Albany Democrat ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY NOVEMBER, 5 190!) 30' li VOL XLV Watch Meiser & Meiser's Windows. EMPI R F THPATDF i nun ii- PROGRAM j. 1. Overture Empire Orchestra. THE PICTURES. 2. Free Booters. (Drama.) 3. The Wallace Jewels. (Comedy.) 4. Two of a Kind. (Comedy. 5. For the Cause of Suffrage. (Com edy,) SONGS. 6. The Land of the Red, White and Blue. - 7. If I had the World to Give Ycu. Admission 10c. Watch for the Base Ball Pictures. Coming soon. Special demonstration and DISPLAY for Fair "Week I ItCosts NO THING to look and may save you money. Special Priced Bargains from every De partment, piled on counters and tables with big tickets telling the price. Take Time to LookYour Welcome Chambers & McCune ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE In the New store Kindergarten School, The Stetters...... i j?:: fr'rJIitl Groceries and Produce Prompt delivery $3.50 per month. ue:i. Iding. Terms: Phone Black 2102 ID mno. I JANE HYATT 7 77" 7" . FliJfflDing ! PIANO Beginners taught by musical kinder garten method, followed by thoroughly graded conservatory course. $1 per lesson 40 minutes. Inquire at Davenport's Music ' store. . ( A fine lot at our yard at this city.just burned. Phone Home 295. ALBANY BRICK CO CURTIS REAL ESTATE CO, 106 N. ELLSWORTH. Farm land and city property bought and sold, Parties having land or city property or sale will do well to list with us. Phones Bell black 53. Home main 231. M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., A Ibary First-class meats ef all kinds frun; eJi'.-ted stock. Let us estimate on your works. We guarantee lirst-class work at moderate cost, ! PLUMBING. TIN.NNING j AND HEATING. W. E. FRANCIS 'I 126 Ellsworth St. Both Phones. 1 C. B. DAVIS, PA0 TUNER. Yearly contracts S5 for two tuning?. Leave orders at Davennort'a Mus-'e Store. I 1 M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) , f ea'ers In Hay, Grain, Wool, Cascara, Salt, Feed, Seeds, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard and Alsen Portland Cement, Acme Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and Hair Fiber Plaster, Stock Foods, Ponl trv Supplies, Rubcroid Roofing, Build ing paper, etc. Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. LEBANON'S BOOSTING. $2500 Raised for Promotion Work. Lebanon held a booster meeting last night. It was a hummer. The hall wis packed. Speeches galore, warm from the shoulder, were made. The program was a live one, and the enthu siasm was intense. The object was to raise money to booBt Lebanon, and it was dofio. Who was there to do it? Tom Rich ardson, of course. He always is, un surpassed in the world as a promotion money raiser. After making one of his characteristic speeches, he called for subscrtions of so much a month. Law yer Garland at the jump off started it at $10, and Hon. M. A. Miller was close behind, with A M. Reeves & Co. and. others following, nine or ten giving $10. In all $1750 a year was pledged on the spot, no verv small ones . being asked then. Today the amount wasincreased to approximately $2500, the goal set, a big one for a citv the size of Lebanon. All the towns boosting is going to make the Willamete Valley hum. INDICTED AT DOINGS OF PORTLAND.! THE WORLD. Portland, Oct. 30. -Indictments in; the Oregon Trust Bank today were as follows for accepting Ideposits at the bank when insolvent, W. C. Morris, ; E. E. Lytle, Leo Friede, and Henry i Moore. j Embezzlement is chargedmthe Order! of Washington deal by Morris, and em- bezzlement Jin the Board of Trade ' deal by W. H. Moore and Morris ! The charge of embezzlement on the i Pacific and Eastern deal is against the same, and also, the larceny of notes, I one disappearance of $50,000 and the mutilation of notes. Big Auto RaceJ CO . c js 5 " r S (J CJ U3 Death'ofS. W. tfeece. S. W. Reece, a former Albany man, died in Portland Thursday night. He came tc Oregon in 1877, residing, re siding in Lebanon awhile and then com ing to Albany, where he resided a num ber of years, prominent in G. A. R. circles. It is said he had just patented a water wheel for sluice mining. He leaves a wife and three children, Wil liam S. Reece, Mrs. John Scroggs and Mrs. Daisy Pullis. He was born in Indiana, served in Co. B. 124th Indiana Infantry ab First Lieut. participated in all the battles fought under Gen's. Thomas and Sherman. Comrade Reese was a charter member of McPherson Post No. 5 G. A. R. and a Pasc Post .Commander. New York, Oct. 30-. The Vanderbilt auto race waa won by Alco, Fiat sec ond. The race is off as only two finished. Felt at Newport. Newport, Oct. 30. Thejearthquake was felt Thursday night. There wero unusually high tides the past week and rough weather. Hcallh Heme' on the Ocean. It is now time for you to contract for your residence on the OCEAN for next year, Sixtv rhoice lots, mora nr lpa in Newport, Ore. (one of the most pop ular Summer and Winter resorts,) for sale or will exchange them for other good property; will assist buyers with funds to build homes on them. Address M. S. Woodcock, Oorvallis, Ore. tl 30 Days Trial The Willamette Valley Co. has re ceived fifty electric irons, which will be sold on thirty days trial, for only $3.5t A splendid thing for the ironer.. Come co our store apd see the new dainty patterns . in Wall Paper. New, clean, stock just arrived, many new shades in brown and olive. Let us help you fix the dining room, parlor, or hall. Prices correct. Burkhart & Lee. Ihe Market. ' Wheat 83c, Oats 40c. Beef on foot 2. to 3c; veal dressed 7c pork dressed c; on foot 7c. Lmru lots. E 'i?a 37c. t hickens on foot 10c. , Hams 16c to 20c. side3 the some, shoulders 124 to 15c. Butter 30c to So;, r-'lcur $l.o0 to $1 73c a sack Potatoes li lxr II. . Hav. frt.m S7 'nr sums Alnunp ior thu best utiwthv. F. G. Will ior watches. 800 boxes of apples were shown ab the Hood. River snow this week. Jos. Crabtree, of Brownsville, was lost four days in the mountains and was almost exhausted when found. Eugene's lighting contract expires Monday, and its own plant won't be ready for a year. What will happen. H. R..M oyer and W. R. Tripp have just paid $5,000 for 50 acres of the Mc Garland farm near Brownsville, which will be cut up in smalt tracts. The-Lane County hao association has elected the following officers for the coming year: L Bilyeu president, J. M. Williams secretary. G. F. Skip wororth treasurer. Prof. McKee, who has been arrested; charged with embezaling $300 of Ore gon City money, was elected principal of the Albany schools once, but after wards declined. A great convenience at the apple show was r rest room and telephone booth,, fitted up by Manager Merrill with a pleasant and accommodating young lady to look after it, something generally appreciated. O. A. C. defentcd Whitman yester day 10 to 6. Zip boom bee, "hurrah hooreee. This is a splendid victory and means that U. O. will have, to look to her colors. O. A. C. has a coach with charactor and new snap is being; put into the team. Benton county won fourteen prizes at the apple fair: Second prize of $50 on the county exhibit, Zinn & Calloway four and $50 in cash, H. G. Kumhaugn. four firsts and two seconds, $24 in money W. F. Groves, one first and one. second $7 in money. E. A. Wright and Mabel Wright of Oregon City were married this week. Tho bride is the divorced wife ot Rob ert, the brother of the groom, who made the affidavit for the license. The groom is also divorced, his first wife having been a sister ot his second wife. There are two children. This takes the whole bakeshop. Our chicken tamalies are pronounced by the travelling public to be the best on the coast. They are made in our kitchen with the best ingredients, and cleanliness. The Mission Parlors. "Keep iry, ' i-arry f able iv.silj Mubiv.U. Jewe -: . f I'j thtm. ;rlu'.lfl detach-.P'-wr the DOOLEY'S GKOCERY A new and extensi e line of fresh, clean Imn'M'ted bulls at M. Senders & Co, '3. P. 0. 'iviLUIjr Watches Dreamland Tonight. ' big feature acts 7 NEW PROGRAM TONIGHT 1. Stricken Blind. (Selig Drama.) 2. Herr Sillimnn The Silver Toned Violinist. New music tonieht. The Man and the Girl. (Kulam Drama.) Robzart Burlesque old maid. Wedding Party at Luna. (Comedy Pictures.) Sleuth ani the (Comedy Pictures) 7. Silliman. Comedy cartoonist. 3. 6. Evening performance 10 and IScts, GRO CERES Bread, Dried Fruits and Vegetables 9TH AND LYON STREETS. Apple Fair Special Cur strictly Man-Tailored Ladies' Suits until Saturday, October 30th we will offer you the finest Ladies Suits at the following prices: $25.00 Suit at Special $19.00 $30-00 ' $23.00 535 00 4 $27.50 $40.00 ," " $30 00 AT ' THE PARIS CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE 223 West First Street, - . . A'biny, Oregon" FOR SALE J. ftl, RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AM) COLLECTIONS. have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mortgage, bought. 1 wili bond you. Property handled for non-residents OPPOSITE TEE P. O. Fur.r chairs. Prompt an Efficient Care of the face and hair. 137 acres unimproved kind, near railroad, 100 acres in cultivation, rest pasture. $47.50 an acre. 105 acres near railroad, 85 in culti vation, living water, good, line foil, ucautilui location. Very reason-; able. j 400 acres hill lai.rl 5 miles from! llrowitsville. Modern 9-room house,' good barn. Soil fine for fruit, walnuts j ; or grain. A good stock ranch. I 20 or 40 acres 3 miles from Albany, j J All in cultivation. Can be irrigated. i 185 acres unimproved land, all in i cultivation, on railroad. j I 822 acres, 16 in cultivation, good J ' : buildings, 2 miles from town. A lino m m m stock ranch. OBECiifJ MARKET:- rarniMi be e:i:.i!y cicnreil Good buildings, cx- ' cclL-nt soil. irM) cash. .f.M acres, ,JU in cr.ltiv.'.tion, JUr ck::rcil, rest in limber, lio.-it fruit and v;;!m:t. Rood grain lane ! d'j acre- t;iie in, jjr-od Tnjilcrr b.r..-c. ii.-.i-it, windmill, 90 tre, ber-rie-. 'V-'.ip--, etc. A niodcvn home. 2J .'irre.s close in fiiiitabk: for plat ting. Would sell in small tracts, 22 acre i close in, '4 in cultivation ?1M an acre. A Minp. We liavo Mock ranches frrms, small 1 lract and city property. C.iil and stc ivl-.M wq have. F.Tlir.i. t. .M I I.LliK, 1 Stale Bank IUiiiding. I ALBANY STATE BANK W.V. BAIN, Iresid-,;nt. p. D. GILBERT V. P. H N. tOUL"Y. Ciibhier. This bank has s lpndid f.".( illties for hi. nil ng yourjbci king business Invitcsyour pa'rinagr. Our methods arc modern and i nservativr, end prompt and careful attention is given to all c'ab8b3 of butiness placid in our hand SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intere: t it paid on Pavings y ccouniss. Home Made Sauer Kraut J. h ENGLND, Proprietor First class Groceries, and Ihe best fruits and vegetables at reasonable t'lic-r. A r(;iure dul for all. ViuJcOK'S BATHS Sc-A hirst it. .at Cc n-'ad Myer