Democrat Or. VOL XLV ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY NOVEMBER. 12 1909 NO 15 NEW BOOKS -at--. Meiser & Meiser's 55c each, 10 for$5.00 E M PI R U THEATRE - TO-NIGHT THE PICTURES. Cinderilla Up-to-date. (Comedy.) . Bob's Electric Theatre. (Comedy.) Belated Wedding! (Comedy.) SONGS. Lets Play House. Dreaming Lovs of You. Music Orchestra, v 11 'WBBtiBSBmfmSEWGBSBB If Seeking the Newest .You'll Find It at the Day Light Store Agents for Gage. Hats, Red Cross Shoes, Mentor Underwear . Every flay this week we will receive 6 to 10 New Suits, selected only last week by Mr. Kragen our N. Y. buyer. ELEGANT LONG COATS Fashioned in faultless tailored designs, they respond to every requirement of styles and utility. They are made of fine covert or broodcloth, in tan, blue and' black close in smart single-breasted effect, with large buttons, mannish notch collar or the high standing style; oblique pockets, self welted. They have, the stylish French back, are lined throughout with Skinner's satin These, reason ably priced garments are full length and give the wearer an air of completeness and trimness. SAGE ROOSTER ON ALBANY. 5 KILLED In Elevated Accident DOINGS OF THE WORLD. Eugene, Nov. 5.-After a trip to the ! New York, Nov. 6. -Five are dead J. . Riih.nim.nhuru.tinn. mnv ho in nrdfir. 'and 20 hurt in anwlt nn rh lev( J . Portland IS to have a big College, run Living in Eugene, where all is hustle ' All killed are railroaders. j S f'he T' T a f . '. - i ... . i i The Multnomah foot bal squad passed one forgets sometimes that there is ' torough Albrny for Eugene o play U. also anything outside; but if you spend : A M Awxitnl Tv :0.todav a day in Albany, looking over the city! AWIU1 llofifC"! p -it . j- j u p . you will be convinced that Eugene is j 1,U6V ''The Capital Journal, edited by Col. not the only pebble on the beach. J.T is the way the Journal puts Albany is making wonderful growth, Q V. i editorially. I found upon my -visit' there this , . .. It will cost $2,934.86 to fix up the week. Where only a few years ago j bridge at Stayton, a joint bridge, ac- bossie was roaming at will now there Gbeensburg, Pa. Nov. 6. Former ' corang to tne estimates. Mayor Perrv todav shot his three chil-' Chemawa's foot ball team went to dren and tiien himself. He was insane, j corvallis this afternoon to play the iLesuiueii. Rev. Frank M. Baum has been called to the pastorate of the Episcopal church at Corvallis, coining from Dayton, Wn. A bull-dog at Oregon City was cov ered with conl oil and set on fire. The only town in Oregon mean enough for that. are hundreds of line residences, new buildings, nice lawns and well kept I streets. - Clean and well kept business streets and many fine new. blocks, well filled1 siores, fine displays of fruits. I noticed, j The first street electric light display is a good one. . I But F.ugene can beat all 'the valley I cities on injunction suits. High Affections. TAILORED STREET DRESSES These serge tailored Dresses will appeal strongly to Women who seek smart effects. They are cut on Gibson lines and have a new and striking closing Large buttons are set on he outer lines of the front panel Dagobert flounce on the sides and back. High turnover collar is inlaid with moire; cuffs trimmed with buttons and fancy braid. May be had in all the new and wanted shades. Visit Our New Needlecraft Dept. i See Samples of the Latest Embroidery Work. ' Chambers & McCime . ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STOKE In the New Store .....The Stetters. Groceries and Produce Prompt deliyery MRS.JAN E HYATT, .i . piano iriumDiM Beginners taught by musical kinder garten method, followed by thoroughly graded conservatory course. SI per lesson 40 minutes. Inquire at Davenport's Music store. Let us estimate on your works We guarantee first-class work at moderate cost. PLUMBING, TINNNING , AND HEATING. W. E. FRANCIS Kindergarten School", Miss Helen Wright At the W. C. T. U. Building. Terms: $3.50 per month. Phone Black 2481 Bell. Senders & Co, (INCORPORATED. ) Dealers In . Hay, Grain, Wooi, Cascara, Salt. Feed. Seeds, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard and Alsen Portland Cement, Acme Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and ..Hair Fiber Plaster, Stock Foods, Ponl . trj Supplies, Ruberoid Roofing, Build- ing paper, etc. ' Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. 126 Ellsworth St. Both Phones. A fine lot at our yard at this city, just burned. Phone" Home 285. ALBANY BRICK- CO CUETIS SEAL ESTATE CO, 106 N. ELLSWORTH. Farm land and city property bought and sold. Parties having land or city property or sale will do well to list with us. Phones Bell black 63, Home main 231. IMllTlM 4 cz3 C. B. DAVIS, PIANO TIMR. Yearlv Contracts S5 fnr torn hmmn. ' Leave orders at Davenport's Music! Store. ' I .SaS y 3 P OS u ?S S 8 5 to c o 3 O. 3 C t rv , , U U 1 -S Portland, Nov. 6. -Philip Streib, Since She mnvnr nf Miltvnnlr 00 Opaarnn nnn hia started to install her own wntdr works , . '. - 1 and liehtlnir svstem. For ever two ! Z)ll"Sll fu fSi"' $Jiu'"w r! Dick Brumfield deputy game warden years there has been a continual fight ! piT '' o.l ,u01 in Benton county, was fined $25 for municmal ownershin. class i r- i iiunmur wiinout J. M. RALSTON OREGON MARKET M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Se:ond St., Albany .First-clas3 meats ' of all kinds from elected stock. INSURANCE, LOANS AND COLLECTIONS. have money to loan in small and bought- 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-re3idenU IBK t(l& A8DERS6S ; OPPOSITE THE P. O. Fonr chairs.1 Prompt an Efficient Care of the face and hair. J. Al ENGLAND, Proprietor First class Groceries, and the best fruits and. vegetables at reasonable pneo. A square dral for all. VltSECK'S BATHS 'f. ye.' I-if st St. ""R3TCLA33 WJ3K GUAi: . Harvard Won. here over against the masses, something that will be a detriment to the prosperity of Eugene. In Albany it is quite dif ferent, with a cooperative body of Business men, citizens pulling together, nrnrlrlnry Vinnlrlae tft alirtlllrla,. fnv a bieeor and creator Albanv. I New HXve.nt, Nov. 6. Tne nany 01a trienas i met m uie Cornell is to u today. Jew short hours 01 my stay, tneir 1 smiles, hearty handshakes and their j remembrance of the white owl. re- minded me that while I havo been gone I have not been forgotten. Please don't dub me a booster, But just call me the old ' SAGE ROOSTER. of -Harvard beat Lmnhaven, Scio News: The big Linnhaven apple ! orchard will be established in the vic inity of and around Lacomb. Work ot preparing the land for the trees is to commence at once. C. W. Tebault, real estate agent of Albany, and son C. W. Jr., came down fram the Linnhaven orchard tract Wed nesday evening. Mr. Tebault is now closing up the options on these orchard lands From conservations with him, we ascertained the company purpose erecting a big saw mill and layn,g out a new town, Linnhaven, unon the most modern approved plan. The company will plant 600 acres of apple trees this fall. Sinking Pictures. I hunting without a license. One 1 btovenson s appointmonts. A Gates divorce suit is Laura E. agt. W. T. Clark. Cruel and inhuman treat ment, excessive use nf liquor, and fail ure to support are charged. Horace G. McKinley, after being in jail 21 months, was to be given his lib erty today, McKinley will return to China as soon as Mrs. McKinley recov ers from the typhoid fever. Prof. Walter C. McKee, of Oregon City, formdrly of this county, pleaded . guilty to part or tne charges ot appro Baron Uchida ' Pria ?S..mon. w has reached Washington as ambassador 1 should deliberately throw himself away from Japan. 1 Il8 le hus, 1 c..Hni : 1. n A n . iH ocveiui piuilltlltilll. J, fv. men, in cluding Coach Metzgar, Fullback Keck I and Quarterback Reynolds, went to Eugene this afternoon to see the U. O.- 1 Multnomah game, also Sam Hartsock, Spokane, Nov. 6. The industrial of Corvallis, and j. W, Kirkland of Al- Big Jap Arrived. Washington,, Nov. 6.- Spokane's Row. row here is taking a serious aspect 130 are pledged to stick. A bomb thrower is sud to be on the .way. Can't See Them; bany. F, G. WILL, lor Watches RGWUHor watches. Copenhagen, Nov. 6. The Danes refused to allow the American scientists t Sec Madame Vlnej A striking series of pictures is Drink The great European Palmist and by the famous author, Emile Zolo, at ' Fortun- Toller. She gives good advice Dreamland, French in its character, ,n.'ove affairs, business affairs and all but one fully if not more interesting j3 : private affairs. R s House. the Mexican's revenge, introducing I a- some Mexican scenery, and telling a I . . thrilling story, with a climax that is I .Constipation causes headache, nausea, startling. .flizziness. hirguor, heirt palpitation. Churchill & Huston do a neat vnude- i Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken irlll. tL-i..l. i .!..:...- i : the bO'.Vels anrl rfr.n't. nr I1..u.,'u P tiii. nikii, niviiuu, uvciuuiui: it. me . . 1 trouble with a good deal of vaudeville. It is short, cute and well enacted. I),,.,'U Rntr. u,o-a ui. K,.'nLiy unu cure cotisiipation. 25 cent3. Ask your druggist. 'F. i Will for watches Dreamland Tonight 1 Drink, (f ifth D-Art, the great est moral lesson on Drink in moving pictures.) . , 2. The Mexicans Revenge. (Drama) 3. A Dull Knifo. (Comedy.) ,4. Churchill & Ilputon,. : (Sketch team.) Entire change of Vaudeville Satur urday, I Matinee every at'-evnoon. Admission 10 and lCc. DGOLEY'S 'GROCERY A new and extensi e line of fresh, clean GROCERIES USE Bread, Dried Fruits i and Vegetables ' 9TH AND LYON STREETS. ( DIAMOND BLEND COFFEE The Coffse that has that good flavor at 25c per pound at the COMMERCIAL TEA CO. 223 1st Street BothPhoner! Main 52. TELEPHONE 'JrtDERi GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. FOR SALE l.V acre; nniniprnved ' hmrl,' ne?.r railroad, KfO acres in cultivation, rest pasture. 947.50 an acre. 105 acres near railroad, 85 in culti vation, living' water, good house, tine soil, beautiful location. Very reason able. 4IX) acres hill land 5 'miles from lirownsvillc. Modern 9-rnom house, good barn. Soil fine for fritit, walnuts or grain. A good stock ranch. 20 or 40 acres 3 miles from Albany. All in cultivation. Can be irrigated. 1X5 acres unimproved land, all in cultivation, on railroad. S22 acres. 16 in cultivation, good buildings, 2 miles from town. A tine stock ranch. 120 acres 7 miles from R. R., CO acres in cultivation, 60 rolling, could be easily cleared. Good buildings, ex cellent soil. SoOOO cash. .10(1 acres, 30 in cultivation, 100 cleared, rest in timber, llcst fruit and walnut, good grain land 5fj acres ciosc in. good modern boti'-c, barn, windmill, 90 trees, bcr-rie-, graces, etc. A modern home. 22 acres close in suitable for plat ling. Would sell ill small tracts. 22 acres close in. 'i in cultivation. 5! 00 an acre. A snap. Wc have stock raixhes, farms, small tracts and city proper! v. Call and see what wc have. KTHKl. K. .MILI.KR, Slate "Danl: r.r.ildiiig. . ALBANY! STATE BANK WM." BAIN, 'Jresi lent. P. D. GILBERT. V. P. H. H. BOULEY, Cashier. ( This bank has splpndid facilities for handling youribank.'ng busintss- Inviti s your patronagr. Ourmethods are mo 'ornjand conservative, nr.d prompt andcarcful attention is given to all classes of business placed in our hunt's. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. ' Interest is paid on gavints Accountss. Home Made Saner Kraut "--at"" Ccnrad Myar's. ' '