GROWING ALBANY. The following from the Portland Journal is -wimple of. how Albany is attracting attention: For October the postoftice receipts show an increase of 24 per cent over the same month last year at Albany. The fees for real estate transfers in the recorder's office arc the largest yet known in that city. Much street pav iinr has been done, and of public and private improvements the year has seen many. The general air is one of activity, and the whole .city move ment U in line with progress. Albany is in the center of the famed "Willamette valley. It is the meeting point of more railroads than any other up-to-date city in Oregon. It is in the midst of an agricultural region of great fertility and enormous possibili ties. It has astipulation that was a pioneer in the means and methods of pirMic activity. It is a population that has always nestowcil liberally on en terprises and establishments that promised to aid the general welfare. Albany' is type of the original Ore gon town of pioneer days that. has caught the stride of progress and is awakening into a new civic and indus trial life, its position within the ra dhis of steamboat navigation will give it an immense impetus when the Willamette river is finally opened to irec navigation. lime will densely populate the sparsely peopled Orciron. and one of the beautiful and important cities m that day will be Albany. JABS. By Jones Nobody wants the north pole, any now. Let Cook or Peary or the Es quima have the old tiling. We have Linn county which is enough for any mortal man. We can raise more stuff than all the arctic regions. The republican assembly boomers arc now trying to assure the rank and file that they will not do anything to the primary but help it along a iittle ana improve the thing in a tew spots. If (the assembly outfit keeps on its soothing it may make us believe that it is the only .protector the direct pri mary and statement one; has left in the world. I Farmers are often given to think that they own the land. In Portland they are selling corner lots SO by 100 feet for $450,000. How many acres oi $100-land would it take to equal one of those corner lots? How many acres of timber land assessed". it $15 an acre? We have water power enough in .- Oregon to pay half the taxes of the slate. It is all grubbed and mostly held for speculation. It should be listed for its full value, WHAT SPRAYING WILL. DO. An Albany man gave the Democrat the following from an Eastern paper, as showing what spraying will do, and now is the t"nc to spray: Nearly e- -one strives to make a record of r-.j. kind, but it remained for .Mrs. Viola Widney to lake the re cord for clean apples. For the past two years she lias been making a strenuous effort to free her orchard of the codling moth and has accomplish ed the end as far as it seems possible to do so. To be sure that no wormy apples were packed she offered her packers a royally of live cents for every wormy apple found. Last week she finished packing 1 100 boxes of Jonathan appU-s and was only out 30 cents as a result of extra fee fin' the finding of wormy, fruit. Or in other words onlv six wormy apples were touitd ia 1 ll'O box This thai if proper methods are employed the wormy apple is something which can be easily elim inated. AN ELECTION SUGGESTION. l-'ditor Democrat: It appears to nie as a citizen and taxpayer that it would be the proper thing to re-elect the present mayor and the outstanding councilinen, leav ing the entire council as now -constituted to suncrinletul the affairs of our city lor another term. The active, en ergetic work of Dr. Wallace, has gone far towards obtaining our new depot, vtii- paved streets, and other improve ments which should ikj! be forgotten, ami the new city hall, and sewer iin- iroverm-;il.-. i-i the tern part ot the eitv. lecouimeiuleil ny nun, in my li mi. in niv judgment can be best carried out by cici'liug him lo another term. Albauv, Or., Nov. S, 191W. CITIZEN. ri-..r nmi-f. i ntat'rb in this sac4.;ct: v. uie euuiiiiy Hum uii other diseases tint together, anil until the litHt few ars was supposed to be incurable. ! or a great many years uuciors pronouncea it a luciil disease aiul prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing t curt; wiiti local ireatntcnr., iirnnniineeo it incurable, science has proven lurrh lo be a constitutional disease anil therefore require!) constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufact ured I y J. Cheney & Co., Ohio, is the only constitutional euro on the market, ll is taKen internally in doses from 10 drops to a teasi'ooful. It acts directly cn the blood and r.iucoun sur saees of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Sen! for circulars and testimon ials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0. Sold bv Urutriitsts. Tac. Take Hull's Family Pills for consti r.lton. The rough weatbor is recounted for. The clear weather Hag rot enuglit on ih.. ooie at French's mid is lodged at halt mast. Bi t we can't have good weather t o time. all Fill yoar pur.e mum fair. before .k- C H NEWS Deeds recorded: Oilman French to E. H. French, trustee, 8 lots, Harrisburg $ 800 E. II . French to Ed. Wilhclm, 2 lots 31: Ed Ilolloway to Mary F. Powell, i.ol acres .- J Ed. Ilolloway to W. S. Powell, 1.61 acres 1 C. W. Bogart to M. H. Bogart, 40 feet, Lebanon a 10 E. E. Taylor to Arthur Gardner, - 6 acrci , 900 L. H. Fletcher to C. H. Witman, and wife, 80 acres 4000 L. H. Fletcher to J. ii. Eddy, 73 acres 5000 J. K. Morris to Nancy O. Cou- cy, 2 lots Lebanon : 500 Jos. Bcnner to A. Pitcher and wife, lot Lebanon 500 J. R. Kcebler to B. F. Lutz and wife, 4014 acres 4000 W. A. Saltmarsh to J. R. Round, 320 acres 10 Archie E. Gardner to E. E. .Tay lor, 6 acres COO Mortgages for $160,$3500, $225, $900, $1250, $2500, $3400, $900. Releases for $550, $1500, $370, $2000. Marriage licenses: Jas. ..Allen O'Neill, aged 31, of Corvallis, and Georgia Vivian McCarthy, aged 30, of Albany; Walter E. Meyer, aged 22, and Myrtle Turnidge, aged 19, of Crabtrec. I New suit: I. D. Stephens and wife agt. R. D. Cannon et al. To quiet title to 106 5-8 .-teres tp 13, 3 west. J. In. Duncan, attorney. Deeds recorded: .T A Willnrrl tn .lohn C. T.i'Hn G 10 acre .... $ 2o60 Jas. bhclton to Hainan Shelton & wife 238 7 acres 4100 Bertha Worn.ll to J. A. Willard & wife 80 acres, 10 Leslie L. Viereck to J. A. Wil lard & wife 160 acres 12 3 K. . 10 Patents Leslie L. Viereck and Bertha G. Worrell. LINN COUNTY COUNCIL. On Saturday, Nov.' 6th, tliu Linn County Council met in the hall of Crowfoot Grange near Lebanon. It was a bcaiituul day. the sun shone brightly, and regardless of the muddy condition of the roads quite a number of faithful patrons were pres ent, and enjoyed the hospitality of one of the, most prosperous granges in our county. Six granges were represented.' The exercises commenced with a song. The lime until the dinner hour was fullv oecuuied with the regular order i of business. 1 lie uiniier was a line one. uer noon session was public and a nuin ,ber of invited guests were present, some of whom took part in the liter ary program which consisted of reci tations, select readings and music. The literary exercises is one of the most ii.ipoi lant parts of grange work, for we of' en receive assistance from visitor.- v. ho are not members, which makes a ;jood impression and has a leude'--v to increase the interest ill the n-i 'ii. Excellent remarks were made I- liros. - l.ibby, Powell, Lind ley, .VT'jr and Froman. A rc.ohilion was passed strongly opposing the calling of a constitution al convention. . ... The next meeting will be heid ill the hall of Western Star Grange, l)ec. 4th, when much business of im nnrfinrc is likely to conif Up for con-!-i''.'.;r;.!:tii. Alter spending the day ,1. we 'all departed for our J. H. S. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. Chrysanthemum phone Main 46. Juut received car of Olympic Flour at your grocer's. $1.00 per Eack. Uinget Herman jr. is thought to have boen drowned near Marsnneiu. A Portland woman has secured a di-, i i. i..,.i,,i' naitnH lioi- an -obnoxious weed. ' ., e.,r. nun ... f. n o. 1;, , ila , , 0iii(.0. not biir enough , r . t. now for the work of the city. Jack Lupton, of Eugene this week II 1 tfO.m 1 -HI ,l,- in Jt'idge Harris, for violation of the local option law. Judge Harris has the cor- reel idea. , - Kogeburg has eliminated its profos- sional oooster trom .us commercial cuto mill hereafter its stenographer will at: ; tend to the work The emu hicks me nums ior uum. Joe Matlock, of Eugeno, was tound j cuiliy lor criminal assault upon a yjung irl of tho city. Ho will be sentenced Friday, wish a penalty of one to live years facing him. Hayes. St. Ives, Marsh nn.l FitZR-er-gcruld. tho four greatest Marathon runners in tho world, are in Portland, and will have a race. The men have becomo professionals and are going over tho county giving races. William Hittle Wells, the publicity man of tho llarriman syndicate, has altxivn ii nr,iforinc for Meilford bv in- .. . - ." . - i.., - 'irirti, vesting $imuu 101 a tuui.i uh uv a-hh, a-hu. and Central live . upon which he will 1 Sale dates Nov 18 and 19th. Chil erect a brick block. ' lren under 12 half fare. See the great - - y 1 Annual Game between the two leading Get your lunch Ml P-.'.'.eTfr.oethservi d colleges or the state, by beautiful Hutch .:;::.;!c::s all after-j For rates, schedules, etc . rail on any noon and evening. Southern Pacific Agent or ons Dutch Hooth. Wednes.lav and Tluirs-i Wm. MoM l'kr w. i nay uuenioou and evenings, special i lunch served from 5 to 7 at the Armory. Tho Boston Jubilee singers gave a con cert last evening at Baasard Hall, upon only a lew hour's notice by hand bills. Tea end h mne made cookies will be served at t'-e Japanese booth, from 4 to t. durirg the. mum show. This will to the 'be made a social hour. Some of Al bany's loveliest young liidies will be there to serve you. MISFITS. Chrysanthemum week. Piediction: A busy week. Albany is a bjg butter maker too. Mr,Taft is going to talk witfi-the in surgents. Favors are always slab-sided Unless two sided. ' Spend doodles of money at the fair, for the park. . Dates to remember 10 and 11, keep mum about the mums. Don't Just now the depot park is the cen ter of thought. Boost it. Korea will be just a crease spot when Japan gets through with her. ' The women can vote in Colorado, but it is wet. No they are to be put to the test, with a campaign in Denver. An aviator has been arrested in Paris for fast driving. When he really gets down to business there will be some thing doing. A Kansas City woman who has had six husbands, says no more wedding bells for her. And the poor husbands, think of them. A new ordinance in Tacoma prevents the shouting of wares in the early morning, which hits the newsboys. Ta coma is a sleepy city anyway. Jack Johnson was recently knocked j ut in a saloon row. He is going the years 57.4. It is rare .that, uregon ' wneat goes Below tu pounas. Linn ; county wheat is generally 62 pounds. jn i. :..i.:n vciv uuiitti auwir at. iiicLaiiuvaiwtii mean that Albany people win reap) pride and joy in a beautiful park at the gateway of our city, in thespring time. There is a well developed lake all ready for the depot park. It is said to be stocked w'ith fish, one of the men in the freight deDOt yesterday see- ing some jump up, evidently Saving gotten in from the canal. District Attorney Fickerk of San Francisco is an old foot ball star, and Goo. McMillan, of Portland, ;gave him his start. McMillan says he is honest, and will run things himself, and that no thuir element will dictate his policies. A minister requested hats off, and one of the first was an old lady with a bonnet that made no difference anyway, appreciating the power of example. Unless the choir with their millinery I and back seatevs all fall in line the hats off is some what of a farce. ' People are beginning to find out that Albany is becoming a BUTTER center, and have been able this year to get it in anv desired auantitv. With the snirit of boosting that is abroad in Al bany and vicinity, it seems that one of the best boosters we have is the prices that are being paid for butter fat. We can hardly see how people of Linn Co. knowing the above facts, boosting for their home and home industries, can afford to ship their cream elsnwhere. Some Game Cases. Two men named Pugh and Murphy were tried at Sweet Homo Monday charged with killing doe. They were acquitted,' Hie evidence not being sui ticient. tieorge ts.oeney was me deputy game warden in the case. Keen- cv and the three witnesses in it, were l' the l"day st '3 saU1 b'.n8 hore ' to have another case prosecuted. ' In Dreamland. The electrical and mechanical effects are bewildering and keep the audience bordering betweenlnughter and awe. No small part is played in the dream , ny an raise liiuiau magieian nu iui- nier graduate from Keilar and Thurs ton's black art academy. Is'einher pains nor expensn have been spared in the production and Mr. Devoy's sup porting cast is one of unusual strength lino capability. At the Opera houss Friday night. Football ! Football ! At University Campus Eugene.' FRIDAY, NOV ICMBER 19, 1909. Tho Southern Pacific Company will make n round trip rate to Eugene and from all stations Portland to Hnsebnrg .elnsivo of ONE AND ONE-THIRD UAPP ticnrral t'assenger rtgenr , For, 'and. Ore. The carnival lark. is on. Hooray for tin Si okane is runnini over with thus, ;hc jail is crowded to the limit. TELEGRAPH. CONDUCTOR JflLLED. Waitsburg, Nov. 10. -Wm Fiester, a conductor on the O. R. & N. slipped beneath the wheels of a train here to day and .was instantly killed. Big Verdict. PORTLAND, Nov. 10. Mrs. GadSby got a big verdict of ?8J00'against her I nusuana. Herman Drowned Marshpield, Nov, 10. There is no doubt it was Binger Hermann Jr, drowned in the Coouille Sundav nitrht. Plans Approved. Washington, Nov. Wmu' Caflwl tary approved the plans of the 0, R N. bridge at Portland. Finch Case, Salem, Nov. 10. No decision in the i Finch case by the Governor yet. I ' Hew York, Nov. 8. -An explosios 1 at a comb factory resulted in a panir followed bv eieht emDlovees and the manager dead, others may be in the! Loadow Nov 8 Enffland has lat ' lADOK Nov. 8. ngland.has let the contract for two Dreadnaufchts-at $20,000,0y0. I Salem, Nov. 8. The Finch petitioD j was fijed with the Governor today,. I was signed by a number of Albany j peopleT Neither prosecutor or trial.! judge has signed Portland, NoV. 9,-Distriet Attor- i ev Cameron dashes Finch's hones. hv -,;,. ,h. ,. aj jii6,.' replyiBg to the- governor, and advises- 1 was a brutal crime and warrants the Irfootl, oif i m.h ubuni,,. Rai.P.M. Nnv. 9-. Thft anrvrpme rnnrl-. ! jjQjjg that a uaiver3ity town with orition of this notice, and if you fail to without local option, has the right to : s? appearand answer for want .there- (15)- northeast quarter- OA), north,.intHn,t nhM:?f Pmt?. "PS? lo. tn?' Court west quarter .() and southeast quar- ,uS ! lor. tiio rciiet prayec tor in tna com- lnfS3$ihtLpM"t- lir declaring them common T)e. rc,icf prayc for ; tr,e. oonb. nuisances. in( is .th;iJ t)lc defendants be ro- MANILA, Nov.. 9-Fnra thousand are , quirc((' to set fortirfully the nature of homeless in a typhoon track of last j their -claims,ai. or to the following, de-j Sunday on Isanary island, and crops scribed lands.'sittiated as follows: are destroyed. In Kenton Ounty,. Oregon. i Sombrville. Nov. 9. Prof. Ev'erton I Northeast quarter Oa.), southeast put Robert Simpson under hypnotic in- Uiuarter OA), southwest piartev(M), fluences before in audience ist night, . and southeast quarter OA) ot the and th) latter died'in a cataleptic state, northwest' quarter. OA) 9 see""-; 1 1 thirty-six (36), township thirteen (13) . SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of i Oregon for the County of Linn, De partment No. 2 Fred Holzfuss, plaintiff, vs. Herman Molzfuss, Bertha Krccker, Emil J. llolzfuss, Johanna Leih, Olive Holz fuss, G. H. Rrecker, Wilhelinina Holzfuss and I ciiry Lieb, defendants. To Herman Holvfuss, Bertha Krecker, Emil J. Holzfuss, Johanna' Lieb. Olive Holzfuss. G. H. ' Wil helinina Holzfuss and Henry Leib, the above named defendants. In the Name of the State of Ore gon, You arc hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff, in the above entitled court, now on file witli the clerk of said court, within ten days from the dale of the service of this Summons upon you, if served in Linn County, Oregon: but if served in any other county of the State of Oregon, then wit bin twenty days from tile date of the service of this Summons upon you. but if served by publication then within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons up on you and van are notified fjiat if you out lo appear ami answer saiti com plaint as hereby required the plaintiff will take a decree for a partition or a lie of the following described prem ies, to-wit: Lots one and six in sec tion one, and lot one in section two, all in Tp. 10 S. of K. one E. of the Will. Merd. m I. inn County, Oregon: tbo eight acres in lot 5 m Sec. 3o I p. 9 S. of R. 1 E. of the Will. Merd, in I .inn Countv. Oregon, and more par- ticnlarlv described as being situated and Iviug in the southeast corner of S. 35 S.' R. 1 K. oi the Will. Merd. in I. inn Countv. Oregon, containing S I.45 acres. And vou are llerebv fur- tiler notified that the ccmrt will be aked to decree that plaintiff's interest in said premises to lie 1-5 thereof in fee. And that the defendant Herman 1 1 ol,:i'u.-' intei'ot in said premises- to be 1-5 thereof. And that the defendant liertlia Krecker' interest ill said prelus ive to be 1-5 thereof. And that the de fendant Kniit J. Holzfuss interest ill said premises to be 1-5 thereof. And that (he defendant Johanna Liebc in terest to be' 1-5 of said premises 'in t-c. And costs and disbursements and attorney's fee to be paid .equally bv the above parties. J. J. WHITNEY. Attorney for. Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Xolive is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate f S. T. Crooks, deceajcjl. has tiled i-ir final account in said estate with ti:e County Clerk of l.inn County, Vci;on. and the County Judge has t the 20th dav oi December. 19(10, 11 the hour oi 10 o'clock a. 111. and the C-.-unty ciun remit of said County a ti e time and place for hearing ohiec 'm::- to said tinal account ami the set ,ieruent thereof. :' RY lOSlTHIXF- CROOKS. 1... I.. SWAN". , Admrx. Attorney for Admrx, " OREGON. A Campaign for Publicity, Portland, Or., Nov. 9. Under the banner of the Oregon Development League, the state has never taken a more decided forward movement in community publicity than now. During the past week,under the di rection of the. Oregon Development been held in various parts of the state. I League, remarKanie meetings nave Tremendurus interest has been shown every wnere. Lebanon raised a miblicitv fund of " " '"." meeung, Corvallis has just organized a wo-1 .UA,.i hi ( Silverton, at a meeting during the, astweek, raised a fund of over $2000 that will still further increase. A t strong commercial club has been organ ize viui over w memoers. ocio anu jenerson are in line tor their share of publicity, having eaeh raised $000 for development work. , Glendale, at a meeting Friday, ! hundred and twenty ,(320) aires, showed a splendid get-together spirit. Northwest. quarter 04), southwest The centuary of the first American quarter 04) of section thirty-six (36),. settlement on the Pacific Coast will be 'township twenty-five (25). south,' range celebrated by Astoria in 1911 and plans eight (8) west, containing thrie huii- nuau mc uusauv ucicg ui - Establishment of a. direct steamship line between Portland and Antwerp . was announced this week. 1 Thousands of new settlers have come to Oregon and Washington durinir. the ; period that the low one-way colonist rates were in effect-and are now build ing permanent homes here. SUMMONS. seven (7) vust, containing six hun In the Circuit Court or. the- State of dred and forty (640) acrts. ' - Oregon for the County of Limi. ,VnV L Urewstcr, administrator, with the will annexed of' the-estate of GeorKe Baldwin,' deceased, Ptaintiff, N. V. Sorenson, George Sorenson, s. A. D. Putcr; Wade H. Richardson ail(i CharJes G. ForSter, Defcn&nts. To ' Wade H. Richardson, and Charles G- Forster, of the above "J"0?. defendants: In "'e iamei ' ,thc SUta ?fl rc" 8B,,: "ou are hereby required to-ap- "X'Tllutf iuUZH prescribed En the order for the publi- r , "CT , Kfr ,i, ii .i,, f nn,!, .""j- 1909-: said diiv beioir the expiration r( aiv Ti....L-a mm Tircf nnMiVn- noiiiin. i .iii atywt nvii, , ing live huimrcu m:aa twenty taai; acres.. - In Clackamaa- County,, Oregon All', of section, sixteen (16), town ship seven (7) south,, range three.- (3) east, containing six hundred and-" for ty (640) acras. -In Coos Comity, Oregon North half OA) of the southwest qliaitei 04J- of aeertion sixteen iuo) township twenty-nine (29) south, ; range fourteen (14) west, containing-. All of section sixteen (16), town eighty. tSO) acres. ' i ship thirty-two (32) south,, singe one All of section sixteen (16), township ) (It), east, containing; six hundred and twentv-eighit (-28) s.otith, range nine j forty (640) acres. (9) west, containing six hundred: and , West half (',) of northwest quarter forty (640) acres. I ('A), north half OA) of southwest Northeast .iuartc.r OA),' northwest 1 quarter (,'4)'of section thirty-six (36), quarter 04.Y, southwest quarter OA), township thirty-two (32) soiith, range north half O2) of the southeast quar- three (J) cast, containing- one hun ter OA) nnd the southwest quarter! dred and sixty (160 acres. -04), of the- southeast quarter 04)' of I fn Lane County, Oregon section thirty-six (36), township All of section thirty-six (36), town-twenty-eight (28 sooth, range-nine, ship seventeen (17south, range three (9) west, containing-six huiidrcd'(600) ; (3f east, containing six l'ruudrcd and acres.. Northeast quarter OA), northwest quarter OA), southwest quarter 04), west half OAi) of southeast quarter (Vp, and northeast quarter (A)- f southeast quarter OA) of section six teen (16), township twenty-eight (28) south, range ten (10) west, contain ing six hundred (600) acres. Nmtheast quarter (A) -md south east quarter 04) of section thirty-six. (3(r)s township twenty-eight-. (2HV soutli. range ten (10) west, containing: tbriT liuniireUand twenty (320) acres. Southwest quarter OA) 1 north east quarter OA) northeast, quar ter t'j) of northeast quarter C4. northwest quarter (Mof north east quarter (l4) of section sixteen (16) township twenty-tight (28) south, range eleven (11) west, con taining one hundred and tnenty (120) acres. Southwest quarter Op! of section sixteen 1. 16), township wventy-eight (28) south, range twelve (12 west containing one hundred and sixty (Hid) acres. Southeast quartiY 04), (.northeast quarter 04) and northwest quarter (j) of section thirty-six, township 27 south, range eleven (11) west, con taining four hundred and eighty (480) acres. Southeast quarter OA) f northeast quarter !) of section ' sixteen (16), township twenty-six (261 south, range twelve (12) wesi, 'containing forty t-iO) acres. In Douglas County-, Oregon All of section sixteen (16), township :!iirty-nc (31) south, range one (1) wc't, containing six hundred and forty (640) ocres. Northwest quarter 0:0. southwest quarter Oi and northeast quarter Oi) oi section sixteen (16). township thirty-ore (31) south, range two (2) w-eM. .containing four hundred and eighty (480) acres. . All of section sixteen 1 16 and the foulheast quarter Oi") and the south west quarter tO of section thirty-six (361 in township thirtv-onr (31) south. range -three (.3) west, containing nine hundred and sixty (960) acres. Northeast quarter OA), northwest quarter- OA) of section sixteen (16); and the northwest quarter OA) and southwest quarter of V section thirty-six (36) in township thirty-one (31) south, range eight (8) west, containing-six hundred and forty (640) acres. All of section sixteen (16), town ship thirty (30) south, range nine (9) west, containing six hundred and forty (640) acres. Northeast quarter OA), southeast quarter OA) and east halt' OA) of the west half 02) of section sixteen (16), township twenty-nine (29) south, range eight (8) west, containing four hundred and eighty (480) acres. Northwest quarter (54), northwest quarter ('4) of southwest , quarter 04), west halt 04) and northeast nl,Hn, ,II f nnl,Bn -,.-, ,v- ft.- of sectioii thirtv-siv (Ifi) townshin ZJZr ,o ..,',:: .1.,,. j j and twenty (320) acres. V-.l.- .-- r I .4.1. wffst ,,, ) nf f,nn sivr,,,. (1'6) township twenty-five (25) south, r,nm, ,,,t ,m ., ,.::- ' - uicu iwiu iweniy VJUI acres. ship twenty-four (24) south, range nine (9)' west, containing six Inquired and forty (640) acres. Northeast quartr 04), northeast quarter. TO of (northwest quarter -'A northwest quarter 04) of the southeast quarter 04) of section- thtrty-six I.Jo), town-chip twenty-lour (24) south,, range eight (S) west, con- . tabling twt) hundred and forty (240) -' acres. Allof section thirty-six (36), town ship twentvvfour (247 south, ranee : iNorinwcst q.uarter ana soutli- west quarter 04) of rection thirty six (36). townshin tweiitv-thrce (231'- south, range mn (10) west, contain-" ing three huwlvcd and twenty (320) i ain:s. - In Jackson Coimty, Oregpn Northwest quarter )) of northeast qiuarter 04)i wast half (?& of south- - west . quarter 04 and southeast qtiar- tir o! soluRwt 'l1111" ,f section sixteen ('16), and. the north- ilfc fX 'l :,;, 1 L '3,. (1 east, containiiig two hundred and ! A "i"' " y."- Cn,i,,, ,...,v ti ,...i,....t nuarter OA), south half ('At of north ,..,1 74 .. J""""'"'- l,l f flA .,,' nnrtt, l.nlf tiA V. F rt-tl. west quarter (J4)- of section sixteen ter (yA) ot section thirty-six (30), township thirty-five-,(35) souSh, range two (2) nst, contaiiiing 'tem hundred and' forty (1040) acres. . All of section sixteen (16), township thirty-four (34) south, range-one (1) east, containing six hundred: and forty (640 acres. Southwest quarter) 04), southwest quarter OA) of outhcasS quarter 04 south half OA) of northeast lr" a"d nor-thwestr quarter OA) of the iiorthea3t:. quarter. OA) oi auLuuu . liUL ly-six. 007 ,to-wllsllip thirty-four (34) south, range- one (1) east,' containing throe hundred and twenty (320) acres. ' All of section sixteen (16)', town ship thirty-four (34) south, range two (2). cast, containing-six hundred and : forty (640) acres. All of section sixteen (TV); town ship thirty-three (33)- soutli, range i one ( C) west, containing sirK hundred . and forty (640) 'acrts, rorty (omi) acres. West half of the- southwest quarter 0,4), and, cast haK-(K) of the south east quarter OA of section sixteen. (1'6), township sixteen (t6) south,' range one (1) west, containing one hundred and sixty- (160) acres. Northeast quarter. (J of section thirty-six (36). township- sixteen (16) -soutli, range two (2) cast, containing one hundred aiid. sixty (160) acres. North half (ViJ- of section thirty-six'N (36), township sixten :(16) south,, range ,'four (4) east, containing three -hundred and twenty (320) acres. In 1. 11111 County; Oregon All of section; six5n r (16), town ship friurtccn ,(14) south, range one (1) cast, convai'ning: six hundred audi forty (640) acces.' All of section Sfxtcen (16), town ship eleven tdt) 5.Hith, range three? (3) east, containing six hundred and: forty (640) .ures. Southwest quarter (V4 of section, thirty-six (3b), township ten ( 10)i south, rancit four (4) cast, containing: one. hundred and sixty (160) acres. .southeast quarter OA) ot section sixteen (I(j), township ten (10) south, range two (2) east, containing one hundred and sixty (160) acres: and (hat all adverse claims in or to said lands or any thereof be determined by the decree of this Court: that- by said decree it be declared and adjudged that (lie defendants have no estate, right, title or interest .whatsoever in or to said lands rr any thereof: that the defendants be forever enjoined from asserting any claim whatever in or to said lauds or any thereof and any claim therein ortbcreto adverse to the plaintiff and plaintiff' right to the control and immediate possession thereof or otherwise; for such othcr and further relief as may seem meet with equity and for his costs and dis bursements herein. Date of first publication, Oct. 22, 1909: la. Pec. 3. 191. PAI L V. CARY,' WM. T. M'CIR. . Attoruevs for Plaintiff. 1