JEWELRY NOVELTIES Just last week we enlarged our Jewelry Department, until now it takes a very important place among all the others. Several splendid new show cases ,' right lit the foot of the stairs to the balcony are aglow with many sparking and vari colored novelties in Belt Pins, Brooches, Necklaces, Ear Rings, Bracelets, Hat Pins. Beauty Pins yes all the dainty effects in every ' conceivable shape and coloring, any of which will give a pleasing finish to collar, belt, hat or dress. Of jet which is just now so popular, there are some very elegant things in rins, Necklaces, etc. A number of antique effects in filigree work dull gold finish or tinted in colors with exqnisite stones mounted thereon. We want you . to visit this new department and notice while there the very low price at which, all are selling. THE L. E. & H. J, Hamilton STOP LO OK LISTEN I The ladies of this city are making a wondrous effort toward the goal for a Greater Albany. Their aim is a City Park, which will mean more to Alb any than her citizens con now realize. To raise funds for so great an un dertaking, they are giving a Chrys anthemum Fair in the Armory Wednesday and lhursday aiternoon and evening. Afternoon admittance free. Evening admittance, 10 cents. TUtv InvK nrrnnorpft an eveilinrr tiro- gram that would put Belasco & Kroh man's star attractions to shame. Tlipv tinvi rn their nrntrram for this evening's entertainment jhrce of the world s most tamotis ccrcuritics, mme. Patti, Soprano; Mme. Caraneo, Pian ist; Sarah Rarnhart, iu recitation. Thev have a so arranged an artistic exhibition of living pictures under stmt light (John Court would feature mis aiiracnuii aiuuc ai yi.wj. ttuturud ttt tut- uu-l ttfiue, Albnny( O s secou-i : n?e kjuiI matter. FlPNUTTINQ- The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, 4.0C. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year Si). 50. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at QUI! 'WANTS FURNISHFD llOOMS.-Electric light and furnace. 440 W 7th, corner o Wash. FOR SALE. Good tooking. apples. Phone 27G2. lot GLASS. All oizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere else in Albany. Skill- ly set, if desired. FOR RENT.--? room modern honse, barn, chicken house nnd one acre of ground. See FiBh & Hodges. FOR SALE.-Good cooking apples. Phone Homo U70H. ot LIST YOUR HEAL ESTATE. With mo for prompt returns. I have ninny I requests for city and farm property, in large and small tracts. Both phones. C. W. Tkhalt. 432 W. First St. TAKEN UP. A two year old heifer, at the farm of A. C. Shclcr. 5 miles northwest, of Albany, R. F. D. 4. tl2 TO TRADE for Albany property, 7!jj acres, good house and barn, near school and church. A very dcsirablo homo. Eihel E. Miller. 10 ACRE TRACrS -Tremont ten aero tracts. Close to Albany. Fine soil, cxcelient. location Best of fruit, vegetable and berry lnnd. Buy a ten acre home of the owner. Owen Beam, Room 1, Stark Bldg., opposite post otlice. ENGRAVED CARDS.-For a limited n,.ui,nrrd will fuvnich lOi) Coo per plite Engraved visiting cards (plato inclnded) lor l.bu. WOOD FOR SALE Big fir. J. 1). Ellis !)06 E 4th, Phone Bell Red 952. 141 CATSUP. In jugs, home made, de livered. C. M. Westbrook, Home phone 7001. tl5 PLANTS FOR SALE. Gooseberries, red and white Currants, Rhubarb, Ri-d and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg i, I.. ..I. I.., 1 .,.,.,l,r,-i,.a IW. berries, I'henomenals, Hedge Plants unit Sage. ivuu i,. uiikuall, Albanv. Or., K. U. No. , Home Phono 7102. ltil FREE. Edgingnd bn.k at the Al bany suw mill. Get some, ONIONS FOR SALE. By E. L. Me Kcover. Phone Bell Farmers 2x1. tD TO LOAN. $50tK)U on real property J. 0. Christy, over 1st National Bank Albany, Oregon, latejot interest rin Bonable. . J. W. BENTLEY, bout and shoemaker ami repairer, does first class work ui reasonable prices. Next door to Democrat oliicc. See him. Any furniturestore nas mai Albany cV"nr. K1RE INSURANCE O. F. R. A. ol McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, CusicK Bank Bl !g. Both phones. UP TO THE: MIinUTE HAMILTON STORE The ladies have not been unmindful of us of the sterner sex whose taste is principally in our mouth, and nave provided booths where the choicest viands of all nations are artistically served. Do your drug shop ping early. Our store! will be closed at 8 o'clock to enable our employes to attend the Fair and help boost ' Ysr 1 j.1 Tk VV OOCl WOrtll Lfrilg UO. Hot wcinncrwurst, Schincer Case, uud Sandvichcs mit the flowing steine vill be in evidence at the Dutch booth, where pretty Dutch girls with wooden shoes will be at your service, ItKMiMKHHgmaSieiiKffl JUST A MATTER OF LAW EN- FORCEMENT. A great many people do not believe in capital punishment, and do not like the hearty and liberal support of the to sec any one hanged. In fact they people of Albany. It is an improve believe that hanging does not operate ment that will do a great deal for the to prevent crime. Men have a right 1 to their belief, in such things. That is not the question. So long as hanging : is the punislimcnt the law should be enforced. Over ninety murders in 1 Oregon suggests a fen- hangings or something in the interest of Justice. ' A BASEBALL CONGRESSMAN. . - , W. V. McCrei lie is the first base- , ball magnate elected to Congress, and as President Taft is nuitc a baseball ! fan, people of the second Washington (strict have strong hopes that their representative will be able to get un usually close to tlic executive. Oilier baseball players have gone to Con gress, but McCredie will have the hon or of being the first club owner to essay the role of a lawmaker. Hav ing served some time as interpreter of the law, Congressman McCredie is as familiar with legal vagaries and phraseology as he is wil balls, strikes, drops and whatnots. When' he reach es the national capita, it is expected that he will introduce some new curves inlo the political game. IN PORTLAND. Tn Portland the streetcar trust makes $11111,000 a year from the strap - hangers in its over-crowded cars. The people of that citv obtain hvgion- i.- ,x..,-,ise hammer' on s.rnns fnr i.i , , i . I which the trust does not charge a cent. It is all thrown in for the small price of one nickle. Considering that the worth of an average streetcar ride in a large citv is just three cents, per - haps two ceils may be considered as naul fur the vibratory thrill of electric car as it bumps around a curve. We always have an idle waiter to wait on you at the Idle Hour. THIS IS DISH NIGHT AT DREAMLAND. F. j Will for watches ! FOR RENT A ten acre fruit farm. Call at Curtis Real estate otfice. N. Ellsworth street. St FOR SALE. -Team of black horses, 2700 pounds, 3 cows and brood sow, at the farm of Henry Phiiippi, : ! miles north-east of Albany, K. D. 6. Box 1. FOR RENT. Fine office upon F. G. Will. rooms. Call WANTED. A modern residence to rent. Will pnv uood price. Address Box 112, Albany. . 2St FOR RENT. Housekeeping rooms ver Stevens store. Apply to G. W. Wright. 81 MONEY TO LOAN on real estatm at seven per cent. On choice farm lands at six per cent. A'ipiv to Geo. W. Wright, Attorney. Albany, Ore gon. Both phones Oifice, cornet of 1st und Ferry. FIRE INSURANCK. Boaver State Merchnnt's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Bldg. Albany, Oregon 317-321 First St The 'Oriental Booth is an interest ing feature, and through the influence of Albany's most favored son, Mr. Fisher, U. S. Consul to the Orient, the Mikado has been persuaded to send us 4 of his most charming almond eyed beauties to preside over the Tea Pagoda. Candy Booth, by a unique arrange ment with "Toffy," the Candy King, delicacies here served will be sur passed only by the grace and beauty of tlje fair attendants. Men, don't go home to supper, fjX at the Fair, i Any man failing his duty tonight will be branded a coward. v-ome up ana ooosti Last but not least-Domestic Sci- i nc Lilian.-uuuc m uic iiuiiiiui structure. This booth will be presided over by Mine. Roarer, assisted by four! of the world's most famous of the world's most famous Cuisineres. IT IS AN IMPORTANT THING. Every move for raising money for the making of the depot park deserves city. At a place that has been char- acterized as the gateway to th it is of observed by all entering it by and by many passing through it is o immense importance to have it a place ; of beauty, one that shall speak for the j entire city, for it is a fact that often depot surroundings stand for City : in the judgment of those seeing them. But no argument is needed, our peo-' , llnilcd in their cnulsiasm for 1 . ! improvement, and the thing now , is to make it crystalize into action and ; become a reality. Reiring from Business. Everything in the store to be closed out by Jan' 1st. " MBS. G. E. NICHOLS. Wonder Millinery. 30 Days Trial The. Willamette Valley Co. has : ceived fifty electric irons, which will be j sold on thirty days trial, for only $3.51 I A splenuiu thing tor the ironer. ' . j . WHEN 10U ARU blUv . ,, . -uu need the I .ll.ruK5 '""" c"n ""yi .you get JUSt ! t us Kind trom us, pure, iresh, c ean . tmU give ' tKe dtsired results, ;. ,, ,,ir,rt-;.;t, n ' JUr PXhARt & LRE , j ,-. r . , , K (j. Will IOr WatClieS. I A fine line of fruits, vegetables, fish, i canneu guuus, eic., always on nanri uc : t10 Metropolitan Market, Broadalbin street. Only the best is kept. i . UK cnu-n.. uur Jewel cook stove six noies unu water cann. our parlor heat- ing stove, base burner; our blue flame oil stove; all in good order, for sale cheap. H. Barnes. lOt 322 E. 4th St. FOR SALE j My residence corner 2nd and Baker ' St., lot 67x113 ft. Greaf bargain if taken at once; also furniture, horse, ! etc. Inquire 110 E 2nd S'. ! MRS. H. F. McILWAIN. ! WARNING. ! Newport . V Arthur Hen mis have leased tho Luther Lake, mar the Neis ' & Scnlosser lup yards, for shootincr diuks, and i proseeute any tros Psstrs, witjio'it anv lurther wnrnine. ' BAGGAGE AtS'n EXPRESS Call Hell Red 3201.' Home 233. Ve meet all tiains. All kinds of job ork, No waiting, CARL TANDKUP, Expressnifn Oilice Si2 2na St. R. E. MEN ORGANIZING. The real estate men held a meeting at the room of the Albany Com mercial Club last night and adopted appropriate by-laws and constitution for the Heal Estate Exchange. Sev eral firms or individuals were repre sented. The organization will not bb completed until all having offices have joined the exchange, necessary to its success. Geo. H. Crowell was appoint ed chairman of a committee on mem bership. When ' all have signed a meeting will be held and officers elected. The object it the union of effort and harmoious working together in the bus iness of selling property and the up building of tl)e country, a splendid one that deseryes the hearty coopera tion of all the men in the bussiness in the city. PERSONAL ' AND SOCIAL Rev. A. M. Wi'liams came over from Mc-YIinnville this noon. G. R. King, the real estate man, re turned this noon from Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bilyeu', of Port- j luna, returned nome tnis aiternoon W after an Albany visit and hunt. j Sheriff Kelsey, of Fossill, Wheeler : county, went to Lebanon this afternoon I after a man wanted for a crime com ' mitted there. i Misses Josie. Rebecca, Grace and I Viola and Mr. James, Crooks left last : night for Los Angeles, to spend the ' winter. On the way they will stop at ; Sanger for a visit with friends. I rhTwTc. r. u j The W. C. T. U. at their meeting 1 yesterday passed a resolution of thanks , ; to all the ladies, the Commercial Club, : and others who so kindly assisted them ; in the "Apple Dumpling Dinner" The 1 dinner was to success in every 'particu ' ar and placed in the treasury $113. I The president, Mrs. Blain, appointed , the following superintendents of De partments: Evangelistic, Mrs. Norton 'and Mrs. GordonPiom? .tfuifon, Slri. I French; Press, Mrs. Henrietta Brown; l Medal contests, Mrs. Frances Hammer; j Penal and Reformatory, Mrs. Bray; ; Loyal Temperance Legion, Miss Wright j and Miss Wishart. Other superintendents will be ap pointed later, and the work of the union pushed vigorously. Press Supt. FOR SALE. 5 cords wood, furniture and baby carriage. 929 S. Ellsworth. lOt WANTED A girl to do general house work. Call 226 w 2nd St. r : Abstracts ' An Absolutely bad title may be 1 ' given by a Warranty Deed. It has a ' very misleading name. The Warranty is no stronger than the present ability . of the signer to make good, and he may be dead when your defect is dis- ..oroj coverEU Get an Abstract Now : and k"0W that y0Ur title is perfeCt' K , : may save much delay and annoyance, ' Your title mav be held UD as . Iour tltle may De nela UP 88 ""saiaoie at a time when a sale is greatly de- i sired. For this delay ' yotK have no recourse on your grantor. It ,is ydui !,: Always demand an """J .... . , , . . abstract when you buy real estate 1 ' i The Linn County Abstract Co. 30t Brou'tlMn Albany, Ore mm- ALCO CLUB Had Its Annua Meeting. The annual meeting of the Alco Club was held last night, with a large at tendance. President Hewitt presided. The reports showed the receipts of the year to bave been $3303.70 and the ex penditures $8.69 less. $1954 was re ceived on subscriptions, $465 on games, $380 on Tees, $334.20 on the gym, and sundries. The- net resources are $5,555.65. The present membership is 194. Dur ing the year 39 new members came in, ten were dropped and twenty with drawn, a gain of nine The interest was all paid, $200 on the principal, $265 on gymnasiujn equip ment and $273 for a new heating plant. Judge H. H. Hewitt president. George Taylor vice president, Henry Vollstedt "rty i V ' If f 1 fi u 1 aA AS aS.inM,..n.a.ll if" s T i - 1, r " r mrk:r; ivy l.Mrrj.i fs ML J 'i i $AY SAMMIE We Have the $ $ $ Foi' Some Large Tracts of Fine Land in the Willamette V alley If you are an owner of something desirable in the way of a gocd ranch or large tract of uninproved land and Want to sell it, be $URE , TO $EE v " U$ SOON - Or our customers may locate elsewhere, andj we want them nerr Albany. v If you need the money more thai you do the land"give us your property Jfor sale. , . . The Oregon Title & Trust Co. . " ',304 Broadalbin Si ee'.- j ALBANY, OREGON. secretary, H. B. Cusick treasurer, and I F. M. French, Owen Beam, W. A. Eastburn, A. B. W'eatherford and J. V. directors, were elected, the di- rectors being entirely new. A vote ot thanks wa extended the old board for the good work done. I After the meeting a lunch of choeie and ham sandwiches, pickle3, olives, cheese, apples and coffee was served. ! The Weather. -. i Range of temperature only 48-41. The rainfall was .42 inch.. The rain fall so fur this month is an even 5 inches, just half an inch a day, and it has rained every day.- i The prediction is familiar: Rain to night and Thursday. !' Get Your Fish at Pfeiffer's. ' The place, 229 West Second street. ' Everything in the fish line, neat and clea n, at a reasonable price. THIS BEAUTIFUL HALL CLOCK ONLY ... (On Small Monthly Payments.) Solid Mahoganized Sherry. " Height 7 feet 3 inches. We have these fine Hall Clocks . from $25.00 to $65.00 They are manufactured by the ITHACA CALENDAR CLOCK CO., and everyone are Fully Quaarntced We are also showing a very nice line of white and black enamej Mantle Clocks at very low prices. Our line of Alarm Clocks at ,$1.00, $1,25, $1.50 "speak" for themselves. F.M. FRENCH (THE JEWELER.) . Sole Agent for Albany.