Fall D; Now arrivals in Dress Goods, makes our assortment better than ever. Wool Poplins, in plahn colors, very ser viceable material 35c yd Faney Mohairs, in green, bluo and grey, a speiiul at Sfcjd New Satin Soleils, in ftey, green ar.d brown, self tlripe goods, the pret tiest gcods of the season at. 1S1.15 yd at Flood's ELIABLE:::: Light, Power and Heat Willamette Valley Co. R. E. Welch, Manager. Hie "OLD RELI-HL;.i" A full line of choice nursery Btock. Order now for Fall delivery. FIiodo Red 871 Office 312 W. Sfrtnd St. TIMES mm IS MUCH fORTRE Tungsten Lamp 3 Make Electric Light Much Cheaper They have two and a half times tho efficiency of tho or dinary carbon lamp hiintrlo in gcnoral uae. Tho fila ment is made of a rare metnl called Tungsten, which yields an intense brilliancy at low cost. In shape) and size the bulb is just like any other electric incandescent lamp. Why not try a Tungsten lamp yourself? Get one of the 40-watts and use it somewhere in your house in place of one of your carbon lamps. Then observe the great difference. Note tho clear white light, exactly twice as brilliant and costing you one-fifth less for elec tricity. Tungsten lamps are destined to displace all oth ' erf, fwi a&lh store and house lighting. . Ralston Elec. Sup. Co. S06 West Second Stree W .TV . 11 "I ii Grocer m WKST K1R8T 8rhKET,.ALI)ANY OKKUON . First class gojds In their season. Phone Main 56 T ' E 1inve r.o Si it.' iiir.i, ' nor do we ucivpt any de posit whore special security has to be pleilt:'d. This means that we hav no preferred creditors tll:lt '"llr deposit wh the tame security that all have. Wo havu invested assets worth in.ru than smtl.t'oO t'.i anil this would have lo be ills-.i.-it.-.l l.'f.'i-e .'.v-wiion eool.i lose a cent. It is not being UlSMpute.i. it is growing. J. W.CUSICK&C0. BANKERS. Lstctblbhcd 1892. Goods, Agents for Stanard Patterns. JlJj lUl'l J. F. PEIRCE. Manager. 3arker, iolin Lessons, By J.V.'US r. G'.UFRY, x,an ii;-r of tin-nttr's Pi-'ino IIou wilt t'tVt tnstruoi: hi., on Uie violin U ; wi.ttf lr. (.1 ilIiM-v is a inuht;itfLv: the N-'W York t'onserviitory of Musi. ini hi lv.il yours of orchestral prctif Mr. ti ll! ry ,xi:o.t-t to ony nize ;m " olu sl r:i ."mi w(.,t mostly 'f his pupi, HI 1 A Snap in Land if taken socn. E. A. C'l.V BEUS. R F. D. 2. ALBANY Doings 'n and Around It. Ovstors at The Crest. How about THAT chair. . Have you ordered that chair yet. Boost the Albany made chair. Hot chicken tanialies at The Crest. Sit down in one of those Albany mad. chairs. Good weather for jysters. Ti v Hoflich s. The sauer kraut season is here. Con rad Meyer has it. Some fine home-made sauer kraut at Conrad Meyer's. Try it What's better than well prepared and served oysters. Go to H. Hoflich's. Carry a "Hull" umbrella and you have the best. F-eich sells them." Icecrear and rar .-hes at the Vienna Bakery Jail and ..ry them. f iiSi, all size i nd kinds, f ,, sa.3 it the ilbany Plani-i Mill, cnoape- tlian anywhere else in Ati-xny. Skilfully ft if desire1- Hot tamalies, new receipt, something fine, up to-date, at Hoflich's. Go around and have a hot old time and a good one. The "Hull" detachable hmuU cw brellas are perfection of sty..iatni r.,i ity, and cost no more than othet aia. . French, the Jeweler, sells them. The AIcob now have a record of sf to 0, without a touchdown against them. A couple men on the street today sold jewelry and potato peelers, cer tainly experts at their business. i Hallowe'en novelties for Hallowe'on parties at the Mission Parlors. See the windows. There is a new order of things around at Hoflich's, neatly served meals and lunches.including meats and numerous delicacies, in addition to the regular confectionary. Religious St. Mary's church: Rev. Arthur Lane, Rector. Rev. A. Servais, as- sistant. Sunday service at 8 and. 10:30 m. The pastor will officiate and preach at these services. Vesper ser-j viffi at. , 'Xft n m. MnnHnv All Saints Day will oe observed as a bunday and on Tuesday a Requiem- Mass will be chanted in memo. of the departed. The public is cordiyily invited. United Presbyterian: W. P. White, pastor, Morning subject, "How to 'uve Peace", evening subject "The Chariot Ride". Pastor's Bible class at 11:45 a. m. You are invined. Christian church: Albyn Esson, min ister. Mr. nnd Mrs lesson are now in Albany to remain. It is presumed that the membership are all settled for the winter and that preacher and people may address themselves to pushing the work of the church in every way that promises progress. Discourses tomor row will deal with tacts and Dhases or the Pittsburg convention, which was ini some respects, the greatest in history. Morning service begins at 10:30. Chris tian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7:30. Everybody welcome. The Fpst Presbyterian church: Kev. F. H. Geselbracht, minister. Morning service 10:30. Theme: Atonement or the Reconciliation of Man to God.. Evening service 7 30, Timely topics:. How to Observe Sundav. Mr. S. N. Steele will sing solos at both services. His many rriendi are urered to come. Sabbath school 11:45; Junior Endeavor 3, Christion endeavor society 6:30 Crace Presbyterian: Preaching, 11 in. i.nd 7:30 p m. Morning subject. Pr vmu by Doing. Evening subject, A Blessinir for the Young. S. 8. 10 a. u. u. junior, 3 p. m. (J. bi. inter- modia'e 4 p. m. ' '. E. senior 6:45 p. m.. Rev. Elliot, minister. M. E. church. 3rd and Ellsworth. Subject at 10:30, "Peters Problem in Addition ; and at 7:30, A ormt ot Modern Idolatry. Epworth League top ic at 6:30; Poor rich and rich poor"" Luke 16: 19 31. Sunday school 11:45. The choir has been reorganized and we hope to furnish good music for all thesw services. There is more uatarrn m this section .Constipation causes neadaehe nausea,, of the country than all other disease : "'zziness. languor, heirt palpitation, put together, and until the last few Drastic physics gripS, smken, weaken, years was supposed to bo incurable, r or : the. bowels and don t cure. Uoan s- Reg a great many years .iociors pronounced "'e'3 uct BeAnt'y ftnd c,u'"8 nstipation. it a local disease and unscrihed looal 1 2- cents- Ask your druggist remedies, and by constantly failing to cure wiih local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven a- tarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treat ment. Hall s Catarrh Cure, manufact ured ry F. J. Cheney & Co., Ohio,, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taKen internally in liuses j from 10 drops to a teaspooful. It acts lirectly on the blood and mucous sur-. iaees ot the system. Ihey olCerone nunorea nouars ior any case it. ians to :ure. bend tor circulars and teBtimon als. Address: F. J. CHICNEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- oation. Keopened. The City Fish Marked has teoped again at 109 Lyon street Albany, Ore. ve win n..ve on nand an Kinds ot tresn FISH, CLAMS. OYSTERSand CRABS, tlso a full !in of Salt and Smoked Fish. Everything new nnd clean. CASH PAID FOR POULTRY. Yours for Business. CONRAD SCHEUBLL. Rooms for Rent. All finished and ready for use. somn tine ofiice rooms, in the new ill Stark block. See Dr. Stark. F. i Will for watches HENRY ERODE liS, JDealtr in theke n:cats cf all kire. MISFITS. The Siskiyous got shook up or down. Apple fairs take work, but they count for progress. Big money in fruit if done right. That's the point. Jack and Jim are to fight 45 rounds. It wont take that lung. When it comes to apples North Al bany is right on the map. The apple fair will keep on boosting. It has set people to thinking. . The Albany women will soon show what can be done in flower culture. Some one says it would be impossible for a congressman to stop on a ten minute speech. It doesn't take bullies to make a foot ball team, Coach Metzgar of O. A. C. is proving this. Portland is nervous. A home there has been mysteriously upset, tables lumping around, plates standing on edge, etc. What was the force. Per haps the Siskiyou earthquake- Hallowe'en is upon us. Due Sunday night it Is said it will be observed by the raiders tonight, in the usual obstre perous manner. The occasion is not one for lawlessness, and even boys should be decent. Prof. J. B. Leatherman, of this city, was one of the most interested specta tors in the bier winnings of Zinn & Gal loway at the apple fair. The Prof, de veloped the apple orchard and sold it to thorn, and they have been keeping it . up in splendid shape. vJrtJJI-llL. DUIII. rftlHL, ' , ' . . . .. . DOaiman inesiOKeilll lantvWItn Lighted Lantern in Hand. J Everett, Wash., Oct. 8 While gaso line was bemg transferred -from one fishing launch to another near Mukil teo last night, the fumes were ignited by a lantern and Eldon Graham was burned to death: His companions, J. Everett Graham' and F. Francis-Alkys were bu?ned' bifi escaped death' by leaping into the wat er. Graham is-in a hospital here Aft the men are from Seattle. ReachfngtheSpot To Can Be Done, So Scores of Albany itizens Say. To cure an aching back. Citizens Say The pains of rheumatism, The tired-out reelings. You must reach' the spot get at the cause. , In most cases 'tts the kidneys. Lroan's Kidney Pills are- for tho kid neys. James GreehalRhj formerly of 707T E. Fifth St..Albany, Ore., sajs: "Early in the winter I had an attack of sciatic rheumatism and as I: had always been a healthy man it seemed very severe. 'She pain was mostly in my kidneys and often extended into mv limbs. I thought that treating the kidneys would; e tne nest metho-a-to get reliet an(V as Uoan's Kidney Pills-were highly recom I n ended, I obtained a supply. The pains began to lessen :8on-after liaommenced ; the use of tnis remedy and Iipiocured a : second box. I hadionly started its use i when the last trace of the trouble dis appeared and I. gladly say that I have been free from it sinr.3;" For sale by all dealers. Priee- 50 cents. FosterMilburr. C., Buffalo, New York, sole agents far the United States. 1 no other. , "Had dyspepsia or indigestion tor years No appetite, and what; I did eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Hlood Bitterscured me. "J. H. Walker Sunburv. Ohio. Never can tell wiien vou'B mash a tiim.-r ot- suffer a cut, bruise, burn or s..alil. Bo prepared. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil instantly relieves the pain --quickly cures the wound. Boats tw ? m M " )3 Ika Kiinl You Havfl Always Bausbt Old and Reliable Thirty-eight years of steady growth j are significant endorsement of the j careful management and courteous service of the time-tried BanK. Assets over ore million dollars FIRST NATiONAL BANK having Account in the name of your boy and girl will teach them a knowledge of business and a habit of saving that they can acquire in no belter way. Interest paid on Savings accounts FJSST SAYINGS BAKS( Owned and operated by tho stockhold. ers of the First National Bank. Imported Brasses ! New Designs and Shapes ! At the Right Prices. Always at Chas. Knecht's HOW ABOUT YOUR HEATER? Is it all right and ready for the Winter? If not this is the best time to have it cleaned and put in repair before you start your winter's fire. Or possibly you need a new one? In Any case you will find our work in ! this line of the best. Wc will put in i sttam heating apparatus, hot air fnr- nace or hot water heating' at a reas-: onablc cost. MEDIN & STUAPT. A r Crest Tamalies, Tamalies. Try one of our boneless chicken ram- alies. Nonebetter in the city. Oysters served any style, a;?o liht (inches. Both Phonps 236 Went 2nd LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, vjtaen cleaned by eur methods of dry Cleaning, are marie ta lock just as good as -made to .ook just as new. Waists and dresses of Golicate colors and ma terial we renovate to the delight of the owner. We also dye any garmnnt de sired in beautiful shades and colorings. THE CLEANER, C. B. SHELL.EY, Prop. 41 W 1st St. 2eli Phone black 273 .Home phone 196 Get Meyer Vacuum Gleaner. To clean your house this machine that gets the dirt. Gasoline power. Fall the- Have your beds a-d on all kinds oZ Furniture the Onward Siding Furniture ! Sioe and throw iway the casters. Leave orders at Pratt's Furniture. store. D. B. ADAMS) j Home Phone Slack 352. Estimates given on Plastering, Side walk and Cement Work. J.'F. TRA.VER, 4th & Calapooia Si. toll's Santal-Fepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For IntlommatioD opUfttarrhol hip xjiiitKirnnii litwagL'U iti-yn. HO un HO PAY. Cure limkly and uornmnently thu worst cnffl ot Haorrixota Hiiti CIUct, do mftttorof how 'otic ntutiilttiir. A hnnlHtftli hnrml(88. Bold. by. druggjnt- paiii, fl.OO.b boAotf. 52.75.' sTHE SANTAL-PEPSlh Ct Bellelanulne. OWa- Por rale bT'fiarkhart 4 Leo CHINESE DOCTOR-J.. Mon Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the late Hong wo long, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. The under - signed recommends him and guaran - tees satisfaction. Ca.l or w:te him at No. 110 West Se.-ond -.t . Albany COLLIXS & OEVI.VE Real Estate and Insurance Buy and sell really. Insure prop erty and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. CARPENTER j AND PAINTER! If you want your home Painted, Re-! paired or a new one built give us a call ! VM. KIRK, Albany, Oi. ' Home Thoue, jj I CemenfWSk I v?2 MINGLES. Made in Albany my No 1 Edg Grain s the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these- shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON We us no dry kilm. We keep he best of all kinds, us for figures. CITY LUMBER YARD WILKINS & SON, A. STAltK, M. X PHYBIOIAN AND SURGEON WILL & STARK BLOCK, ALBANY' DR. MmSaLL Osteopathic Physician, Albant State Bank Building Be Black 482. Home 275. OR. VIRGINIA V- LEWEAUX Osteopathic Physician. Room 15 and 17 Brenner Blk., Albany Phone-, Bell Klack 2481; Home 35 H. A. LEININGER DENTIST Crawiord Block. Albany DR. W. 8. BiLYEU, Dentist - &ILh & STARE BLOCK, ALBANY' DR. R. l IIUOT," DENTIST Rooms- 6 and Brenner Block. Home Phone 35fc Bell Black 2481 E. IT UMPHREY Cement Contractor. .Phone-Eed 2081. Res.l20Montgomery St-. J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the New Albany State Bank Build' ing, second Hoo, with a complete equipment for picture taking of all kinu& HURRY UP WAGON, Right on hand any time of the dav or fty lransferrinB baggage a spec- Any kind of wood for sale. Phones-Bell Red 204; Homo Red 163. Office with Linn and Benton Real Estate Co. It. B. MAYBEP.RY. Hv Jje and Sign Painter, 122 Eerry St Agent for the Cleveland Geisenite". root paint. Home phone 320. Pacific Red 3092 i m n -. . I ,11 Walll 5 I0UF HatrOnSe I iS . 8 I I Telephone Prom July 1st prices for milk ani cream belivered by us wi be as fol tows: yuarts daily delivered 7 ct S to per month. ' v Pints daily delivered 4 cts SI "0 per nonth. ' uanon mny delivered 22'' cts Der cal. Hotel Sat rate 20 cts per"g Creara 80 cents jer quart ' 10 " " 'u rin anon. s rint. H. M. Palmer. Goldrn Rule Dairv PrnD. OASTOHI fl. tn lU ? Tba Kind Veil Always Boufltf c i i