At the Hotels. 0 H. 6. Wells, Portland. 0. C. HathawVy, Cprvallis. Chas. Williams, Portland. W. W. Powell, Tacoma. S W. Tracey. San tfrancisco. Robert H. Miller, H. W. Miller, eattle. W. T. Fay, Jefferson, Wis. . D M. Stover. Salem. ' C. S. Walker & wf. Spokane. W. H. Marvin, Portland. Bring your butter hub. cream to Albany, the ainlessDentistfy Out of town people can have their plate fished In one day -J if necessary. "Wewill give you a good t so cr g'"L .crownior S3. 50 M goia or crown I 1 iu r fi Oft I'M ; ...L 5 sn I A 22kBridKTflthO.OU ,LU kw hum. tOO wf'.. , SEnaiwl Filllnsi 1.00 'k w , BEnacrol Filllngi 1.1 S "f JT 'Jsllver Filllnrt .! ..a r n 50 piaid a.uu Beat Red Rub- WORK GUARANTEED FOR IS YEARS Palnlou Extraction i'rooulien plfttefl or bridgo irorle bordered. Conuiltotlon Froo, Yoo cannot oet bettor; pslnlou work dono anytrhoro. All work f uUy Kuar. autccd. Modern clectrlo equipment. Beet motnoda. Wise Dental Co. VEgtifSSSS PORTLAND.OREGON omos hoossi s . M. to 8 r. K. Buuiayt. to i. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. ' Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, the duly appointed, quali fied and acting Administratrix of the estate of Strauder Fromaii, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Linn County," Oregon, her final account in thr. matter of said estate, and said Court has fixed the 15th day of. No-J vembcr, 1909, at the hour of one o'clock m tlic attemoon oi saiu uay for hearing objections, if any there be, to said account and for the final settlement of said estate. Dated this 11th clay of October, 1909. OPHELIA FROMAN, . Administratrix. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: .Notice is hereby given to all whom' : it may concern that the undersigned has been duly appointed executrix of Henry A. Cleek, deceased, by the county court of Linn county, Oregon, and has duly qualified as such execu . trix, therefore all- persons having claims against the estateof said dc- cedent arc hereby notified and re- quired to present such claims, with the oroner vouchers to the under- . signed at her residence in the city of . Albany, Linn, county, Oregon, with in six months from the date hereof. Dated this. 29th day October, 1909. SARAH !M. CLEEK, . Executrix' of Henry A. Cleek, de ceased. . REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF- THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LINN COUNTY. ' . . In the matter of the application of - Clyde Thomas to register the title t! the following described real property to-wit : Beginning at a point which is south B9 degrees west u.uo cliams distant from the northeast co'rner of the Do nation Land Claim of Sarah Turner and heirs at law of Nathan Turner, .. deceased, Not. No. 5892, and Claim No. 64 in township 9, south of Range 1 east of the Willamette Meridian Oregon, and running thencesouth 5 degrees 37 minutes west 60.35 chains, thence west 20.20 chains, thence north 5 decrees-45 minutes east 60.30 chains to the north boundary line of said Do nation Land Claim, thence north 89 degrees east 20.075 chains to, the place of beginning, containing 120 acres, more or less all m Linn Comity, Ore gon, against Susan M. Goodman and all whom it ma'v concern, Defendants. To All It May Concern:, TAKE NOTICE, that on this-2Sth - day of September, A. D. 1909, an ap- pl cation was hied by said Clyde Thomas in the Circuit Court of Linn County, Oregon, for initial registra tion oi" the title of the land above de scribed. Now, unless you appear cfn or before the 8th dny of November. A. D. 1909, and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken' as confessed, and a decree wiil be entered according to the prayer of the application, and you will .'be forever barred from disputing the same. ' Witness my hand and the seal of the said Orcuit Court this 28th day oi September, A. D. 1909. (L. S.) ' J. ,V. MILLER, County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk o! the "Circuit Court of Linn County, Oregon. C. C. BRYANT, Applicant's Attorney. "ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator ' of the estate of John W Hardman, deceased, by the count court of Linn county, Oregon. Al persons having claims against saic estate are requested to present the same to J. J. Whitney, at his oftict hi Albany. Oregon, properly veriiiec' as by law- required, within six month; from the date hereof. MARY E. -TERHUNE, Admrx Albany. Or.. Oct. 1, 1909. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney. ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE To all persons having claim; again -t the estate of Ellen Cline, de ceased: N All persons having claims agains' the estate of the above named deced cut are hereby required to prescn the same to me' with the prope vouchers at the law office of W. R Bilyett in Albany, Oregon, within sb months from the date hereof. Dated this iirt day of Oct.. !X GEO. W. CLINE. Afti-iiiiitrator of the estate of Ellei r'l:.... .1-it.l ' ' 11-4 1 1 MNDAV !A WORK OF ART Is the Al Kader Pilgrimage An nouncement. Probably the fine3t thiug ever gotten out in Oregon is the ten leaf program announcement of the Pilgrimage of the Al Kader Temple, of Portland, to Al bany on Saturday, Nov. 13, a copy of which the Democrat appreciates. It is in five colors, and is a novelty in ar- rangement, a lion - with crescent and scimeter being seen through a triangu lar opening in its four leaves. The first page is in acroscic form: Al Kader iempie. uasis oi rorciana. ur. Ancient Araoic Order, Nobles ot the ...:- ol:. t:i : . iviyaLie oiiruic, riigruuaKB w niuaiij, Oregon, Second naire: Illustrious Noble At tend, Leylet et Talata, 24th day of the 10th month, hegira 1327, corresponding to Nov. 13, 1909. 3rd page. Feast of Shawwal-em-kezir. Illumined' Mosques. . brilliant minarets, glories of Mecca. 4th page. The sonorous voice, breath ing the melody of fellowship, borne up on the zephyrs, wafted to Al Kaders Oasis from the faithful of Albany, (where the abounding goodness of Al lah has showered blessings alike upon the clean and uncleanl. etc. In short. the Nobles of Albany say, "The world is ours come and get it. 5th Dace. A snecial dispensation. with announcements of the special train. Fail not to accomDanv the r aith ful on this pilgrimage or remorse and regret may consume thy sodl. otn page. -Saturday, jnov. is, dusi- ness session 2:30 p. m.. spectacular street pageant, review of the Arab patrol by the Shereef Sultana, at 4 p. ceremonial session S p.' m., tradi tional banquet, division of the loaf, tu:au p. m. . 7th page. Announcement of 60 sturdy novices to be initiated, barring accidents, before 10:30 p. m., to start promptly as the voice of Muezzin calls tne taitntui at p. m. Sth page. Announcement of the first visit ot the Arabian Troubadours, 14 in number, who will be heard as Oriental chanters. 9th page. Doing, an appeal for action and 50 plunks. lutn page. ine suspension oi z,em Zem year. y. The Weather, Range of temperature &3-45. The river is 3.1 feet. . The rainfall was a steady one, .80 Qf an inch in 24 hours. Rev: Mount, of Eugene, isinthecityj Mrs. Alice A. Hyde died at Lebanon today. Judge HewitlLwent, to Lebanon this afternoon, G. R. King went to Nashville this afternoon. The Misses Shier, of Gates, have the typhoid fever. I Mrs. Baber, -of Junction, is visiting Mrs. Geo. Thompson,' Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schulty went to Lebanon this afternoon. - 'Rawlings has the contract for the new Home directory. No. 19 from Portland this noon was on time, a wonderful event. S. U. Uartwright has won his big hop case, running for six years. Clayton Watson, of Eugene, is seri ously ill with typhoid fever. The Albany P. O. has a new stamp ing machine, one of the few in Oregon. Mrs. W. D. Mixter has returned from Minnesota, called there byhei mother's ueatn. . ine nrst Doat ot the season came up yeaieraay, ana ooats regularly -will De the. order hereafter. Sam Dolan's foot ball team at Notre Dame defeated the famous Michigan squad on Saturday 11 to 6. Reddy Adams, an Albany boy, this forenoon was fined $5 by Recorder Red field, for making a disturbance al the Opera house. North Albany men chosen for the circuit court to convene at Corvallis, Nov. 22 to serve as jurymen are J. G. Gibson and W. F. Ryalls. M. E. Dieffenbach, of Nampa, Idaho, has been in the city on an apple buying expedition. Mr. Dieffenbach is a cousin of C. R. Widmer of-North Albany. J. H. King, of New Era, this year has raised 10,000 bushels of potatoes. H. B. Mitchell, of Crautree, isn't far behind that, with about 7,000 bushels to his credit. H. T. Wentworth returned last night from Ashland, where ho has completed the bank building and has the contract for another large brick 56 by 100, which he will go to work on at once. Prof. Head and family have moveo to Albany to reside. Prof. Head is an experienced piano man and will solicit for'tl.e Eiler house. Though blind he is a splendid hand at (he busintss. The five months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Altermatt, died Saturday eveming, and the funeral services were held this forenoon at 10 o,clock at the home of the, grandfather, on 11th street. ' -A man named L'otv was arr.sted at Salem this morning for the recent bur glary at the Royal restaurant, a revol ver from J. J. Van Duzen unci, a suit of clothes from Mr. Peterson. John. Cat lin went after him. Miss Agnes Wilson, with the water company at Corvallis, spent Sunday in Albany the guest of Miss Anna Yantis, her cousin, ."ins Wi'son was one of th Yellowstone park girls, with Miss Sue Breckenrit.'ge. Twenty-seven blocks of pavement were put down in Salem this year, long blocks. Fifteen more have been con tracted for. and thirty-five in addition arp seriously considered 77, in all. Al :he n.'c-nt time, though. Euger.e is ahead on pavement. Albany ha3 23 blocks and is about third among the smaller cities. LATE TRAINS Beeause of the Tunnel No. Aceident. The Southern Pacific has k serious problem in its tunnel No. I near the California line, which recently caved in. Transferiing passengers, mail, baggage and express to tiains eacn biuc umy last sometime. Should there be hard rains it will be impossible to fix the tunnel for sometime. Io the mean tima a force of several huudred men is employed in the work of transferring. The distance is about half a mile owr the hill, and the task is a big one. A man just there says six hundred trunks wa n!lrl nn at one Dlace. Suit cases. ..... ll ,.tan hnriTA of bv the .'company with enough Then tocarythem t on rtwf nil fchnv have to do is to walk over the dirty trail. Heavv rains there will mean an all-winter job like this and trains always several nours late News from Albany's Six Early Trains. Consul Fred Fisher and wife, of Niuchang. went to Millers for a visit with Mr. Fishet's. brother Eugene. Later they will go to Merlin, where Mr. Fisher is interested in a truit farm. A. H. Sandstrom, of the Union Fur niture factory, went Portland on a bus iness trip. The factory is a busy place, making good. J. T. and H. T. Wentworth went to Portland on a-ahort business trip. .Miss Jessie Anderson returned from a visit, in T.phdnnn. Lawver S. M. Garland came down: from Lebanon, going to Portland this afternoon. 100 Years of Godless Education. Editor Democrat: The wild savages learn from the beautiful flowers and the bright twink ling stars that God has made, but our children have been tied down to lessons on Hops. cats. Donies. monkies. eames and SDorts that have diseased the soul body, mind and moral character of our race until we are near tne "jumping off" plaoo-into eternal ruin. Our nation is full of educated drunk enness. Drostitution. muroerars ana BUicides all over our good land. No lessons on thp wrongs of lying, stealing, etc. H. HANSEN, Soldiers Home, So. (Jal. Church Dedicated. The new Imnianuel Evangelical Church was dedicated yesterday, a large audience being present. Rev HornschucH- conducted the services, assisted by the pastor Rev. Geil. The chureh'cost about $5,000, the old prop erty was sold for over $4,000, .which left a deficit, after paping for the lot, $1128 Of this amount about $500 was subsribed oti Sunday, leaving approxi mately $700 .to raise. The church is a credit to the east end and deserves a leberal support. A Malsey burglary. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fox returned this morning from a Halsey visit. Mr. Fox reports a burglary there last night. Some burglars entered the store of M. V. Kuntz, getting some tools from the car shop, and shot off three charges of nitro glycerine in the safe, blowing the outsidedonrs open, when they ses-m to have gotten frightened and skipped, being unable I o get through the inside doors in their hurry. The noise awaken ed several, among others Mr. and Mrs. Fox, who were sleeping on the opposite side of the street. Several rushed to the store, but the men had gotten away, getting nothing for their trouble. At, the Hotels. G. E. Newtcn, Independence. Wm. Greenhazen. Junction. H. G. Walling, Portland. ' R. T. Shiner, tjates. R. A. Smith, Salem. Ij. A. Newton. Portland. R.. W. McLeod. A. J. Bherrill, Portland. Miss G. V. McCarthy, Grants Pass. .las. A, O'Neill, Corvallis. John B. Miln? & wf, Corvallis. A. Hobson, Salem, .- - Albany Third. In the regiment shoot, which ended Saturday, G Co. of this city mrdo a good showing, with a record of 611, giving them third place. Prof. Marquam and the Karsten brothers and Wilson did the woik Xor Albany, making some good scores. Cottage Grove was first with 652 ard Dallas second with 630. The individual scores of the Albany men was: the Karsten boys 157, Prof. Marquam 154, Wilson 143. Dairymen's Convention. The annual convention of the Oregon State Dairy Association will be held in Portland December 9 and 10. There will be n cash prize of SIM offered bv the Portland Flouring Mills Co. and the Portland Commercial Club will en tertain the visitors. Chief Rawl of the dairy department, Washington, D. C, will De present. Attacked by a Dog. Frances, the seven year old daughte; of Mr. Peter Freerksen of near Shertd, Saturday evening was bitten in th face by the shepherd dog of a neifihbor, hc-r face being cut up in a frightfu' manner. Dr. Marks of halsey was seni for, and sewed up and dressed tht wulitus, bad encs. The dog wes si.ot 37C FOR BUTTER FAT. The Albany Creamery Association yesterday afternoon held its monthly meeting, when the business of the month was computed. It showed a great increase and an average of 37 cents paid for butter fat where delivered at the creamery, and 30 cents where called for. This is said to be the most of anv creamery in the Valley. ahead of - the rWtinnd, : Corvallis and Salem prices, a pointer, for dairy men. The Association is nrenared to handle twice as much butter-fat as it is, and the more it uses the better will be the price, for the dairymen get the ben efit. Help make Albany the butter making hub ot tne Valley. Jingles. McKlnley is out, But he's been about All the lime. Mums the word. The best heard This week. The Japs are coming All a running r'or the show. Fitty turkey gobblers Will be changed to warblers For Al. Kader. ' The best stores of any Are at Albany, The Hub. Young People Will Hold Services. The executive committeeUof the city Young People's UnionJJat ajjmceting last night seoured the services'of Miss Hplen Marcus to lead them in a series of meetings, beginning next week. These meetings will be for the better- ment of the young people of the city, and in Whicn tney may everyone .nave apart. . . . A splendid, enthusiastic spirit IS evi- dent among them and they mean busi- ness. , - The time and place uf the meeting has not yet been decided upon. This, and an outline o the work will be pub lished later, 1 Let everybody boost for the young i D. W. Merrill went tq Eugene last night. ) Bowling has begnn at the Also Club i alleys. . C. 1 Cl.l.l - . t .. ... ' I 1 St' r,'u3' wa9A-l ar"l Miss Mamie Swan of Lebanon, is vis- itino- at tha hnmn nf Mva RnnW King at the home of Mrs. Bodley. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Durbin, of Wald- port, returned homo this afternoon. ii.iBses Smith and McCoy returned this noon from a Corvallis visit. v . . S. K, Hartsock.of Corvallis, returned this noon from a Portland trip. T A Ckn... 1 .1 J! A toria, wnere he has been looking after the big mill. Mrs. Borer, of Toledo, arrived this noon on a visit with her sister. Miss 1 Helen Smith, of the Worth Western Co. j Mrs. William Crane retnr..ed this noon from a visit with list- mother Mrs. i Nutting, of Portland. Claude Whitehorn, of Corvallis. had a jaw broken in a game of foot ball be tween Corvallis and Independence. Tu., r-u..4. 1 : a l. rasbyJune. There are 2300 men at work on the line, with five steam shovels and 800 teams. Miss Wright of the state library com mission, successor of Miss Cornelia Marvin, came up this noon to help un tangle some things at the library. J. C. Mtyo, of .Spokane, former passenger agent on the C. & E., has been in the city, with hisnon Walter, who has charge of his farm neat Lyons. Whiio hnnting in the mountains re - recently Scott Ward and VV. W. Ailing- ham are reported to have gotten lo3t in an old cabin. They are keeping itquiet. J. B. Hartog, the Eugene; booster, refuses to officiate longer in the Dosi. sition at any price. He has done his nwiR ni.i, iivvig auu 11. lias UCCU tX big one. ; . . The girls club of the college had an initiation last night and there was something doing. Two" victims were taken on calls in odd costumos, and made to do numerous stunts. nn.t , , -, ,fin ; ... unn i Mrs. Ida Smith and baby of The Dalles, arrived, ihianooc on a visit with the former s brother, Superintendent Jackson. Mrs. Smith is a former clerk in the Hamilton Store. H. Barnes has returned from Barnes, Crook counly, greatly improved in health, after several months there with his son Harry, the postmaster at. oarnes, aner wnom ine place is named This is near the well known ilackle- man farm. Tho handbag of Mrs. Shew, ost in the country was found, with some glasses and her. creamery book, b':t the. purse and about $15 in money inside had been taken out, showing that the finder erai years ha9 been cae(j to the pas. proposed to keep the property, the same torat of the Kirst Presbyterian church as.steaiir.i u. of Ironton, Ohio, a city of 15.000 or The room of the Albany Commer- 20,000. He was installed on Oct. 22. cial Club is fast becoming a museum of Hi brother Rev. Tnimhull Lee d'd'v art and interesting things. Something ered the sermun. A feature of Rev. new is the splendid collection of the Lee's work is an open door at the par Linn county schools at the Lewis and sonage every Monday night. Rev. Lee Clark exposition, complete, a fine trib- is a former Albany College student, ute to the nigh class of our schools'. . brother of Rev. Wallace Howe Lee.and The Ashland Record calls Tom. Rich- many Albany peoplo are interested in arrison a liar and numerous other 1'" work proving a marked success. , things, and also hits the mossoack and , pilferers of the valley who killed the ' vTam0uehtgRuW thyan the New Home Telephone Directory. Rockefeller syndicate. Oregon against the world. Three Copy will be giver. Into the hands of Oregonians, Sam Dolan. Geo. Philbrotik the piinter for Home TelcpVno -lireci- ami Dimmy Dimmick were members of ory not later tni-n Nov lliih Thi.- tlu; llotre Damo team that defeated direilory will Bho, ;ly one tht- great Michigan aggregation 'Satur- thouarlj telephone; in op.Tatio i on thi day. Notre Darhe is liable to be the All &ny Exchange. Sand us your or middle west champions this year. di-'S. COMMERCIAL CLUB Wants Albany Well Treed. Present President Davis, Secretary Van Winkle, Manager Struble, Treas urer Bain and Directors Fre tch, Veal, Dawson, Lee, Cameron, Ellis, Bower sox, Fortmiller, Stewart, Miller, Raw lings and Nutting. ' Dr. bllis read the report uf the tree committee, recommending a uniform system, not haphazard planting, but leaving present trees undisturbed, six to a block, a uniform distance apart being desired, and that the committee secure a suitable man to look after tree plantipg. The committee on booklets thought they should be kept in the rooms, that the real estate men should use them according to their subscription, and it was moved that they should pay the postage. The matter of a sign was referred to the president, secretary and manager with power to act. The waterway policy of the National Rivers and Harbor Congress was en dorsed. N. D. Pratt was voted unanimous thanks for a couple fine mission chairs presented the Club. ?123 o? last mqnth's dues were re Dorted collected in addition to former report. A letter from M. Miller of Seattle in reference to an overall and jacket fac tory, with request for stock aubscrip tjiQiis, was read. . The Telegram's special edition, it was announced will be out Nov. 24. News from Albany's Six Early ' Trains. Dr. J. L. Hill left, on a short business trip to Salem. The ur. is greatly e n. thiinnrl over the nrosnect of his Mexican I mine, about which there is good news right along, I M,v and Mrs. Frank Kitchen went to Portland on a few days visit, after a 0 Mr. Kitchen. j Rev ana jjrs. Jones, of Browmville, nront- tn Pnrtlnnd for & few davS. S. P. Barker, J. P. , "came down from Mrs, fiiacVivUvn arrived from Leb anon, . r n ' board, came over from Corvallis, where A -T Annerson. oi iqo w. . he had been on regency j went home. - A i-areweil Party. Miss EveJyn' Marshall last evening '"Gd crow.d ' yun ad!ea Hf nonor oi miss iwaryDene iaicotc, or Desraoines. Iowa, who will leave for home Thursday after a several monl hs'. visit at the homo of Dr. Marshall. She haB made man$ warm friends here by , her, pleasing way and exemplary char- acter and it is to ba regretted Albany , is nt tu be her home instead of Demoisnes Gnnies were played all the 55? -from s5WkB t0leap tre a"di delicnus refreshments were served some Killed in a Logging Camp. Howard Collins, a son of Charles Collins of Benton County, was killed yesterday morning in the logging camp hear Fall City, where he was at wont. ! Tne Doav was nrougnt nome tms noo I tu.. V.. ........ I -nt.. nl..nn and the funeral wiil tak-i place tomor ?17,0Z"i,LK,af- He was a age. highly Dr. George young man of 24 years'of spoken of, a nephew of Collins of this city. " Married. At the M. E. parsjnage Monday at high noon, Jpmes Allen O'Niel and Georgia Vivian McCarthy. ; The bride is a pjpular and attractive young lady, until recently, of Giants Pass, and Mr. McCarthy is manager of the Bell Telephone Co, in Corvallis, I wl!?re they expect to make their home, I Mrs. McCarthy is u cousin of Miss i Velma DayiS of this city. ' Iev. Jones Killing. Portland Journal: ' E. L. Jones of the Jacob-Stine p'any, killed a four point buck de'er last week with a shot gun, carrying No. 7 shot Jones was hunting near Glendale j Crow Creek canyon, when he saw the deer in the water. He sneaked around to1 a point within 200 feet of it and blazed away, hitting the minimal in the head. The deer weighed 143 pounds dressed. Rev. Lewis Ear!e Lee Rev. Lewis Earle Lee, who ha3 been a resident of Cincinnati!. Ohio, for sev- THE 2500. The 2500 of this city is a model in. surance Co. It has been in existence eight and one-half years and has cost the members only 44 in assessments, less than $6 a year. It costs $5 tn join, with no meetings to attend and 50 cents annual duns for expenses.? Any one may join between the ages of 18 and 45, it residents of Linn, Marion, Lane, Benton, Lincoln and Yamhill counties. The plan is so popular an organiza tion it is wanted in Portland. C. H. NEWS. Deeds recorded; J. H. Weddle to J. B. Keeney 120 acres $ 1100 Lincoln Overton to Marvin Mar tin & wife 2000 Elizabeth Wiley to J. B. Keeney 2 lots Brownsville 10 W. K. Mealey to Fred Wodtli 157.96 acres 10 D. H. Curl to N. M. Mewport 2 lots Lebanon 1500 John McCoy to fctta Wright 2 lots Mountain View ad Albany 9C0 Allen H. Brown to Lyon Lumber Co. red, "white and yellow fir timber at $1 per M. Andrew Anderson to Lyon Lumber uo. umoer at $i per M. Renl nronertv nrdnrpd sold In estate of JosephlErnstborget . New Suit: Ered Holzfuss agt. H. Holzfuss et al for partitionof property. j. wnitneyattqrney, . Marriare licenses: Cecil Harrison. 22, and Minnie Harrison, 22, Brownsville; R. D. Garrett, 21, and Ada uochran, 17, Brownsville. ALBANY , Doings !.n and Around It. Oysters at The Crest. ( How about THAT chair. Have you ordered that chair yet. Boost the Albany made chair. Hot chicken tamalies at The Crest. Pfeifler's, 229 W. 2nd street for fish. Sit down in one q! those Albany mad chairs. '.-...tHV.iS '".' . .1- , i . '. - i ..o crcar i and lun jhos at the Vienna Bakery Call and try them. I Get vourdressed chickens at Pfeiff i er's. 1 resh oysters at Pfeiffor's, 229 W 2nd St. The Albany Buttei1 & Produce Co; &r3 K?!55L Punc??, todtt 36?, u. u. luaiiy, anu win pay ,2 premium for all cream de'ivered I sweet. Watch the Democrat for change i ln P''lce- The Misses Bertha and Helen Wright will receive orders for embroidery, j painted novelties, place cards, menu : ards at their room in the Brenner block. Bell Telephone Black 2481. At home Monday tnd Thursday afternoons or by special appointment. IJI'acket, the banjojsti at the Empire, is an expert on the banjo, hard to beat. Gordon Dunn, agont for the Daily i leiegram. rnone soy nome ior it, or if mi3sed. ' By mistake the admission at the Em I pire last night was given as 10 and 15 tenia uiuieuu ox iu cenis siraignc. There I; a Balance, The apple fair committee last even ing held a meeting, and is nearly ready for the final report, a few collections are to be made yet. The total receipts were $029 and the expenses $t26, with a fraction of a dollar in each 'case, leaving a balance of about (3, which with $50 contributed by the Commer cial Club will make about $53 as a nest egg for next year. The fair was splen didly handled, and the committee is en titled to credit. Signers to the Finch Petition, The Salem Journal gives a list of prominent mop (signing the petition for the commutation .of tho sentence o J. A. Finch to life imprisonment, nmong them being Bishop Christy, J. K. Gill, Dr. Whito, vVilbur N. Coffee and Frupk Motter, of Portland: Hon. B. F. Jones. 1 of Polk county; Rev. Arrhur Lane, Hon. W. R. Bilyeu, Hon. P. R. Kelley and W. A. Eaalburn, of Albany. At the Hotels. M. B. James, Portland L. F. Hodjos, Stfattlo W. E. Ftazier, Portland E. J. Engdahl', Salefh S. Faulkner, Oakland J. N, Babson & wf, Seattle W. A. Bont, Coining, Calif. P. Kimball, Salem Carried in Seattle. Mr. A. W. Rocheford and Mrs. Nevada Medin of Albany, were united in marriage at Seattle on Sunday. The brh'o is a daughter of Judee They have the best wishes of Albany U1UUUB. ThS Weather, Range of temperature1 51-44. The river has Btarted to rise, and is 3 ' feet. The rainfall was -,30'of a foot. The prediction is: rain tonii ht and Wednesday.