4 J A bPLCIAL SALL OF Ready -to-Wear Milliner These hats are extra quality for the money and we offer them at this special price to close them out. Good quality buchram frames covered with corded silk or velvet trimmed feathers, wings, quills, etc. They are really something that cannot be bought every day at this price. Your choice of 50 hats at $2.00 each. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. AUTO SCARFS Pink, Grey, Baby Blue, Black andCream fine quality spun silk $4.00 and $5.00 each. A large showing of veiling in many styles and colors 25c to 50c yard. Have you passed our window lately? Next time take a peep at those Shoes for men. Shoes for the business man, the natty dresser and the man who just wants comfort. Every shoe made to wear and give satisfaction. What you buy we stand by. Grocery Department Fine apple cider for mince-meat by the quart or gallon. An excellent line of Queen find ripe olives in bulk Sweet , and sour pickles also in bnlk. For pure neas and goodness they can't be beat. THIS MORNING News From Albany's Six Early Trains. Prof. J. B. Hor.-er. of the O. A. C, who had been here to attend u session of the Commanilery, Teturned noma. Mr. Messini, of Portland, who hart al o been here to confer in reference to the coming of the Scriners, also returned home. . The Prince Otto troup went north. One can always tell an actor from the makeup and address, as distinctly as a minister. Dr. J. C. Booth came down from Lebanon to attend the monthly session of the pension board, and Rev. Lacey on a short trip. Geo. W. Harris, the famous Sage Kooster of Democrat correspondence fame, came down from Eugene on a few hours trip. He has become a great Eugene booster, but continues interest ed in Albany and its splendid progress. Rev. Knotls left for Salem. Mrs. Sykes, of Salem, returned home after a visit at the home of her aunt, Mrs. D. S Smith. C. H. NEWS. Circuit Courc. New Case: Hattie Umenheffer agt. Wm. Umen hoffer. For divorce. Married 1895. Desertion chnrged since July 1907. Have three children. W. R. Bilyeu at torney. Marriage license: V. E. Shelton. aged 29, and Elva Bilyeu, 24, of Scio. Geo. H. Crowell today got hunters license No. 1601. County Court is in session, bills allowed. Many Fine Wall Paper One of the largest and best selected stock of Wall Paper in Oregon can be found at our store. Bright, clean pat terns to select from; new Shades in Brown and Olive. Our time is ycur time. Our prices are correct. We ask you to call and see the lines urkhart & Lee. A fine line of novelties arriving for the holidays Up-to-date goods, Choice cut glass FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE No. 21 350 acres, 300 acres all in cultivation, 50 acres in good saw timber and pasture, good hop yard on place and produces 2400 lbs hops per acre. Most all A No. 1 bottom land and will grow anything. This is one of the most productive farms in the state. Buildings good, and running water the year round. I can at this time give you a bargain on this place. Terms can be made. No. 22 170 acres close to Albany and R. F. D. station, most all in culti vation, fair buildings, 60 acres in clover, fine fruit land, and is situat ed well for dividing into small ; tracts. i No. 23 50 acres, all beautiful land, small house, good barn, 6 acres A No. 1 apple orchard; all tn cultiva tion. Scnool close to place. I have some small tracts of good land close to Albany, with or without buildings. Call at my office for in formation. J. V. PIPE, 203 West 2nd St. By Jingling Jo. The Sage Rooster, I A Eugene booster. Now if Hearst Will burst. The gamblers won In B. F. town. Wanted a sweeper That's a keeper. Being a city father Is a big bother, But there are other Things to consider. Don't be cross Even to a h'oss. The Evangalical Church. The new Immanuel Church of the Evangelical Association, at the corner of First and Pine streets, the only church on First street, will be formally dedicated next Sunday at 10:30 a. m., when Rev. H. E. Hornschuch, presid ing elder, will preach the dedicatory sermon. Rev. Hornschuch will also preach Friday and Saturday evenings. The church is a fine structure, a credit to the east end section. Probate :- In estate Martha Isham real estate ordered sold. Deeds recorded: Emma A. Wilkinson to L. H. Jacks 44 by 111 feet block 41 Albany $ 150 J. H. Higgins to C. M. Bowen & . wf 30.81 acres 2000 flm. Umenhoffer to Hattie Umenhoffer etal 8.1 acres.... 80.1 Wm. Umenhoffer to Calvin Umen hoffer et al 8.1 acres 80. Mortgage $10,285. Satisfaction $e6U0. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Fred Dawson returned this noon from Newport. Mrs. Yockey, of Medford, is visiting Albany friends. Mrs L. C. Marshall went to Leba non this afternoon on a visit with her sister. Dr. Scott and Ron. of Iowa o(t fnf 'home this week alter a visit at the home of O. A. Archibald. F. W. Ledbetterof the Albany Nurs ery Co., went to Harrisburg this af ternoon on tree business. Edward Derry, with M. B. CraA, went to Portland this afternoon with a car load of hogs and other Btock. V. E. Shelton and Miss Elva Bilyeu. well-known young people of Scio, were married this noon, Rev. Esson, officia ting. Distinguished men on No. 14, delayed, going north at noon wereC. E. Wolver ton, who had been holding U. S. court at Medford for two weeks; Lawyer Fenton, who had been trying three cases before Judge Wolverton; and State Sohool Superintendent Ackerman, who attended an institute at Klamath. Falls. Holt Again tor your meats of all kinds, and the Metropolitan Market next door for the latest and best in fruits and vegetables. WILL, THE JEWELER. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in'show ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. Office 236West First St CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE No. 1 Good house of 7 rooms, 7th St. West Albany; large lot; is a bar gain. Price $1800.00. No. 2. 2 cottages, East Albany, price $800.00 each. No. 3 Good house of 7 rooms and some furniture with it, 2 lots, also barn, East Albany. Price $1400.00. No. 4 Good 5-room house and 2 nice lots. Price $1600.00. East Albany. No. 5 Good 2-story house of 6 rooms, barn and buggy shed, East Albany. Price-$21U0.U0. No. 6 Good house of 6 rooms, with 3 lots, West Albany. Price $2300.00. No. 7 Good 8-room house, bath and electric lights, lot 50x100 ft, situat ed on Montgomery St. Price $3000. No. 8 Nice house of 8 rooms and 2 beautiful lots, well located, and a lucrative business in connection with it. This is a snap if taken soon. Call and see me for informa tion. J. V. PIPE, 203 West 2nd St. "Chicken Ta males and TrnrA-ir ALLEYITES HEARD FROM. The Alleyites, after being in re straint ior some time, mat uigut nc-j cepted an invitation to run the tiome ot E. H. Rhoades, at Fifth and Montgom eiy street, for a few hours, which they did itwtheir customary free and easy style" The residence is one of the finest in the city, splendidly arranged and furnished for entertainment, and the Alleyites took advantage of the pretty surroundings to have a gay old time, which they did. An interesting contest was the guessing of twentydiffer ent things, such as a swimming match, being a match in a glass of water, wo.i by Mrs. Dr. Stark and Mrs. S. C. Wor rell, the former getting the prize upon securing the longest straw, while F. M. French and J. u. unristy tiea ior the booby place. Three ghosts in sickly light of burning alcohol and salt chant ed a tune in keeping with the season. An informal program consisted of a piano solo by Mrs. Worrell and vocal solos, by Mrs. W. H. Rhoades, Miss Evah Rhoades, Miss Evah French and Mrs. Nutting. Choice refreshments were served, and it was almost mid night before the live crowd could be gotten rid of. All declared it one of the most enjoyable functions the Alley ites have ever engaged in. Hallowe'en Party. At St. Mary's Hall adjoining the church, this evening. Choice refresh ments served all evening and supper from 5 to 9. Games and music. All welcome. At the Hotels. H. L. Kapliniier. Mill City. E. S. Chase, Gates. R. R. Myers, Halsey. J. C. Cole, Portlond. Mrs. Ecleston. Staytont W. W. Barrett, Newberg-. S. P. Kimball, Salem. Raymond N. Bond, Seattle. E. S. Rohr, Portland. A Finger Cut. Louis Schoel, a workman in the pat tern department of the Albany Iron Works this forenoon while running a rip saw, caught a little finger on the saw and it was badly cut. He hastened up street and Dr. Kavanaugh dressed the wound, Baving the finger, but it will probably be stiff, the cut being at the joint. Letter List. C Hr,ta T O 3C Al .. Bum & Wnd Von Hara Always 8 The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postofflce uncalled for Nov. 2, 1909. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: Maud Adams, Eftle M.' Briggs, J. A Eberle, Gerald Evans, Paul Fowler, J. H. Hamilton, Mrs. Sarah Hendrics, Addie Jonson, George McKee, W. J. Price, N. S. Rowland, C. 'E. Roberts, Fred Sprite, Henry Stanley, Zelle K. Thomas, Star Theatre, John Wells, C. R. Wheeler, Mrs. D. C. Wilson. J. S. VakWinkub, P. M. BAGGAGE ANn EXPRESS Call Bell RoJ 3201, Home 233. We meet all trains. All kinds of job work. No waiting, CARL TANDRUP, Expressman. Office 322 West 2na St. ELITE Chcola,e The "OLD RELUBLE" II K HA 111 SlS BS TiCS SSSESS lH SEES i lLIIULllllJUf Mil ilJIl A full line of choice nursery stock. Order now, for Fall delivery. Phne Red 871 Office 312 W. Second St. "i. F. PEIRCE. Manager. Albany Supply Company , WHOLES ALE DE iLERS j In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, i confectionary, wrapping paper, twin? ', and paper bags. We also have the agency for Pyramid ; and Golden uate cement, ulympic lim. Ardun plaster. Get prices huf jre buy ;ing. alier tranter Grocer Baker Z1S WEST FIB8T 8TKEET..ALBA.N Y OREGON, I First class goods in their season. f hone Main 68. Foot Ferry Street. Albanv. Phones, ,Uin 6 Bell, 3 Home. G.E.METZGUS & S Sheet Sanitary Plumbers and Meial WorKers. Our Datron are assured of strict!; first-class work, prompt service am reasonable prices. Eave-trough, conductors, roofing sn general !jobbi..g. Specifications furr. shed. Estimates cheerfully given. Try uj. 201 E I Firs l St. Both Phoi e WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE : REPAIRING 113 BR0ADALBIN STREET. OVER COAT and CRAVENETTE SEASON THEY ALL LOOK ALIKE IN PRINT A comparison will show that ours is different. There is a distinctiveness 1 hat is not shown in ordinary makes. Ours were made up for this particular trade, and according to our own Idesigns. QUALITY first-price next. Moderately Priced $10 to $25 BOYS OVEUCOATS $3.75 up. QEvcrythingNtttt. The Blain Clothing Co, Albany, - - Oregon if ' ' 1