THIS WEEK SPECWLS Great Reduct ons on Seasonable Merchandise TAILORED SUITS $12.00 Suits worth $15 00 and $20.00 A clean up at a very, low price. If you want good service at a low price see these. Taka advan'age and save money. S3 3.00 cloth gown trimmed in bla6k braid and silk sash 832.50 Black Princess braided in silk soutache S3T.50 Wisteria batista trimmed in net unci silk braid--a handsome gown SPEICAL PRIGES On our entire line of sixty -five cent wool serges. 38 inches wide. A corking value. . . 50c yard LET US ASSIST YOU To be warm and comfortable by plac ing one of our heating stoves in your bed-room, sitting-room or parlor. We have a large assortment of Hrating Stoves. Everything from little $2.00 air to the tall round oaks. Our Fashs and Trilby s are an orna ment to any parlor. Call and seethem. OHLING & TAYLOR, Fine Wall Paper One of the largest and best selected stock of Wall Paper in Oregon can be found ut our store. Bright, clean pat terns to select from; new shades in Brown and Olive. Our time is ycur time. Our prices are correct. We ask you to call and see the lines Burkhart & Lee. THE JEWELER. The best to b: Watches and t Jewel rv FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Have h good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in(show In you any place you wish to se . No trouble to us. No expense to you. hA Jefore "r see us. it all. Take Office 236West F.rst St; LADIES DRESSES j: I. San mam j secured it kinds in of your choice. Get the best. wi TAILORED SUITS $20.00 Worth $25.00 and $27.00. Good values at the higher price and a snap at the reduced figure. If you have $20.00 for your suit use it for one of these. We cuir antee a perfect fit. 821.00 826.00 898.50' FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE No. 21350 acres, 300 acres all in cultivation, 50 acres in good saw timber and pasture, good hop yard on olace and oroduces 24O0 lbs hops per acre. Most all A No. 1 bottom . land and will grow anything. This is one of the most productive farms in the state. Buildings good, and running water the year round. 1. can at this time give you a bargain : on this place. Terms can be made, i No. 22 170 acres close to Albany and R. F. D. station, most all in culti vation, fair buildings, 60 acres in clover, fine fruit land, and is situat- ! ed well for dividing into smajl tracts. No. 23 50 acres, all beautiful land, small house, good barn, 6 acres A No. 1 apple orchard; all in cultiva tion. School close to place. I have some small tracts of good land close to Albany, with or without buildings. Call at my office for in formation. J. V. PirE, 203 West 2nd St. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE No. 1 Good house of 7 rooms, 7th St. West Albany; large lot; is a bar gain. Price $1800.00. . No. ?. 2 cottages, East Albany, price $800.00 each. No. 3 Good house of 7 rooms and some f.irn.ture with it, 2 lots, also barn, East Albany. Price $1400.00. No. 4 Good b-room house and 2 nice lots. Price $1600.00. East Albany. No. 5 Good 2-story house of 6 rooms, barn and buggy shed, Hast ' Albany. Price $2100.00. No. 6 Good house of 6 rooms, with 3 lots, West .Albany. Price $2300.00. No. 7 Good 8-room house, bath and electric lights, lot 50x100 ft, situat ed on Montgomery St. Price $3000. No. 8 Nice house of 8 rooms and 2 beautiful lots, well located, and a lucrative business in connection with it. This is a snap if taken soon. Call and see me for informa tion. T. V. PIPE, 203 West 2nd St. Albany Supply ! Company ; WflOLISM DEILEBS ' In fruits, vegetable?, sugar, nuts, confection ry, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. I We also have the agency for Pyramid ' and Golden Gate cement, ulympte lime, ; Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy ;ing. ' I Cash paid fur onus. foot ferry Mreer,, Albany. Phones. Mnin 6 Bell. !! Home. G.E.METZGUS & SON, Sanitary Plumbers and Sheet Meial WorKers. Our Datron are assured of strictlj first-class work, prompt service ant reasonable prices. Eave-trough, conductors, roofing and general Ijobbine. Specifications furn ihed. Estimates cheerfully given. Try n. 201 E. FirstJSt. Both Phtne THIS MORNING News from Albany" Trains. Six Early Horticultural Commissioner C. A. Park returned to Salem, but will be back for the apple fair. A. P. Blackburn, of Lebanon, left for Pendleton to spend the winter, making the change for the dry climate there, his lungs Deing affected. S.'G. Simons, of the Linn and Benton Real Estate Co., returned from a bus iness trip to Uedford, He reports things humming nt that hustling town, his former home. Editor Alexander, of Lebanon, came down for the day. niss Emma Crosno went to Jefferson for a t;hort visit with her mother. Geo. L. Allen, of Lebanon, brought down four (urge baskets of dahlias, which attracted a good deal of attention. There are forty six varieties, including something new, just out, the Peona, a very odd ihing. These are on exhioi tion at the apple fair, a splendid addition to the display. Som, To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parent, in Portland, on Monday, Oct. 25, a boy. Mrs. Parent was formerly Miss Mary Thompson of Albany, a daughter of Hon. Rufus Thompson. The funeral of Vera Calloway, daugh ter of Jas. Calloway, who died Monday at the family home in Benton county, occurred at the M. E. church this after noon. Mrs. Calloway, is seriously ill, also a younger child, due it is reported frdmsome poison administered by the mother, who is not well. The reception committee for tomor row is requested to meet at the Com mercial Club rooms tomorrow ut 11 o'clock prepare! to march to the train tor tne reception to tne balem. (Jor vallis and other delegations arriving. A meeting of the Fraternal Union will be held tomorrow evening 7:30 for initiation and to meet the supreme pres ident. By order of the Fraternal Mas ter. .. THIS . IS DISH NIGHT AT DREAMLAND. HARD WHEAT FLOUR LIBERTY BELL $1.45 per sack; DIAMOND $1.60. Get a long handled dust pan free with your next sack of these brands of flour. t29 M. SENDERS & CO., INC. Everybody decorate, with the cq lors red and green. Chicken Ta males and I- Oysters ELITE OVER COAT The Blain Clothing Qo. Albany, - Oregon APPLE FAIR OPENEDJ A Splendid Display Here. of Apples Albany's third annual fair began this afternoon, somewhat incomplete, not. being completely set, but with much the finest display of apples ever shown in the central Willamette Valley, a credit to this valley with its wondsrful resources. The people of Albany have made splendid prepartion for the fair, the commitee3 doing thorough and ener i getic work. The merchants have made excellent decorations for the event, the stores being alive with apple displays. Among : fine uioplays in aduiton to thoso men- I tioned are those of the Elite, where a . pretty wheel with Albany as the Hub is shown. IV. M. Parker also has a good one along this line, the Blair. Clothing Co., the Commercial Tea Co.. L. Viereck, S. E. Young & Son, Stern berg, Chambers & McCune, the Willam- i ette Valley Co., he Toggery, Torolin I son & Holman, Gilbert Bros., the Al-j bany State Bank, with the name in : apples, Conrad Myer, Foshay & Mason, the Woodworth Drug Co. . The Sox H.irdware store, the Crest, Holt Again with the name in tipples. H. Hollieh, C G. Rnwlings, the Linn & IS enton Keal fcstate Co. Taiee counties have displays, Marion, Benton, and Lane counties each itii the regulation twenty boxes, in differ-! ent varieties, and there are many in dividual displays in boxes and on plates Yamhill, at the last moment reported it couldn't come. Two immense bunches of celery raised by Chas. Crocker attract attention. Ruef Bros, of Salem, have a display , of hot house flowers, coyering a wide ! variety, a splendid assortment. j Geo. L. Allen's dahlias, 46 varieties, fill a table, a beautiful display. J. A. Nimmos has on display some fine Albany grapes. Quinces immense ' are there and some big vegetables. for tonignt an eiaoorate musical pro gram has been arranged, to consist of music by the orchestra, a song by a male quartet, a solo by Mr. Graham, a reading by Miss Harkness, a selection i by the Treble Clef Club, a solo by Miss I smith, tne ouicial song "in tne Land Where the Big ReJ Apples Grow," and a selection by the orchestra. The opening exercises have been de layed until 7 this evening at the gym nasium The musical program will be in the Christian church. Tomorrow will be Willamette Day. A big reception will be given the crowd at noon, three hundred arriving at noon. Postmaster Van Winkle will give the address of welcome and F.G. Defelbach of Salem will respond, and the key of the town will be given the fisitors irom everywhere. Hon. W.S. Duniway, state printer, a former Albany boy, has consented to deliver a response to the address of welcome of Judge Hewitt at the home coming meeting Friday evening at the Christian church. Congressman Hawley is also down for a ten minute talk at this time, by virtue of Mrs, Hawley having been a former Linn county "girl" and Mr. Hawley a next door neighbor. WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE 3 REPAIRING 113 BR0ADALBIN STREET. and CRAVENETTE SEASON THEY ALL LOOK ALIKE IN PRINT A comparison will show that ours is different. . There is a distinctiveness lhat is not shown in ordinary makes. Ours were made up for this particular trade, and according to our own.ldesigns. QUALITY first-price next. Moderately Priced $10 to $25 BOYS OVERCOATS $3.75 up. Everything NEW . RFCT0RY OPENED. The now rectory of Father Lane was formally opened yesterday, and a larg number of Albany people enjoyed the hospitality of the popular priest, both afternoon and evening, the rooms being well filled. The residence is a modern structure, splendidly arranged and rich ly furnished, equipped for comfort and entertainment, a strong factor in the work of a church. Choice refresh ments of ices, cakes and coffee and tea were served. An impromptu program was rendered in the evening, particu larly favored in including Father Datin and his accomplished niece, of Brooks, who also assisted materially during the day in the entertainment. Father Servais, the assistant, is prov ing a capable help in the work of the church, and has a suit of rooms in the rectory. A richly furnished room al ways awaits a visit from the Bishop. Several pictures were the work of Father Lane's mother, and a sword of General Lane, once presented him on an important occasion, hangs on the wall of the grandson, a relic to be proud of. home Corners. Mrs. M. Saltmarsh and son Roy, Mrs. Ollie Jackson Stevens, John F. Trout man, P. W. Spink, Mrs George Wash burn, of Portland. Dan W. Myers of Dilley. Mrs, W. W. Davis of Corvallis. Our IMPORTED BULBS have ar rived. Call early and make your selections. We have CHINA LILLIES, HYACINTHS, NARCISSUS, TULIPS, LILLIES, JONQUILS. t29 M. SENDERS & CO., INC.. WHEN i'OU ARK SICft. You need the best drugs money can buy; you get just this kind from us, pure, fresh, clean drugs that give the desired results. Bring us your prescriptions. Our price are correct. Bukkhart & LEE. Dr. Lowe says 't is better to do one thing and do it well than to do many things and none o; them equal to the best. He confines his practice to test ing and fitting glasses to the humin eye. 19 years experience. See him Thursday and Friday. THIS IS DISH NIGHT AT DREAMLAND. I The ladies of the Baptist church wilt give a dinner in the church dining room on the noon of Friday, Oct. 29, the closing day of the apple fair ANY LADY can easily make from $18.00 to $25.00 per week working for me quietly in her own home locality. This is a bonufide offer one which will pay you to investigate, eyen if you can only Bpare two hours per day. No inyestment required. Turn your spare time into money. Write me at onco for particulars. Address HAR RIET M. RICHARDS, box 80, Woman's Building Joliet, Illinois. FOR SALE. 1 good iron bed and mat tress, 1 dresser, 1 kitchen treastre, 2 stoves, 4 dining chairs, 1 leaf table, fruit jars. Call on Mrs. J. Merle, E. 9th st. ' t29 4