Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 29, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    Mad Girls.
Brooklyn, N. Y.,;Oct. 27.-The high
school girls are up in arms over an
edict prohibiting puffs and rats in their
hair, and today held a mass meeting.
Painless D
jMtf-tt ' aOnt of town people
'W-vi Scan have their plate.
and biidgework fin
.hod in ouo day
TAlt neoentarr,
.. ... n no will rivo you a rooe
v;.sj crown lor $3.50
llMolar Croaiu 5.00
liSGold Fillinit 1.00
:- if atnainei ruling i.uu
i dsilver Filling .SO
-!' jlnlay Fllllnn 2.60 PIS- 5.00
T JBbH Red Rub- - ft
OA.W.&.WIIE.rnnuwiK.Muuu " . f.uw
n run otuibiu mituuo Palnleii ExtrMlor. OU
Wise Dental Co.
Fahjmq Butldtko -
omoi aooaa; e a. h. to 8 p. m. Bua4y, 8 to i.
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it mav concern that the undersigned
has been duly appointed executrix of
Henry A. Lice:, deceased, by tne
county court of Linn county, Oregon,
and has duly qualified as such execu
trix, therefore all persons having
claims against the estate of said de
cedent are hereby notified and re-
ciuired to present such claims, with
the proper vouchers to the under
signed at her residence in the city of
Albany, Linn county. Oregon, with
in six months from the date hereof.
Dated this 29th dav October, 1909.
Executrix of Henry A. Clock, de
Notice is hereby given that the un
' dersigned, the-iduly appointed, quali
1 ficd and acting 'Administratrix of the
estate of Straudcr Fromaii, -deceased,
has filed in the County Court of Linn
County, Oregon, her final account in
the matter of said estate, and said
Court has fixed the 15th day of No-
vembcr, 1909, at the hour of one
o'clock in the .afternoon of said day
. for hearing objections, if any there
be, to saiij account and for the filial
settlement of said estate.
Dated this 11th day of October,
. Administratrix.
In the matter of the application of
Clyde Thomas to register the title to
the following described real property,
Beginning at a point which is south
89 degrees west 20.075 chains distant
. from the northeast corner of the Do
nation Land Claim of Sarah Turner
and heirs at law of Nathan Turner,
deceased, Not. No. 5892, and Claim
No. 64 in township 9, south of Range
1 east of the Willamette Meridian,
Oregon, and running thence south 5
degrees 37 minutes west 60.35 chains,
thence west 20.20 chains, .thence north
5 degrees 45 minutes east 60.30 chains
to the north boundary line of said Do
nation Land Claim, thence north 89
degrees east 20.075 chains to the place
of beginning, containing 120 acres,
more or less all in Linn County, Ore-
. gon, against Susan Mr Goodman and
all whom it may concern, Defendants.
To All It May Concern:
TAKE NOTICE, that on this 28th
day of September, A. D. 1909, an ap
plication was filed by said Clyde
Thomas in the Circuit Court of Linn
County, Oregon, for initial registra
tion of the title of the land above de
scribed. Now, unless you appear on
or before the Sth day of November,
A. D. 1909, and show cause why such
application shall not be granted, the
same taken as confessed, and a
decree will be entered according to the
prayer of the application, and you will
be forever barred from disputing the
Witness my hand and the seal of
the said Crcmt Court this 28th dav ot
September, A. D. 1909.
(L. S.) J. W. MILLER,
County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of
the Circuit Court of Linn County,
Applicant's Attorney.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has hecn appointed admin
istrator of the estate of John V.
Ilardnian, deceased, by the county
court of Linn county. Oregon. All
persons having claims against said
estate are requested to present the
same to J. J. Whitney, at his office
in Albany, Oregon, properly verilied
as by law required, within six months
.from the dale hereof.
Albany, Or., Oct. 1, 1909.
J. J. WHITNEY. Attorney.
To all persons having claims
.against the estate of Ellen Cline, de
ceased: All persons having claims against
the estate oi the above named deced--ent
arc 'hereby required to present
the same to me with the proper
vouchers at the law office of W. R.
Bilyeu in Albany, Oregon, within six
.months from. the date hcreoi.
Dated this first dav of Oct.. 1909.
.Administrator of the estate of Ellen
Cline. deceased.
Xotioe-is hereby given that the final
r.ccount has been filed in the estate of
August Holzfiiss. deceased, and by or
der of the County Court oi Linn
County, Oregon, Monday. Xo. 1,
199. has been set lor hearing objec
tions thereto and for tiic settlement of
sa;(l e-tate.
FRED HOI.ZFUSS. Administrator.,
J. J. WH1TXEY, Attorney.
south End an Eye-Sure As It Is.
The Warren Construction Co. yester
day completed their third contract, fin
ishing up the south end, which had been
left until the end, with the hopes that
the S. P. Co. would do something on
its street property; hut they have failed
to act, leaving the south end in a dis
graceful condition. The little triangu
lar piece should have at least been
paved. Decency called for that much
by some one, the S. P., if not the S.
P., the city, if not the city by the War
ren Co. as a contribution. As it is it is
a specticale. The Southern Pacific
might at least act promptly and give
the street some kind of a fi'ling and
not wait until next 4th of July.
The paving equipment is being ship
ped to The Dalles for use there during
the winter. It will probably be needed
here again in the spring.
The Freight Depot.
The blue print has been received for
the new freight depot. It will have a
ground floor office 32 by 24 at the end,
to be on a line with the west "side of
Lyon street, and a warehouse, with
six doors on each side, 192 feet 6 inches
long, making a total length of 216 feet
6 inches. New double deck stock yards
are being built on the C. & E.. half
way to the round house, which will
take two weeks, when the forco of
men will build the freight depot.
Stole a Bicycle,
A diring bicycle theft occurred Sat
urday evening, just before 6 o'clock.
While Rev. W. P. White was looking
but of the window a man rushed up to
his wheel in the yard, jumped upon it
and fled west, turning down one of the
streets in another direction and was lost
to view. No trace of the bicycle has
be;n secured since. New tires and a
new rim had just been put on it.
Lawyer Hawkics came over from the
Bay this noon.
-. . u j n t -i
stflta Hnnri nnmmiucinop Knilov tuna
in town this noon. .
Young, the Newport lapidist,
rived this noon.
Father Datin of Brooks is here to at
tend the rectory opening.
The weather prediction is fair to
night anu Tuesday. The river is-1.5
F. M. French and F. M. Redtield re
turned from the Bay today with six
Mrs. Mel Dawson returned last even
ing ftom a week's visit at Eugene.
Walter Govro, now running out of
Baker City, has been in town.
A whale went shore at Jump Off Joe,
Nye Creek, but finally got away.
E. R. Cummings and family left yes
terday.for Pasadena for a two years
Newport & Hornback's new lunch
wagon is a line tiling, it will be on
the street tomorrow.,
Judge Peckham, of theU. S. supreme
court, died yesterday at his home at
Albany, N. Y.
Congressman Hawlev will be in the
city Friday evening and will be glad to
meet me people ot Albany.
Leo Spaulding and Walter Broom
liall, two prominent O. A. C. students,
were in the city Saturday evening.
Attorney A. M. Crawford and R. R.
Com. West have been attending court
Miss Mabel Riffner, of the public
schools, went to Ashland this after
noon, called there by an accident loher
Messrs. Armstrong and Reynolds are !
nertj irom oaiem witn tne Marion
county exhibits, being packed for the
Verda. daughter of Jas. Hall nvortv
died this morning near this city. The
funeral will be at the M. E. church, Al
bany, Wednesday at 1 p. m.
W ilbur Green Friday evening had a
fine party, enjoyed by forty five boys
onu Kiria. i" a guessing contest Uer
trude Swank won first prize and Roy
Weaver the booby .rize.
President Crooks will leave tomorrow
for the east, after the endowment.
While gone he will deliver two illustrat
ed lectures on Oregon, buosteis lor Al
bany and the state.
Yale, Harvard and Princeton no
longer have things their own way in
foot ball in the east, Saturday Prince
ton was beaten by a common college
and others had a close call.
Fortmiller Brjs. vesterdav rfficintorf
at four funerals, Mrs. Barton's atOak-
vuie at 11 o clock, Stephen A. Doug
las jr., Henry Cleek's and Jas. a. PYpo.
man's in theafternoon. I
Miss Marcus, who did such efficient
worn during the Johnson meetings, has
been employed as city missionary dur
ing the winter in the interest of all the
churches. Last week she visited about
two hundred homes.
Guard. Fruit InsDecter 'Bti-he has
most of the apphs for the Line eountv
exniDil at tne Albany apple show at
me neaaquarters or the
urowers Association
lot and ought to
E. S. Redeker,
spent Sunday in i
is a former Albany
mess with E. F. Sox at one time, leav
ing here fourteen years ago, He travels
for the Marshall Wells Hardware Cn
and is out to '.he Northwest with of one
of the proprietors.
There was a large attendance at (he
funeral of Mr. Henry Cleek yeitcrday.
The sermon was preached by Rev. Mul
key. who in supplying the Christian
church timing the absence of Rev.
lisson. nn l .Vessrs. W. R. Bilyeu, Chas.
Pleilfer, J. J. Wniiney. S. A. Dawson,
S. Shupp and W. H. Goltra officiated
as pall Deareis.
lh. 1 ... a. .no i TlT I,U I .... . . r I
..... ..... p.,oc. Qn nrn, ....i iii ..... . nic inuiui .uivuiiin, presenter! or m ukc
of Fargo. N. Dakota, I the afternoon and evening The clerrrv mpi,re' """."J 8everal Pi. ' U. S. Sen
Albany. Mr. Redeker. I and InHios of th I S n t. Versy is a timely one thn court week, and a left Port Ian
man. hoinir in htiu. . 1. u-:- .. . . '"IW good One. Willi a neat Stlirv llltor-jyouon I VtioB oa
11 TO 0
The Way the Alcos beat the Eu
gene H, S.
The Alco foot ball team defeated the
crack high school team of Eugene, a
splendidly trained aggregation of heavy
weight youngsters. The score was 11
to 0, all made in the second half. In
the first half the forward half was re
sorted to disastrously, and though Al
bany had the best of it a touchdown
could not be secured. In the second
half Albany rushed things, easily get
ting two touchdowns and were close to a
third. One man was put out of the
game by Referee Mckinley, a rank
move that did not- help Eugene, for
Sut Standish who went in played a star
Dooley at full back and the Driver
bo'vs at half played foot ball, and the
line, though a little ragged at times
was effective, Barnes and Schumate
doing good work at the ends, Yatea
and Merrill at tackle, Ellis and South
at guard and Flo at center.
Next Thursday Ft. Steven's big team
will be here, which will mean a great
News from Albany's Six Early
Mrs. E. T. Fisher left for Portland on
a visit at the home of her son Ralph,
and to be there when her son Fred ar
rives home from China, after an ab
sence of over eleven years. He will
reach Seattle Friday, with his wife, a
former Portland young lady, who went
to China for their marriage, and will be
in Albany after a week's visit in Port
land. During his eleven years' absence
his advancement has, been rapid and
Frank R. Stuart left for Portland af
ter some new Dreamland attractions.
Always hustling for something new.
Hon M. A Miller, N. M. Newport,
S M. Gurinnd and Claus Vehrs were
prominent Lebanon men arriving.
J. A. Bilyeu returned to Scio.
W. A. Long came down from
Apple Fair Will be a Hummer.
i tv, j ...!s.j
1 0 t , . ....,. ,.
1 Saturday evening that Yamhill county
. - --.....,
f will have an exhibit at the apple fair.
l which will mean something extra, mak
ing county exhibits from hve counties
Marion. Benton. Lane. Polk and Yam
hill. Linn ciunty, according to custom
does not compete in the county contest,
but will have some splendid displays.
This will insure one ot the finest dis
plays of apples ever gotten together in
Saturday evening the home coming
committee met at the Club rooms, with
Chairman E. W. Langdon presiding, F.
P. Nuttiug secretary. The home com
ing program will be ' presented at the
Christian church Friday e: ening at 8
o'clock, with several musical numbers.
Judge Hewitt was selecttd to deliver
the address of welcome.
Mrs. Edward Coursen, of Poitland, a
former Albany "girl," has been asked
to sing. ........
At the depot Thursday noon Mayor
Rogers will respond to tho address ot
welcome to be delivered by Postmaster
Van Wrakle, and in the evening Capt.
C. L. Dick will speak in place of Chas.
Gallowaj , unable to be here.
Zastrow Obstreperous.
Henry Zastrow, who was recently put
off the place he had occupied near Leb
anon, by order of the court, and the
help of the sheriff, has gone hack upon
he place, barricaded the doors and
proposos to stay anyway. The case has i
been an odd one from thefirst. When i
called in court instead of having n law.
er attend to hij business Zsstrow was
always on hand hlmseif to answer and
tell what to do with it, running thingB
himself. He will probably find out
there is such a thing as law.
Spring fill,
A 8Uter of Mrs. L. E. Glen is visit
ing her from Mo.
C Collins has completed a modern
O. L. Crabtree and family have re-
turned irom a two week's visit at
The late rains stopped potato digging.
Silas Compton and family are visiting
relatives in Linn county.
A Rich Strike.
The directors of the Mexican mines.
owned by Linn county men, have just
received a letter and assay from their
mine stating they have struck a
vein $ln5 90 to the ton free milling ore,
The letter shvs the mine is one nf tho
Kreuieit in u,a exico and a orreat ;
surprise mav he nnkort for onw Ho., .
r"o ' I Ul . i - l V ""7-
Dr. J. L Hill is Dresident L F Rhl!n
- , 8eereIary-
Rectory Opened ,
' ;
The new St. Mary's rectory, which .
opening of the rectory.
tihe Shingle Mill.
Tht busines of the Thompson shingle
mill continues to gnw. Three car loads
to Mill City, one to Scio. are among
recent shipments. Mr. Thompson uses
no dry kiln, just nature, and makes n
sh ngle that stands Oregon weather '
Ho is always glad to show the operation
rr.d explain matters to those intertatc
cuiene f ruit nas just ueen complete I. will be thrown J, B' u Bl lne 'arm in in rYinev
. lhey are a hne nnpn tn tho nnhlio TooJo -.. . i uenton county. mother su
Of the Real Estate Men.
The real estate banquet Saturday
evening at the St. Charles, given by
the Oregon Title and Trust Co., was a
fine affair. .
A splendid menue was well served,
consisting of fruit salad, oyster soup,
celery, sweet and sour pickles, putted
mangoes, olives, turkey, cranberries
cracked crabs, raw oysters, boiled ham.
cheese, jelly, lemon and mince pie, nut
cake, angel food, oranges, grapes,
peaches, banannas, nuts and coffee.
, W. R. Struble officiated in an able
manner as toastmastcr. The responses
were "Cautious to Getem" Burkhart.
the pioneer of the crowd, on looking
backward, Western Eastern Pears on
looking ahead, Jonathan Apple Howard
on dirt, Jeremiah Jiewwhilikins Collins
on a greater Albany, Come West Te
bault on Linn county as an orchard,
and Great Reasoner King ou a fore
ward movement.
Others present were: J. V. Pipe, Z.
H. Rudd, B M. Payne, Dr. Davis, A.
D. Hall, J. P. Roberta, A. J. Hodges,
L. H. Fish, C. A, Chase, J. J. Scott,
Jas. McCourt, A. K. Curtis, C. G.
Cowles, A. T. Farmer, H. F. Merrill, F.
J. Fletcher, C. A. Curran, A. W.Roth,
v,. M. Giddings, D. W. Merrill, Wm.
Ritchie. W. D. Mixter, J. M. Hawkins,
G. H. Crowell, C. H. Weider and H.
.VI. Hawkins.
J. M. Hawkins, J. A. Howard, A. D,
Hall, J. V. Pipe and J. J. Collins were
appointed a nommittee on bylaws and
constitution for a real estate exchange.
That Means tfluch to the
R. R.
An important decision was rendered
by Judge Burnett this morning in tho
case of the State of Oregon against the
tlnrvnllia and Rastorn hi-niirht nslrino-
for $10 000 dams for th? failure ot
.no i.iuuau cuiuuuuy to uuuu a &mtiun .
k.. .u 1 .- : a
j.m... o- . n, CI-.J i...
the defendant.
In overruling the demurrer Judge
Burnett held that the R. R. Commis-
sion is a legal body and in creating it
" "y ... v. .....-.. v. .
!F q.m ?"y le8'3lat,lve Pwer.3-
5SyeK "etln the """.'-
sion provided that all rates and service
snoum oe reasonaoie ana mat an
J,,,. to 5 ,u a i
tory of the common law. No legisla
. "k'j ..... -
tive powers were delegates to the com
mission. They were simply appointed
and instructed to investigate and as
certain what were reasonable rates and
service and adequate facilities find
equipment, and after pointing them out
to the railroads and giving them an on-
portunity to be heard in the matter, j
order their malntainence. Ke said it
was impossible for a bodv like the I
legislature to investigate such matters'
and that it was Droner fcr them to an.
point a commission to perform the work, i
By the Man About Town.
r. '., ,, .
Davidson, daughter of
Miss Pearl
Mr. and Mrs
Ei. d. UaVlOSon. WHO
recently arrived hero from
Nome, has
vuugut uie property or w. A. Met; am.
am) with h.-r folks has already tpken
possession. The property will be great-
ly improved. Mr. and Mrs. McClain
are at Fred Fortmiller's temporarily.
M. F. Cameron is erectiner on i.vnn
I street, between 3rd and 4th a frame
building for a marble shop for I. S. I
lucLianiei, who will move to it from I
second street, as soon as completed.
, .
jne uooiey grocery store at Lyon
and Ninth streets, ha3 been opened
reauy tor ousiness, in cnarge ot Eugene .
wen ami;. anu neatly ar-
miigcu xor tne ousiness.
Hamilton's Store. Kn.-rht tho ai.
bany Hardware Co., Ohling & Taylor. I
W, M, Parker with his tvhool oH
Burkhart oc Lee have some attractive I
windows and others are getting some
ready, for the apple fair.
,, , . TT
Rev. Melvin Williams came overl
from McMinnville this noon. I
Martin Miller has returned from a
Visit with his folks in Eugene.
Mr. Chas. Bruce and fathor u-ont to
iorvains tms aiternoon to see things.
Elmer Conn and Chas. Rrntt ..t t
Roseburg this afternoon prospecting. I
Scott Hart left last night for The
Dalles to work on the pavement there.
W. L. Stanton of Nashville returned '
home todnv after a nloo.imt .;.
k u t xt: "
wviire ui . i. i-iiauii. .
'h""'uo fm Yaquina Bay. Mr. Hop-
W W. B. Stevens
caught 11 salmon one day 1 in the fore-1
noon and 1 in the afternoon. ;
Jnhn Sthmitzke,- a captain in the
Portland lire department, came up last
n'Kht on a visit with his brother-in-law
illustrating the power of conscience ,n
,o ...o ui... i-is worm seeing,
Mrs. J
Merie has sold her home un
E. 9'h St.
to Little and is gdinL'
to move to ruiiiann in a few d.ivn.wlih
the family, where Mr. Merle is going
take a suecial course in automobile
works. Thev will relurn In Albany i:;
the spring.
The bicycle thief is around. Mondav
he took the bicycle of Wayne Dnw. r,
at tho creamery, while Mr. D.iw.i,
was inside, getting away be 'ore .(,,.
theft was discovered.
In Its K'gular Weekly Meeting.
The regulai meeting of tho Albany
Commercial Club was held last evening,
with Vico Bresident McCune in the
chuir,. and Secretary Van Winkle, Dir
ectors Ellis, Leo, Bain, Cameron, Veal,
Rawlings, Buwersox, Miller, French,
Stewart, ISurggraiJ.n J Nutting present,
A statement of the Treasurer and
Secretary was presented showing $753
in the treasury, $2637 collectible during
the remainder of the year, a total of
$3390, with estimates of a total ex
pense account of approximately that
amount. The fitting up of the new
rooms hap been an extra expense not
anticipated at the beginning of the
year. Of the suoscription theie have
been $46 refusals and about $120 that
will not be collected.
After discussion the Barnes folder
was ordered accepted, though not re
ceived according to agreement.
2,000 tags were ordered for the apple
fair, which brought out a promiscuous
discussion of the printing subject.
The presentation of the boundary line
enlargement to the city council was
requested. .
it was reported that Mr. Pfeiffer
would be in Portland this week and
make a specialty of electric light study.
News From Albany's Six Early
President Crooks left for the east, to
look after the $25,000 endowment to be
furnished by the east to balance Ore,
ona J25.00Q for the college endow-
ment. He has with him one hundred
fiftV fin Oregon BlideS which he will
; Vr.MHT"n3 Lisbon
Mr. nnrt Mrs. Eocene Palmer lett for
, Portland, where they go to make their
' home during the winter, hftYWg prop.
i erto there,
I .- .
Dr' S?ttlemier left for Stayton
on a chiropodist trip.
i George Finley, of Crawfordsville and
Portland, returned to Portland, after a
vj8jt home.
Rev. and Mrs. S A. Dougloss went
to Niagara for a couple week's stay at
. rneir nouse tnere.
Mrs. E. J. Moist returned from a
Lebanon visit.
H. N. Cockerline. the well known
apple fair yell author, left on a short
SSlem trip.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bach came down
ftom Lebanon to attend the rectory
. jn
-fi gouev left on ft visit at Salem
ana Portland
. 1.,..
A CorVdiiis Cepiure.
Corvallis G. T.:
Chief Wells captured two or three
quarts of Albany boo2a last nitrht. hat.
the mat! who brought it oyer for dis
tribution jumped from the buggy and
i ,
ran too fast for tVells to get him. The
I Chief got unto this bootlegger by fol-
, lowing him over the city as he drove
i about in his drunken wanderin.s and
nnaliy stopped hun. At this the fel-
low jumped, abundoned his horses and
ran down the middle of the street like
fiends worn oftor him 11.11. ,,tooJ
with the rig, searched it and found a
.o n o nf ut.l 1
and n nmiple of pints larp-ely consumed,
He confiscated these and the rig was
delivered to the stable which owns it.
Paid in Full
The $3,000 insurance carried bv Miss
Anna linn on the First National Bank
building by the Oregon Fire Relief As
sociation ot McMinnville, will be paid
in full, the draft bein-r in the city for
tne purpose, i ne n.iard of directors at
a recent meeting inn le this order
On Tuesday morning, Oct. 26, to Mr
and Mrs. Chas. Kroeschel, at their
home on Washington street, a boy. who
has two sisters. All doing well.
, , . B "'
Lester G. Adair, an old time station
agnt at Eugene, died last evening.
Dr. Lowe, the well-known optician,
will be in Albanv Oct ! mrf on
On Nov. 1 the fee for reirisforincr lot.
ters will be increased from 8 to 10 cents.
A Benton county sale is Merrill Pi-a-cock
to W. P. Small, 6 acres near Al
bany, $900.
Thursday and Friday of this week Dr.
Lowe, thn nniiMnn u;,l i,o
s '. d.. . n". '
his eld
uun. iuuiii ui, iwvere KOUge.
When you come to the apple sl.o
fe your eyes to Dr. Lowe. Olfice m
Revere House. Oct. 28 and 29
Another depot has been robbed, the
one at Creoswell, of $(i;j. and it is said
tn" Harrisburg depot waa again en-
Mrs. Marv McMookin ,n,.,l lo-t ,.,ot.
me, aged bo years. Her
rvives her over ninety years
enator Geo, E. fhamberhin
d this morninir for Natt-ho-
Nor! thnfo k. L.n .l...L. - o .
brother. Senator' Chamberlain beforc
going expressed his regrets at being
unable to be in Albany on home comini!
day having a warm place in hii heart
for his old home town Albany,
Ji bso Moses ot Tangent recently had
experience with a burglar. Mr.
Mn-cs while sleeping in his store re
c ivi t! a visitor. The burglar struck a
iMitt h and Mr. Moses pulled a trigger,
l.ut missed his game. The man flea
aril Moses fired twice again, and he
ii ii ks hit the fellow for he stumbled.
I in kept running and escaped in tht
Salem Backwards Declared
The trial of the case of Oroeon ant.
Fred Senders, charged with the viola
tion of the local option law was com
pleted last evening before the follow
ing jury: E. M. Burkhart, T. O.
Cheshir, W. S. Churchill, O. B. Cyrus,
ureun, win ijiimes, Ed. Hollo
way, A. J. Kirk, W. A. Long, A. C.
Miller, D. F. Sturtevant and M. W.
Yoemi n
The only Question was whothni- tho
liquor, Melas, was intoxicating under
tuo Btate law, ana tne evidence was
plain that it contained more than 2 nor
cent alcohol. The jury oromntlv re
turned a verdict of guiity.on the second
ballot, all but One votinc irlliltir nn tho
first ballot..
" TUia .- M r
.uta illuming mr. parson, represent
ing the Salem Brewing Co., asked for a
new trial and a change of venue, de
claring that the jury was prejudiced,
thai of 23 examined all but f jur had
voted for local option, and that the
principal w tnesses the sheriff and
deputy sheriff Munkors, being also .
officials could not be depended upon for
a fair jury on a special venire.
Judge Burnett promptly overrul d
both motions, mad on ground as soft
as quick sand, and the trial of the
second case was begun at once.
Grange Meeting.
On Saturday, Oct. 23rd, a regular
meeting of Tangent Grange was held.
Owing to the busy season and other
reasons the attendance was not large.
The literary hour was spent in dis
cussing the high school question, and
how it would affect the public school
where the higher grados are taught by
the same toucher.
U wag announced that the next meet-'
ing of the Linn County Council would
take place in the hall of Crowfoot
Grange Nov, fljh When report, will be
heard from several Important com
mittees. '
The next meeting of Tangent Grange
will be held at 10 a. m. on the fourih
Saturday in November, at which time a
class wiil be instructed in the first and
second degrees.
The time for activity in all manner of
g'anga work has now arrived.
Visitors are always welcome, and
their presenco requested.
On Three. Special Trains.
Portland Telegram: .
AI Kader Shrine will make a pilgrim,
age to Albany on' Saturday, Novembef
13. For the first time in the history of
that city a caravan will be led on the
streets and highways. The nobles are
expected to bring their wives, each of
whom is to wear a fez. This will be the
budge of recognition. Albany will be on
dress parauC for the occasion. The Al
bany Masonic bodies wiil decorate the!?'
temple magnificiently for the reception
of the daughters of the desert. An
elaborate banquet will be spread in the
oasis. , .
The prophets have announced that
there will be at least 6U victims in
custody of the patrol. Nobles from
Salem, Eugene. Grunts Pass, Ashland
and other sections of Oregon have sig
nified their intention to participate. It
is now estimated that there will be at
least three soeiial trains to Albanv to
accomodate the visiting nobles and their
A big Jersey Sale.
One of tho biggest sales of Jersies in
the valley was that of Rosa IMolsnn .t
Independence yesterday. L. L Swan.
Schnel, it. L. Burkhart, Mark
Hulburt, Henry S u.irt and Hike Ohl
ing, prominent Linn county Jersey men
w;re among the largo number present.
The highest price paid was $319 for a
little two year old, with blue blood,
then $310, $300, $257, 220, $219, etc.,
down to $17 paid fur a decrepit old lady
fourteen or fifteen yeara old. . Mr.
Swan and Ed Schciel invested $80 apiece
in a couole fine hniforu ThiVtt,. o
cows and heifers and several bulls were
Some Eugene Deais.
David Link has buught a business
piece of property, in Euene, 25 feet
front on Willamette street. 160 feet
deep, and 40 feet on 7th street extend
ing back 41 feet. The consideration is
said to bo about $15,000. The Merch
ants Bank has bought the Palace of
oweets property next door, with a
frontage of 21 feet, and will use it for
tne oanK as soon as the Palace of
aweots lease expires in a couple years,
or sooner if arrangements can be made.
Apples Oil re
Thursday at noon there will beoerveJ
at the W. C. T. U. Ha'l an apple r'imer.
daked apple uuinplings with n o ner's
old fashiuted, delicious "dip" dressing,
aiiple pie und apples in a variety of
ay and other edibles, all toothsome
ntl luciiius, and served with prompt
ness Special attention will be given
to our Apple Fair guests and to all
no eon.e to tne feist of good thing'.
Morris Squeals.
I'ouri.AND, Oct. 27.-Banker Morris
of lne Oregon Trust Co. shifts the
blame on the directors, and. points an
accusing E. E, Lytle.