Albany Democrat ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY OCTOBER. -9 1909 NO VOL SLV t! Watch Meiser & Meiser's Windows. E MPIR THEATRE E THE PICTURES. 1. "Billiken." (Drama.), 2. "Who discovered the North Pole? (Comedy.) 3. "In Old Kentucky." (Biograph Drama.) 4. 5. edy.) 'Betty's Choice." (Dramu.) 'Never cat green apples." (Com- SONGS. 6. "Little Boy Blue." 7. "Roses, roses eveywhere." Admission 10 cla. Matinee every atiernoon. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. The Spoilers, something extra, Oct. 28. The Salem business men will have a banquet tonight, an annual affair, just a good feed for the fun of it . Miss Elizabeth Cone, formerly of Albanv college, is now in a tubercolosis sanitarium at Fondula, Wis. $20,000 was recently paid for 150 acres in the suburbs of Lebanon, and is being platted preparatory to being put on the market for town lots fot homes. Joe Matlock, of Eugene, was exam ined yesterday for insanity and pro lounced sane, in the meantime a di- just on Portland 3SO Special Showing of Small Hats Black and Colors in Bargain Friday and Saturday Again wo announce two Extraordinary Bargains for Friday and Saturday Only Silk Petticoats $4.45 Choice of 60 black and colored Silk Petticoats, every garment new this week, the very best $6.50 skirt for two days $4.45. Women's Union Suits 45c Jersey ribbed Fleeced line Union Suits, regular 65c value, all sizes 4, 5 and 6, ecru color, i riday and Saturday anly 45c. SALOON HELD UP. Oiampia, Oct, 23. Three men held up the saloon of masked Simpson and bchater at Little Rock last night. ; They shot up the place, slightly wound : ing Simpson, and robbed the till of $600. ,Mat Burke, J. J. Cronin and Jack Welch were arrested at the train today on suspicion. here Sentenced. Salem, Oct. 23. Arstoll was senten ced inriptormin.ita fnHov Smith AlaH a What's the mat-' motion for a new trial. A Court Row. brother in ter boys. Leader:-Prof. E. K. Barnes, super-! lntendent of the Cottage Grove public I schools, will set out 1,000 peach trees, ! 1,000 apple tress and 500 pear trees on ; his newly acquired Creswell fruit farm I ., ms tall anu winter. ..v.,.. .u.-niciu u ren in the Portola games yesterday Smith-' sational row in Judge Burnett's court son, tne world s cnampton numier, was : j defeated by Kdwards, of the University j - of California, in 15 1-5, the world's rec- iJuFinl Vrtl 1 ord. Edwards is also a marvel. . lYVUbl I Clli Strangler Smith threw Peter Buzukus the Greek, in a match in Portland yes-j terday, when Buzukus got mad andj HOUSTON, Oct. 23.-President Taft knocked out two of Smith's teeth, had a hot reception, and was given the Both men were in Albany a few weeks rebel yell. ago. BIG TIME On Willamette Valley Day. The committee on Willamette Valley day met at the commercial club rooms last night, with E. H. McCune in the chair and Rev. F. H. Geselbracht act ing as secretary. Postmaster J. S. Van Winkle wasap po nted to deliver the address of wel come at the dppot, Rev. W. S. Gordon a committee on having tho schools ad journ for the event and D. O. Wood worth grand marshal to head the Elks Band. Mr. Woodworlh as head marshal ex pects to have a cavalcade of fifteen or twenty horsemen and many automc biles with a priz lor the best decora ted. Willamette Day will be' Thursday. Salem will bring a special train and crowds will come from Corvallis, Eu gene and other places. The following yell for the fair has been composed by H. N. Cockerline, and should be learned, for use: A Ibany apples, Albany pie. Apple dumplings, Oh, my, my. Good Time to Buy BLANKET, COMFORTS, SHEETS, PILLOW CASES, CURTAINS or any garment ready-to-wear, you will find them here priced reasonablo. Notice our $3.00 Guaranteed Patent Leather Shoes in West Window, Black and Colored Tops. ' Agents for Gage Hats and Gage Millinery. Chambers & ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STORE In the New Store .....The Stetters, Groceries and Produce Prompt delivery 'Kindergarten School, i - j Miss Helen Wright At the W. C. T. U. Building. Terms: $3.50 pur month. Phone Black 2102 I Bell. I BRICK, A fine lot at our yard at this cityjust burned. Phone Home 2P5. Plumbing ! Let us estimate on your works. We guarantee first-class work M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) eaiers In Hay, Grain, Wool, Cascara, Salt, Feed, Seed3, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard and Alsen Portland Cement, Acme Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and Hair Fibr Plaster, Stock Foods, Ponl tr Supplies, Ruberoid Roofing, Build ing paper, etc. both Phones 48. 435 West First St. ALBANY Doings n and Around It. Ovsters at The Crest. How about THAT chair. Have you ordered that chair yet. Boost the Albany made chair. Hot chicken tamalies at The Crest. Sit down in one of those Albany mads chairs. Good weather for jysters. Try Hotlicn s. The sauer kraut season is here, rad Meyer has it. Some fine home-made sauer kraut at Conrad Meyer's. Try it. What's better than well prepared and served oysters. Go to H. Honich's. Carry a "Hull" umbrella and you have tht best. P: tch sells them. Ice crear nr.i 1up jhes at the Vienna Bakery Call and try them. f us, all sizei t n'.l kinds. sa. . t the Albany Plani.n r Mill, cheaper tw. anywherj else in Ailxny Skilfully iv.t if desire' , . Hot tamalies, new receipt, something fine, up to-date, at Hoflich's. Go around and have a hot old time and a i good one. The ".Hull" detachablb hsu.. "r brellas lire perfection of sty..'n.J v .-,! ity, and cost no more than othei .ijft .'-' French, the Jeweler, sells them. Dr. Lowe cct. 28 and 29 Oct. 28 and 29 Dr. Lowe, the opticas, will be at Revere House. The weather prediction is fair to night snd Sunday. Hallowe'en novelties for Hallowe'on parties at the Mission Parlors. See the windows. The Catholic Young Mon's Club, of i Portland, went to Corvallis this after noon to play O. A. C. Among the play ers was Loyd Beam, a former Albany boy. A. H. Sandstrom. the furniture man. returned from a trip south of here last evening, with more orders, Union furniture is meeting with general fav or. The 1st Madison foot ball team yes terday afternoon tore the Holts' to pieces In two sections, 15 to 0. The Madison boys fairly wiped thp gr und with the Holts', plunging, running, punting, and when the vanoe ended it was an niaaison. F. 0. WILL, lor Watches Killed by a Live Wire. A bohemia Strike. Geo. W, McQueen, of Cottage Grove, president of the North Fairview Min ing Co., has been in the city today showing some ore from a rich strike just made in the mines: It runs fiom . $200 to $300. and there is two feet of the stuff in a five foot ledge, with ! splendid prospects of a loner vein of it. a fortune for the North Fairview own oq wj era if ' Proves to be as extensive as Keen thoucrht to be. There urn nnitn n num- Crews, a bricklayers helper, fell from a ber of stckholders in Albany, who will building today, receiving a 2500 volt be interested in knowing that it is pro from a wue, being fatally burned. It ' posed to push the development of the stopped all the electrical Bupply of the mines, later putting in a mill, now city. ownod by the company, Walla Walla, Oct. A Mining itory. An interesting picture at Dreamland Con- j is Across the Divide, introducing some nne scenes and a thrilling story, in which a miner rmuies a strike, loses his money at a gambling table, and has it restored to him on the deathbed of the gambler just as he is about to be or rested fur murder by a sheriff's posse, ! repenting, of his crimes in the J,last shuffle. - V' 1 I "Koep Vy,"' ca-ry : : able -d.idls umbrella. Jewe f. "l'j thtm. Hull" detach French tho Our chicken lumulies are pronounced by the travelling public to be the best on the coast. (Th. y are made in our kitchen witn (he -heat ingredients, and cleanliness The Mission Parlors. - I Imported billis at M. Si rd rs & V Sauer kraut, ' Sauer kraut, Sauer kraut. At Conrad Mever's. Dreamland Tonight. NEW BROGRAM TONIGHT. 1. The Ordeal. (Drama.) 2. Across the Divide. (Drama.) c!. Hand Organ Man. (Drama ) 4. Dog Pickpockets. , (Drama.) 5. Anti-Fat Sanitarium, ' (Drama.) Matinee every day. Admission 10. ALBANY BRICK tU PLUMBING, TINNNING AND HEATING. CURTIS KEAL; 120 Ellsworth St. Both Phones. ESTATE CO, J 106 N. ELLSWORTH. , DAVIS Farm land and city property bought . D. LrtVO, anpdnSrties having land or city property P Q TUNER, or sale will do well to list with us. rf-nvr . ...- Phones Bell black 53, Homo mam HI. yeary contracts $5 for two tuning?. ' .. Leave orders at Davenport's Music Palmer's Dairy ... 1 HE GULDEN RULE. J. ffl, RALSTON; CO ... . ,J5as3 Mis ' I 4J O m S3 .if III y - (j, a v -5 -c DIAMOND A BAKING P0WDLR has stno the test time and ngai.i. It is a pure cream of tarter powder at 40c per Ib.J DIAMOND BLEND COFFEF is the best to be had only at . Both Phoes Main 53 W. 1st St A rebate ticket with eveiy 25c pu ALBANY STATE BANK FOR SALE WM. BAIN, PreiiJsnt. H.'n. HOULEY, Cashier, i . D. GILBERT. V. P. Delivers milk and cream to any part ot I 1 v! l N f F h ritv. Prices reasonahle. Jersey ; I I 3UK.inWL, cows w'ith best of care. Both Phones. ML. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany LOANS AND COLLECTIONS. OREGON MARKET have money to loan in small and lare amounts. Notes and mortcatrth bought. 1 will bond you. Property r handled for non-residents J. M. ENGLAND, Proprietor First-class meats elected stock. of all kinds from -'-. (1; . j ,-"- BRUCE & AHDliittuu OPPOSITE THE P. O. Fonr chairs. Prompt an Efficier-t Care of the face and htir. 1 First claps Groceries, and the best fruits and- vsrttables at r-imnnnt.lA t i pr:.-e. A rquart (Kal for all. !t- r, 5 1 " r "fp OA HS I V V est Fiist St. R.vT CLASS V.vlih trAFAN 137 acres unimproved A, near j railroad, 100 acres in cultivation,- re?t pasture. $47.50 an acre. 10S acres near railroad, 85 in ctilti- , vation, living water, good house,- line , soil, beautiful location. Very reason- j able. , 400 acres hill land 5, miles from lirownsvillc. .Modern 9-room house-,-good barn. Soil line for fruit, walnuts or grain. A good stock ranch. 2(3 or 40 acres 3 miles from Albany. ; All in cultivation. Can be irrigated. 1.S5 acres unimproved land, all in cultivation, on railroad. ' 822 acres, 16 in cultivation, good buildings, 2 miles from town. A line stock ranch. 2i) acres 7 miles from R. K., 60 acres in cultivation, 60 rolling, could be ea-ily cleared. Good buildings, ex cellent Miil. S50 cash. 3'. acre .. .31 1 in cult i vation, 100 c!e:red, rot in timber. Best fruit and w;'.h:i:t. good grain I;ttK e in, good modern h! iii 1 1. M) tree-, ber- ! A modern home. i:t .unable lor ;dat I in p'lnll tra'.-l-. in. Ij in euIii;:tion. ' This bank has splendid fac I ie8 for handi ng you.- bankinp business and Invites your patronage. Our methods are mJern and c ntervative, and prompt and careful attention is given to all c usbs of bu i leas placed in our hhnds. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intereit is paid on Savings Accoiimss. Home Made Sauer Kraut lioii-;- tin;.- .-K-rch . barn. ;i;ipi-. v. at- Wt I.r .lo '--kV 1 city it. r.c. K' i 1 i . ! , f'irins, 6Tiia!l Call ;ith1 m-c K. Mil.I.r.R. !..., Ccn -ad Myer's.