519 days attendance. Plainview. 5 boys, 9 girls 14. Total 191 boys, 252 girls443. The Toledo. A new steel range, with a cooking plate on top, a model modern . Btove No blacking. Keeps clean. Just take a look, at it. At Albany Hd. Co's. Come t& our store and see the new dainty patterns in Wall Paper, New, clean, stock' just arrived, many new shades in brown and olive. Let us help you fix the dining room, parlor, or hall. Prices correct. Burkhart & Lee. Married N Roy Garrett and Miss Ada Cochran, prominent yonng people of Brownsville, were married at the M. E. parsonage, by Rev. Gordon, today. The groom is the W. F exDressman at Brownsville, NIGHT AT THIS IS DISH DREAMLAND. Follow the crowd to the Idle Hour. LOST. Fur boa, somewhere in city. Return to A. II. Parsons jewelry store. ' D. B. ADAMS, VACUUM CARPET Agent for the ONWARD SHOE. SWEEPER. SLIDING WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and. FINE REPAIRING ' . 113 BR0ADALBIN STREET. OVER COAT and CRAVENETTE SEASON Walter Parker, The "OLD RELIABLE" Uli k A full line of choice nursery stock. Order now, for Fall delivery. Phne Red 871 . - Office 312 W. 6eeond St. J. F. PEIRCE. Manager. Albany Supply Company Grocer and; . r Baker Z16 WK6T FIB8T 8TKEETALBANT OKEQOH.3 ' First class goods in their season. ' Phont Main 68. Tn frilita. VPfret-nhlna antra, mifi confectionary, wrapping paper, twine We also have the agency for Pyramid uuiueii viaie ceiueiiL, iiymp;c lime Arden plaster. .Get prices bef jre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones, M&in 5 Bell, 3 Home. G.E.METZGUS & SON, Sheet Sanitary Plumbers and Meial WorKers. Our nntrnn art nnciirnrl nf ofrif tl.. first-class work, prompt service ant! resisunaoie prices. Eave trough, conductors, roofing and general joooi.-,g. opecintations turn-! shed. Estimates cheerfully eiven. Trym. 201 E.Tirsc St. Bo: h Phone THEY ALL LOOK ALIKE IN PRINT A comparison ' different. ' ' will show that ours is lhat is not There is a distinctiveness shown in ordinary makes. Ours' were made up for this particular trade, and according to our own designs. QUALITY first-price next. .' Moderately Priced , $10 to $25 BOYS OVERCOATS $3.7S up. Everything NEW. he Blain' Clothing Co. Albany - Oregon'