1 Fall Dress Goods, New arrivals in Dress Goads, make 6 our assortment better than ever. Wool Poplins, in plahn colors, very ser viceable material 35c yd Faney Mohairs, in green, blue and gry,'a special at 3fc yd New Satin Soleils, in grey, green and ibrown, self stripe goods, thu prat itieat gtoda of the season at. ;1$1.M yd at Flood's ::::RELIABLE:::: Light, Power and Heat. Willamette Valley Co. R. E. Welch, Manage The "OLD RELIAHL II III 1 1 II A full line of'choice nursery stock. Order now, for Fall delivery. Office 312 W. Second St. Phone Red 871 JIOLOBIONE SHADES TUNGSTEN .Che SV. T Combination for ient Light. Wo have all styles of Shades. Sizes of Lamps. Ralston Electric Supply Co., 506 West Second Walter Parker, Grocer and; Baker 216 WKBT MRBT (3T K bl H.TM AL B & N Y OKKUO.V : First class goods in their season. Phone Main 5(1 WEhuvot.o State Djp;)3its, nor do we accept any de posit where special security has to be pledged. This means that vu hav no preferred creditors ami that your deposit has the Mime security that all have. , , We have invested assets worth nnre than $1110,001100 and tins would have to bo -dissipated before depositors could lose a cent. It is not being dissipated, it is growing. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. Established 18Q2. E. L. Cement Contractor. Plume-lied SONl. Res.lMMoiitgomery St UR. VIRGINIA V- Lt N Osteopathic Physician Kfoms l"i and 17 llrenner lilk Albany pi.one. H''1 '''"ck ,ltsfeiit".lli,liM''HS Vrtb tba Agents for Stanard Patterns. 9. F. PEIRCE, Manager. Stree Violin Lessons, I By jawes f. gallery, Manager of the Eilcr's Piano House, will irive instructions on the violin this winter. Mr- Gallery is a graduate from the New York Conservatory of Music, mid has had years of orchestral practice. : Mr. Gallery expects to organize an or chestra composed mostly of his pupils. A Snap in Land if taken soon. E. A. CHAMBERS. R. F. D. 2. Ailk Prices. Prom July li t prices for milk ami cream bolivered by us will be as fol lows: Ooarts daily delivered 7 cts, ?2.1t lelivcred -l ots, $1 21 per mouth. Pin's daily per rumth. Gallon d lily delivered '-V.. cts per gai Hotel lint rate 20 cts per gullon. Cream SO cents .er qtittrt. " 15 " " pint. " 10 " " , p'.nt. II M. 1'M.MKlt. Prop. Goldrn Utile Dairy Uj.iler in ch)Sca mnts of nil kinds. HARRISBURG Cheapest Land in County Around It. Bulletin: Dr. G. E. Parshall, a Chicago Veter nary Surgeon, has located here at the icott & Smith stables Dan McClain closed a deal a day or wo ago for the sale of his farm of KiO icres to a Mr. Dunn of Toledo, Ore The consideration was $40.00 per acre. It is up to Harrisburg to go after the Salem-Eugene line of electric railroad, t is time we were somewhat awakened when the announcement is finally made by one of the head officers of the com pany that the road will cross the Willa mette ut Peora. ' Game Wardens Green and Keeney of Albany have been looking after viola tors of the game law in this Beet ion. A rake down was made Sunday, Green caking in an emmigrant who bad taken down a china hen for his dinner. G. Peterson closed a deal this week for the transfer of his 160 acre farm north of town to M. C. Carolin of Brownsville. Mr. Peterson sold this place last spring on contract to a Port land party for $26.00 per acre, and he ! in turn sold it to Mr. Carolin for about $30.00 per acre. A little over two years ago Mr. Peterson bought this place for aDout zu.uu per acre. Religious Christian church: Bible school 10:30. E. S. Muckley, formerly Dastor of the first Christian church of Portland for. nve years, wm speaK oont morning ana evening. Y. P. C. IS. 6:30 p. m. Every body welcome. M. E. church. 3rd and Ellsworth. Sujoct of the sermon at 10:30: 'Why we baptize children. Pa'ents wishing to have their babies baptized are requested to have them present at mis service memo at t au: "ine Mustard Seed or ' The Miracle of Music has been Dre- Multiplication pared for each service. Epworth League 6:30. topic: 4 'A Lost Son and a Yearn ing rather." Class meeting 10 o clock; S. S. 11:45; prayermeeting Thurs. eve. United Presbyterian; W. P. White, Pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning subject: "The Ruin of a Man With an Opportunity." Even ing subject: "Sufficiency of Grace." S. S. and C. E. at usual hours. First Presbyterian church: Rev. F. H. Geselbracht. Minister. Morning seivice 10:30. Theme: Limitation Spells Opportunity. Evening service 7:30. Theme: Why Join a Church? -Sabbath School 11:45, Junior Endeavor 3:00, Christian Endeavor Society 6:30 A cordial invitation and hearty welcome to every one. St. Majy's church. Rev. Arthur Rector, Rev. A. Servais, Assifttan . Sunday services at 8 and 10:30 a. m. The pastor will officiate and preach from the gospel of the Sunday and the full choral service will be rendered by the chcir. Vespers will be chanted at 7 30 and the pastor give the sermon. The pnblic is cordially invited. Grace Presbyterian: Preaching ser vice at 11 a.1 m. and 7:30 p. m. In the absence of the pastor President Crooks will preach in the morning and Prof. Prankin in the evening. Baptist church: -Regular services at the usual hours, Sabbath School 10:15 a. m., preaching by Rev. A. C. Eaton at 11:15 a. m and 7:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 6:30. All are cordially invited to attend these services. Brownsville. Timrs: M. U. Carolin sold his 160 acre tract of land just purchased last week, to Mrs. M. v. iurner. nir. Carolin realized the neat sum of$500 for his few duys Investment. W. B. Blanchard atrived homo Mon- day frem his eastern trip. In August he went trom heie to Halt L.aneiiy as a delegate to the National u. A. K. Eucampment. Since then he has been, visiting in Vermont, New Hampshire and New York. the bowels and don't curei Doan.'s fiteg . ... . MD;Ui ule'o act gently and cure- osnstipation, Stayton ill Right. j 25 cents. Ask your druggist o,....i.... ..I..:..... i.u tl... v., t town of its size on the coast, and some of its institutions will speak for themselves: a fine water power, a woolen mill, an excelsior mill, a chair tactory, a saw mill two grist mills, an ice plant, an electric light plant, water works, tele phones, cement sidewalks, ana is me center of a rich country. Besides it is about to have an electric line from Salem. An Odd Rult. Stayton Mail: The lumbering comp anies are ' depopulating the foothills. They buy out the ranchers and do noth ing to replace the settlers. It is a sad sight to pass along in the upper edf.e of the foothills and see the many com fortable homes, bearing orchards and cleared 1 -nds that are 'iven over to decay. If the companies, after taking otr the timber, will not sell the land at i reasonable rate for settlement, their l ind ought to bo unmercifully taxed ind force them to sell. GASOLINE tiURNS FATAL. Soatman Tries to Refill Tenk With Lighted Lantern in Hand. Kvcrctt, Wash., Oct. S While gnso ine va being transferred from one .ishing launch to another near Mtikil eo Inst night, llu fumes wen iunt.i jy a hintern ami Kldon Grahan va mrned to death. His enn'VKtnions, J. Everett (Jrahan and l Ki'.uu'is Alkya wore burned but oh ii pod death by loapuiir into the wat or Graham is in a hospital here Al; he nun are from Seattle. Jis'lj F. Q. Will ior watches. MISFITS. Schlatter.the imitator of Christ, has died again. What's the odds. He was a great fake. Football players hereafter will have plenty of mud for their games. But there is nothing in footoall if not clean. A young man died at Corvallis of dpinal paralysis, and the statement is made that there are 175 cases in the stale. Each candidate for the mayor of New ! York is already elected, in his mind. Anything can be figured out before hand. Kincaid Field, at the U. O. is about to be changed to McArthur Field. Honors are eoming Pat's way like lions before Roosevelt's gun. "is Harrisburg on the map?' asks the Bulletin, in giving the route of the new Welch road, that skips that city going up Dy way ot P.;oria. More people have' been eoming to Oregon than to California on colonist ratea, a significant fact. showing a decided change in t!ie tide. I Jim Jeffries has returned iron Eu rope, and Jack Johnssn will do well to take a hide, for Jeffrrss says he is- go- i ing to lick him. The dining car superiatendent oi Chi' C3g says many neonie- who eart on diners have more money than brains. But that doesn't settle She tip graft question. J. M. Nolan is assessed it $25,000 on his stock:, of goods, while the highest at Eugene ie $24,000. The Eugene stores are assessed at $21,000 and the next nearest at ssxouu. bpeaKinpr ot' stores, Albany has1 two that employe over 2& people, one- 35, at the present time; Can Eugene or Coivallis make i show- ing line tnat. There is more catarrh in thiB section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable, ror a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven ca tarrh to be a constitutional disease and; therefore requires constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufact ured ry F. J. Cheney & Co., Ohio, is the only constitutional cure 0v the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspooful. It acts islirectly on the blood and mucous sur saces of the system. They offe:rone hundred dollars for any case i. faifs- to cure. Serd for circulars and testimon ials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.. Sold by Druggists, 75ct Take Hall's Family Pills for ooiwti pation. Oysters, JOyslers. The season is here. Tiy H. Hofiloll! for anything you want tail and in bulk. All styleaj re- i If you are going to travel get the American Bankers Association. Trav ellers checque,in$10.00.'$Se;00or $50:00 denominations, payable at ten thousand' banks, or t-.t any hotel or railroad office. For sale by J. W. Catiok & Coi,. Bankers. 1 Holt Again for your raeatB- of all kinds, and the Metropolitan. Marivet next door for the latest and besS. in iruits ana vegecaoies. ConstiDation causes neadaoha.-nausea- nizziness, languor, heart palpitation, ! Drastic physics gripe, sidten,. weaken. Never can tell wucri. you'll- maah a I R .ni,j tir ' Tkom" Eclectric Oil instantly, relieves the-pain, -luickly cures the wosnd. Vetch and Cheat Seed. In any quantity desirea,. also kinds of Grass Seed which will be sold on a very close margis. At Murphv's Feed Store . 225 Wist 2nd Steeet. Old and Reliable Thirty-eight years of steady growth j are significant endorsement of the careful management and courteous service of the time-tried tktnK. Assets over 'o"c million dollars F3RST NATIONAL BANK having Account in the name of your boy and girl will teach them a knowledge of business and a habit of saving that they can acquire in no better way. ntcrosl paid cn Savings accounts -irSST SAVJNCS BARK Hvi-.ed and operated by the stockhold ers of the First National Bank, Imported Brasses ! New Designs and Shapes ! At the Right Prices. Always at Ghas. Knecht's HOW ABOUT YOUR HEATER? Is it all riht and readv for the: Winter? If not this is the best timer1 to have it cleaned and put in repair."! , , , . . c . before you start your winters fire, j Or possibly you need a new one? In' arir case you will find our work in' ,-. T,W nf H,- fc. W. will nut in steam heating apparatus, hot air fur- nace- or hot warn- heating at enable cost. MiSDIN & STUAPT. The Crest Tairoalie3, Tamalies. Try one'of our bonetess chicken tam alies. None better ire tine city. Oysters-served any style, aiso light inches-. j&th Phone 316 West 2nd 4M tl Wiere nieaned bji our meafooda of dry cleaning, are made to-lock just as good as'made to .oo& just as mew. Waists and dresses- of delicate colors and ma terial we renovate to-the delight of the owner: We also dye any garronnt d sired in beauti.tl shades and colorings, TOE CLEANER, CS. SHELiuEY, Prop. ,0 VT IStlSt.. Beli Phone blaek.273 .Borne phone 196 Meyer 'Vacuum (Meaner. To olean yous house this Fall, the machine that gets the dirt.. . Gasoline power. Have your beds ad on all kinds of Furniture the On ward Siding Furniture Shoe and throw away the casters. Leave orders- at Pratt's Furniture store. O. B. ADAMS. Borne Phon Btaek 352. GementWork Estimates- given on Plastering, Side walK and Cement Work. J. F. H31AVER, 4th & Calapooia Sc. scoffs Santal-Pepsin CapsuiBS A POSITIVE CURE Forlnflsmtnatlon orCfLtarrho! tl.. Itlari.LorntiH 1 )iaoa. .! H iri m-yu. MO CIDRE NO FT, Curfil imckly and iernmtuTitly tbt luit) iHt4 do niBtlr of bow 'on b tun din a. A tsnlateli lutrmh-as. Sold by drn&?iBte Price fi.ofl, or by mall,, poai paid, il.00,3 bozee79 THESANTAL-PEPSIliK, Bcllelantslne, OU. For eale br'Barkhnrt A Lee CHINKSE DOCTO'K jr"MoTrFoo7an experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the late Hong Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. Tbeunder signed recommends Wm and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him t No. 110 West Second Albany Or .llM WrsTF-ALL. 5 Couxs & Revive Real Estate and Insuran Buy and sell realty. Insure prop erty and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. CARPENTER AND PAINTER If you want your home Painted, lie paired or a new one huilt givf us a -all. ! ivM KIRK, Albw Cw, , i Hui.-.c Fboue, ! - The Market. ( Wheat 85c, Cats 40c. ' Beef on foot 2 to3c;vealdressed7c; pork dressed 9c;: on foot 7c. Lard 15c. Eggs 32c. ' hickens on foot 10c. Hams 16c to 20c, sides the some,. snouldera 12 to IBe, . cutter 30c to 35c. Flour $1.50 to $1.75c a sack. Potatoes lc oer lb. Hay, from $7 for some clover to $14' for the best timothy. t j eupeiiea. . The City Fish Market has reoped; ?oin "t,109 Lyon street Albany, Ore. w? wll huve on hand all kinds of fresh FISH.CLAMS. OYSTERSand CRABS, also a full lin of Salt and Smoked Fwb. Everything new and clean. iASH PAID FOR POUDEBY. Yours for Business. CONRAD SC3EUBLL. 30 Days Trial Ihe- Willamette Valley Gov has re ceived fifty electric irons, whfel will be- poistort thirty days trial,, for oajy $8.5b .AsjileDdid thing for the iroirer. F, i Will for watches- Made in Albany my no 1 Edg: drain s the- BEoT in the market. Various - j grades-and prices from $1.25 upwards.- livery ounen nranaea witn my. name. Look for it. Examine these shingles-before- buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON i-no dry kilm. We- We keep rb best of all kindfli. us fos agtmea See CITY LUMBER YARD wilkins & .aatis. A. STAEK, M. D WIfySIOIAN AND SbKGEON WfLlt.& STARK :BLOCK, AifLBANY DIL MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Phys!ciati Albans- State Bank BuauMs BeUi Blacks Home 275. H. A LEININGER DENTIST Crawturd Block, Albany W. R. B1LYEU. Dentist .WILL & STARK BLOu'S, ALBANY UR. II. .. ElUiW, : DENTIST Rooms 6 and 8. Btvsoner Block. Home Phone 359. Bell Black 2481 J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the New Albany State Bank BuilaW ing, second floor, with a compltca equipment for picture taking of alt kinds. HURRY UP WAGON, Righton hand any time of the day or night. Transferring baggage a spec ialty. Any kind of wood for sale. Phones-Bell Red 204: Homo Red CMHce with Linn and Benton Real Estate Co. It. B. MAYBEP.RY. " TUBTYUUirr' jlU jj and Sign Painter, 122 Eerry St. I Agent for the Cleveland Geisenito ' poof paint. Horns phone 320. Paiific Red 3CG2 ALBANY OHBGON Want's Your Patrbnao-e SHINGLES 8 H Telephone Red 671