Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 05, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    In S. F.
San Fran Cisco,
downed ly 15,000.
by 7.03J m a jority.
Nov. 3. Heney is
McCarthy is mayor
The following f'om the Eugene Reg
ister is a neat and clean one:
The lust issue of Sunset has splendid
writeups of the Salem cherry fair and
the Albany apple lair, as two great
events, showing f"rin the fruit pro
duction of the valley. It should be
borne in mmrt that Lane county cap
lured first prize at each of these fairs.
unit tiviflimn-nrb tin.
lihed In one day
jjlt neceflsatr.
filWflwillBivoyait a rood
1 J22k gold or poreelai
crown for $3.50
Molar Crowns 5.00
Gold Filling 1.00
3 Enamel Fllllngi l.UU
1c!l Ellllnir. .fifl
" Mf ' r 3S!I. Fllllnn
fcN Slnlv Filling.
ULW.ILWilE, hnnuilluiiu ,Jj., in
tt mu annum n ninm Palnlm ExtrMioii .Oil
Painless Eitractlon f ree when plates or Driugowors;
Is ordered. Consultation Free, Yon cannot onto
oalnlesa work done anywhere. . All work fullr
K nuir Kiiar
Boat motnoda.
Wise Dental Co.
mos saw. at. to s t. . sunaaja.
Notice is Hereby given that the un
dersigned, the duly appo'nted, quali-
tied and actinir Administratrix of the
estate of Straudcr Kruman, deceased,
has filed in the Comity Court of Linn
Countv, Oregon, her final account in
the matter of said estate, and said
Court has fixed the L'tli day of No
vember, 1909, at ti e ho:
n'l-loek ill the alteuo.ill
ot one
said day
fnr liearinir ohieciions. if any there
be, to said account and for the final
settlement of said estate.
Dated this 11th day of October,
To all whom it may. 'concern:
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned
has been duly appointed executrix of
Henry A. Clce!:. deceased, by the
county court of Linn county, Oregon,
and has duly qualified as such execu
trix, therefore all persons having
claims against the estate of said de
cedent are hereby notified and rc-1
quired to present such claims, with
the proper vouchers to the under-!
signed at her resuk-nce in the city of .
Albany, Linn county. Oregon, with
in six months from the date hereof.
Dated this 29th dav October. 1909.
Executrix of Henry A. Cleck, de
Trill SI A 111 Ul' JlI2.jKJ
In the matter of the application of
Clyde Thomas to register the title to
rthe following described real property,
Beginning at a point which is south
89 degrees west 20.075 chains distant
from the northeast corner of the Do
nation Land Claim of Sarah Turner
and heirs at law of Nathan Turner,
deceased, Not. No. 5892, and Claim
No. 64 in township 9, south of Range
1 east of the Willamette Meridian,
Oregon, and running thence south 5
degrees 37 minutes west 60.35 chains,
thence west 20.20 chains, thence north
5 degrees 45 minutes east 60.30 chains
to the north boundary line of said Do
nation Land Claim, thence north 89
degrees east 20.075 chains to the place
of beginning, containing 120 acres,
more or less all in Linn County, Ore
gon, against Susan M. Goodman and
all whom it may concern, Defendants.
To All It May Concern:
TAKE NOTICE, that on this 28th
day of September, A. D. 1909, an ap
plication was filed by said Clyde
Thomas in the Circuit Court of Linn
County, Oregon, for initial registra
tion of the title of the land above de
scribed. Now, unless you appear on
or before the 8th day of November,
A. D. 1909, and show cause why such
application shall not be granted, the
same will be taken as confessed, and a
decree will be entered according to the
prayer of the application, and you will
be 'forever barred from disputing the
1 V
A ,-f,.J(l
Witness my hand and the seal of
the said C;rcu'it Court this 2Sth day of
September, A. D. 1909.
County Clerk and cx-ofricio Clerk of
the Circuit Court of Linn County,
Applicant's Attorney.
a Notice is hereby given that the un
' dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of John W.
Kardman, deceased, by the county
court of Linn county, Oregon. All
persons having claims against said
estate are requested to present the
same to J. J. Whitney, at. his office
in Albany, Oregon, properly verified
as by law required, within six months
from t::c 'late hereof.
Albany. Or.. Oct. 1. 1909.
J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney.
To all persons having claims
against the estate of Ellen Clinc, de
ceased: All persons having claims against
the estate of the above named deced
ent are hereby required to present
the same to me with the proper
vouchers at the law office of W. R.
Bilyeu in Albany, Oregon, within six
nfnnths from the date hereof.
Dated this first day of Oct.,
.Administrator of the estate of Ellen
Clir.e, deceased.
The coming city election is beginning
.to attract attention. Just now it is
difficult to tell what will be evolved.
Street talk often doesn't materialize.
For mayor, Mayor Wallace is gene
rally spoken of as being needed in the
office another term; but other good men
are being mentioned also, benator i . J .
Miller. Ex-mavor Dr. W. H. Davis.
and William A. Barrett, prominent in
' the affairs of the citv.
For chief of police, or as the charter
calls it marshal, I. A. Munkers, former
countv sheriff and the rjresent official
Fred Reis are spoken of.
r or cuv rerjuruer nu unc una uccn
mentioned but the present efficient
official, F. M. Redfield, filling the office
in a satiafaetory manner to every Doay,
as is also E. D. Cusick the treasurer.
The retirinc councilmen are L. C,
Marshall in the first ward, F. J. Miller
in the second and L. M. Curl, filling the
unexpired term 01 M. L. wnmot,
the third. Who wants the jobs.
Heard From Again.
In Saturdays issue we made men
lion of Duluth capitalists telegraphing
money to the president of the Mexican
Mines, Doctor Hill, for stock in the
in the mines. Today a letter came ask
ing for a larger amount of stock.
The message says "'Money is here
for investments before stock is taken
off the market Answer by wire."
The Democrat is promised furthernews
from the mine in the near future,
which will be given the public, 'the
expert kept on the ground to make ire-
quent assays and direct worK tnat
'Your property is worth millions.
Work is being crowded day and night
and vou need not be surprised to hear
something big at any day.
" ;
Mrs. Anna Mansfield Webber and
Mrs. Anna Griffin Coursen. of Portland
returned homo yesterday afternoon af
ter a home coming visit of two or three
davs in Albany, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. T. G. Hopkins. Both were born
in Albany over forty years ago, Mrs.
Webber in the house now occupied by
C. D. Van Dyke at Broadalbin and
'ihird and Mrs. Coursen in what is
known as 1 be Brink house, in the first
Mrs. Finch in Albany.
Mrs. Finch, of Portlond, has
been in the city securing signatures
asking for a commutation of the sen
tence of her son from hang ing to
I life imprisonment, and some have
Bio-nfid it. A aaoi many do not wish to
I interfere in the matter one way or the
Inthoi- Mrs. Finch, though, has the
sympathv of all in her afflictions, a
pleasant appearing woman.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 52 45.
The river is rising and is 1.8 feet.
Th rainfall for 24 hours .16 inch,
daring the month of October 2.S6 inch
es, rather below the average for October.-
A Monmouth G:oria Mundi weighed
36 ounces.
K. J. Crow, ovtner of the Ficcd
corner, has been in the city.
Considerable Hallowe'en cussedness
is reported in and around the uollege
An Albauy man advertised a farm
for rent, and had two answers right
Miss Crosno went to Jefferson to
day, called there by the death of a
Mr. C. I. Leavengood and family, of
Myrtle Creek, went to Lebanon today
on a visit.
Mrs. Mida McCoy Jackson, of Co
burg, is visiting at the home of her
Mr. Neil C. Vacdonald, formerly in
the real estate business here has re
turned from Monuna, where he has
been looking after his stick farm for
several months.
Mrs. J. M. is h returned this nocr.
from a viFit with her son Geo. E Fish,
of Portland, who passed through thi
city for points south of here.
v. Holfich of Riverside, wag in town
today on a visit with his six sons.
Another son resales in Portland and he
ha3 two daughters.
A week has passed since Tom Rich
ardson started the promotion hall for
next year at Eugene, and th fund is
t.nly between?6,000 and $7,000. What't
U. 0. Beat Willamette Saturday 29
to 0. Washington defeated Idaho 50 to
0. which means that U. O. will have
her hinds more than full in her Wash
ington game. ,
The Democrat recently mentioned
Mrs. J. E. Knox of Portland, a home
comer as a native of Linn county. Nol
quite. She was born in Ireland, com
ing here when quite young.
John Catlin went to Portland yes
terday morning to attend the cremation
of the body .f his friend S. W. Reece
Mr. Reece was a fellow member of tht
Albany Camp of the G. A. K for many
years, prominent in its work.
Three men yesterday were trying to
handle a bucking horse on Washington
street, one doing the riding, the other
two helping to keep him on, causing
quite a show and some noise. Finally
some one turned in the police alarm and
the bucking stopped.
The street at the cornar of Ferry and
Water needs improvement badly and
ihe council should be prompt in attend
irg to it. I he business men there are
d tnir their best to have it fixed un.
and are entitled to what they ask.
The Salem Journal on Saturday gave
a special writeup ot the apple fair ex
cursion from Salem to Albany, present
ing pictures of Albany the State Bank
corner and the Elks building. Besides
its account of the apple fair it says:
Albany added six diocks me past year
and several hundied new residences
The new high school is a $50,000
structure. Quite a number are con
templated. There were twenty six
blocks of bitulithic pavement put down
during the vear. An electric street car
line has been added with modern cars
of the latest pattern. There are 121
feet of brick blocKS planned anu win ue
constructed the coming year. A five
and possibly six story modem hotel is
being promoted."
Certainly that is sufficiently comph
mentaiy of Albany's progress and prospects.
N.., AlUimii'i Siv Fa-lvUcter, both having many friends whose
eWS from Albany S MX best wishes they will have.
Geo. B. Whitcombe, president of the
Albany. Lebanon and Bend Railroad
Co., left for Portland on a business
trip. Mr. Whitcombe reported more
good strikes in his mine ten miles up
the river fiom his place, showing up
fine in gold and copper.
S. N. Steele, on- of Portland's pr03-
erous real estate men, returned lo purl
land after attending the apple fair,
and particularly the home-coming part.
v. w. noonen, a meiiiuei ui u.s
famous grand jury that inuicteci many
durinf? the Henev davS in Portland.
came down trom Shedd on a short bus-
iness trip.
i -u u...i,i ,i r v Hl,k roinmml
fro m Lebanon. '
Miss Marcus returned from a Sunday
visit at Lebanon.
Lawver J. FreJ Yates came over
from Corvalli3.
Mrs. Bakw left for her home at
Oregon City, after a visit with her
daughter. Mrs. W. S. Richards.
Mrs. Royal Shaw and son returned to
Mill City after a visit at J. A. Shaw's. :
Miss Lila Pstton returned from a
visit at her home at Hals ey.
C, Sam Sm'th Injured,
C. Sam Smith, well known in Albany, j
was seriously injured last Week at his
farm in Crook county. .A horse threw Ai hiib. map letter head, used by the
him and rolled on him, breaking sever-1 Atbaoy Commercial Club has received a
al ribs, causing a concussion of the g0D$ many compliments, this week
brain, and wrenching his neck and SpeciU acknowledgements from Mana
shoulders. Ed Parker, one of the Park- oer J. P. O'Brien, Wm. McMurry, nd
er brothers, was with him. Mrs. smith
at the time was in Albany, at the fun-
oral ui uei lumci, ucmjr vicciv, .wA,fQQr!.
laf t for home at once. An
Former Albany Man's Orchard.
Wm. Boeeli. a former Linn county
hnv. tnnlr twentv nrizas on fruit at the
Crook counW fair, including first prize
oa exhibit of apples. He displayed .
Baldwins, Golden Rus3etts, Graven
steins, Newton Pippins, Northern Spys,
White Pearmi, Winesaps, Rambos,, Bell Flowers, Wolf Rivers,
crab apples, Idaho pears, Winter Nel
lis, Fall Butter, prunes and plums.
Pretty good for one Crook county orch
ard. Didn't Lose $200.
The Csrvallis Gazette-Times soya an
Albany young man lost $200 on the 0.
A. L. -Whitman game. The young man,
ho requests his name left out of the
paper, says the statement is not true.
That the amount was only about $10,
that as a matter of fact there were no
takers. The result was about as much
a surprise to O. A. C. men as to people
In Ihe Forests.
M. S. Durbin, forest r nger at Wal
pert, was in the city today, after at
tending the convention of rangers at
Eugene, fhere were about thirty
present, covering the Cascade and Sius
law districts. The reports showed n
splendid record in prevention of fires
and in trail making. Jit Durbin
on his range built sixteen miles of new
trail, opening up new sections, a great
thing lor the country.
Not Afraid of Cannon
Madison, Wis., Nov. 1. Speakar
Cannon's Challenge to read out the re
publican party such chaff as Cummins,
La Follette, and "their followers" was
accepted by Senator La Follette of
Wisconsin. Notice of willingness to
enter the contest is served upon Speak
er Cannon through La Follette's Maga
line. Cannonism is riddled and his dis
mantled doctrine is held up as the
"snarlings of a grim old wolf who
hears the beaters in the woods, and
scents them closing in."
A First Street Theft.
Some one entered the Royal restau
rant rooms, upsta rs. during last night,
getting some clo'.hinj, razors, etc., be
long to a roomer. The thief forgot to
leave his card, and is still at large.
A most pleasant evening was f per.t
by the members of Manr.inita Circ e
and their friends last evening. A de
lightful basket supper was served end
games were played till a late hour.
Those present declared they hid not
had such a pleasant evening for a long
time and all expressed a desire to have
another social gathering in the near
The receipts of the postoffice for
October were $1489.05. almost an $18,-
000 rate. Those for Oetobe. last year
were S1195. 25. showing an increase
of 24 per cent, which speaks for itself..
ana Albany.
Mr. C. Frank Clevenger and Miss
Jessie L. Smith were united in marriage
Saturday evening, Oct,. 30, at the resi
dence of, and by, Rev. W. S. Gordon.
The marriage was private. The groom
is a popular young man, an electrician,
nnft thn hrtrtn a fni-mn. r-lprk in the
Elite, is a young lady of splendid char'
Primary Meetings Must be Held,
Editor Democrat
I see an article in the Evening Dem
ocrat giving names of those who are
mentioned as candidates for the various
city offices at the coming city election,
And this calls to mind the fact that
some voters are saying that no primary
election will be held the 6th instant for
rrtc wnun trior tin npririnns rtnvp. Vipmt
nieu lor candidates ana tne time ior
fii,nr naa passed. But this is an error,
a set-irtits error. Nn voter is rennired
t0 sigh a petition naming a candidate
but in lieu thereof he may wait until
the primary election is held and then
write in the blahks the name of his can-
delates. Every voter in the city has
this right and to now no primary is to
disfranchise all of them, if no petitions
have been ti eri. The law has exDresS-
ly provided this way for those who do
not, for any reason, want to nominate
by petition. Salem nnds nersen in me
same condition that we are as to can
didates. No petitions have been filed
But the city recorder will prepare
blank ballots and each voter at tno pn
mary will write in the names ot his can
didates. This is the only legal way
No mistake should be made about this
matter, VOTER.
oome Compliments.
w W. Cotton nf the S. P. and E. L.
yhomp3on, among prominent Portland
r.rti:le furnished by Manager
struble for the Mt. Aneel magazine
has also been specially commtndeJ as
a line thing
, ' iss May Wither of Lebanon was in
'he city touay,
1 Thirty-two new houses are out in the
lain uncompleted
Now it costs 10 cents to register
letter instead of 8 cents.
Ten answers at once to an advertise'
ment for a farm to rent.
from a Poll! county trip. !
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner re
turned this noon from Portland.
N. H Wheeler went to Sa em this
morning on a short business trip.
Mrs. B. R. vVestbrook returned to
Cottage Grove this afternoon after a
koxe coming visit.
n-'rs. Marks returned1 to Leban.n thi,
afternoon after a visit with her daufh
i ter Blr3- "one,
Mrs. Rufus Thompson returned this
noon from a visit with her daughter
and grand child.
The assosiment of little Benton has
been completed, showing $7,444,182, an
increase of about two millions.
Gary, Ind., has grown from a village
of 2J0 to a citv of 25,000 in two years.
Boom with a Vengeance. Its first city
election was hold today.
Mrs. Ann Curtis, of Harrisburg,
recently had a family gathering. She
is almost 95, has had ten children, four
living, has 15 grand children, 8 great
grand children.
A fre'ght tain got caught in tuuncl
No. 1 in the Siikiyous last evenintr, by
a cave-in, killing the condudtor ana
rear barkeman, the latter being burned
to death. '
Mrs. Ber trice Gadsby of Portland hp
sued the parents of her husband, Walt
er Gadsby. for $200,000 damages for
alienating the affections of her bus
band. Must be more valuable than the
average affections.
Mr. Tomioini, eminent conmamler
of the Portland Shrinc-rs, will hs in Al
bany tor.ight and meet with ilie Al
hany members. It is poasinle Lewi.
Clark, the Imperiil Potentate, will b"
with him. Ho will come ;f piMsiiile.
V. H. Eowrnan, E. J. Dnvidson anc
Bert Cline left last night for Southern
Oregon, with headquarters at Xubly,
where they will kill a few bears anc,
then look after some mines thev art
interested in, spending the winter there.
Mr. Petercon, formerly with the
Royal Restaurant, an experienced ca
tereer, is preparing to open u restau
rant in the Brown building, at Second
and Hroadaibin street, where the Dem
ocrat fed a hungry public about thirty
The A!co) hav.- game of foot ball
scli-!uled with Wilin ... .to for the 13th,
Shriucrs' day Aib.m , a game (hat
will mean lots l practice unci work to
win. One of the hnrnV-t contests will
I e with the C uholic Club of Portland
on Thanksgiving day.
Dr. W. E. Stewart, who has been up
in Idaho the past year, with the rail
road, a special physician ind surgco.i,
has gone to Chicago after an equip
ment for a physicians office, and w.ll
come to the coast to locate, where he
has not yet dt-cided.
Considers Several Matters.
The regular meeting of the Albanv
Commercial Club last evening was at
tended by on even quorum: Vice Pres
ident McCune m the chair, Secretary
Van Winkle, Manager Struble, Treas
urer Bain and Directors Bowersox, Lee,
Ellis, Stewart, Rawlings, French and
Rills amounting: to $231.63 were al
An advertisement was ordered in the
Fruit Grower of Hood River 3 mos., 2
inches at $2.
Messrs. Rawlings, Bowersox and
French were appointed a committee to
confer with the real estate men on the
distribution of the new booklets, equa
bly and fairly, after some discussion.
Messrs. Van Winkle. Stewart and
Weatherford were appointed a com
mittee on conference with the Ladies
Auxiliary on the filling of the depot
park and helping in its promotion.
The monthly report of Manager
Struble showed 140 inquiries from ad
vertising, mostly from men meaning
business, asking for special things, 132
from Sunset and 8 from the Pacific
Monthly, a list of 1000 names from the
Portland Commercial Club, 181 Sunset
pecial, 248 letters written, 231 home
coming invitations, 4a0 promiscuous
papers mailed, azuo booklets, Z6a Mil
ikin post cards,3715billikinsdistribtited. j
The collections were $286,5'0.
The new print of the new freight
depot was Bhown. I
The 25.000 Hurriman booklets were ,
all ordered sent to Albany. ' "
,,hrV t0SwLm?.re,Konin- Jacksonville Times and Med
irb trees, ana a committee waa or- j t:u., i . i:,i-,i
,1 i . j ui. r tM.i:
nWm?r?P?J. .. rh..tL tifh '
.wnf-wi Ll 'T"'"'1.11!
? l,evt0LVne 8 T mal ? 0 Speu"
ine otner memuers ot tne committee
are: L. IS. Wain, Chas. Pteilter, Ed
Cusick and E. F. Sox.
$10 was ordered sent the Salem Jour
nal for 250 copies of Albany Fair
News from Albany's Six Early
Work was begun on the freight depot,
preparatory to moving it a hundred
feet or more west and adding 75 feet
and an office to it, one of the best
improvements of depotville.
80.000 pounds of frieght arrived from
Portland for local dealers. But every
day it is about the same.
Miss Jennie Freerksen left for Port
land. Last evening she arrived from
San Francisco, where she had been
with her sisters, Mrs. Mishlor and Miss
Kt 'irrrri n T?vmtve an
Judge J. J. Whitney went to Port-
land on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cruson, of Leb-
non, went to Port land
Prof?0. H. Luck went to Portland
on a business trip.
Haro'.u Jackson leu tor mhi i,iiy on
a cigar t; ip.
By Jingling Jo.
Rain galore,
Aed th;n fBrrjp rcopa.
Rub a dup riup,
The rive. 'II go up.
Ripity rip,
No'hlng but sap.
Apple.' we can raise
Fit for a klmj's prune.
The women have spoke,
The park's no joke.
See Aliinny grow
For the P. 0.
Says so
That Green rruit uit
In giving a recent i'.c-m abuut a suit
brought by A. H. Hudson of Gates j . r" ' fveinnir miss litinlce enter
.k. t pi? i. n. - , . ' tained thirty of her friends with games
against the U & L. the Democrat did iund musiCi Jmaking a day ong f0 be
not give the hole figures in it. It is remembered by all present,
charged that the rate to Albany on ,
green iruits is 66, and la cents ac
cording to tiiu class, while the ship
ments through Albany to points bevond.
such as Purtland and Salem is 15 and
12 cents, a discrimination against Al
banv shipments, that is nrohibitivo.
This will no investigated before the R.
tv. Commission.
Rev. John TurniJge and Mrr. Cora
Mills, of Crabtree, were united m mar
riage at 8 o'clock this morning at the
mause. by Rev. J. C. Elliott. Rev.
T-rnidge is b preacher of t e tree
.lethouist church, ho ding services at
Ciabtree and Waterloo and the bride
is well spoken of.
The "Weathir.
Did it rain lost night. Somewhat:
1.46 inch, a 'continual downpour all
It hod its effect on the river too,
which is now up to a fine boating stp.giy
4.6 feet and ruisiug fust. Tomorrow it
may he twice that.
The range of temperature wa3 onlv
Prediction: .Ruin and cooler tonight.
Wednesday Ehowers.
Triple oirihday Party.
An interesting event lait evening
va3 a triple birthday party at the humt
of Lawyer C. C. Bryunt. yesterday be
.n the birthday of Mr: Kry.-'. Mrs.
I?.. W. Caliper (ind Airs. Ul.n - n:,l:er.
line lime wns oho. unurv.
' itibeia. Present, rsci.rcii Ly just on
The Ladies Auxiliary met at the Club
rooms yesterday afternoon and began
arrangements for work on the park.
Estimates were ordered secured on a
landscape plan from Prof. Peek "f the
0. A. C, and Prof. Chace h lWtljnd
artist, it is proposed to push the park
work this winter.
' A committee, with Mrs. P. A. Young
as chairman was appointed to confer
with the Modern Travelltrs in reference
to a Japanese fair to raise money.
Mrs. W. L. Marks, Mrs. Stevens and
Mrs. Bain were appointed a committee
on receptacles, and six have been
$45.35 was reported received from
the ball game during the summer.
1 Foot ball has been shut out of
Roseburg now has two daily papers,
the News having come out last evening
as a daily.
. One of Portland's most prominent
policemen is Reddy Rupert, who has
the Washington street beat. '
E. E. Grant has sold his farm of 80
acres near Lucomb to the Linnhaven
Orchard Co, for $1800.
A Commercial street, ' Salem sale.
was for $370 a front foot for 19 feet, the
highest yet paid there for the bare land.
; B. R. Pendleton, a former well-known
resident of Lebanon and Albany, died
at the home of his sister. Mrs. T. D.
Cnndiff. nr. Lnfuvetrn. netnlier 27.
. Tna Mrtfnrrt Mnii Southern Ore.
awiu xiiuuiib nave uccn wiisuiiuui.u
and "ill be published as the Mail
Tribune an evening paper. Evidently a
newspaper trust in ked ford.
Doing: n and Around It.
, Ovsters at The Crest.
How about THAT chair.'
; Have you ordered that chair yet.
: Boost the Albany made chair.
Hot chicken tamaltes at The Crest.
Sit down in one of those Albany made
chairs. . , .
' Ice crear and lunches at the Vienna .
Bakery Oall and iry them.
Something new, jewelry made out of
genuine American coins, including the
new Lincoln penni . French's Jewelry
Store. . ,
i We are now showing some swell pieces
of cut glass and guarantee that both
the glass and price have been cut.
French's Jewelry Store.
. The team of Mr. Miller, of Benton
county got in a hurry last evening and
ran homo.
rhe cit wanU twQ acre9 nf Bround
for a dumping place. Who has it in
the suburbs. I.;!:-.-
, ' A good sized crowd enjoyed Prince
1 JJa iflst evemng, a company of exper-
I The chrysanthemum show is to be on
I Wednesday arid Thursday the 10th and
'Ilth and promises to be a drawer. At
, that time ttere will also be a Japanese
tali under the Lndiea Auxiliary and the
1 Modern Travellers for a depot park
; fund, which deserves the united sup
.port of the people of Albany. ' It will
I be at the W. G. T. U. hall. A bigger
: place for such things is needed in Al
' bany.
-y-y-r -vn
- vm iiiiitviju' jr,
I Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Lupei entertain
' ed fifty of their friends at their home
I near Tangont in honor of their twentielh
'anniversary. Among those present
i were liuv. D C. McFarland who ofHci
j ated at their we !din; twenty years ago.
Mrs. Lurer had p-.spared a sumptuous
d.nn'.-r fit (ue a kinir.
j A fine assortment of valuable pres.
I ems were received.
At the Hotels.
John McKerchor, Crawfordsvill
G. F. Burkhart, Lebanon, ,
A. B. Millsap, "
Prof. rJ R. Luke, Corvallis
F. L Wins;on. Scio
M. J. Duffy, Snndier.o
F. W. Dalton, Portland
E. C. Rubeits, Lebanon ,
C. G. Ilenunway, Eugene
W J. Turnridge. Crabtree
' J. D. Davidson & wf, Corvallis
A. M. Benton, Corvallis
G. A. Correll. "
Thos. Ball, Spokane
Geo. W. H. Russell, Gastoi
The E. A.:
The receipts of the P. O. last mon'.h
were $5E9.80, the most ii, the history of
the crtv.
Mrs. J. Welt had one of her fingers
amputated ut St. Mary's hospital in Al
iianv Friday morning, on account of
blood poisoning.
G. U. Llansard returned fro.i Eugene
this iit'ternoon. T e case against him
in the circu t court ut th it place for
violating the local option law was (lis
missel ycsteiday by the district attor
ney on dCcot:nt of lack of evidence.
Colon,! J. B. Eddy, right of way
roprercrtiilivo for the S. P. Co., has
ourcl.nsed a farm of 77 acres two miles
t'H' p:' 1 ch.-inon from L. II . Fit-trhar.
fw hi.- i he pays $,'J0J. The land r 1 1
o neily owned by Jack Smi-h. M-.
ii' dy s&ys he makos the purchaso lor
L ion.