OUR SPLENDID LINE OF Furs Furs THE L. E. & H. J, Hamilton Btmasn&smBaHaaittgaMasiSinBB Big Razor Extra Ssecial 30 days free.trial on Famous Ezy Shave Safety Razor She Mcimmh Entered al ttio doei effioe, Albany, O tocoDJ MBB mail matter. F P NTJTTIN The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, 4.0?. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year S3. 60. The Weekly Advance peryear $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at $2.; OUR WANTS TAKEN UP. A two year old heifer', at tho fnrm of A. C. Sholer, 5 miles northwest of Albany, R. F. D. 4. tl2 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Elegant guaranteed piano. Would exchange for desirable vacant lot in Albany. N. Talbcrt, M12East Front St. 30t TO TRADE for Albany property, 1 acres, good house and barn, near school and church. A very desirable home. EJiel E. Miller, FOR SALE. A span of mules. Call upon or addruss R. B. Jordan, Suvor, Or. 10 ACRE TRACTS. -Tremont ten acre tracts. CIobo to Albany. Fine soil, excelicnt location. Best , of fruit. vegetable and berry land. Buy a ten acre nomeot tne owner, uwenuenm, Room 4, Stark Bldg., opposite post olllcc. ENGRAVED CARDS.-For a limited time Rawlinga will furnish 10J Cop per plate Engraved visiting cards (plate inclnded) for $1.50. WOOD FOR SALE -Big fir, J. D. Ellis 906 E 4th, Phone Bell Red 952. 141 ONE BLOCK of well improved prop erty in Newport to exchange for proporty in or close to Albany. 223 Jackson St.. Albany. Owner. CATSUP.-In livered, C. phone 7001. , homo made, de Westbrook, Home tl5 I PLANTS FOR SALE. Gooseberries, red and white Currants, Rhubarb, Red and Yellow Raspberries, Iceberg D ackbernes, Loganberries, Liew- berries, Phenomeiials. Hedge Plants and Sage. Ivek C. DukiVau, ! an,,,,,,, u p n No r, n.imo- I'hono 7102. 16t tho Al FKEE. Edging'nnd !ba;k at bany saw mill. Get some. SAUER KRAUT. -Cabbage for it. Or dor of E. L. McKeever, Bell 2X1. t!i ONIONS FOR SALE. By E. L. Mc Keever, Phone Bell Farmers 2x1. tD WOOD SAWING: Homo Phono Sii2 -Call Geo. F. Prown : j TO LOAN. -$50 000 on real property! J. C. Christv, over 1st National Bank Alhnny, Oregon, iiitrjut interest na sonublo. J. W. BENTLEY. boot mid shoemaker and repairer, does fust class work nt reasonable prices. Next door to Democrat ollice. See him. Any furniturostoro has mat Albany ch"ir. FIRE INSURANCE. O. F. R. A. ot McMinnille. Oregon's greatest mu tual company C.C. Bryant. Albany, CusicK Bonk Bldg. Both phones. FOR RENT. The store r mrr formerly the Stetti r store. See Hal ry Schlos-ter. Never before has thig department presented as varied or more pleasing assortment of excellent Fur Values as It does now. There is every kind in style from th convenient throw to the large and handsome Cape Collarette. . Those come in the different grades of coney, martin, fox, wolf, lynx, etc. an this affords you a large scale of colors. White furs of exquisite beauty with muffs. Then we have many beautiful things in the Rug Muffs and the regular style. We would like very much to show you these at any time you may come. In scale you want to buy you will find the prices range from. $1.50 to $50.00 HAMILTON STORE Sale at Woodworth's Every Make of Razor $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 at Woodworth Drug Company. WHAT LINN DOES. The assessment of Linn county is nearly four times as much as that of Benton county, and, therefore, "this county pays nearly four times as much towards the support of the splendid1 O. A. C, -which more than anything else is building Corvailis in to a fine city. Albany also pays as much as Lane county does towards the support of the U. O., and nearly as much as Salem towards the sup port of the state intitutions. It is a part of the business. It is all right. Such tilings have to be just that way. There is a point, though,, and that is the cities where such institutions are located have no right lo arrogate to themselves all the benefits arising from tliem, for they belong to the whole state. It is a pleasing fact to notice that the instructors apprerinte this fact, particularly in the O. A. C. where splendid work all over Ore- gon is being done by them in the ad- vancemcnt of the interests of the pco-( pic, and they display a liberal spirit in helping, wherever it is possible. WHEN roTTARlfi SIC: " You need the best drugs money can buy; you get just this kind from us, pure, iresn, clean drugs that give the desired results, i Bring us your prescriptions. Our prices are correct. Buhkhabt & LRE. i FOR SALE House and three lots on Harrison street between Front and Water streets. Inquire of T. P. Hacltloman. Home phono 1107. 12 FOR RENT. -Fine office upon F. G. Will. Call WANTED. To buy farm land direct from the owner. Address R. Ander son, cor Main and 2nd St. Albany. t4 FOR SALE Good mare, milch cow, incubator and brooer. Phone Home 2353 t4 i . WANTED. Girl to do general house work. Call at 632 Baker St. . T,m, nr.. , , . , . , , , I' Oil RENT. --Suit of furnished houso keeping rooms. Call at 22o W. 3rd street. LEARN TELEGRAPHY. Good op portunity for blight young man to become operator, enquire at oftico of Western Union Telegraph Co. Al bany, Oregon. tlO DDRSSM AK 1(; Pnrliea ilnuiiimr i fashionable dressmaking please call nt 5U6 cor. Ja:kson & Wnter street. I 2".t FOR SALE. Two span horses by; II. Bryant. ; WANTED. A modern residence rent. Will pay cood price. Adorcss Box 32, Albany. 23 1 FOR SALE. A Jersey bull calf elitri ble to registration. Inquire of H. M. Palmer. Albany, both phones. FOR KENT. Housekeeping rooms ver Stevens store. Apply to G. V. Wright. St FOR SALE - Dry ash wood, by Ola Saltvcit Homo phono black 167, 1016 E. Water. It MONEY TO LOAN on real estatm nt seven per cent. On ehoico farm land at six per cent. Aiply to Geo. I W. Wright, Attorney. Albany, Ore-1 gon. Doth phones- ' Otlice. corner of 1st and Pc-ry. ' FIRE INSURANCE. Beaver State Merchant's Mulual. Inquire at Opera House Bldg. i Albany, Oregon 317-321 First St wcamaaaaux 97c the at 97 c MORE ABOUT TAINTED MONEY It will never cease to come up, this old question of Rockefeller's tainted money. Every once in a while some one who can't get any notoriety any other way jumps up and shouts that he doesn't want any of the' infamous tainted money of the millionaire. ! t:...,i ...,'. j .r r, - J. 'unled or untainted the Democrat is mighty glad tp see the money divert- I cd into decent channels and used for i 'good purposes. It is not in favor of I going into partnership with the taint; ! hutl it is in favor of -all the Rockefcl-1 ; lcr money being secured for good pur-! ! poses in the world. The good Lord i . will take care of the part of giving ! credit to Rockefeller, He is never I fooled. Men are. ' It would be a good thing for the j country if a hundred million dollars j of the Rockefeller pelf ccv.ld be ued ' for the good of mankind, and the ' taint part will take care of itself, There is too much hair-splitting on such things by the ministry of tJie country, not all of it, but, by some, j many being extremists on all such .things. OUR BOOSTER LITERATURE. Albany people should take a spe- j cial pride in sending out the new booster literature. just received bv tile ! ... T, ' , Albany Commercial Club. 1 lie plan is. to have this sent where it will do the most good, making everv one i count, and hence the railroad will have nothing to do with the distribu tion of the booklets, the policy being to regulate this entirely within the club, getting the literature to people actually interested and not waste it by throwing it promiscuously over the country. There has been too much of that in the past, and the result was that the club soon run short of matter for inquirers. It is proper to run this in a business way the same as other things. SHOULD ENLARGE. A special election should be held for enlarging the boundaries of the city. How much the enlargement I should be is a question over which people wil differ. But there should I be an extension, ami people in the J suburbs should be friendly to it. It . should not go into the farming dis-irk-t, but should take in the sections j close in. and particularly the open j tract south of the di-pot. Wright's ad- j dition and a ft w othi-r-. Albany needs ! these in its business, and those who i have the good of the city at heart j should give the move a liberal sup port in the inicre-t of oroi;ress. j If you avt goin t travel get the ' American Hankers Association Trnv j oilers checque.inJl'UlO, $-0.00 or fSO.i'O ileiuttmn a'lens. pnvable at ten thousand banks, or :,t yT'w1:1 cucir 4c": or sale I ilimkers. dixit, all sties i nd kinds, fee sa; tt the nlbany Planin.r Mill, cheaper thar. ' anywhere else in Ai'-any. Skilful') . i if desire. THE SHRINERS In Albany the 13th. A Big Event. Arrangements wero completed last evening for the entertainment of the Shiiners of Oregon by those of Aloany and the people of the city, on Saturday the 13th, when five hundred of the men . with the fez caps, and the wives ot many of them, will be here, and are expected. They will be received tor entertainment. The visitors will arrive on Saturday ! the 13th at 1 p. in., be given a lunch by ; the Albany Shriners, and at 4 o'clock their wonderful parade will occur, at 8 ; the initiation will begin. i The committees are: ' Finance. Bouley, Bilyeu and D. P. ' Mason. j Reception. J. K. Weatherford. D. : P. Mason. Miller. Davis. Bain. Bilveu. I 'yatt, Horner, Butler, McLaughin, Yates. I Decoration. Marshall, Fred We&th- I erfnrd. R. E. Mason, Littler, Bain, J. H. Ralston. Banquet. -Winn, Davis, Miller. Petitions. Taylor, Bain, Winn, Rals ton, R. E. Mason, J. K. Weatherford, Bouley, Frazier and Bilyeu.. Parade. Miller, Taylor and Mc Laughlin. Badges. D. P. Mason and Winn. Music Fulton and Boone, Corvailis; ortmiller, Littler and Ralston, Albany What is a Shrirerr Answer flay ground of Masonic Order Open to Those of High Degr. e. I This question is being often asked in Albany every day now that it has be- come known that the Temple of Al ?wf ?lB jf.;lmakei5pilBT age to this city on Saturday, November 13th to confe; the Degree of the Shrine on 50 or more candidates. Altnougn Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine is the play- ground of the Masonic order, Masonry does not officially recognize shriners. ine inaispensiDie perquisite andqual- to Calilornia and started a small nur ification of an applicant for the shrinei aery where he continued his experi degree is that he shall have taken the 'menting and up to this time he has dina degree ot tne .Scottish Kite of sent forth innumerable varieties of Masonry.known as theKnights Templar fruits and vegetables everyone an im degree. In symbolic masonry after the provement over those existing before. 3rddeeree has been taken the member : Pmf h a jmaytake.if found worthy either or both oi ine rues, eacn o ing separate ana distinct, from the other, in the Scottish Kite 6ina degree is tne highest that is attainable by most of the members, a very few receivng the 33rd degree as the number is limited. In the York Rites Knights Templar or Order of the Temple is the summit and requires about the same amount of time and effort as in reaching the 32nd degree of the Scottish Rite. The order of the Nobles of Mystic Shrine is not patterned after any order or society but is almost entirely after the customs and manners of the Arabians. A meeting of the Shriners is intended to typify as far as possible the gather ? 01 Pilgrims n tne oasis ot thegreat Sahara desert after their pilgrimage to j-,., Abstracts An Absolutely, bad title may be given by a Warranty Deed. It has a very misleading name. The Warranty is no stronger than the present ability ol the signer to make good, and he , , , , , t . j. may be dead when your defect is dis v covered. Get an Abstract Now and know that your title is perfect. It may save much delay and annoyance. Your title may be held up as unsalable at a time when & sale is greatly de sired. For this delay you have no' recourse on your grantor. It .is youi worry -not his. Always demand an abstract when you buy real estate. I The Li n n Co an ty ibstr.ict Co. ::H nr.uilail in Strti'l, Albany, Ore the Holy City of Mecca ? nd intended as a time of rest, r-taxation and cooling refreshment after the weary journey over the dry sands of business life. Although Shriners are not Masons their, ceremonials and meetings are entirely dilfereut and opposite in ewy way to Masonic meetings. The Masonic rites are most solemn, : religious and sublime while 'with the Shriner as soon as he dons the red fez. ! the badge of the order, he becomes ! jolly and all smiles. Unlike many other orders the Masons have no insurance or other protective features, being purely : fraternal. The order of the Mystic; Shrine is entirely for mutual help, good fellowship and entertainment. The members of the order are scattered over the entire known world, there be-' ing over 325,000 in North America alone. Temnles of the Shrine are lo cated in the larger cities only but tbev frequently make pilgrimages to hold ceremonial sessions in me Biiiuner cities that are especially active along masonic lines, and of that number Al- bany is one noted among the traternity in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and California. i The principal reason temples of the Mystic Shrine are usually found in . larger cities is the expense necessary I to hold a ceremonial session which . usually costb from $2000 up. I Al Kader of Portland has about 1700 members, of which about 30 reside in Linn county. The largest Shrine is Medinah Temple at Chicago with a membership of over 8000, Alleppo of Boston is second with nearly as many and Mecca of New York is third with more than 7000. Lecture Friday Night 1 Luther Burbank, the "Great Plant Wizard" when threatened by consump- ... . . ... , jv tlon turned t0 outsde work and began raising potatoes. He planted one seed saved, from a certain peculiar blossom, and as a result today we have the fam- 0us Burbank potatoes. After this new variety was discovered Burbank went of Burbank will tell of this man and his work, in an illustrated lecture at the United Presbvterian churcn, Friday evening, Nov. 5th, admission 2d cents. The Weather. Range of temperature 62-55. The rainfall .8 inch. The river is 4 feet. Prediction: Rain tonight and tomor row LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE. With me for prompt returns. I havejnany j requests for city and farm property, ! in large and small tracts. Both phones. ,C. W. Tebalt. 432 W. First St $AY$AMMi: Wfi .Have the $ $ $ For Some Large Tracts of Fi e Land in the Willamette Valley- If you are an owner of something desirable in the way of a ranch or large- tract of umnproved $URE TO $EE U$ Or our Albanr. customers may locate If you need the money more than you do the landgive us your property. Jfor sale. fin rus J304 Broadalbin Street- LPANY, OREGON. Why buy Groceries of Portland Rouses when you can get the following prices at EASTBURN'S 14 lbs Oranulatad Sugar . $1.00 16 lbs Cream Rolled Oats . : 1 .00 II lbs Head Rice 1.00 14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00 16 lbs Broiten Head Rice 1. 00 Ids White Beans 1.00 12 lbs Lima Beans 1.00 10-16 ozpks Kaismns 1.00 Get cur prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. Home Meals j Short orders, including Meats, Salads, . Vegetables, Pies, Oysters in all styles, ' Hot Tamalies, Sandwiches, Cakes, etc., meals and lunches, neat and clean. . Confectionaries and soft drinks at 128 Broadalbin Street Corsets Made to measure. I am agent for the famous hygienic Spirella Corset, for girls and women. These corsets are made to measure and guaranteed for one year not to rust or break. Come and try on my models. They will bend with the body and still retain their shape. .Absolute ly indestructible and can be laundriedl Price $3.50 and up. Also maker of fancy gowns of beau tiful designs and superior workman ship. MRS. A. B. KE.LSAY, 119 East 7th, Cor. Lyon. goctf land and want to sell it, b e clsewher - , and we want them near V.A. Oregon Title