Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 29, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Beginning Tuesday, Oct. 26, Closing Saturday Eve Oct. 30.
We will have a number of Specials to offer our customers. Extraordinary
yalues they are and every one means an appreciable saving to you. The ready
to wear departments will have some good things to offer. A Blanket Specia
will attract attention. Towels, Shoes, Kugs all are most excellent values
and mean money to you.
Come and investigate make yourself fit home in our store during the Apple
H. C. Bushnell, of Eugene, is here
looking after the Lane county exhibit.
Dr. Carter, of Newport, returned
home this afternoon from an Albany
L. E. & H. J, Hamilton
Albany, Oregon
317-321 First St
tijBi.mwflnmfr''r"l"""im"ii'' n iniimiiniiii n iiii n minimi
jflt ' a KO
Deeds recorded:
J. R. Baltimore to W. L. Jack
son & wf 62.97 acres 10
Braxton C. Irvine to W. L. Jack
son & wf 73.71 acres 10
W. H. Bowman to E. 0. Watson
2 lots bl 125 H's 2nd ad 1250
Or. to H. C. Moran 219.60 acres. . 2500
iWhy buy Groceries
of Portland f J ouses
when you can got the
prices at
Mortgage for $2000.
Satisfactions 12000 and $600.
Marriage license: Stanley Hoffman,
aged 30, and Iva Hunsell, 21.
Miss 1-dna Groves, of Corvallis, ar
jived this noon on a visit with Miss
Orah Harkness.
J. D. Dickover came up from Portland
this noon to look after his Linn county
fruit orchard.
Mrs. Dr. Price of Monmouth, and
Mrs. Gilfillin, of Grants Pass, arrived
this noon on a visit at J. S. Morgan's.
Hugh Cummings, of Halsey, return
ed this noon from Seattle, where he
had been with two car loads of goats
for mutton eaters.
The reDort of the marriarrft of Mi'rh
Margaret Freerltson down in California
the Democrat is reliably informed is Of all the great plays that have
previous She is not married. graced the stage, "The Spoilers" is
G. A. Flood, R.L. Tracey, Wm. For'i one of the best and purest. It is a
miller and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Steven Btory of human interest, unfolding a
returned this noon from Yaquina, wiih lifes character in the Alaskan goldlields,
a recoru ot six salmon and a good time, so true to nature and life as to appeal
14 lbs Onanulatad Sugar $1.00
111 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00
11 lbs Head Rice 1.00
14 lbs Japan Rice l 00
16 tos Broken Head Rice t.00
12 los White Beans 1.00
CPflll Pft " 12 lbs Lima Beans 1.00
Or KJl LLI0 10-16 oz pits Raisinns 1.00
Thos. Cummines and familv left this
afternoon for Portland to reside, and
Albany losses some genial and good
citizens, as well a mighty hunter and
fisherman. 4
The Lyon Street Grocery.
. Geo. Eooley & Son, at Lyon 'and
i Ninth streets, are now ready for busi
I ness with a fine display of fresh gro
i ceries, vegetables and produce, and will
I be glad to have Albany people gene
I rally call.
with irresistable force to the audience.
"The Spoilers" is from the pen of that
Sopular writer. Rex Beach, and Henry
IcRae has given it a sumptuous pro
duction, and the cast is headed by that
popular leading lady. Miss Margartt
The engagement in this city will be
one night, Thursday Oct. 2?.
Get our prices before you buy.
The Grocer.
All the New Styles
$1.00 to $35.00
films and Film Packs. Complete Assortment.
Free Instruction to Beginners. WoOtlWOrth DlUg Company
I Basket social at Star G.'auge
j day evevening of this week.
1 bring theit baskets.
Corsets Made
to measure.
I am agent for the famous hygienic
Our chicken tamalies are pronounced Spirella Corset, for girls and women,
by the travelling public to be the best ri,ese corsets are made to measure
on the coast. They are made in our and guaranteed for one year not to
kitchen with the best ingredients, and rust or break. Come and try on my
Watered at tut uoei office, Albnuy, O
second I'tsefl mail matter.
The Democrat.
The Daily-Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance for one year, -
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end oi year m.du.
The Weeklv
At end of year $1.50,
Advance per year $1.26.
After 3 yearB ai
FOR RENT. Rooms furnished and un
furnished, also housekeeping rooms.
Mrs. B. Stoddard, 223 Jackson St.
Phono Black 921. t(
Letter List.
, The following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., postofflce uncalled for
Oct, 26, 1909. Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
Harl Berge, G. D. Evans, Jim
Frankes, Fannie hostetter, Mrs. Avis
J. Martin, Louis March, A. G. Mc
Donald. W. D. McUee. Martin Le,
Bert Ping, Horace Pratt, Estella Roon- j
ey, Swan Swanson, Miss Jennie Thomp
son. J. S. VanWinkle, P. M.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 48-43.
The river is again down to 1.1 foot.
Prediction: Rain tonight and Thurs
day. Health home; on theChean.
The court of appeals has decided I
that Hairy Thaw must remain in the
insane asylum, where he Was commit
ted. Thaw was acquitted of murder
because insane. This was simply an
excuse to save his neck, for it is
known that lie actually is-no more
insane than a good many other men
with pretty good reputations for clear
headedness. It was an old game to
save his life. He might have waited
until the case had cooled off a little
and given the public a rest, but at
once he began his schemes to get out
of the asylum, in the usual way, mak
ing a farce of the whole business.
This is simply a sample of' the in-
sane dodges of the day, and is one of
the things that keeps a patient pub
lic in a weary condition.
; ill a minute. He then spoke a few
j words saying that it would be well
j if like this poor 'man we would all
I bow to the very ground before God,
j and closed his sermon, altnough he
i had talked only about - twenty min
! utes.
l "r.r .t:.i..i tr t u...
nv: uiun i iy, iwUiui; uu, out
'won't you come, God wants you,"
and always with that idea. Of- the
several hundred who stood I am sure
he didn't miss seeing one and
acknowledged each with a 'thank you'
or 'I saw you,' or 'God bless you etc.
There is an inquiry room where all
who stood are asked to go, and the
personal work is done there after the
audience is dismissed.
"The chorus is supposed to con
tain one thousand, but considering
the size of the building and all they
d''dn't sound any better than the Al
bany chorus of two hundred voices."
cleanliness. The Mission Parlors.
Thursday, Oct. 28
models. They will bend with the body
and still retain tlieir sliape. Absolute
1.. :.a..,.,;ki. ... i. i -
Price $3.50 and up.
Also maker of fancy gowns of beau
tiful designs and superior workman
ship. MRS. A. B. KELSAY,
119 East 7th, Cor. Lyon.
FOR SALE. A second hand wagon, at
the Albuny Stables, or see George
: Simons. '30
FOR SALE. -A good work team,
weight 26 hundred; new harness. good
light wagon. Price $300. L. N.
Gregory, Water and Pennywmklo St.
Call Homo phono 372 Black.
FOliKAI.E. A ladv's bicycle in good
,liii,, Tnnnirn at Democrat office. I
FOR SALE. A span of mules. Call
,,.,nn or n.lilreBs It. B. Jordan. Suvcr, . TO TRADE
FOR SALE. Mountain wagon and
light wagon, Call at R. A. Murphy s
Feed Storo. 2t
10 ACRE TRACTS. -Tremont ten acre
fr-filo PI no A til Albany. Fine soil.
excclienr. location Best of fruit, j
vegetable and berry land. Buy a ten
acre homo of the owner. Owen Benm, .
Room 4, Stark Bldg., opposite post
It is now time for you to contract for
your residence oi. the OCEAN for next
year. Sixty ehoice lots, more or less,
in Newport, Ore. (one of the most pop
ular Summer and Winter resorts,) for
sale or will exchange them for other
good property; will assist buyers with
funds to build homes on them.
AdJressM.S. Woodcock, Corvallis,
Ore. . tl
OASTO 37IL I -A. .
Beam tie ?1I,B m Ha,a ;,,a,s """P'
Joseph M. Hawkins, president
A play that touches the heart,
full of interest
Prices--25c,y50c, 75c and $1.00
To have yourShoes
put in a first-class
condition by a first
class shoe repairer, at
Burn's shoe Store.
George H. Crowell,, secretary;
The Oregon Title and Trust Company
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
H. M. Hawkins, G. H, Crowell
Fiscal Agent f
Trustee, Guardian, Administrator
real Estate, Mortgages
lany dilterent manufacturers, I '
styles of high grade pianoes carried
the many
People at Peoria and Oakville are
greatly pleased at the prospect of an
electric road running into their coun
try, something which is a country
builder. Wherever the electric lines
go there arc built up strong com
munities, which arc thus brought close
to the markets of the world. The
to get in and out on short
notice is an immense inducement to I
by the Eilera Piano House for new or improvement. This roule is a par
ticularly good one because there is no
road in it now, thus opening up a new
section. People along the proposed
line feel elated over the route chosen
and are confident they will make good
in furnishing business for the road
that passes by that way.
ENGRAVED CARDS.-For a limited
time Rawlinga will furnirh 100 Cop
per plite Engraved visiting cards
(plate included) for $1.60.
WOOD FOR SALE Big fir. J. D.
Ellis 9IM E 4th, Phono Bell Red 952
LOST OR S'lOLEN. A Scotch Collie
dog, eight months old, f rom farm of
A. Farlow. K. D. 2. $5 reward for.
information leading to recovery j
PLANTS FOR SALE. Gooseberries,
red and white Currants, Rhubarb.
Red and Yellow Uaspberries, Iceberg :
Blackberries, Loganberries, Dew
berries, Phenomeniils, Hedge Plants
ami Sago. Ivku CDl'KUAU..
Albunv. Or., K. F. I). No. 5, Home1
Phone 7102. Hit j
WAN TED. A girl to do general house-'
work. Call at Democrat ollice or j
second hand double set of buggy har
ness, hay and oats. Enquire W. J. j
Foules, Eilers Piano House, Albany, i
Ore, t27
WANTED. -Girl to do general house
work. Call at W. M. Parker's store. 1
DRESSMAKING. Parties desiring '
fashionable dressmaking please call
nt 50U cor. Ja:kson & Water street.
25t I
FOR RENT. Furnished or unfurnish
ed rooms. Terms reasongble. Call
,rI0"B'kSn&VatCrSl3;23.t,I An Albanv girl in Chicago, tells
I' OR SALE. -Two span horses by.;H. about Gipsy 'Smith, the world's great
Bryant. I ct evangelist, in the following way:
WANTED. A modern residence to' "1 went one night this week to hear
rent. Will pay good price. Address Gipsv Smith, and like him very much.
Box 32, Albany. 23t He is not in the least sensational,
FOR SALE. A Jersey bull calf eligi- ' never mentioned hell, and speaks in
ble to registration. Inquire of H. M. . such a simple, straightforward way.
Palmer, Albany, both phones. i using plain but good English, and not
FOR RENT. Housekeeping rooms one word of slang or suggestion of
v.ver Stevens storo. Apply to G. W. I vulgarity. In spite of this he holds
Wright. 8t his immense audience in a wonderful
FOR SALE. -Team, aged 5 and 7 ! ay, for he has a magnetic personal
weight 2250, harness, mountain wag ity and such a gentlemanly bearing,
on, lumber wagon, all for $250. G 1 Something I didn't know is tltat he
Messman. 1st and Pentiwinkle. Horn lean sing, lie has a beautiful, sweet.
111 tit j elear voice and sings with unusual
FOR SALE Dry nsh wood, bv Ola feeling. II
Snltvoit Homo phone
toil) K. water.
11 ACRES CLOSE IN. very desirable MONEY TO LOAN
fur platting.
Ethel E. Miller.
Veiy Reasonable. J
FKEK. Edging'and Jbn.'k nt the AI
bany saw mill. Get some.
PAUER KRAUT.-Cubbngefor it.
der of E. L. McKeever, Bell 2X1,
Keever. Phone Bell Farmers 2x1. tD
WOOD SA Vv INC-. : Cull Geo. F. Brown
Home Phone Stl2.
TO LOAN. -$50 000 on real property
J. C. Christy, over 1st National Bank
Albany, Oregon, rate.ot intcrist tea
and repairer, does Hist class work at
reasonable prices. Next door to
Democrat ollice. Serjhim.
Any furniturestore nas mat Alban,
black 107.
on real estatm
at seven per cent. On choice farm
binds at six per cent. A'iply to Geo.
W. Wright, Attorney, Albany, Ore
gon. Both phones' Otiice, corner of
1st and Kerry.
Mc.Minnville. Oregon's greatest niu
tuui company. C. C Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Kunk Bldg. Both phones.
mouth Rock, White Legorn, Black
Minorca. Pnlouse Geese and White
Pekin duck eggs, puro bred, also dav
oiu crncKens.
song of the meeting.
such as was Keep on I raying or J
or 74 in the Albany revival, is "Oh,
l.ove of God That lirouglu Me Here."'
a simple, tuneful melody. ( p two of
tlte choruses Gipsy Smith s.uig alone,
tile chorus at the same lime soiily
murmuring the tune, and 1 have nev
er heard anything more beautiful or
moving, and ceu men were moved
to tears.
"In the middle of hi sermon some
thing that iilil't have been sensation
al happened. A man i-.i about the
eealer of the house sprang up ami
rail up the aisle with his arms above
his head and orvine:. Ueneath the
Mrs. J. C. Porter. R. ! platform be fell, ilat on his face, in a
Jleme phone 3ti5l. 15ti faint. 1 suppose. Several workers had
D. 2. box 15.
OYSTTERS. All style, at all h ours ' g"IK' forward ! meet him and t:n y
nt H. riollieh's. j at once led him away. Every one
FOR RENT. The storo room formerly lH'gan craning their necks, when im
the Stetler storj. See Harry Schlos-. mediately Gipsy Smith, with good
ser. judgment and presence of mind, asked
DIDr, ivji-n..,,.. ,, o. . i fr all eyes to be turned front, and he
FmE f RANl--Boer State himself started the song. "Oh. Love
Housed at Opera lU; Tl e men!.':-.-, v.v.s forgotten
We have just added a Rectigraph to onr
plant. -
This is a machine recently perfected for
making photographic reproductions of the
county records
The copies are made facsimile which
obviates the necessity of proofreading or
comparing,and elimates the possibility of
human error, with which all other copies
The General Land Office at Washington
uses one of these machines for making
copies of Patents; the large Life Insurance
Companies also make copies of the applica
tions to attach to their policies, and the
leading Abstract companies throughout the
United States are rapidly installing the
Rectigraph for making copies of all records
affecting the title to real estate.
The machine for this county is in the -sole
and exclusive use and services of,
04 Broadalbin St ,
any, Oregon